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Yo temporary profiles on a domain machine, such fun to fix! :|
whoops, it was kumari
@bwDraco how do you trigger it?
@bwDraco what, just navigate there? or do I need to create something?
ok, kumari has finally finished booting
maybe I forgot to reconfigure the volblocksize
gah, it's not on the network yet either
> Remember that old test server that you built two years ago that caught fire before it could be used? Probably not. DNS still remembers it though.
> “I’m hitting this ‘scavenge now’ button like a snare drum and nothing is happening. Why?”
> “I woke up this morning, my DNS zones are nearly empty and Active Directory is sitting in a corner rocking back and forth crying. What happened?”
@bwDraco finally got it up ^ Nov 2017 patch
Does the VM hang? Anything unusual on Kumari?
@bwDraco Seems to be fine
The bigger problem I seem to be having is my DC appears to have forgotten how to DNS :P
I just realised I'm watching an update via libvirt console via WSL/SSH from Windows via RDP via RD Gateway hosted on the server I'm updating...
...the server that's currently restarting to update.
That... Sounds familiar.
I love how my Windows Server Core has Defender on it
And also that dumb popup thing that tells you to install updates
of course "view updates" doesn't work cause it doesn't have ... a GUI
well... I guess it kinda does but not the normal one? :\
@FMLCat slow day today? :P
!! s/day/cat/
@allquixotic @FMLCat slow cat today? :P (source)
Sometimes I wish there wasn't a minimum number of characters for answers...
A: 2 Onboard Monitor. Will it toast my motherboard?

Michael FrankNo, having two monitors connected to your computer will not toast it.

A: 2 Onboard Monitor. Will it toast my motherboard?

bwDracoUnless you're using a USB-powered display (which generally require a special driver), monitors are self-powered and don't draw power from the display outputs, so the kind of damage you're thinking about won't happen. The Raven Ridge processor allows as many displays to be connected to the proces...

Fiiiine, have an upvote. :|
Weird... strongly related to this:
Q: Ryzen 3 2200g vga port issue

KombuwaToday I bought 2200g computer. When I connected it to monitor only have vga port it didn't show anything. Later I try it with another monitor with vga port face the same issue. Then I used another monitor with dvi input using hdmi to dvi cable it worked perfectly. My question is problem is in a...

(same specs, different user)
A mod may need to look at this.
A mod? For what?
The user profiles appear to be from different continents, and not even the kind that kinda touch each other either.
It's really, really weird.
Could it not just be a commonly sold bundle? There might be some site recommended that as an entry level system for example.
I know MMO-Champion has a monthly build recommendation thread.
@MichaelFrank You guys are kidding me, right?
@ThatBrazilianGuy It looked cool. I'm not spending $250 on a watch though.
The idea behind the article is to promote an item they're selling on their own site, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Lifehacker do that sort of stuff all the time with the Kinja (I think?) deal posts.
So does boing boing
O. M. G. I did not know this was a thing.
Gizmodo Media.
(formerly Gawker Media)
I need a way to figure out if home has power
while not at home
trying to remember which remote services I had up :P
> So why is LG's latest smartphone named after a dishwasher?
@bwDraco Camera gore. :|
Fortunately, that's very cheap to replace.
It's still $200 I'd rather not spend on replacing a lens though.
1 hour later…
Mornin yall
Meh, can't blame em
Hi. :)
Just folks know - there's been a revision to the TOS
Q: A New (2018) Update To Our Terms Of Service Is Here

Tim PostBut not just because it's 2018, although that's a fine reason to do a great number of things. We're changing our Terms Of Service (ToS) shortly to address two things: Stack Overflow For Teams is launching soon, and we need to include stuff that talks about us expecting people to pay for it, an...

is a useful starting point
The important bit might be, should you feel you may need to sue SE in the future and are uncool with arbitration, you may need to write them a letter within 10 days
Tim / SE personnel, GDPR enforces many things that the current and new terms might assume as correct. you should check with a european lawyer firm or could face serious problems ( up to 20M fines for heavy user-data driven platforms). Arbitration Opt-out must be a digital in-paltform option and not a "email us and we'll see". also, this paragraph "By accessing or using the Services or the public Network in any manner.." is (90% sure) illegal under GDPR. No automatic enrollment, no automatic TOS acceptance is permitted. — CptEric 3 hours ago
"no automatic TOS acceptance is permitted"
gee that sounds familiar
oh wait
Q: Make the ToS more prominent on registration and new questions from unregistered userrs

BobCurrently, we have a little line at the very bottom when asking a new question as an unregistered user: By posting your question, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. There is a similar line in small text when registering an account, almost hidden away. These messages are ...

5 years ago, and not a peep
@Bob snail mail us and we'd see.
Also, eh, that's something we've been sounding out a lot about.
@Bob bumped.
@JourneymanGeek lol. I'd actually never noticed the typo
A: A new (2018) update to our Terms of Service is here

user2357112The terms of service claim that even visiting Stack Overflow constitutes agreement to the terms: By accessing or using the Services or the public Network in any manner, including without limitation by visiting or browsing the public Network or registering for an account on the Network, you af...

That one too
i've screwed up
accidentally closed the dev branch on the remote
how do you ... close a branch?
there is a tick option in bitbucket when doing a pull request
wasn't paying attention because the person from customer services is shouting at me
cheers dude
told the CSA to fuck off and leave me alone before I make a more serious mistake
ugh.... people!
i'm going to call the new dev "Minion 2.0" because he has irritated me this week and done some big mistakes
Er, guys, I discovered something really useful in Windows 10 Settings app.
Sometimes, the back button doesn't appear. But Alt+Left Arrow does the job of it.
@Burgi tis funny
i'm offically minion 2.0
but minion 1.0 is the one making the mistakes
@Burgi but he is still ok?
@JourneymanGeek yeah for the most part
just some bad habits i need to clobber out of him
I hope it's okay to drop a question here: I'm trying to format a 500gb drive to exFAT so I can use it between Mac and WIndows (and my linux). First, formatted on linux using mkfs.exfat - turns out that widows doesn't read it. So now trying to format on windows. A little bit of searching seems to indicate that MacOS likes the "Allocation unit size" set to 128kb - however Windows 7 the max it goes to is 64k when creating the volume in diskmgmt. Any ideas ?
Or is OSX happy with any exFat options nowdays ?
Apparently the other option that should work everywhere is to create the partition on OSX, but I don't have that..
Did you just say macOS likes the allocation unit size of 128 kB? That's 1/8th of a megabyte! A file whose size is 1 byte would waste 1/8th of a megabyte.
At least according to this: nickvahalik.com/blog-entry/… That is from 2013 though...
I just tried 16 kB and macOS seems to be okay with it.
But a heads up: I created a virtual hard disk. I don't have unused 500 GB disks lying around.
@Burgi The Canadian Space Agency? 0.o
@ThatBrazilianGuy yeah them
Customer Service Agent
Thanks :-) Creating a blank partition in disk management and then formatting it, rather than formatting it from the "create volume" wizard shows all the allocation unit sizes i expect. Huh...
@JonasCz This post is saying the opposite of what you just said. It says macOS doesn't like large block sizes. 128 kB was a safe tested value in macOS. Windows, on the other hand formatted it with 16 MB cluster size.
@JonasCz that's odd. windows should be able to read exfat.
MIGHT be windows 7 that dosen't support it.
@JourneymanGeek Er, it'd be great if you read the whole conversation before chiming in, so that we won't have to re-iterate what is already resolved. Yes, Windows 7 supports it better than Mac.
@EUserNameError other than that exfat is relatively recent
Does using a small block size lead to wasted space if I'm using the disk exclusively for large files ? I.e. more blocks = does the filesystem itself take up more space or does it not work this way ?
@JonasCz Large blocks lead to waste of space, small blocks lead to loss of speed.
But it is all relative.
Alex Miller on May 03, 2018

It’s here. After months of designing, building, testing, and beta-ing, we’re happy to announce that as of today, Stack Overflow for Teams has launched and is available to everyone!

It often feels like developers have to know everything, constantly juggling dozens of tools, languages, libraries, and frameworks. To do this, they have to be able to quickly find the information they need in order to get back to writing software. When that information is public, all you need is a a quick search on Stack Overflow to turn up an answer and be on your way. But when that information is internal and private, it’s a maze of stale wikis and lost emails. …

If all your files are bigger than the block sizes, there is no waste of space.
@XKCD hehe
And when I say bigger, I mean significantly bigger. Not, one-byte bigger, which definitely leads to a waste of space.
The most optimum situation is when the block size is as large as possible AND all your files have a size that is an integer factor of the block size.
This rarely occurs. So, we try to opt for a good-enough scenario.
i.e. one in which the waste of space is negligbile.
For example, on a disk in which your have nothing but gigabyte-sized files, 128 kB block size is okay.
I know scott adams is a TrumpPet but dilbert is still really funny
Finally, in Windows 7 and Windows Vista, when Shadow Copy or System Restore is enabled, avoid any block size smaller than 16 kB.
In Windows Server, always avoid any block size smaller than 16 kB. It is a server after all.
Ok, thanks, that's all very helpful info - I'll probably stick to 128k which I know should work everywhere. Don't really care too much about performance. - this will be a media storage drive.
Glad to be of help. :)
12:56:06.463 INFO [SeleniumServer.boot] - Welcome to Selenium for Workgroups....
god damn it. it's Selenium version 3.11
why do the devs have to have a sense of humor
I saw something somewhere on Meta, to the effect that besides all the rules, policies and community consensuses there is a principle / rule zero that states: if something is obviously useful, it should stay
because that's the only thing that keeps em from flipping out and killing everyone
Anyone know what I'm walking talking about? Having trouble finding a citation
@bertieb Never heard of that
Hmm, I'm reasonably sure it wasn't a fevered dream
Jeff, or a CM or someone up there who said something along the lines of what I said
Bleh, can't remember if it was MSE or some site Meta
Think I may cook up a MSE post because either: I've imagined it (dam you, fevered dreams) or it's real and worth keeping in the back of one's head
I mean, it wasn't intended for breaking the rules, ducking policy or contradicting consensus; but in exceptional circumstances things could be kept
news just in, I hate everyone.
Just had a mad hour of panic
as dhcp responses started turning up on our external 'unfirewalled' bandwidth
@bwDraco More Noctua! This pleases my ears
And I might look into replacing the noisy-as-hell radiator fans on the H100i v2.
The Noctua runs slower than Corsair's fans, so the absolute performance is a bit lower, but the noise level would be vastly lower under all conditions.
Seems like a sound choice if the other fans are very noisy
But I am hugely biased (noise dampening case, Noctua/other quiet fans)
While I'm the last one to advocate profligacy, it seems like money well spent (I am under the impression you have invested a fair deal in decent components for your systems)
Then again, my case was not designed for low noise. The intake fans were replaced with NF-A14's, which helped a bit under load, but the main source of noise is now the radiator fans.
It's a high-airflow case with noise being a secondary consideration. They did use hydrodynamic bearings but the aerodynamics are crap.
(Corsair Graphite 760T)
Ah fair enough; if there's a higher priority that's reasonable- but if you could improve noise without compromising flow (as you say) that's a reasonable consideration to make
(I hate noise, especially fan noise)
@bertieb Actually, some $4k was spent on this machine.
@bwDraco I'd say that at least qualifies as a 'invested a fair deal' :P
I'll keep the link in case I win the lottery ;-)
(~£17M this week, it seems)
(£31M for EuroMillions dealie, but that's about 1 in 154 million chance IIRC)
UK lotto used to be around ca 1 in 15 million, but they changed it and now it's around 1 in 45 mil, IIRC
If you win the jackpot, can I have 100k?
1 in 14mil previously
Didn't know it'd changed. :/
I still don't know if there's a limit on how many tickets you can buy
As I remember the jackpot being like £45 mil
So if you raised £15~mil, you could have tripled your investment, if no one else won
@djsmiley2k IIRC jackpot was capped at a certain point
Yeah, that happened too
And that's a heckuva big if
The £45 mil while I was at uni.
Plus there's the logistics of buying that many tickets
errr or 6th form even
yeaaaaaaaaaaaars ago
I do STR one that exceeded the "break even" point, as you say
@djsmiley2k It's now 1 to 59, rather than 49
Still 6 balls
(paging /r/nocontext)
and the bonus ball?
Errrr, pass
Jackpot doesn't use bonus so dunno
(which is a bum deal, because if you match 5+bonus you've done the same thing as jackpot really... but I digress)
Ah, EuroMillions is just under 1 in 140 million
for jackpot
Other prizes, who knows
o/ Bob
The idea is to get less winners but with higher jackpots (more people buy when jackpots are higher)
Thinking about it, if less winners but with higher jackpots isn't a damn good metaphor for increasing inequalities, I don't know what is...
It irks me that it's so ingrained bthr concept of "winners" regarding society.
It's not a race or a contest!
It should be a collaboration towards common goals
Like... SE as a community is a tiny microcosm of a society where everyone strives to achieve a common goal (solving problems, learning)
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@allquixotic)
!! s/404/I have no idea why that just happened/
@allquixotic Error I have no idea why that just happened occured, I will call the maid (@allquixotic) (source)
@ThatBrazilianGuy but there's a certain degree of "class" within society here
and apparently an oppressed lower class
@JourneymanGeek yes, but the goods are shared equally amongst all the classes.
> 1525356623576 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 404 Not Found {"value":{"error":"unknown command","message":"POST /session/9d4e4ddc-3aa8-4ada-b481-c5bfd34d306e/execute did not match a known command","stacktrace":""}}
@ThatBrazilianGuy well its odd
so webdriverio attempted to send (via webdriver W3C protocol) to geckodriver the command "execute" and WDIO doesn't know about it
but then it immediately tries /execute/sync and that works
(I swear I'm not consciously advocating communism)
@ThatBrazilianGuy Not conscious? Clearly you're a sleeper agent :P
@ThatBrazilianGuy well, its kinda odd
Error 404 occured, I will call the maid (@allquixotic)
(the "I will call the maid" message originally pinged Zirak, who operates the bot where it was originally developed - had to make a pull request to change that to @allquixotic)
I guess until I figure out why WebdriverIO is calling /execute (and silently ignoring the failure, then doing the right thing as /execute/sync) that's going to happen whenever the bot starts. cc @Bob
I updated WDIO, FF and GeckoDriver to the latest versions of each, and cut out the Java middleman :D no more selenium-server-standalone; geckodriver hosts its own WebDriver W3C server that you can directly talk to through WDIO
and moved a metric fuckton of old crap (chromedriver abortive attempts, slimerjs abortive attempts, and the ancient phantomjs stuff) to "old" dirs and cleaned up old scripts etc
sean@cavil:~/dev$ ls
cron.sh  debug-headless.sh  firefox  logs  old  run-headless.sh  SO-ChatBot
sean@cavil:~/dev/SO-ChatBot$ ls
bfg.jar             closure-compiler.jar   COPYING          hub.sh          master.min.js  output.txt    README.md                                  run-headless.config.json.SAMPLE-WEBDRIVER-CHROME   run.sh
bookmarklet-dev.js  compiler-latest.zip.1  debug-chrome.sh  license.txt     node_modules   package.json  run-headless.config.json                   run-headless.config.json.SAMPLE-WEBDRIVER-FIREFOX  source
bookmarklet.js      cookies                debug.sh         loader.user.js  node.sh        pics          run-headless.config.json.SAMPLE            run-h
so now: (1) start geckodriver; (2) node run-headless-webdriver.js -> WDIO -> localhost:4444/session -> (http) -> geckodriver(v.latest) -> fork & exec FF 59.0.3 with the --headless --profile etc etc args
...and it's final: I've been approved for my first credit card!
that MOZ_HEADLESS env var is no longer needed
and that stupid selenium server that mapped a ridiculous amount of virtual memory (thanks, Java!) is no more
@ChatBotJohnCavil Again this maid stuff?
I'm thinking Cavil has an allq-as-an-anime-maid fetish
@ThatBrazilianGuy that's just because I restarted it from running in the foreground in ssh to running in a screen session
No, it's because you don't notice Cavil enough, Senpai!
@bwDraco That's nice. Be responsible, it's a bit tempting to account for the card balance as "extra money" when it very much is not.
Of course.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I tend to think of my (debit) card as a way to pay people over the internet
It's a secured card - the sort where you have to put down a security deposit to get a credit line. The reason for this is that I have low income and no prior credit history.
Wait you can do that with a DEBIT card? My life has been a lie.
@ThatBrazilianGuy er...
there's different types
Just kidding. As far as I can tell, you can't in Brazil.
If I use it responsibly and build good credit, it'll eventually be converted to a normal unsecured card with the security deposit refunded. (Specifically, this is the Discover it Secured card, which earns pretty much the same rewards as the full Discover it Chrome, albeit with a higher interest rate.)
I had one at one point that would only do card payments over the internet
I specifically had to get a credit card so I could pay for stuff online.
there's a 30k minimum annual salary requirement for a proper credit card
and I don't really need one
The huge majority of credit cards charge you a nontrivial yearly sum for its use. I managed to get one of the few that doesn't.
ah that's a thing I need to look at
@JourneymanGeek Here they give you credit cards in the equivalent of Walmart
but that's a few years in the future?
They do soft credit checks each month starting from the 8th billing cycle to determine if you can graduate to an unsecured card.
In fact yesterday my bank sent me an SMS "your new card is in the mail". I didn't order a new card.
They WANT you to get new cards and spend, spend, spend
but of course
gist.github.com/allquixotic/a2876b33f2a87ee9fc2234b237858ad3 there's a backup of (if you know what you're doing) how to replicate my Cavil setup - of course, you'd have to use another user, as you can't have my Cavil password
I as a student (ie no income, only loans) have a credit card
Which they keep putting the limit up on, without me asking
I've used a debit card for general spending since who-knows-when. Getting a true credit card is a major milestone for me.
@bertieb Your new limit is now $900000 with only a 300% APR! Now if you actually spend that much, you'll just have everything you own taken when you declare bankruptcy...
@allquixotic Yeah, they seem to put it up more when I am less able to pay
Preeeeettty sure there's laws/regulations/strongly-worded-letters saying "don't do that"
So uh yeah
I did look at 0% balance transfers, but, uh, the ones offering that didn't really want to get involved in a heavily-debted no-income student
Dashed cunning of them, really
@ThatBrazilianGuy cept that isn't true...
we all want more points
no one is hoping that SE will surpass 10,billion points or something
rclone looks great, seems like a mature project. Just the solution I was looking for. — steampowered 22 mins ago
In Soviet SE, points get you?
@djsmiley2k actually at this point, I don't really care
there's literally nothing past 100k, except maybe another swag pack at 250k

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