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the winner winner chicken dinner of laptops would be a nice 13", thin like the MBP but with GH.... my intuition is we'll be lucky to get M GL in there, if any
Q: DirectX 11 LOD Bias registry

M. MaxwellSo first of all, I am in no way shape or form a coder, I do however understand the basics. I've been running some tests on whether or not the DirectX line of APIs use the same registries, and turns out, no... which is to be expected. I've run tests on games and rendering systems that run both Di...

^^^ off-topic? As I understand it's used for game tweaking?
@XKCD I've been using Docker a lot at work and that last panel... Let's say there's a hat that fits.
Q: Restart immediately after installing Windows updates, regardless of active hours

bwDracoLet's say I have a major update for Windows 10, e.g. the feature update to version 1803 or perhaps a larger monthly cumulative update. I want to leave the update running unattended after I start it, perhaps while I'm out of the house, but a restart is needed to complete the update and the active ...

This would really be useful.
@XKCD I need to learn Docker.
And a whole bunch of other technologies.
Wow, "only" 5 years and this "bug" still persists: ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/32316/…
Feb 19 at 9:13, by bwDraco
That same time could just be used to learn Docker/PowerShell/LXD/ZFS/JavaScript/Python/Selenium/AWS/etc.
...and add Kubernetes to that list.
And later on, add TensorFlow and other AI frameworks, too.
Technologies to learn: Docker/PowerShell/JavaScript/LXD/Kubernetes/ZFS/Python/Selenium/AWS/TensorFlow/C‌​UDA...
(the GTX 1080 Ti has very high FP32 capability, plus INT8 support, making it one of the best consumer-grade cards for machine learning and AI)
@bwDraco lol what
that's like 15-20 years worth of learning there
chose something, start on it
just learn it on the job like everyone else
Also, that's a huge varerity of things
if i saw a cv with all that on it#
I know... but I'm rather free these few weeks, letting me get started on at least a handful of them.
I'd be like 'this person has no idea what they want to do'
@Burgi How do I learn a technology on the job when all job openings require me to already be proficient in said technologies? How do I get x years of experience when all openings require x years of experience?
you can get started on any of them, right now
@bwDraco what is it you want to actually do in life?
@ThatBrazilianGuy LIE.
wasn't meant to be caps lol
@ThatBrazilianGuy fake it 'til you make it
@ThatBrazilianGuy start at the bottom is something vaguely related
when i started doing 'IT' as in a actual IT role, sure i'd been to uni, but it was almost entirely unrelated
what i'd done at home with linux mattered a whole lot more
@bwDraco lol, you've been saying you're gonna learn this stuff for maybe 6 months already.
The more technologies you know, the better your chances of career advancement, let alone get a job.
13 hours ago, by bwDraco
And with my mother starting to give me more agency to do things on my own, I should no longer feel stuck in a rut.
@ThatBrazilianGuy i know you are playing devils advocate here but seriously if he leaves his career until he has learnt everything there is to know about the job his skills will not be relevant.
its also easier to get a job when you already have one
@bwDraco your preaching to a group of people, who already work in your chosen career
and trying tpo tell them you know more than they do.
@Burgi @Burgi that is so very true.
wow double @Burgi
@Burgi I am less playing devil's advocate and more expressing my frustration at some paradoxes of the market..
@djsmiley2k THE HORROR
FWIW, April was a breakout month for me. I should have more freedom to pursue these projects.
and what about actually getting off your arse and getting a job?
Already have an internship in the works with a job placement agency.
...to which I don't know the solution, although I do know it's not what @bwDraco thinks it is.
i hate to be harsh but you procrastinate about getting a job waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than actually doing it
cool, where?
you live in NYC, there are literally thousands of jobs you are skilled to do there
@bwDraco Just create an account on freecodecamp.org and start doing the lessons.
(...says the one who made an account there and never completed a single lesson) +_+
My plan is to study these skills independently of any job.
go on then
Even when my career path may not need it.
u ca write python right now
codefights.com is rather cool to learn thinking in algorhitms or improving logical thinking.
I'm in the field right now. I could pull out my laptop and start doing this but I really can't do it right this moment.
...poor @bwDraco, killed mid-sentence.
we're not being nice @JourneymanGeek
Isn't this an odd time for you, @JourneymanGeek?
you know how we shout at @rahuldottech to study everytime he comes in?
we need to do the same with @bwDraco
@bwDraco Use your phone to create a freecodecamp account, then set an alarm for when you arrive at home to complete one or two lessons. Do it every day and BAM, you'll have learned something.
'show me a print statement beofre i let you on'
Working the night shift
@JourneymanGeek :O get some sleep
or you getting ready for it, i have no clue what time it is there
@djsmiley2k Implement google captcha with code challenges ;^)
@ThatBrazilianGuy lol there's a math one, not sure about a code one tho lol
naw still got another 6 hours to go
but u can't sleep?
not really
Speaking of night shifts ... I need to take initiative like you do, @JourneymanGeek.
oh lol
initiative? ;p
I need to be willing to take any opportunity.
Well, do it!
Some of them might suck tho
I'm not a self-starter, and my parentage has not helped. It's only recently that I'm getting more agency to make major decisions.
Its worth remembering I have a pair of possible long term goals
and I'm working towards either
Next thing I'm doing is contacting my job counselor and creating plans for what'll come after the internship.
you written a cv yet?
1. write cv
2. go on job sites posting cv
3. wait for terrible jo ofgfers
Yes, I have a résumé. I'll look into creating a separate CV (although this isn't the usual practice in the United States).
SHort term goal - be in this place a year
I'd like to transition over to datacenter stuff in a year
HOWEVER if in the meanwhile...
certain other opportunities crop up, I'm going to take the early termination penalty and go for it
Just a moment while I call my job counselor...
Also, you gotta play the long game
Move your pieces on the board first ;p
"This is what I want to do" then work around the skills and contacts (and this is where I suck)
Or you can just play video games.
brought along my netbook ;p
also nothing installed and my internet is slow and I have my eyes on a pair of monitoring screens
ur at work now?@
k, hmmmm utility?
@JourneymanGeek For times like this, I have Death Wish Coffee.
or security
i never really needed coffee on the night shifts, just enough sleep
can't say
and no no coffee
just cold water
music would be nice but I forgot my msic player
Don't like coffee, or they don't supply it?
give me any 4 digit number under 8000
not random tho lol
echo $(($RANDOM/4)), values over 7999 ignored
@djsmiley2k That your PIN?
@FMLCat no, but would it matter if it was?
@djsmiley2k Yes, because if it was then I'd know your PIN.
and then?
Then I'd know one more thing about you!
The horror
> I've seen... horror...
> Horror... has... a face
> And... you must make... a friend... of horror
@ThatBrazilianGuy Where is the second hand? And the stopwatch?
@DavidPostill I din't get past the headline. It's ridiculous organic marketing!
2 hours later…
@ThatBrazilianGuy Even I want one of those now.
Why can I load one of my websites via telnet hostname 80 (and my phone 4g) but not my browser?? D:
Chromium/Firefox → request timed out
telnet hostname 80 get / http/1.1 \n host: hostname \n → success!
Browsers, wat u do?
(nothing in /etc/hosts)
isup.me says its fine
Accessing the server by IP shows something (Apache page for non-configured host)
So, uh
Maybe Wordpress is doing something janky in response to Accept: headers?
What is the site URL?
So, a philosophical question. Like anyone, I have certain personality flaws. For example, unlike some people who prefer to stay silent when angry, I tend to keep on yelling.
Not sure if that was the question...
Instead of treating them as a matter of personality, I'm looking into having personality changes enforced through discipline from my parents. Is this a good idea, or am I going to wind up destroying my mind?
I tend to operate on the philosophy that nothing is set in stone.
I think you should take responsibility for those flaws. Allowing someone else to enforce correction on you is not resolving the root of the problem.
I don't accept undesirable behavior from myself "because it's my personality".
@CanadianLuke Agh, think its some DNS wonkiness
Every server has the right record except the one on my network
Which has the right A record for the domain
Great, how's your router setup?
You can use others to hold you accountable, but you need to own the flaw and any correction needs to be personally dealt with.
But a different IP for the www CNAME (which should point to he A record)
Part of a series of texts messages to Mother:
> Showing things off is not a good idea. It is arrogant and can be dangerous under certain circumstances. Although this is a matter of personality, it should still be enforced and must be treated as a disciplinable violation.
Wait, what?
@bwDraco ...is that a text TO or FROM your mother?
To my mom.
@CanadianLuke I use a laptop running dnsmasq to handle DNS queries and dhcp for reasons that I can't remember (actually, a pihole that queries the laptop, which ahs my router as an upstream DNS...)
(because my father is like this and I think I should emulate him because what I do is potentially bad)
Okay, cause if your mother talked to you like that, I can totally see where you get your moral behaviour.
@CanadianLuke Me or Draco?
@bertieb You
computer → pihole → laptop (dnsmasq) → router → upstream DNS
@bertieb So where is Wordpress hosted? Inside your network? If so, what is its IP address, and what is the name you are trying to use?
My mom tells me it's okay because it's my personality, but I don't accept personality as an excuse for bad behavior - bad behavior is bad behavior no matter the reason.
@CanadianLuke WP = On some cheapy VPS in NY IIRC. DNS = fine, except on the laptop on my network for whatever reason (caching a silly value)
What is your laptop running? Linux, OSX or Windows?
Or am I being too hard on myself?
What does nslookup www.sitename.com report?
(I have worked around it by adding a host to hosts file on computer but just odd)
I get different results for dig sitename.com vs dig www.sitename.com
But that's not a long term solution
@bwDraco I think you have the right idea.
IIRC nslookup said "I have the result for that here!" (response from or the like)
@CanadianLuke Aye it it works fine literally everywhere else
Including if I telnet to the server
So I'm going to calk it up to caching (and/or the phase of the moon*) and call it a day :P
@bwDraco My wife's family is huge on these things called "Unbearable Feelings".
* BOFH excuse calendar, #193
Have you tried using <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>R</kbd>?
I"m gonna run out for lunch, I'll be back later
enjoy o/
(and yes)
For example, she fears not being heard as an adult by those around her. This is because she was the 3rd child in her family with 2 sisters that are 10 years older than her. She couldn't get a word in edgewise half the time growing up, and now she needs to be heard when she wants to make a point, even if it means behaving poorly to achieve that.
My point is that nobody behaves badly just because. It's often a reaction to a feeling that can't process or don't even realise they're experiencing.
2 hours later…
This bug seems to have received remarkably little attention and I could not find a CVE number corresponding to it. Has Microsoft fixed it?
If anyone here has a Windows 7 or Windows 8 machine they're willing to crash, can they check if the bug still exists?
If the vulnerability is still exploitable (and I seriously hope not), then shame on you, Microsoft.
@bwDraco I think kumeri is 7. I'll check in about 30 mins
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