"5G will increase the current 700 to 5.8 billion microwaves per second for cell phone and Wi-Fi data to tablets and laptops to pulsed microwaves of 24 to 90 billion microwaves per second."
@Boris_yo Microwave radiation gets weaker with the square of the distance, so unless your router is right up against your head, you're not going to "fry your brain"
the maximum Tx power is 100 mW anyway, which is 7000 times less energy than your microwave oven
so if it takes 2 minutes to heat up a cup of water to boiling in the microwave oven, it'd take... what... 233 hours assuming zero heat loss if you could capture the total Tx power of your router and focus it on some water?
(in reality it'd never boil, because the water can dissipate the heat into the atmosphere faster than the heat is transferred into it by the microwaves)
basically, all that wireless communications equipment does is it transfers a tiny amount of heat into your body -- thousands of times less heat than you'd even be able to feel on your skin
turning up the temperature in your house by 1 degree (Fahrenheit or Celcius, take your pick) adds waaaay more heat to your body than all the microwaves you can throw at it from radio/microwave telecommunications
@Boris_yo based on our understanding of the electrical impulses in the brain, I think that's very unlikely -- due to the tiny distances between the origin and destination of each electrical impulse in your brain, the strength of the microwave signal would have to be way stronger than it actually is, to affect those impulses at all
if your neurons were firing over several kilometers, then sure, there could be some interference there
That YouTube video could benefit from your explanation about 5G... People there have fear about it. Some argue, others ask for peer-reviewed scientific studies etc.
@Boris_yo yes, people overreact and fear things they don't understand, but no technology used for telecommunications involves ionizing radiation, and there is no scientific evidence that, at the energies used for telecomms, those transmissions have any effect on anything except for other telecomms signals
the energies are really too tiny to have any magnetic or electrical impact on life, even at point blank range
in fact we're all surrounded by a weak magnetic field produced by the Earth's poles, so everyone is constantly in a magnetic field even before human technology existed
and with every magnetic field is also an electrical field in the perpendicular plane
so all life has forever been "electrocuted" (at low energies) since the first signs of life til the present
"They" want to cover wirelessly every possible area to create wireless grid and integrate smart technology deeper in our bodies and eventually facilitate connection of our minds to the AI cloud through that wireless grid. Developers in AI field earn huge money where I live.
Please, show me something that's happened since the 70's, which didn't exist before, which has some explaination of being caused by microwaves from mobile devices
other than antivaxers
maybe it explains them..... as the crazy is equal.
> [HTC] has struggled financially for some time--particularly its smartphone business--and the company bet big on its pivot to virtual reality. If it can’t stay afloat with revenue from the Vive platform, the company could be in very serious trouble.
Well, if you've already spent $2000+ on high-end gaming gear, an extra $800-$1100 can be difficult to justify. But then again, if you're like me, having spent $4k on a PC, you might not truly mind.
Then again, it is exceedingly unlikely that my mom will like this, and I don't really see how this is really worth spending the majority of my reserves on.
Also, I'm honestly not all that interested in VR. Astaroth may be more than ready for premium VR, but it was never really intended for that purpose.
So... does anyone here have or plan to get a VR system?
FFXV Windows Edition needs a dynamic quality feature. Under intensive combat conditions, even my overclocked GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is unable to maintain playable framerates with most settings (except lighting and shadows) maxed out at 1440p.
The game is most definitely not CPU-bound. GPU load was at 99% throughout.
Otherwise, framerates typically hover between 50 and 75 fps as reported by the Steam overlay.
@bwDraco this is called a "card-selling game" - certain game publishers work with GPU manufacturers to very intentionally release games that can't get playable FPS with max detail/quality settings on current hardware (at least, not without SLI, but now SLI is kind of going away...) to make you want to upgrade to the next gen when it comes out
they are perfectly capable of making a game that will run at 144 FPS consistently at 1440p... it'd be almost effortless compared to the cost of the product they developed/released... but it wouldn't sell GTX 1180s
there's a certain segment of the market that just can't stand the fact that they might not be able to run at max detail with max quality, and those people will leap to the next available card so they can rock on at max detail with their favorite games
In economics and marketing, product differentiation (or simply differentiation) is the process of distinguishing a product or service from others, to make it more attractive to a particular target market. This involves differentiating it from competitors' products as well as a firm's own products. The concept was proposed by Edward Chamberlin in his 1933 The Theory of Monopolistic Competition.
== Rationale ==
Firms have different resource endowments that enable them to construct specific competitive advantages over competitors. Resource endowments allow firms to be different which reduce...
@allquixotic i have someone at work like that. I play on whatever gives me the smoothest gameplay, yet he isn’t satisfied until all his sliders are maxed out and his FPS exceeds what is humanly visible.
@MichaelFrank even in games with quality settings like "Low", "Medium", "High", "Ultra", "Extreme", I'm usually satisfied if I can play it at high FPS on "High" -- or if it just goes to High, I'd be okay with a couple settings bumped down to Medium
Hi, my question was moved from superuser to webapp. Which makes no sense. IRC protocol is no web application at all. What should I do now? webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/111341/…
@JonasStein flag it and a webapps mod will close it, which will reject the migration, which will bring it back to SuperUser but it'll be closed, then flag it here to reopen
looks like you got bitten by user ignorance and 5 people for some reason thought your question should be migrated, as it doesn't appear to have been migrated by a SU mod
also, the server operator has many more tools available to them to combat spam, so spam should really be fought by the network operator, not end-users
check your network if there are any network-supplied bots you can report spam to
they might have a filter bot that can heuristically ban IPs / name patterns / message patterns as applicable if they're spammy
@JonasStein aside from the one you posted (which also prevents you from getting PMs from legitimate users who are unregistered - could be a bad thing), there's not a whole lot you can do from Quassel itself without writing a plugin for Quassel, and I'm not sure what that plugin would even do
@JonasStein on Freenode they really don't do enough... it's on life support by PIA since the dissolution of the Peer Directed Projects Center (PDPC)
there's nothing other than their own lack of investment in the network that's preventing them from developing intelligent, adaptive spam filters to combat the intelligent, adaptive bots evading their filters
we do that daily here on SE, both frontend tools like Smoke Detector and backend tools they don't tell us about
@allquixotic We're at least two generations away from running the game fully maxed out at 4K. Yes, it does sell high-end GeForce cards, but I doubt it'll coax existing owners of high-end cards to upgrade all that soon.
FWIW, it's perfectly feasible to max out the game at 1080p on a GTX 1080 Ti.
Once 7nm chips hit the market, I'm pretty sure 4K at 60 fps will be doable. But that probably won't happen until well into 2019.
@djsmiley2k I think CTCP is not SPAM. I get a lot spam with an URL and a bunch of usernames in the channel. I could not find the lul client in my distribution. Do you have a link to the source?