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Okay, so I wanted ethernet for my Nintendo Wii, but the router I have doesn't work for some reason. So I bought two of these things: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MYT47EA
i plugged one into the USB slot in the Wii, another into a USB slot in the back of my computer tower, and connected the two with an ethernet cable. I even downloaded the driver off their official site and restarted my computer.
Tell me why this should or shouldn't be able to work and why.
I get Wii Error Code 52022 btw
@0xFFF1 What makes you think your computer will understand how to forward the traffic from the Wii to the internet?
using just one and plugging it into the modem directly works fine
is there a script i can write in one of the packet sniffer programs to let me forward traffic?
@0xFFF1 those things need drivers - your wii needs to know how to speak to it
if the wii works on its own, I think what you need to look at is bridging.
yeah, ostensibly, i'd only need my computer to appear like a modem or router and just move the packets to my modem
but bridging is pointless if your dongle dosen't work with your Nintendo...
(cause saying dongle dosen't work with your wii sounds wrong)
it is normally compatible
im just using it in a way nobody probably expected
using win10's network adapter manager to bridge the connections didn't work
wii still gives 52022
'normally' = does it work connected to, I donno, a router?
for some weird reason, if I try hooking up my old wrt54gl, it gets all the way to not being able to connect to the DNS server. so i cant use it
@0xFFF1 a wii isn't a general-purpose computer
a wii does not run a general-purpose OS
the USB ports on a wii are not controlled by a general-purpose OS
the USB ports on a wii only support what the wii OS supports
...which is probably just storage
though apparently it might support one specific brand of adapter
@Bob There is an official USB network adapter for the Wii.
updated to 17133.1 (Windows 10 v1803) final release via MCT; looking good!
Hmm... I should turn my computer on... It's been off for a week.
aaaand the combination of a BIOS update and v1803 gives me, finally, Meltdown and Spectre fixed!
(the BIOS update is fairly recent, too)
hopefully, a future hardware platform will change that one option in white
> Hardware requires kernel VA shadowing:
once that's False, that means you're running hardware that has fixed the vulnerability at such a low level that the OS no longer needs to work around the vuln
2018? 2019? who knows
it's certainly not fixed in Coffee Lake
@allquixotic Where's the script from?
3 hours later…
Q: how to export nodecore text to markdown *not* as header (#, ##)

JasI exported the tutorial to markdown, I noticed that large chunks of text such as this one were exported to standard markdown text: However when I create my own nodecore text it is always exported to markdown titles, how can I have the text exported to standard text in markdown?

Super low quality question
with incorrect tags
and a bounty
@rahuldottech shrug It's his rep to bounty away.
excuse me, but anyone knows what happened with (old) microsoft crm?
@JourneymanGeek fiddling with openscad :P
ah lol
though you didn't like it
@JourneymanGeek ehhh it's useful for customisable things
not so much for modelling real world objects
> cat SyslogCatchAll.0[10-19] | grep
that... should work
@djsmiley2k Is this from a film?
@FleetCommand mona, last years pixar film
@allquixotic yeah
well it's taken them several days to finish deploying my order, but looks like I'm about to have a system with dual L5630s (Westmere-EP quad core - has VT-x/EPT), 2 x 500 GB HDD, and 24 GB DDR3, for $200/year in Atlanta
seems a pretty decent value
i've just come up with a plan to nuke our remaining windows web servers in one fell swoop
$16.67/mo for 8 cores / 16 threads, reasonable RAM and a gigabit uplink
@FleetCommand lol yeah
@Burgi can't spell.
@Burgi a nuke maybe overkill...
it'll be a saving of roughly £200/mth
no wait
Not bad
@Burgi @djsmiley2k Moana is not from Pixar. Also, the image does not resemble anything from Moana, unless we are talking deleted scenes, concept arts and DVD easter eggs.
Yes it does
was it not a pixar studios production for disney?
It's a disney film
but it's definately Moana
it's where the island is chasing after Moana
And then she gives it the .... heart of te fiti
actually it'll be £109/mth saving
Lol, you remmeber how google used to host the images they used in image search?
saving the providers bandwidth and meaning you couldn't right click the image and get the url that way?
well.... they ain't no more ;D
Suddenly, someones image b/w has gone throug hthe roof, due to them complaining.
hahahah wp google, wp.
its not google's fault
Oh I know
they are complying with a court order
who was it again?
getty images?
I don't think that was a court order; that was a settlement
@Burgi but you misunderstand my point
Google used to host all the images themselves, when used in search results
it appears now, they are just hotlinking the images directly
ah i see
@djsmiley2k No such thing happened. Te Kā picks up Maui, not Moana.
maybe they aren't, but if so, they have changed the javascript, so it presents the true url when you right click the image
@FleetCommand orly
I not watched closely recently
@djsmiley2k I don't think so; they're still serving you the data from their cache
So it is so, @FleetCommand
Moana tells the ocean to clear a dry path, so that she and Te Kā can reach each other.
@allquixotic Ah, but they present the URL
which is infact awesome.
> .
<img name="NT3PoStK4gcy0M:" class="rg_ic rg_i" style="width: 145px; height: 174px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px;" onload="typeof google==='object'&amp;&amp;google.aft&amp;&amp;google.aft(this)" alt="Image result for asdfmovie" src="
so they're setting the src of their image to the Base64'ed data
and that data is being served to you over https from Google's server
some of the other links I'm seeing are served from gstatic.com, which is Google's CDN
so in either case they aren't hotlinking
they display the actual url of the image when you hover over it, but that doesn't perform any HTTP requests to the actual site it's from
and single left clicking on an image takes you to a URL of the form https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com....etc.png
which is still on Google's website
the only linking they're doing isn't "hot" at all -- the "Visit" button takes you to the webpage the image is contained in, which is the opposite of hotlinking
i right click, 'copy image address' - get correct source
@allquixotic I know about these, I've got one at home to fix it
k, it only works when you click 'into' the image
@djsmiley2k can't repro that, might be an extension you're running
I get those google.com URLs when I copy the image source
oh you're saying after you left click the image
yeah, sry
I didn't realsie it wasn't doing it before you click it.
okay, I see, so they are hotlinking but it's only if you first click on one of the images
but, still
pretty sure that wasn't the case previously?
maybe it was and I'm just dumb
presumably that HTML markup isn't even loaded into the DOM until you click, so just doing a google image search doesn't start downloading zillions of images from all different websites unless you start clicking
@allquixotic no, but.... hit left, load up a image, carry on, etc etc
and scrapers etc
I think they might have indeed kept the "large" image (the one you get when you left click) on Google's servers before the Getty change
which yus will get banned etc but I imagine this'll have some effect on costs, if it's a real change and not just something I've imagined.
Pretty sure I used to have to click into the image previously
so, funnily enough, this change might've made it easier for image stealers to steal
which would then take me to the origin site.
@allquixotic and raised Gettys image hosting costs :D
@djsmiley2k not necessarily, the old-style "View Image" button makes a direct HTTP request to the site of origin for the image and displays it raw in your browser in sort of a standalone webpage
as if you created an .html file and went <img src="https://site-im-hotlinking-to.com/...png">
so that was still "hotlinking" in that sense, but you had to click a button
@allquixotic but most people just right click - copy image
'most people' being people in offices stealing dem images.
okay, so in summary, the user has to make one less click to generate traffic / take up bandwidth on the remote site hosting the original image, with the new implementation vs. prior... they don't have to click "View Image" any longer
besides that it's the same
it would be a total disaster if they had coded it so that it would load the original site's actual image for all the results you get when you do a google image search
@allquixotic wait what
@Bob yeah, a Delimiter server... old junker :P
I'm keeping OVH, just adding on another one for a Codenvy instance
since you can't really run Codenvy on LXD
@allquixotic yah
i just got told off for using the word "homogenised" in an email
i was told it was sexist
i don't think they fully understand what the word means...
subject (milk) to a process in which the fat droplets are emulsified and the cream does not separate.
"homogenized milk"
So reply, asking what they think it means
> make uniform or similar.
"a homogenized society"
synonyms: make uniform, make similar, unite, integrate, fuse, merge, blend, meld, coalesce, amalgamate, synthesize, combine, join together; literarycommingle; archaiccommix
"they wanted to wipe out the differences between towns and villages—to homogenize society"
Don't put up with idiots.
they just apologised, they thought i was being sexist/homophobic
@djsmiley2k this is the usage i was refering to
@Burgi yeah, I'm wondering what they even thought you meant o_O
very weird
here is the context, just for lulz:
> Testing and deployments will be much easier to perform as the technology platform will be homogenised.
sometimes my job feels like babysitting
@allquixotic that sounds really cheap for what it is 0_0
@Burgi That's just knee jerk
@JourneymanGeek i.e. they don't actually care? :D
yey a P1 which isn't.
annnnnnnnnd again we're given the wrong power cables for the switches
/me sighs
this is bonkers, how hard can it be
aren't they standard kettle leads?
Cisco kit, so nope lol
First it came with european leads
@JourneymanGeek Homogenized? Milk? Women make milk! THAT'S SEXIST!
then they sent some weird extensions, which, while they fit, then leave a easily hanging pullable cable....
@allquixotic lol
just stupid costcutting, which isn't infact cutting any costs.
its cutting costs for them, not for you as you have to hunt down special adapters at twice the price
its the Apple business methodology
@djsmiley2k Obviously he should have written, "Testing and deployments will be much easier to perform as the technology platform will be archaiccommixed."
@Burgi rumors are Apple has a plan for transitioning off of Lightning to USB-C for their phones, and they've already adopted USB-C for Macs
sounds like they are finally adopting an industry standard
@allquixotic i'd have been accused of being insensitive to the feelings of people who sexually identify as a spider
@allquixotic hurrah!
@allquixotic no wai
only 10 years late to the party
i can't actually comprehend that Xd
leading the charge I see.
@Burgi the USB-C party isn't that new - maybe 2 years if you're being generous; there weren't any commercially available USB-C phones before then
and to be honest the physical dimensions and capabilities of Lightning were genuinely far better than old Micro USB 2.0 back in the day
it was 2008 that the EU mandated that all phones sold in europe should have a standardised charger
they were just waiting for the industry to catch up to their needs :P
@Burgi technically they do have a standardized charger, even if your phone uses Lightning or the antique Apple 20-pin connector
you just need the right cable and you can plug any of those into a standard USB-A port
so the "charging standard" is 5V DC, 1-2W USB-A female port - bring your own phone+cable and you can charge
maybe thats how apple have dodged the fine
maybe so
@Burgi I had heard that they were making their own cans, but not that they were killing the Beats brand - I'd assumed Beats would continue on in parallel
but maybe they prefer not having competition within the company, even though there's a certain type of person who loves Beats because the name is Beats (by Dr. Dre)
hopefully Apple first-party branded headphones are more durable than these Beats I have. I really love the Apple W1 Bluetooth chip due to its range, reliability and battery life, which are better than any other headphones on the market to this day
but they shove the W1 into a pair of flimsy, plasticy headphones with a useful life of about 6 months before they fall apart
my mum gave me a treacle toffee lollipop that was made in October last year. think it is still safe to eat?
@Burgi general assumption about non-perishable food is 2 years it's still good
presence of milk might change that slightly
it tastes disgusting
@Burgi not surprised they were killing off the brand
@allquixotic ._.
@Burgi Its possible it tastes disgusting anyway
@Burgi So, it appears you are unfamiliar with one of the most dangerous things in this world: The scorn of a woman.
Please don't accuse other users of misleading people. This goes against our Be Nice policy. Instead, state that you disagree with the other answers. Focus on content, not people. — bwDraco 1 min ago
Pretty sure UEFI has been the standard for....
6? 7? years?
And it's easier, not harder, to make a bootable external medium with UEFI.
@JourneymanGeek fair point
I don't agree that being completely wrong is against be nice tho.
Just the laws of common sense.
@JourneymanGeek Notice the lead paragraph.
I guess it should boil down to
"Does this even begin to answer the question?"
hint hint
Instead of dealing with the restrictions that the MBR impose, the UEFI firmware is smart, capable of loading a bootloader, drivers, and other code from a dedicated partition at boot time. UEFI, if anything, is far more flexible than legacy BIOS.
so quick meta question, am i ok asking about how I should clean a retro keyboard?
@JourneymanGeek Hence my second comment, it doesn't address the question.
or is it better on RC.SE?
@bwDraco it also relies on basically Win64-style PE binaries ._.
of course they're "freestanding" and the binaries aren't hosted on a Windows kernel
@Burgi define retro?
1994 IBM model M keyboard
By comparison, the BIOS firmware dumbly executes the first sector. The data structures in the MBR are used by the OS and BIOS APIs but the boot code inside the BIOS doesn't really care.
Other than the nut driver its mostly standard
that's actually a semi recent one - model M production went from IBM to lexmark (which was an IBM spinoff) to Unicomp
I'd consider that on topic here but its worth considering retrocomputing if you want to say, de-yellow it.
I don't think it is very yellow. its more how to get the under key scum out
also back in the day, we used to put keys in a delicates bag and wash em cool in a washing machine
remove the keys, turn it over, shake it out.
the fluff is... hardcore
cyberclean is what I'd recommend too
but hard to find ._.
tried an airduster and a brush
i'll photograph the topside tonight
the keys cleaned up with just water and a little washing up liquid
its also missing the ESC key cover
if it was a cherry, its easy to buy single keys
or check if unicomp sells em
the complete keyboards seem to range in price from $35 to $200 on ebay
people want the non-usb ones iirc
because n-key rollover
@allquixotic well, EFI was started in the 90s
ELF barely existed back then
@djsmiley2k which I consider somewhat overrated. ;p
this GDPR stuff is properly stressing me out
basically we are going from an environment where we didn't have to deal with general public logins and the faff surrounding that to where it is now essential that every newsletter signup or generalised product quote has to have a user account
@Burgi err, fun.
not really
we are moving to a situation where the end user has more passwords to remember
Anyone else notice that, when you are installing Windows Updates, you can't scroll through the list of updates that are being installed without it immediately jumping up to the top of the list?
Or am I just going crazy?
currently we are only holding their email and postcode. in the new world we will have to provide mechanisms that allow them to login, view all their data and potentially delete it
@allquixotic Nit: BIOSes don't need support for GPT; bootloaders do.
You could probably grab a 2005 machine with no idea what UEFI is, and boot from a GPT drive (with protective MBR) with a bootloader (e.g. GRUB) that supports legacy BIOS first-stage loader and a GPT layout.
Also a lot of that muddles UEFI, the spec (which deals with boot standards) and motherboard firmware, which only (possibly) implements the UEFI spec and isn't really "a UEFI" :\
/nit :P
@Bob that's how Dunning-Kruger goes: if a conversation starts out with a complete idiot blathering nonsense, eventually a PhD who wrote the UEFI spec will come along and nit the nitpicks of the nitpicks of the nitpicks of the first responder
in before said PhD nits your nits :D
isn't the notation you used Tebibyte (TiB)?
@Burgi yes, I'm rather tebid around bytes
hm, I'm running out of space again
I just have this slowly growing stack of external HDDs :P
it's easier to buy a new 8 TB HDD (~160 USD) than clear one out
oh wow they're 140-150 USD now
@Bob "This deal is good for both of us." the Trader Emergency Coalition Taiwan Electronics Corporation offers you a pact for +10% extra disk space
or Amazon S3 offers you a pact for unlimited supply at the cost of -100 credits/sec
@allquixotic you refer to it as a terabyte which is noted as TB....
@allquixotic so that comment about latency improvements... the MS engineer (who helped with your BT question)'s response: "LOL"
I guess it's just a random rumor then :P
@allquixotic what's the exchange rate of AUD to TCC? :P
@Bob or they're comparing the latency from v1511 to v1803, which includes legit latency reductions in 1607
@allquixotic they claimed it was "recent"
@Bob it looks like his "LOL" response was specifically regarding the idea that it had been repeated lots of times so it must be true
...and I'm chatting with Lenovo support right now.
Any excel guru here? I have this insane idea that needs to be idiot-proofed. I have two different excel sheets and I want to merge it together by using the value of one particular column. Is it possible somehow?
+1 for the question. Tried SU yet?
@jokerdino might need to write a macro - need to be more specific about your exact needs
@allquixotic Two different sets of data. They are linked by one particular column. I want to merge them into a single row based on the same column.
Thanks clippy.
Sort by that column in both. Is that column unique, and does every entry have a matching one in the other sheet?
If so, copy paste away
1000s of entries :S
@jokerdino just put both sheets in the same workbook and write a VLOOKUP formula
Thanks, I will look into that!
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