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@Bob none of that involves a hypervisor
@MichaelFrank Link?
Anbox is a container that runs on the native OS kernel
@MichaelFrank ah, yes. "HD" as in 720p and not 1080p. I bet most people still get tripped up by that.
@Bob There's DCI 2K (a formal standard) and colloquial 2K ("any resolution with a horizontal pixel count in the region of 2,000")
There's that one, I'm not sure if it's the one though.
Review sites that call 2560x1440 "2K" still bug the hell out of me
ideally I want a single programming language I can use for all those platforms, but I'm not sure if Xamarin will be able to call the Spotify APIs uniformly on Android and iOS -- if it will I can use C# for the app
But after posting five pages of rants in the comments on each and every article for a year they seem to have stopped doing that now
then the task boils down to running the Android app somehow on Windows/Linux
@MichaelFrank 1K+ stars, sounds promising. I'll try to implement it.
> The January security patch might clash with your AV program and prevent your machine from starting. However, Microsoft is only offering the Windows security updates released on 3rd January 2018 to devices running anti-virus software from partners who have confirmed their software is compatible with the January 2018 Windows operating system security update.
@FMLCat have they started calling it "2.5k" yet?
@ThatBrazilianGuy It's pretty stale, last updated 4 years ago.
> upcoming embedded libraries for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
@Bob 2.5K is... acceptable. It's funny because it's closer to 3K than it is to 2K

Finish the client.
But again, DCI 2K, 4K, 8K, etc. are formal standards that most people using the term are not referring to when using it
!!s/Finish the client/cat/
@FMLCat TODO cat. (source)
@Bob they've been upcoming since about 2012, not even kidding
@Michcioperz Hi MichaƂ! The new Web Playback SDK is a library for playback in the web. We still know there's demand for playback in other situations including native/embedded devices, we promise we haven't forgotten! No announcements to make right now though.
@Bob they're probably figuring out how to do the DRM so you can't get access to the raw PCM bits like their current libraries allow
@allquixotic Ahhhh yes... lemme just loopback my VAC/pulseaudio
oh, I can't do that? DRM, you say? lemme just get one of those loopback USB audio devices
oh, can't do that either? brb, grabbing a TOSLINK cable and adapter
@Bob on Windows they might actually use a secure audio path that prevents you from doing that, but on desktop Linux I doubt any vendor (even Canonical) would support that
what, no TOSLINK? welp, guess there's nothing I can ... wait, is that a 3.5mm cable with two male ends?
@Bob true; it's an arms race, and they're dumb to try it, because determined people can always easily buy hardware that bypasses whatever they're doing (even mandatory encrypted HDMI audio) but they'll try it anyway
ooh, a line in port
also that makes it inconvenient for honest people who just want to implement rbpitch for spotify on all platforms :/
@allquixotic I don't think Windows supports any secure audio path
Even all the attempts at secure video have been easily bypassed
and video is relatively limited in the first place
there's just so many possible audio devices
BT, USB, <custom driver>
and no one's dropping ol' analog 3.5mm to require powered headphones... except Apple and Google and Motorola ... we're fucked
well BT isn't yet DRM'ed and the big sell right now is Bluetooth for mobile audio at least
I love how the 2,822 page spec of BT5 doesn't mention "Stereo" even once
obviously they care little for audio in the Bluetooth SIG
@allquixotic whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
444 metres for class 3?????????
4.3km for class 1?!
maybe if your laptop was on the ISS...
Wait... how do they figure that?
@MichaelFrank through some BS formula - the theoretical range is probably in a vacuum
@Bob Class 1 is 100mW, same as 2.4Ghz WiFi. 4.3km range isn't that much of a stretch under ideal conditions.
I've had >800m links under real life conditions in the middle of a large city with 100mW 2.4Ghz WiFi devices.
@FMLCat meanwhile the real world is far from "ideal" and it's a feat when we get 0.5km
@allquixotic Standard friis path loss formula probably. Because there's no tangible difference between vacuum and air except at a few certain frequencies.
@allquixotic Wasn't a feat to get 800m+ and that was with cheap $5 routers and inner-city interference
@FMLCat going through building walls?
But that's the whole point, 2.4Ghz IRL is a very very suboptimal band to be playing in and you'll never get near the max theoretical range by nature of the band, not the technology
and at what speeds?
LTE on a mobile phone uses a similar amount of transmit power (typically) as a standard 2.4Ghz WiFi router, and users are used to far far greater ranges because it has far less sub-optimal spectrum management (and many other reasons) but it doesn't mean the theoretical formulas are in any way incorrect for WiFi or other bands
@FMLCat one of the big advantages of LTE's bands is they're licensed, so you can't just go spewing EM out of your noisy AC motor in the LTE band
but you can spew 2.4 GHz all you want
Basically the theoretical transmission range formula for LTE and WiFi or Bluetooth is exactly the same but you get much closer to the formula's result with one than the other - that's because of the conditions they're used in, not because it's a "BS formula"
@allquixotic And that's why it's clearly described as maximum theoretical range and not real-world, where manufacturers quote the typical 10m/100m.
Sadly the link to the original white paper doesn't work so I can't see what exactly they used but meh. It's a realistic figure given what I know about free space radio propagation.
@FMLCat it may be a scientifically valid formula, but it's BS to use the formula in a marketing context or even when communicating to engineers and product developers about the advantages of Bluetooth and the amazing amounts of range we have to play with
> A wildly optimistic white paper released by the SIG “debunks” the ‘myth’ that Bluetooth range is only 10 metres, though admitting that this is often the case, because manufacturers build them to be that way.
"That 10m stuff is horseshit; with a 100 mW TX power in your earbuds and a meter long Yagi antenna, you can get 800 meters range on Bluetooth in the inner city!"
(oh and about 10 minutes of battery life)
@allquixotic I'd hardly call a white paper that clearly states "theoretical maximum" and "hardly ever achievable in the real world" as "marketing", misleading or otherwise.
In real world scenarios, especially with BT devices that have a tendency to move around with respect to one another, most of the antennas will be more or less omnidirectional, so you won't get that full 100 mW of TX power pointed like a laser beam at your target
beamforming BT would be cool, but I haven't heard of that even with BT5
> The Laws of Physics vs. Urban Legend
The range of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or any other wireless communication is defined by
physics as a function of the distance between the transmitter and the receiver.
Of course, the strength of the signal’s transmit and receive power, as defined
by Bluetooth power classes, is also part of the equation. The strength of the
transmitted signal determines the distance that data packets can be transmitted,
and the sensitivity of the receiver defines the minimum signal strength that can
That's what the text of the paper actually says
I see nothing BS about it. It uses the industry standard Friis path loss equation used in all RF engineering.
> The Bluetooth
SIG’s Martin Woolley
installed a micro:bit in a
toy car that he controlled
with a smartphone app.
While driving the car away
from him, he realized
he was still controlling
it—even though it was
nearly out of sight at
about 40 meters away.
Curious to see the actual
range, Martin undertook
another test at a local
park. Using a GPS sports
watch and the micro:bit's
accelerometer function,
Martin was able to
measure the distance as
he paced away from the
micro:bit. At 225 meters
according to GPS, Martin
Case study from the article, apparently someone achieved 225m+ range, but nobody claims that's typical or realistic. Nor is it used in any sort of marketing context.
And I've personally used fairly generic Bluetooth class 2 devices at over 40m distance, going from one end of a train to the other, and even stepping outside of the train.
@FMLCat I'm not saying the math of the equation is wrong; in a moment of weakness about 20 minutes ago I had an emotional reaction to what seemed an outrageous statement because I consider myself lucky to get 20m distance with a Class 1 device in pretty much any environment I've ever used, including with my latest equipment... just let it rest already; that wasn't an argument I'm interested in whining about anyway :P
my legitimate whine about BT is (1) the lack of a standard codec that's better than SBC (hey, what about the royalty-free, low-latency, better-than-MP3-compression Opus? gee...) and (2) lack of simultaneous high-quality stereo and mic capture without either violating the spec or doing something that literally nobody supports, which is to do some sort of "dual mode" thing where you're using HSP for mic capture at the same time as A2DP
range, meh... I've met my range goals with Class 1 devices by now; further would just be gravy
@allquixotic As is often the case, third party sources blow things out of context. The SIG white paper merely debunks the 10m maximum range "myth". The 10m is a marketing figure. They simply wanted to illustrate to technically minded individuals it is not a technology limit.
Apparently Class 1 doesn't actually mean 100mW though.
Apparently Class 1 means 10mW minimum as much as it means 100mW maximum.
And class 2 is 2.5mW - but that may be BLE specific
without observability or specs, I have no idea if my devices are using BLE or Bluetooth Classic aka BT 3.0
or even that variant of BT 3.0 that uses 802.11 (wifi) for the data tunnel
> It’s important to note that
Class 1 devices (at the 20dBm level) are permitted in countries that reference FCC
requirements, which means not yet in Europe.
@FMLCat what about the UK? apparently you guys aren't Europe anymore :P
(or never were, idk)
@allquixotic That's the EU you're thinking of, not Europe. And we're still in it, for another two years
I know, and I know; I was kidding :)
s'long as you're in the EU you still probably have the standard EU radio regulations I assume
Apparently the government's plan is to copy all EU law into UK law on the day of Brexit but they've already managed to fuck that up, and it's not even happening for another few y ears.
> We only need to look closely to see where this fairy tale originated. Many devices
that use Bluetooth today are designed for a fairly short range of about 10 meters.
But this isn’t due to any intrinsic limitation of Bluetooth technology—any more than
Santa Claus is limited by the size (or presence) of a chimney. The range of these
applications is a design choice, made by the device developers.
Umm, I'm not sure if they're saying Santa Claus is or isn't limited by the size of a chimney
sounds very Governmental, judging from what we get in the US and Australia lately (Bob and I have been complaining about our respective governments)
Personally I'm pro-chimney
Urgh, gotta sleep. Police coming in the morning to question me about a friend's rapey ex
@FMLCat that makes it sound like manufacturers are deliberately limiting the range just to be mean; which would be true if they're not taking the maximum certified TX power without being limited by a battery, but if they are, suboptimal range could come from perfectly understandable sources like wanting omnidirectional antennas rather than a highly focused directional one, or battery life concerns at max TX power
my solution would be to have a huge battery, but oh noes, the Altar of Thin
I don't like police, and I don't like rapey people
Bad... bluetooth caller? :-P
RX 580 -> Akitio Node -> AMD XConnect -> Alienware 13 R3
@allquixotic Damn
that's what I got when turning on the akitio
ah ;p
I blame the driver
Cause an OLED Alienware 13 R3 and eGPU was going to be the solution to all my shitty display problems :-(
hah, just dont' drop it 0_0
@FMLCat might be the AMD driver; the internal GTX 1060 and the Nvidia driver that's loaded into the kernel might be happier with an external Nvidia card
then you have spreading dead pixels
FWIW it worked on reboot when cold-plugged
oh yeah, just for shits and giggles... how hard is it to remove the glass from a phone screen if you don't care about the display panel and digitiser?
just don't go looking to hotplug a recent AMD card after booting up on the 1060
@allquixotic could be hot plugging freakery?
@JourneymanGeek Depends if the glass is glued, fused or not at all attached to the phone screen
@FMLCat ah, I have no idea
I'll find out soon
@allquixotic Driver problems?
@JourneymanGeek how good are you with a hammer? :P
@FMLCat I knew theoretical was going to be higher than practical, but I didn't think it'd be that much higher.
Though I thought the theoretical figures assumed omnidirectional.
...odd. My motherboard's chipset heatsink, but not the M.2 heatsink that sits on top of it, is rather warm, reading 120 °F on my thermal imager.
Not excessive (that's 50 °C), but that is a bit odd to me.
oh my god
Q: CPU threads not being used

JasonI recently got a new Thinkpad T570. I'm running Fedora 27. It has a i7-7600U processor that should have 2 cores and 4 thread according to Intel (https://ark.intel.com/products/97466/Intel-Core-i7-7600U-Processor-4M-Cache-up-to-3_90-GHz). However, when I run lscpu it shows 2 cores and 2 threads. ...

I can't believe I'm actually arguing with this guy in the comments.
How on earth...
Bleh, went ahead and answered the question.
I didn't think that question was even worthy of an answer.
It's a simple misreading of the output.
Except somehow it evolved into a misreading of the specs.
@bwDraco Read all the comments.
Your answer doesn't address the actual reason this guy is confused.
Yes, I did.
Wait, what? Quad-core laptop processors have been around as far back as the Core 2 days, and 4C/8T mobile processors have existed since Nehalem. — bwDraco 4 mins ago
@JourneymanGeek And today on weird stuff you see on IPS, we have interpersonal.stackexchange.com/questions/8994 (mildly NSFW?)
Updated with a word from Mark Papermaster.
le sigh
A vertical blind slat just broke on me.
Time to order replacements...
1 hour later…
@Bob I had that discussion with my family last night after I saw that question. Most answers were "Uhh... No." or "Oh, hell no!"
> Are you sure?
piece of shit just straight up deleted a file it "detected" with its fancy "machine learning" bullshit. no warning.
I am certain, beyond any doubt, that Symantec is more of a piece of malware than the file it deleted.
Said file being a Mozilla regression testing tool.
> - Update RST 15.9
- Improve memory compatibility.
- Update CPU Microcode.
> 7B44v12
BIOS update for my Z370M
> [Below information is Chinese language]

A. AMI BIOS ¥¿¦¡µo¦æ

B. ¦¹ª©¥»­×¥¿¤U¦C°ÝÃD:
- §ó·s RST 15.9
- §ïµ½°O¾ÐÅé¬Û®e©Ê
- §ó·s CPU Microcode

C. §ó·s¤é´Á: ¤½¤¸2017¦~12¤ë25¸¹
that doesn't look very Chinese to me :)
That's BIG5 encoding.
Via toolswebtop.com/text/process/decode/big-5 (select UTF8 for the target encoding):
> A. AMI BIOS 瞌聶瀎癒çč•o瀎疆

B. 瀎çč’ç© ç©ąçžŒçœˆç°«?瞌聶瞻U瀎C簞??D:
- 犟籀çčšs RST 15.9
- 犟簿çč•çż»ç°žO職??矇竅?ç°§eç©ą?
- 犟籀çčšs CPU Microcode

C. 犟籀çčšs瞻矇çč”?: 瞻翻瞻çčĄ2017瀎~12瞻犱25çčĄçč’
Didn't decode cleanly, hang on...
(some characters failed to parse)
@allquixotic MSI? I wonder if my MSI board got an update...
> Version
Release Date
File Size
6.76 MB

- Update RST 15.9
- Improve memory compatibility.
- Update CPU Microcode.
Google Translate returns nonsensical text.
It's not GB18030, either.
Are you missing characters?
@MichaelFrank I like how their BIOS updates that came out in the second week of January are marked as being released on christmas
@allquixotic, are you able to identify the encoding they used in this text?
NP++ renders it as
> A. AMI BIOS æ­ŁćŒç™ŒèĄŒ

B. æ­€ç‰ˆæœŹäżźæ­Łäž‹ćˆ—ć•éĄŒ:
- 曎新 RST 15.9
- æ”čć–„èš˜æ†¶é«”ç›žćźč性
- 曎新 CPU Microcode

C. 曎新旄期: 慬慃2017ćčŽ12月25號
Much better.
> Papaya whip is a representation of the color that would result if mashed papayas were blended with vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, or yogurt.
> B. This version fixes the following issues:
- Update RST 15.9
- Improve memory compatibility
- Update CPU Microcode
@allquixotic Big5? GB18030?
@allquixotic Yea, not sure how to rationalise that tbh.
My guess is GB, but what did Notepad++ return?
@bwDraco it's in a file with other English text so I have no idea
it says OEM 865 : Nordic
CP865 makes no sense here.
well it translates successfully
> AMI BIOS official release

B. This version fixes the following issues:
- Update RST 15.9
- Improve memory compatibility
- Update CPU Microcode

C. Date of renovation: December 25, 2017 AD
nice of them to specify that the release of the BIOS came out AD, rather than all those old BC BIOS updates
Keeps getting better...
BIOS patch notes are always fun to read.
Aug 16 '17 at 3:58, by bwDraco
> Summary of Changes
Where: < > Package version
ECP: Embedded Controller Program version
[Important] Important update
(New) New function or enhancement
(Fix) Correction to existing function

UEFI: 5.9/ECP: 2.8
[Important updates]

[New functions or enhancements]

[Problem fixes]
1. Copy the OBB region from SPI to memory to reduce the POST time

ECP fixed:

UEFI: 5.7/ECP: 2.8
[Important updates]
1. Modify the eMMC Max Speed to SDR25 during POST
(click through for full text; this is for a Lenovo laptop)
brb updating BIOS
Welp... Apparently I'm bad at creating bootUSBs on Linux. D:
@bwDraco Mine got one 3 days ago
I'll probably not install it for a while though
Improved DRAM compatibility.
Fixed SAMSUNG M.2 device issue.
Fixed SanDisk M.2 device issue.
Fixed AMD SSD device issue.
Fixed SteelSeries Keyboard issue.
Update CPU MicroCode.
Yea... I can't figure out how to write this ISO as bootable. shrug
ISO? USB? oh. Linux.
@MichaelFrank dd
I did dd
1 hour later…
Jul 21 '17 at 2:11, by bwDraco
Of note is that the Intel HEDT boards tend to get extremely expensive. The R5E was $540 at launch. R6E pricing has not been announced but I think it'll be in the ballpark of $600.
...looked it up - the Rampage VI Extreme is $650 o_O
I mean, WTF?
(ASUS ROG uses Rampage to designate Intel HEDT boards)
do they have more lanes? more heatpipes? a more expensive PCH?
come to think of it the PCH probably is more expensive; I wonder how much of that higher cost is driven by Intel price sheets for PCHes
Threadripper mobos, basically AMD's HEDT equivalent, are $340 - $550
they don't make any (at least, any that were reviewed in that mobo roundup article) that sell for $650
@XKCD A foucault pendulum never stops anyway.
I remember our university. The physics students installed one at the nearest places where there was a very high ceiling: the school of humanities and linguistics. Left at the mercy of students who didn't care for its significance, someone somehow managed to make it stop.
Unprovoked bot response?
Perhaps the robot uprising is nigh.
@FleetCommand there's code in the bot to interpret certain words, such as the English word s t o p or equivalent words in a few other languages (like Latin), and react to it
I think it originated from the JavaScript room having to frequently tell people to "please stop" pasting their code into the chatroom
Let me see: "Someone stop that vampire cat!"
it won't work now because his most recent message is the same; and the chat server eats multiple identical messages in sequence
@allquixotic I awoke on Fri, 22 Sep 2017 16:43:07 GMT (that's about 3 months ago), got invoked 426 times, learned 15 commands
@ChatBotJohnCavil 3 months? \o/
@allquixotic I guess ff headless is stable? :D
We had a Malleus Fatorum in Wikipedia
Also, there is an infamous book called Malleus Maleficarum.
And in Diablo II, there was a Horadric Malleus.
It appears the bot doesn't react to "stops" (third person).
@FleetCommand It's only listening for one of the trigger words at the very end of a message.
1 hour later…
var hammers = {
I kinda think "sistite" should actually be "siste".
still ill, and now a broken dishwasher D:
did it catch fire
is your wife on strike? ducks
lol, nah drainage pump not working
prob because wife seems to think that sweetcorn is water soluable
now she's gone out with 2.0 and i'm with 2.1
he's cute tho so i lefth im off
he's currently drawing on one o those magnetic pen things
singing his sisters name over nad over
@djsmiley2k My dishwasher leaked overnight, I walked into my kitchen this morning an it went squish squish squish
we have laminate floor, that'd be Baaaaaaad
The floor surface was dry, so it's in the underlay
lol yes!
we had laminate at wifes old parents house
and there was a leak once which.... wrecked everything :/
Oh dear
This does not fill me with confidence
Currently using newspapers under the cabinets (where I can get at the concrete) to try and draw out the water (occasionally walking on the floor to 'squeeze out' what is there)
Also have a dehumidifier running
whoot, hotel wifi.
Normally lives in the garage "just in case", this is the first time I've had it running
@bertieb tbh they kinda just ignored it
@JourneymanGeek No more need to tether? \o/
i think if you can dry it out... gently you might be ok?
@djsmiley2k Ahhh, well, here's hoping!
wb to the 1st world @JourneymanGeek :D
@Bob I want to break everything but the glass.
Can't really afford to redo kitchen :S
@bertieb just today
@bertieb i'd google to see if there's anything else that can help?
@djsmiley2k I have a bag of cat litter which I feel could be of some use
Or could go buy a cash 'n' carry-worth's bag of rice
I was going to suggest salt, but that likely would be cheaper
But then the issue is dealing with the things used to soak up moisture
just make sure its not the organic stuff, if your dishwasher is radio active
kitty litter makes more sense than rice
It's a bit of a Bolivian tree lizard problem
No idea if the litter is radioactive, it came from Lidl
I don't actually have a cat
Got it for a cat litter sock thing for the car
what i'm seeing basically suggests you pull up the flooring
to dry it asap before any more water is aborbed
@djsmiley2k Probably a good idea. Or a question on DIY SE ...
@djsmiley2k I would do that if I could pull the floor up, but I don't think I can do that
is it laminate, engineered hardwood, or full on hardwood?
It's laminate with some kind of board in it
@bertieb you can bake salt to dry it out
From Howdens, if that means anything to anyone
@Burgi Bake salt?
sticking it in the oven
yeah on a low heat
chipboard @bertieb?
warning, salt can get incredibly hot and remain 'normal' looking
@djsmiley2k Oh gosh I hope not, that stuff does terribly with moistuire
@JourneymanGeek veeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry carefully
Ah right gotcha
Do that in addition to the dehumidifier?
i used to use salt in my old car to soak up the moisture in the air so the seats wouldn't go mouldy
or just chuck the salt after
as heating it in the oven will release moisture into the air again
but really, pulling up the boards is your only chance it seems :/
or use it to grit the path
@Bob I have a VERY small hammer
It's just without being able to lift the floor itself I don't know how I'm going to get the moisture out from there
I mean, I could get them up
I just couldn't get them down again
i'm not an expert :/
yeah i hear you :/
If you have boards up for longer than four hours, seek medical attention...
I see it as: get htem up, pay someone to put them down
or leave them, they soak up all the water inthe underlay, replace entire floor anyway
Going to have another look as mug of tea has nearly run out
if it's localised at all, try and make a 'border' where you stop the water moving into the dry areas
Makes sense what you're saying
tbh it wasn't aboslutely terrible what was left at wifes old house
just felt rough underfoot
but you really don't want it going mouldy underneath
Exactly ^
This is a relatively new kitchen as well (maybe a couple years old at most)
Let's see
I'm worried about how i'm meant to drain the dishwasher
the water is at the bottom, and it's sat on the floor
i need a pump to suck it out? XD
i know it is grim but you could siphon it
@djsmiley2k ...Cat litter?
and 2.1 just picked up a hairy dummy
put it in his mouth, went 'blurrrrrrrrrrrr'
@bertieb i don't think that's going to hlp the pump tho ;)
get him to siphon it!
that's an accurate description of a cat...
@Burgi i may have to, but I'm unsure how to syphon it when I've got nothing 'lower' for it to go to
I'm going to have to drag it half way around the house, so it's near the patio doors
so i can get it to run outside
really not what I want to be doing when i feel like death!
i thought siphoning worked against gravity?
only if the outlet end is lower
I've got my fish tank syphons, but still need somewhere for it to go to
@djsmiley2k borrow/rent a wet and dry shop vac?
@JourneymanGeek it looks like maybe a litre or two of water
it's just.... annoying shaped pipes etc to get it out
hmmmmmm place your bets on if 2.1 will go to sleep today at 10 like he did yesterday :<
and now he's confused as I just told him off for playing with a plug socket.
@djsmiley2k There must be some way of protecting against that
@bertieb lol we have the plug things he can't get out
but still needs to learn he shoudn't play anyway
@bertieb yet another way the british socket is superior.
It dosen't look like a rabbit.
Ha :P
I'm pretty sure this BIOS update only works when burnt to a optical disc... D:
/me invents a way to use tftp on your phone to update bioses
I wonder if my IODD would work in those situations ;p
Imitation Optical Disc Drive?
iodd.kr/wordpress drives that load disk images as emulated physical disks
I spoke to the builder who put the kitchen and the floor in. He is... not optimistic about my chances of being able to lift the floor :P
the fracking sonos app is broken again
isn't that a good thing?
no it means i can't turn them down
@bertieb ah, glued ? :/
i fell asleep
aren't yuou in work?
lol no, i'm ill at home
wife told me daughters class was 45 minutes, in my head i translated that to taking til 11:30am, so when i woke up on the sofa hearing banging, i first thought 2.1 had escaped his cot and some how got down stairs, then I thought i'd not closed the front door earlier... (as I'm ill it wouldn't b e that supprising)....
then 2.0 walks in xD
@Bob yeah, though I do want to update it so (1) it's not using all the RAM on my system and (2) to mitigate Spectre
@allquixotic o.O is it leaking?

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