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My Nexus 9 tablet's been patched against BlueBorne. The OnePlus 3T's still awaiting the next LineageOS build in a couple of days.
who is the better artist? Michelangelo or Da Vinci?
[Potential trigger warning] What. is. it. with. this. world. imgur.com/gallery/atLbo
i think its fake
@rahuldottech Regardless of whether this is true, tragedies like this are not implausible. This is why DUI penalties are so severe here in NY.
oh look. a terribly screenshotted version of the original post
much more readable version in the comments => reddit.com/r/defaultgems/comments/4rah8f/…
...I remember seeing that original post
@rahuldottech woah
here's something happier
In NY, it's called "driving while ability impaired" (DWAI), or "driving while intoxicated" (DWI) for high blood alcohol content (0.08%).
Sand in my everything!
Best app for spam blocking? Your preferred?

- Showcaller - Caller ID & Block
- Hiya - Caller ID & Block
- EyeCon
@bwDraco Can those with panic attacks drive?
@Burgi Coventry system admin says 40k as 25%ile, then suggested job is in Scotland, to only just get that wage
yup, hence me calling bullshit on the wage calculator
@Burgi or maybe you're just being underpaid :D
@Boris_yo I'm honestly not sure. That might result in a restriction on the license, but would otherwise be allowed to drive.
@Bob i've looked at similar jobs across the city and i'm not being as underpaid as SE suggests
@Boris_yo Spam calls or texts?
i think SE automatically add in Silicon Valley Tax
Here in the US on T-Mobile, we have a feature called Scam ID. It works at the network level to identify calls from scammers, and transmits a caller ID of "Scam Likely" if so identified. No app is required. explore.t-mobile.com/callprotection
i know that london wages are hyper inflated because london
(we used to get credit card debt/car loan reduction scam calls while we were on AT&T, though not excessively often)
Hi y'all. - Was looking for a timer capable outlet, then thought why not go full smart house --- I'm a JavaScript developer, what system is going to be the easiest to get into in case I ever want to develop something for the smart system I end up buying?
i wonder if SE filtered out those london based jobs if the wages would skew towards the real world
@Julix you might have better luck over at Internet of Things or their chat
but that might be too open-ended of a question
##/learn obeytheschnauzer <>https://i.sstatic.net/RywyD.jpg
@bwDraco Command obeytheschnauzer learned
@bwDraco y'know at some point we'll probably get cavil back up and these will be lost in the aether? :P
I also don't make a habit of deleting bot commands, tbh
@Bob thus asked in chat - didn't realize there was a site for it, awesome! thanks :)
the transcript is a good history log for "who added this" or "what was the original command?"
@bwDraco Command export does not exist.
@bwDraco help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, quote, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, 65wat, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, ahhfire, apumpkin, areyoukidding, baaaaat, bababababat, bankey, baroo, bearhello, beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific, biird, boberror
brainf__k, bunny, caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, caaaaaaaaaaaaa
Alright, just checked their chat is currently empty. Anyone here familiar with the differences between the Amazon thingy (Alexa was it?) and Siri and Google Assistant? Any other ones I should look into?
@Julix I don't think anyone here is big on home automation. Could be wrong, though :P
@Julix In a general sense, the difference is the company that makes them, and therefore the ecosystem.
I suspect allq and Cat should be able to migrate the bot configuration once Cavil is back online.
@Bob lmao
cavil's effectively waiting for me to stop being lazy :P
fracking cylon
you're free to try if you want
I've got the last attempt backed up on b2
I think i left off with chrome almost working but not supporting a couple crucial commands (disable websecurity) in headless mode
and firefox working but crashing every ~4 hours in headless mode
hm. probably should try firefox again, that was early days of headless support
I might try something tomorrow, idk. Just in case... @JourneymanGeek could you unfreeze chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/40974/bot-overflow at some point?
that said... g'night
@Bob wait
Why... does it need to be headless?
@rahuldottech because quix doesn't want to run xvfb :P
Okay, urgent adult advice needed
@Burgi Cisco offer 200% of my current wage, because London wages
also cavil's as much a technology experiment as anything else
Uhm... how the hell do you get someone out of being suicidal when they're on the edge of jumping off of a building?
> "...because mum said something that hurt a hell lot, to the extent that I was standing on the balcony and wondering whether to jump or not. Okay?"
@rahuldottech literally on the edge?
@Bob yes
said friend has a truly messed up family
offer an ear, try to get them to talk, maybe offer them a cup of tea. hope for the best.
I'd call her mom and ask her to sort their stuff out but that's not likely to help
remind them that you care about them
Friend went offline. Isn't picking phone up. I'm worried to death.
@Bob I did, they're offline.
call police to physically intervene if necessary
@Bob India, man
...can't say I've got any personal experience
@Bob that makes sense, thanks :)
@bwDraco how much do they charge to not be flagged?
@djsmiley2k That's not how it works.
Don't be such a cynic.
Having worked for a Telco I know how easy it is to fake/change ddi, and I know how money grabbing the major telcos are
Okay, stuff is better now
Although I think something needs to be done about this mess before it reaches a point from where they cannot come back
> I wouldn't have minded to attempt this "if we're still single by (age)" pact because I'm now looking for "the one". But to make that commitment when so young, I honestly don't know if I could commit. Like, what if she uses spaces, and not tabs when coding. OMG
Oh crap. That reminds me. My girlfriend probably uses spaces while coding. Shit, gonna have to sort this out.
@rahuldottech wat.
@djsmiley2k hm?
@djsmiley2k spaces instead of tabs
Yeah, get perspective
@bwDraco SPAM calls are what I am concerned about.
Also I wasn't looking for anyone when I met my wife, people rarely are
@djsmiley2k it's a joke
@djsmiley2k That guy is 30 years old, it's from a reddit thread
K. Wasn't funny lol
@djsmiley2k -_-
Yey chat on the tablet instead of my phone
Hey peeps
Sup @Mokubai
I'm covered in sand. I keep finding it in my hair, pockets, other places
Uhhh. Maybe you need not take the beach with you?
Why are you putting sand in your pockets?
And other places!??!
The hair won't let you transfer a lot of sand either, seems inefficient.
The weird thing is I didn't even wear these jeans to the beach!
So someone is filling your jeans and hair with sand while you aren't looking?
'someone' possibly being my kids...
2.1 is walking short distances solo now too which is fun
Bungee cords, that's all you need.
, that'd increase the fun sure
He's currently trying to give his shoe to people in the tv
Mmmkay. My book says I'm supposed to call that "adorable"?
@djsmiley2k Anyway, not seen you streaming much lately... How did the FFXV go?
@Mokubai 😎 finished it up,
Got other RPGs to go back to tho!
@djsmiley2k Any good ones?
Is FFXV worth playing?
I got through FFVII and then after that found 8, 10, 11 and 13 all slightly disappointing.
T-Mobile prioritization soft cap going up to 50 GB: newsroom.t-mobile.com/news-and-blogs/…
Everyone else is sitting at 22-23 GB.
@bwDraco Cool story bro
@Mokubai I'm waiting for Astaroth.
@bwDraco I'm waiting for the awakening of the Old Gods
I assume you know what I mean.
Look, I really want to build that desktop. I'm just waiting for the green light.
I know all that happens within the void
@Mokubai depends why you didn't like the others. The combat is kinda terrible but fun, the story is pure wtf is going on...
But I enjoyed it and there's no time wasting grinding required
@djsmiley2k 13 has way too much timewasting before the open world, and some of the learning curves are insane. It's like the fights go "easy, super easy, hard, laughably easy, insane, easy, how tf am I supposed to beat this"
@bwDraco Just bite the bullet and get yourself an Intel/Nvidia rig, the souls of you future children will thank you
@Mokubai Explain?
Do you want to support the winner that has all the performance, or do you just want to support the underdog?
@Mokubai Look, AMD's disadvantage is not a huge one.
I've already evaluated the options closely.
I realize the upcoming 6C/12T Coffee Lake might be better but the Socket AM4 platform is probably going to be supported for longer.
Besides, this is not purely for gaming.
FWIW, I'm not getting a Vega card. I'm sticking with NVIDIA for graphics.
At 1440p, the CPU is generally not the bottleneck.
Less talk, more play.
"It's in the game" as one of them used to say.
What is cat/dog/qasdfdsaq calling himself these days?
@Mokubai Circus Cat
Cheers :)
@CircusCat Did you decide to get a Note8 in the end?
@Mokubai yup, it was a throw back to the old (pre-ffvii) in the fact that there's a specific way to fight most enemy's which most of the other games have left out... But yes I ended up googling how to defeat some...
@Mokubai EA Games
Also get a console. No stress.
@djsmiley2k Yeah, I spent about 20 minutes with it sswimming in my head before I realised
@djsmiley2k why not both?
When I PC gamed I'd see people spend 99% of their time trying to have the best rig for gaming, and forget to actually game...
Sure you can do both if you've got funds. (I don't, and I run Linux)
Which translates as I'm lazy lol
@djsmiley2k I upgrade like once every 5 years, with some minor upgrades in between. It's all about the games for me
@Bob So it finally got over whatever was hitching it at 99.97% and now it's at 99.98%!
@djsmiley2k I upgrade like once every 3 years (or 2 if I am noticing serious performance issues in a game I'm playing), and I focus on the gaming rather than squeezing every ounce of performance out of my system
@djsmiley2k They had a significant breach recently.
Account password reset emails flying out left and right.
my pattern has been: buy the flagship NVIDIA card (non-Ti) with every major generation; buy the flagship mainstream Intel CPU (the one with the "K") every ~3 generations (definitely after a major new architecture that adds huge performance); slot as much RAM as my mobo will slot; buy the biggest HDDs and SSDs on the market and run them in tiered storage mode
for like 3.5 years I had a 3770K, 32GB of RAM, 4 x 4 TB HDD, and over that time upgraded from 1 x Radeon HD7970 to 2 x Radeon R9 280X (one of them the original HD7970, but rebranded in software via a firmware upgrade), then to a GTX 980
then got a 6700K, 64GB of RAM, 2 x 8 TB HDD, 2 x 1 TB SSD, and a GTX 1080, which is where I stand now
not planning to change the current build until 2019 at the earliest
also no overclocking, and I buy RAM at stock speeds
systems run very stable and not too hot
Planning to go Ryzen 7 1800X and GTX 1080 Ti.
The emphasis is on performance for both gaming and workstation workloads; storage capacity plays second fiddle.
32 GB of RAM is planned.
(my main laptop has 24 GB)
I don't need many TBs of storage. I'd tend to prefer 1-2 TB of fast storage over 10+ TB of storage. Better off backing up and offloading to external drives.
I have 2tb in my server, 200gb in my desktop
I couldn't even tell you what he card but it's a few years old.
I need to pay off my credit card and then fix the house finances before even thinking about that stuff.... No idea how to achieve that
ATM I'm paying off about 150-180 on the card, Amazon purchases put 30-40 on a month tho :/
@djsmiley2k Just remember to pay off high-interest debt first. Save at least a few percent of what you earn so you have a reserve for emergencies.
I ideally need someone to show me how to get a better deal ATM.
@bwDraco yup hence paying the credit card.
Avoid racking up too much on the card. Not only do you wind up paying more interest, high credit utilization hurts your credit score.
Lol... Try having 2 kids
You're the only earner in your family?
Wife is part time
Doesn't make sense for her to do more hours as they all just end up paying for childcare
Ok, seems I can be pretty sure of getting a 0% transfer card
I should really do this and close my current one
Once I'm back from holiday that's next up then
And changing the sensor on my car
@djsmiley2k /r/personalfinance
I always get a good sense of Spreadsheet envy when I check out that subreddit.
Yeah nod. I just went on money saving expert
I'm not sure what exactly they can do for me tho...
By that I mean the sites you both linked.
Other than spend less, save more
Understanding where the money goes is a big step.
Ohh I know where lol.
I spend 'a lot' on food and stuff when I'm at work for example (£60/mo~)
But that looks literally is making me feel better about life lol
If there was a good uk service that's show my wife why she has no money that'd be great lol
I really don't want to do the whole spread sheet thing manually
@MichaelFrank the UK one appears to be people asking questions about mortgages which they should really be asking a mortgage advisor...
So I'm kinda lost as to what I'll gain from it?
Pls send help
I use a service called PocketSmith here
It links with my bank account and categorizes all our spending. So we can quickly see just how much I spent on food at work during the month...
where are all our Canadian users?
In Canada?
no lol I want them to sound off and say hi so I can talk to them
Is this a reasonable place to ask a Git question?
> no lol I want them to sound off and say hi so I can talk to them
I'm going to ask. I'm on a project I'm the sole contributor of and I amended a previous commit at some point just to add a message and deleted a tracking branch, I think. I can push the master branch (tracks origin), but not develop (does not track).
Pushing develop says "rejected updates were rejected because the tip... behind remote counterpart". There is nothing to fetch for develop or master.
Trying to overwrite the entire remote repository leads to rejected non-fast-forward
Well, I have learned one thing. You can do anything in Git. But you need to know everything to do it.
Sanity check - I have a question that's a dupe of another question with no answers...
does it make sense to close it?
I cloned my work and reset the branches to the remote branches, then copied over my local files and pushed. I know you were all waiting on the edge of your seats for me to solve my random problem ;)
Someone should tell HP that "maintenance" is not a catch all for having a bad website.
"And then the zombies mobbed so densely that they started undergoing fusion..." — Mike Caron 2 hours ago
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