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@djsmiley2k eh. Just use edge, emulate an iPad, grab the iso
Hi,@fixer1234,can you,please,take a look to my new question - Windows 10 - Update error - and tell me what do you thing about it? Thank you
@JourneymanGeek "emulate an iPad"? o.O
Yup, the Edge dev tools pane has an Emulation tab that you can use to emulate a variety of things in various aspects
Pretty sure Chrome has a similar feature too
@BenN I mean... why would you want to emulate an iPad?
I suspect the thinking is that the MCT download page will present an ISO download rather than the MCT download to platforms that couldn't possibly run the MCT
I have not tested this though
@BenN yes, this
@Bob what ben said
There is a direct ISO download link, y'know?
Ah wait, that was insiders. Hm.
Yea, the direct ISO link is only presented on non-Windows devices.
@fixer1234,thank you.You are always kind.Have you any idea about this problem?
@ubu16, Good to hear from you. Things have been crazy and I've barely had a chance to visit the site for the past week. By coincidence, I happened to spot you as the last RA poster on the general chat page, dropped in, and saw your message. What are the odds? I never got an alert for some reason (got one for the second post).
I generally now use Windows just to occasionally print coupons for my wife, and have specifically avoided Win 10. So I can't really help with a solution. But the minor polish will bump the question on a holiday weekend in the US and maybe help attract attention. :-)
@Bob the link will direct you to the mdt.
I find Rufus more reliable sooooo
@JourneymanGeek Rufus creates an unecessarily restrictive environment.
MCT creates a nice BIOS+EFI disk.
Rufus can't do that.
@NickAlexeev but it has a good answer, and it would need a great deal of work, but that's unlikely to be done by the author, and in this case the problem is a EE problem not a computer question because of the custom setup they were attempting
@fixer1234,good to hear from you,for me too.I have to wait and hope to find a solution.Now,sorry,you know,it's very late for me.I hope to hear from you in the next days.Have a good night
@Ramhound EE.SE is for electrical and electronics design questions. Making a custom setup for a PC and wanting a longer wire doesn't qualify as design. That's how we drew the boundary for EE.SE . As for the answers, they wouldn't be lost if the question were migrated.
@NickAlexeev Remove the PC and what does that question have?
It's a question about why a DIY F-F HDMI extension isn't functioning as expected.
Trump vs. Mayweather PPV
@NickAlexeev I am sorry, I disagree, I have taken EE courses this is a classic EE problem because of the adapter being created. If the question requires additional information to be well accepted tab EESE then strive to get that information from the author but don't throw it to us. How you design a HDMI switch controller isn't a Superuser issue the underline problem has nothing to do with a PC.
@MichaelFrank The bar at EE.SE is set higher than that.
2 hours later…
ugh, I think I am about to have a mental breakdown
I'm far too disconnected from my emotional side because I've been up against deadlines for so long
@MarijuanaTechnologyIT420 lol
@allquixotic Seems like burnout is coming?
1 hour later…
2 days
@allquixotic :(
2 days?
2 days
2 days!
@JourneymanGeek did you get a job elsewhere?
@rahuldottech not yet
@NickAlexeev I can summerise for you 'Don't migrate crap'
@JourneymanGeek oh ok. Best of luck
@MarijuanaTechnologyIT420 you just dropped into the room to share political memes...?
@allquixotic :/
SE chat doesn't exactly welcome political stuff unless otherwise specified
some sites allow it, some have separate rooms for politics etc
we welcome relevant [and|or] interesting chat. Politics rarely falls into either of those buckets.
But these are not political talks. It's funny political memes...
I don't find them funny though.
@Boris_yo I don't see how djt with a wrestler saying random stuff can be funny
or how just djt standing stuff next to someone (kanye?) doing his "WRONG" thing can be funny
@Avery Random stuff? Trump is conflicting with himself, talking opposite of what he meant.
if that's the case then the post includes racism and again, doesn't belong here
Conflicting hypocricy...
I guess so.
But I thought posts in a form of text from members are not tolerated. The poster did not said what is depicted on image so he's not within violation.
ok whatever what about the second one
like I can partly see what's the thing in first one but not in second one
they are trying to weasel out of my refund
morning btw
The second image. They just replaced McGregor with Trump. I just think it looks funny that over-confident Trump would argue with Mayweather about something outside of politics...
@Boris_yo ....
'be nice' doesn't mean 'be nice when typing text but you can put whatever you like in images'
Yeah, but usually what is put in text is intended towards other member which can start fire. With someone posting a meme for everyone, nobody is hurt as that member does not mean to provoke anyone.
@Boris_yo ... that's a very thin line
Imagine the image 'KILLING IS GOOD'
Depends on context and intention.
It's not aimed at anyone
it's still offensive
@Burgi fite em!¬
We are talking about text from members towards other members versus someone randomly posting image/meme.
That's a thin line?
@djsmiley2k i am
it's like a thick line but stretched out over a vast distance.
Anyone took this type of character test? 16personalities.com
It's pretty accurate.
@Boris_yo I did
@Boris_yo imagine it was a "Free Palestine" image
@Burgi That would be uncool...
@Boris_yo lol
reduce 16 to 12
@Avery Was it accurate for you? What type are you?
oh look, it's 'accurate' star signs
@Boris_yo that is @djsmiley2k point
I'm introverted mess.
@Boris_yo I'm INTP/INTJ -T
T is, I can't remmeber... .?
@djsmiley2k What is 16 and 12?
16 is what you linked, 12 is the number of star signs
16 personality thing is actually not random so
@Avery I am an advocate. INFJ-A / INFJ-T
it actually asks you questions and judges on based on that
Please note that this is a shared hosting platform so there might be a high load on the server which can cause a slow response time which might also cause external software like these to lose connection to our servers even if the website is still up and running. This is the reason why we can't rely on third party software, however if you provide us with a ticket reference number where actions have been taken on the matter, we'll review your case and I can further consult with my senior colleagues.
star signs are completely random
@djsmiley2k Ah okay. You took the test?
born on redacted? you're now redacted.
cheeky buggers
@Boris_yo not yet, but I've done previous tests
I know my own personality well, due to a large amount of introspection.
@Boris_yo I remember him having same results as me
my INTP/INTJ results were a couple months ago
I'm INTJ/INTP too, yes.
my personality and everything is a mess lately
I should try again but 3lazy.
but I'm a mess, physochologists hate me, 10 reasons why! #8 will shock you!
@Avery I think my personality personality borders on another personality.
@djsmiley2k Introspection = working on yourself?
@Boris_yo understanding yourself is likely a better way of explaining it.
i wish i was playing KSP
@djsmiley2k You gain that insight based on past experiences, decisions and based on your behavior in situations?
I don't like KSP
well, both prev and current owners are terribad
the ones before paid like 300usd/mo to devs or smth to devs and committed tax fraud etc
@Avery What do you mean star signs are random? There was no mention of star sign on test results.
Hey, superguys.
now taketwo bought them.
and I REALLY dislike ttwo
Quick poll: System Center for a small business; yes or no?
5 mins ago, by djsmiley2k
oh look, it's 'accurate' star signs
I was mostly talking about this
@Avery that looks very much like disgruntled employees
i can't find a legitimate, trusted source
@Burgi yes well, they were based in mexico city iirc
which has cheaper cost of life than US
but they still paid very low by average
comments talk about most of it
but not squad themselves
that'd be quite illegal
@Boris_yo anything that puts people into boxes is going to come out 'accurate' to a certain percentage of people.
@djsmiley2k Law of averages?
you need to take what disgruntled employees say with a large amount of salt
Advocates are only 1% as they claim. Of course there will always be someone that matches description.
@Burgi O.o What was the original metaphor that you have distorted into this?
@FleetCommand "pinch of salt"
You do realize that the object of metaphor here is "pinch" or "grain" not "salt", right?
salt is bitter
normally a pinch is a small amount
but in cases where emotions distort the truth you need a larger amount of salt
"(With) a grain of salt", (or "a pinch of salt") is an idiom of the English language, which means to view something with skepticism or not to interpret something literally. == History == Hypotheses of the phrase's origin include Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia, regarding the discovery of a recipe for an antidote to a poison. In the antidote, one of the ingredients was a grain of salt. Threats involving the poison were thus to be taken "with a grain of salt", and therefore less seriously. The Latin phrase cum grano salis ("with a grain of salt") is not what Pliny wrote. It is construc...
salt is the object of the metaphor
I'm with @Burgi on this.
Not sure why you think the 'pinch' matters -- the fact is a person who's left a company maybe 'bitter' about it, and therefore say things which aren't exactly the truth, or blown out of proportion.
@Burgi: Salt is not bitter; it is salty. Also, it is a taste modifier and sometimes an antidote too. In that capacity, you never consume an amount of it that counts as main food.
The metaphor is still valid if you replace "salt" with "pepper" or other seasonings.
Although, it won't be an idiot if you do that.
a pinch of pepper?
it's still valid if you said 'a metric fu&kton of salt' too
infact, it makes even MORE sense
@djsmiley2k Oh, please. What do you Japs know about English? ;)
regardless, raw salt leaves a nasty taste in the mouth
@FleetCommand Not sure what you mean by this?
NVM. That means my joke wasn't a good one.
Moving on...
Okay, let's see: What's the way to socialize with these people? Hmm... Burgi likes it when my sentences has a reference to a girl or girl-related stuff...
Alright. It is worth a try. @Burgi, considering that the world consists of girls too, would you say System Center is suitable for a small business?
are you on glue today? ;)
Alright, let's forget about girls. System Center: Good for small businesses or no?
Hmm... No one has any idea?
How small?
500 employees, 30 PCs, 5 laptops, the reminder are robots on a different dedicated network of their own.
Is there a current system? Is the financially worth it?
Currently there is a Windows Server domain. The financial worth is part of the question.
Typo alert: I wrote 500 employees. I meant 50.
500 is actually the minimum number for a full-fledged Enterprise (the largest type of business.)
is system centre like the old SBS?
@Burgi Do you by any chance mean"the old SMS"? SBS is Small Business Server. SMS is System Management Server, the precursor to System Center.
To be honest, I don't know whether any of the old copies of SBS had SMS in them.
Was going to say, how do 500 employees make use of 30 PC's ;) -- Was thinking you were running a shop or something.
Must have tapped "0" a millisecond longer than needed to write "0" and it became "00".
@FleetCommand I try very hard but... :P
Fine. Since no one has any hands-on experience, let's forget System Center (which is more on topic) and talk about girls (which is off topic).
... or about dictators.
Female Dictators?
I think last time I said this, someone brought up Catherine the Great, and possibly Joan of Arc?
@djsmiley2k bodacia?
@djsmiley2k Joan of Arc? She is not even in the same neighborhood as a dictator. She did serve under one though, who betrayed her and let her be burnt.
hmmm @FleetCommand I'm not that hot on my history, just know someone mentioned her... I think i questioned it too
Age of Empires II depicts the treason with a bit of dark humor: The king reinforcement ship arrives. From it, emerge one single foot soldier of the most basic type (club-wielding caveman) and one single rider of the most basic type.
Then, a voice (I assume the captain of the ship) says "That's all the king could afford to send."
@FleetCommand ;D
i'm stuck on that campagin
Really? That's like the easiest campaign of the original AoE2.
i tend to turtle up
So do I.
In Barbarossa campaign, on Easy mode, I turtled up in one mission so perfectly that not until I played it on hard did I realized that I was supposed to be evicted from that position!?
i thought the william wallace was the easy campagin
Oh, that. Sorry. Out of habit, I don't count tutorials part of the campaign.
Most games that I played separate tutorial from campaigns.
@FleetCommand this is where i got stuck: ageofempires.wikia.com/wiki/A_Perfect_Martyr
now I wanna play :O
Didn't they recently remaster it?
@JourneymanGeek It has so far been remastered several times over! Another remaster is also planned!
> When I was a kid my parents used to tell me, "Emo, don't go near the cellar door!"
One day when they were away, I went up to the cellar door. And I pushed it and walked through and saw strange, wonderful things, things I had never seen before, like... trees. Grass. Flowers. The sun... that was nice... the sun..
@Burgi That mission is L.O.N.G. You also have to get rid of Burgundy fast. They are trouble.
wow way to go killin the convo :/
there was a german mission that is rock solid too
it could be that i am just crap at AOE2
@djsmiley2k ?
i was trying to understand our messed crazy timesheet system, hence why i went quiet
anyone got something i can read at work
or some idler game i can play in a browser
@Burgi ah the jpoys
mini metro is a nice casual game
they have a free unity demo on their site dinopoloclub.com/minimetro
its on steam too
that's pretty funky.
anyway lunch time.
youtube have removed the subscriptions link off the front page
they really are trying to kill it o_O
I'm supprised
@djsmiley2k whut?
I see it fine
as subscriptions keep people coming back
tho I'm using the beta theme
no 'subscriptions' or 'trending' or whatever the first one was which I've forgotten...
You've got to go into the menu now to find it
hamburger menu?
ah, mine's always open
@JourneymanGeek yep
Mine isn't. I don't apply anything weird to youtube
I just run the beta theme, and black
I'm not sure what I run
ah, it's per browser, right
: :
: :
@rahuldottech any news on your braille project?
get it on hackaday already!!
@djsmiley2k I couldn't get the funds man
And I have exams right now
I'll do it later
But looks like I'm going to miss the deadline for the competition
get the code done.
the hackaday one?
or another one?
@djsmiley2k Yeah hackaday one
oh right
@djsmiley2k I need to be experiment with the circuit board to do that
well they do it yearly I think
you know things are bad when putin is talking sense
@Burgi huh?
It's weird. Putin may save us all o_O
this months psn games really don't interest me :/
In other news, i reconfigured a switch and fixed the monitoring for it \o/
I think I am the only person who made it that far on Facebook searching people that it's Chrome tab takes over 1.6GB of RAM:
Facebook was not made for people search!
My SSD will start complaining soon...
Scrolling is slightly intermittent currently but slowly becomes more delayed.
how far down are you searching?!!?!
I just search for someone as their name is on a box that was with a load of rubbish dumped in the village.
is superuser a good fit for a question about adding a default gateway to a network switch....
/me ponders
meh i asked it on network engineering :/
Q: If I configure a default route for a switch, will it override the routing of the existing traffic?

djsmiley2kIn this instance it's a Extreme managed switch, but I guess this would apply on others too. Basically, I noticed we couldn't ping the switch, and eventually found this was down to the fact the switch itself didn't know where to route the packets in responding to the ping request. Now I've add a...

It's good on both.
But on Network Engineering you might get detailed answers.
@djsmiley2k Very far down. At least 40 minutes worth...
@Boris_yo are you searching for the lady who was emailing?
I need a software that would pull that data in a less CPU and memory intensive output.
@Boris_yo yeah, just that site seems rather quite.
@djsmiley2k Yeah. I was once successful at finding the other lady. I am pretty determined at that.
@Boris_yo wget + extra bits and peices
@Boris_yo I'd suggest she doesn't exist...
I thought I would save her profile for future and when I visit again, maybe I would be able to resume conversation, provided she will stay single...
@djsmiley2k Tried that but all it does is create new tab, inputs name and searches.
dude, let the girl go, she's not interested
It just eases configuration of filters before you search. You still search on Facebook.
Hello to all!
@Burgi Got emotionally attached. Need to resist...
hi @PaulVargas
My phone inexplicably died last night - there was no battery information (an application may have just decided to lock up and hog the CPU).
@bwDraco App burned your CPU?
> Coventry kids are admitted to hospital after an accident 173 times per 10,000 youngsters on average. That compared to the English average of 104 per 10,000.
I'm in a weird mood, so I probably need to fix some formatting and stuff
Also, please point out typos if you find any
@rahuldottech agree
but it's the hot thing right now
give it a year or two and it'll be something else
the fact is, schools/education don't teach anyone how to use a computer at all
and we jumped from that to 'everyone needs to program!'
they missed the bit where you don't need to be a mechanic, to drive a car.
@djsmiley2k Programming is in huge demand today.
Sometimes I wonder if I should have dedicated time to coding in my school days instead of playing video games.
everyone needs network engineers to connect things
Everyone needs electricians to power connected things. Those that take care of power plants and power grid etc.
Everyone needs coal / gas miners to power power plants.
One builds on another...
Singularity has started.
Everything is in place to invent complex things at increasing speed.
@djsmiley2k but knowing how the basic functions lets you do simple maintenance
@Burgi What're your thoughts on it?
@Burgi basic functions isn't the same as building an engine tho
'empty your recycle bin' 'don't respond to spam' 'don't put your username and password into random sites'
'change your oil every 10,000 miles' ' check your tyres for wear' 'don't drive with no headlight bulbs'
'learn how tobuild a car and make sure you know how to refine your own petrol'
'write a os and then setup a github repo for it'
Phone went from 0 to 80% in less than 45 minutes on the Dash Charger.
Apr 7 at 20:48, by bwDraco
Ysmir's beard, Dash Charge is F-A-S-T!
@bwDraco nod, that's how fast my phone is too
I just use the charger it came with it....
I tend to prefer not using fast chargers because they're harder on the battery, but I do have to leave home for a photo assignment in a couple of hours...
(in fact, with root, I found a way to control charging speed on normal USB chargers, letting me go from <300 mA to >1.5 A in 100 mA increments)
that's cool
Purchased five months ago, 64 GB in Soft Gold. A few dings on the chassis from a couple of hard drops, but nothing serious; this thing is remarkably well-built. (I sometimes take it out of the case to help it run cooler but would generally not do this outside of home.)

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