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@ThatREDACTEDGuy,thank you for the information.Can I attach a files?
Oh @Bob they've also "improved" the disabling of fast-charge with screen on in a recent update... instead of dropping the input power to 6W at whatever voltage it was before, it now explicitly reduces the input voltage to 5v 1A (instead of either 5v 1.2A or 9v 0.67A)
And you can't use the notification menu during the initial setup anymore
Go Samsung... GDIAF
Mar 6 '13 at 14:31, by Bob
go away Apple
In Bizarro World, the Root Access denizens get their wish. In other news, $(FOO_NEW_SHINY_APP) is now available for the industry standard LG Android phones as well as the Microsoft Surface Phone (50/50 market share split).
Also in Bizarro World, the LG G6 experiences fatal battery issues prompting a recall.
@ubu16 That's... that's literally the only thing the site does.
@djsmiley2k Oh c'mon, haven't you heard of mashups?
Batman, Superman, Spider-man, a Power Ranger, Shrek and... a car! Together, they are... SENSE OF RIGHT ALLIANCE!
That's quite the team...
##tell 39839055 wat
@MarijuanaTechnologyIT420 eh, "911" - if anyone was dumb enough to try that....
You know someone is a "problem child" when they are party to a "Discussion between x and Ramhound" lol
I over-engineered renaming 4 workstations this morning.
@MichaelFrank SHOW MEH
I can't, it's gone...
@allquixotic coax cable... ethernet?
@ThatREDACTEDGuy,can you ,please,explain to me,how to attach a file to a question?
@ubu16 you can't
@ubu16 You can't
also use of the walken comma isn't recommended here
Walken comma? I was thinking more like the guy in the wheelchair from Malcolm in the Middle...
I used the phrase "Medical Dummy Dump" on one of my handover emails
@Bob my OP3 was marked as a 5 dollar phone case ;p
@JourneymanGeek Oh.. you mean on the shipping manifest?
@ThatREDACTEDGuy from cars... tho "rust-eze" ...
@MichaelFrank yup
I thought you found it in the store like that.
@CircusCat oh ffs
...wait. @CircusCat new phone?
@allquixotic In Bizarro World LG phones actually last longer than a year.
@MichaelFrank naw
I'm having a problem with ncurses-based applications not displaying box-drawing and line-drawing characters correctly in the default xterm-256color mode. It used to work fine but a system update broke it. Setting TERM to screen-256color works, but I don't want to do that (and it breaks colors in Emacs). How do I fix this?
@Bob Yup. My Nexus 5X died like this.
screen-256color on left, xterm-256color on right. What gives?
@bwDraco menus look better on left
right has some broken parts
I know. The question is why?
looks like a question for unixlinux.se
@bwDraco Take a look in /usr/share/terminfo
brb, shower.
Wait what? 1911 calls emergency?
ya, I was trying to be funny and posted something that I shouldn't have I suppose.
When you have a username like mine, trigger fingers seem to get happy j/k
cannabis is good
I could use some recreational drugs right now
@Bob Insurance replaced my exploded one
I got a kick when I realized what rowhammer can do; that is, break out of a CPU simulator and attack the kernel of the real OS
actually IDK why I want recreational drugs atm
@MarijuanaTechnologyIT420 Tip: it's probably inadvisable to denigrate opposing political groups - relevant MSE
@rahuldottech mostly agreed, but check out the stuff pointed out here
that's my post on topic that I made a while ago
I was just joking but I'll to remove
(please don't dig in my post history there's some weirdo stuff there)
Maybe too late for me to delete.... Maybe I'll get banned for it!!
I got it
cool, where do I learn to do that?
Late deletion is a mod ability :)
you don't get banned for stuff that easily
what's more likely is just a flag and a 30 min timeout
but yeah arguably that can be seen as a ban
Ya, that's what just happened to me before I hopped back on!!
I'm pretty sure if you want a ban you can get it easily enough.
Anyway, I can appreciate wanting to expose everyone to some programming, but I think it's safe to say that not everyone is cut out for a career in software development
Everyone has different skills and interests, and that's wonderful :D
@Joshua yes
@BenN exactly
@MarijuanaTechnologyIT420 That's another issue, but I'm disinclined to censor your username absent complaints and CM intervention
I literally have one rule here - be nice. That sorta trolling is ... not nice. (also that image disturbing)
LOL... that image was as disturbing as the weird looking lady with "wat" with no teeth so that's where I got the idea from and posted right beneath. The difference is that pic is of a white lady and the other was of an Indian guy that at least still had teeth just not the cleanest—nasty teeth and big eyes can certainly be disturbing to some indeed.
I gotcha though—Understood, I'll behave better and watch my P's and Q's
eh, you wouldn't get suspended for the image
ya, I figured that just wasn't sure why it was removed and not the other one but it's a matter of arbitrary discretion upon those with such powers and I respect that.
I'm not fond of the other image either @CircusCat ;p
@MarijuanaTechnologyIT420 one's distasteful The other is creepy as heck and distasteful.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy well that's lightning mcqueen which is like a huge meme (kerchew) and also a pixar character or smth
A bell at 3AM is disturbing
certain images should not exist
I'm satisfied regardless and respect it—I hardly get offended and especially by written words of people behind a computer screen let alone looking at someone in their eyes face to face in a meeting or an uncomfortable confrontation.
It's about other's and what their limits are and what they may feel so I still need to work on that in this environment.
I'm really happy that you understand that
Thank you sir!!
I'm not a sir
don't worry
Thanks beautiful woman!!
OK that's better :P
I was worried you'd say you aren't beautiful too.... J/K
In the navy they call both genders Mister for some reason.
well I'm not really beautiful but hey whatever
@JourneymanGeek Wat you @'ing me for, it's not my image
##info wat
@CircusCat Command wat, created by allquixotic on Wed, 03 Sep 2014 15:09:40 GMT
##trout @allquixotic
slaps @allquixotic around a bit with a large trout!
Not sure what to do about this non-waterproof-but-otherwise-shiny-and-new-Galaxy S7,
Contemplating sending it back to insurance, sending it off for Samsung warranty or trying to fix it myself
Or sell it on Ebay and buy a dual-sim model
Round about the time Samsung finally fixed their phones to not require a restart after a SIM change, Sony (who makes my secondary phone) introduced the need to restart THREE TIMES to change SIM
reboot: to put on overboots
@CircusCat ...how on earth is a new one not waterproof?
@CircusCat lol, my X Perf only restarts once
Samsung needs a pin to take out the tray though
Sony's one just pulls out
@Bob Defective glue between screen and chassis. Or a botched job fitting it
@Bob woohoo an upgrade on my Z5C! Which was a downgrade from my Z3C which only restarted twice
And yeah, I much prefer not needing a stupid tool... But I have almost got one in my wallet and do have one on my keychain
At least the Samsung doesn't require a restart, even if they did copy Apple and their requirement for a silly pin
The Sony design is also superior in having separate direct access to the SIM and MicroSD so you don't have to unmount storage every time you want to eject the SIM tray or vice versa.
@CircusCat on a new one? not refurb? -_-
samsung pls
@Bob looks new but is probably a refurb
@CircusCat I thought about doing that, but my keys poke enough holes without adding a pin :P
Mind you the screen glue was coming off my old one before it exploded anyhow
@CircusCat not on the X Perf... I have the dual-SIM model, and the 2nd SIM slot doubles as MicroSD
@Bob I had this little credit card SIM and MicroSD card holder thing that fits in my wallet and came with an ejector pin which I've lost
hm. anyone here heard of Zenni Optical before?
@CircusCat oh, I remember that
@Bob at least you have a second slot, instead of one slot that both go into even on the single SIM model
also, finally went and got that network monitor app.. so, thanks. it's pretty useful.
@CircusCat uhhh... I should rephrase. a second bay on the same tray going into the same slot
Ooh nice. So you rooted it in the end? Or was something else stopping you
just like the S7, though
@CircusCat ...rephrasing again, I mean the thing that shows current up/down in an overlay
Does it show 3xCA data or just 2x? Cause I've only seen screenshots of it displaying 2x data and no space for 3x
@Bob oh
still haven't rooted the Sony phone -_-
Never mind then
I've had that for years... lots of people ask me about it for some reason.
I mean, I'm using it as a glorified hotspot... not much use for root, and I cbf installing updates manually post-root
@CircusCat yea, I dug up the link you posted the last time I asked you :P
But yeah I'm used to a network engineer mindset, I like to constantly see what's going up and down in realtime on all my devices.
@CircusCat if it were ICS (4.0/4.1), I'd just root it and be done with it
@Bob I'm pretty sure someone else posted the link when a different person asked me too.
but then they (google) did that thing where OTA updates don't work after root
which means I need to go manually update now and then and pray it doesn't break
speaking of, I really should update the S7... IIRC it's running on the April update
It's one of those apps that doesn't have effective settings saving via either Google backup or Samsung cloud. So one thing I always do on a new phone is to customize the overlay with some random combination of colours
@CircusCat titanium backup!
@Bob there's ways to get it to work on Samsung now (systemless root) and afaik it used to work on Sony at least until recently
@Bob not rooted this yet, while deciding what to do about the leaky screen.
Ironically my 3 year old Sony has 7.1.1 whereas my one year old Samsung S7 only has 7.0
@CircusCat I'd say warranty, but didn't samsung break the seal last time you did a warranty repair?
@CircusCat yea, heard of that... no idea how stable it is
@Bob That, and the fact it's a non-Samsung refurb might be an issue.
@Bob I've had systemless root the entire time on my S7, by accident to begin with.
It can apparently be unstable if combined with encryption and a custom recovery but is otherwise 100% stable as far as I can see
@CircusCat hm. I might have to look into that
@ubu16 I've already showed you how. Use wetransfer.com, using it is really straightforward.
@djsmiley2k "This should be on-topic for you" is not the same as "Don't migrate crap". So no, you can't summarize. Maybe you'll be able to summarize someday. Don't give up.
If you really need a guide to such a basic task, google "how do I use wetransfer".
What if I need help on how to Google?
1 hour later…
I think this may be a viable military option, and it avoids the issues China has with the US initiating attack. China doesn't want the US military in a unified Korean Peninsula and doesn't want the Kim regime to collapse. Chinese control of North Korea would avoid these issues.
dosen't look like a credible source
Then again, I'm not happy that any sort of military action is becoming necessary.
Yeah, I could not fact-check this one.
Hence the RUMOR prefix.
The possibility cannot be ruled out, though.
I was very skeptical and tried to find other sources, but could not find any.
My gut tells me this may be fake news, but who knows?
The mere idea of a China-led invasion is very intriguing, regardless of whether it actually happens.
Note that China has threatened military action over this sort of nuclear test in the past so they're not above doing that: express.co.uk/news/world/790843/…
I think there will be one final threat against North Korea from China: "Stop working on nuclear weapons or we will take military action against you and shut down your regime."
This is all speculation. We'll see how this plays out over the next several days.
Note that there are indications that North Korea is moving an ICBM: cnn.com/2017/09/05/asia/north-korea-icbm/index.html
@JourneymanGeek lol
After all, North Korea telling the US that there will be "more gift packages" is their way of saying "FUCK YOU" to the United States.
This attitude is what really gets me worried. It's pure hatred directed at the US.
That's why I keep bringing up North Korea.
@JourneymanGeek How's the last day going?
Going forward: Fewer monologues, more meaningful conversations. I know everyone dislikes this and I'm finally committing to addressing this problem.
(@JourneymanGeek @Bob @CircusCat)
@Bob semi busy
Also all the horror stories
@JourneymanGeek does that mean we get to hear them later?
@djsmiley2k natch
@Burgi got that refund?
> The amount was added as account credit.
:D \o/
its only £2 but it is the principle
they are a terrible hosting company
i fully expect their website wording to have been changed by the time it comes to request the next credit
my wife made a scrapage scheme do that
as they quoted her the wrong price for her car
> On the campaign trail, Whitlam was once persistently hectored by a man demanding to know his opinion on abortion: "Let me make quite clear that I am for abortion and, in your case Sir, we should make it retrospective!"
50 min to go
I hate working with employers
I'd rather be a freelancer
You could quit.
@JourneymanGeek did that several time already
I don't like the petty politics
I did create something already
not big but it is still alive
although I did earn any money from it
you do, or you don't?
as a freelancer everyone is an employer...
@djsmiley2k I did not
but anyway, I'm going there slowly but certainly
@JourneymanGeek are you just wasting time making coffee?
@Burgi true true, I guess you can turn down employers tho
freelance is hell
@Burgi I'm imaging he's spinning around on his chair, barking at anyone who tries to stop him
@CircusCat Isn't that their speciality?
@djsmiley2k almost accurate
@Burgi naw.
Actually I got people walking over to say goodbye
@JourneymanGeek you're leaving your current job?
you've found something new?
you will find or build something @JourneymanGeek
@Avery agreed
@AndyK no
10 min
Just walk out
Just did.
Didn't tap out... Oops.
Number of barks given: 0
Behold my field of barks...and find it barren. Cause bark grows on trees....
@JourneymanGeek that's not wine
or if that's wine it's like seriously weird wine.
how come my youtube at home, and my youtube at work display different things :/
it's tooooooo light red.
@Avery looks more like radiator fluid xD
yup, radiator fluid is my guess xD
''Don't drink this''
Anyone knows why OpenType font looks sharper than TrueType font? As if it has anti-aliasing on it...
maybe it does?
cleartype on windows?
I am on Windows 7. ClearType?
yus, I think it's in the control panel....
I believe win 7 has it
More likely cordial.
@djsmiley2k ClearType is a function. How is it related to font type?
it's not, but it adjusts how fonts appear
@djsmiley2k Well if it is turned on, then both OpenType and TrueType would be anti-aliased. But only OpenType appears to be anti-aliased.
is it in all applications?
how the hell did I lose a whole spindle of DVDs
you accidentally the DVD's?!
Did you accidentally them to NK?
did you just accidentally?
@djsmiley2k No, it's only when I view font files.
.OTF displays smoother than .TTF
@Avery quite
@Boris_yo oh i see :/
I guess I better install OpenType as it's smoother to use in a design program?
it's newer too
1 hour later…
The quick brown Bob jumped over the lazy Journeyman Geek
@Burgi Touché
@CircusCat Hahaha
Did you that Bob likes foxes?
And Journeyman Geek likes dogs?
And font preview by default has what they like. lol coincidence?
1 hour later…
> Food for thought for open source advocates and Microsoft haters: if QDOS was ethically wrong, then Linux—largely a reimplementation of the Unix standards—must be equally wrong.
Oh fer fucks sake
New phone. First time out of the house, on a 2 minute trip to the supermarket next door. Case and screen protector on. Dropped it, scratched it and dented it. Screen protector and case come off.
have you found a job yet?
Phone and case both survive a 50MPH bike crash. Gets damaged in a 1MPH Tesco shop.
how long does your spreadsheet predict you can keep going without one?
@CircusCat get a better phone? :/
the one @Burgi told me to get is great
It's surviving a 3yr old and 1 yr old
Then again, In my life of having mobiles, I've only ever dropped mine a handful of times.
are you buying samsung products as an investment for the future when one of two things happen:
1. Samsung is dissolved for corruption
2. South Korea is a nuclear wasteland
> The four "most solid" buildings on the island of Saint Martin have been destroyed, French Interior Minister Gérard Collomb announced.
well that's not a good start...
@Burgi not really what you're saying however, QDOS starts with Quick and Dirty. Not the case with Linux...
@Burgi No, I'm "getting" a Samsung because it was an insurance replacement for my previous phone. The next one I "buy" won't be till next year.
Sony XZ2 or Galaxy S9 are my likely contenders
@Burgi What's QDOS?
@CircusCat so.... a samsung? XD
Ok, starting to think the earth has just said 'ok f&%k you guys'
@djsmiley2k the pre-cursor to MSDOS
oh right
At the time, maybe it was legit, even if it isn't now.
and are people really trying to argue you can't re-implement ideas?
because if so, we better shut down ford for copying those first cars
@CircusCat no Note?
/me sleeps
> Society is experiencing a tangible Matthew effect in digital technology development.
wtf is the 'Matthew' effect?
looks like spotify is having issues
the sonos is playing the first 5 seconds of a song then erroring
bet that is awesome
Soo... Apparently the 'computer lab' I set up was meant for students to be able to use a learning management system.
/me ponders where this is going
Old workplace was paying $$$$ but 1. No one had any idea who was supposed to administer it.
2. We had 30 or so PCs for ... 300 students...
3. Most of whom had no internet access at home ....
so the management is working then
4. in order to replace printed paper notes....
5. Which were probably cheaper than $$$$ a month....
And this LMS was basically my (former?) director going for a meeting and signing the contract for 3 years...
Apparently someone was tryint to work out the penalty for breaking the contract...
but that got side tracked when she apparently broke her leg or something
(she was on MC before I joined. she hasn't come back(
Oh, and apparently we are converting part of the lab into a library...
which is amusing since the room has biometric access controls, and it makes no sense to enroll all the students...
@Bob ^
it's no longer 'we'
@JourneymanGeek Have I told you about the six-figure contract for an agency to build a Drupal site, where said agency outsourced their development, and built a steaming pile of human manure, meanhwile there are multiple internal development teams?
was it a 3 letter agency? ? did you ask @Burgi? :D
I wonder if management everywhere is dumb, corrupt, disconnected from reality, inept, or all the above
@djsmiley2k 4 letter
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Most of it.
@Burgi :O you upgraded them :O
they've always been 4 letters
@djsmiley2k 24LA or bust!
and that's what I was talking about when you guys pinged me earlier ;p
I was trying to think of a one letter agency but failed
and my god these pills are making me so tired :/

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