I'd go for the 'how can we tell if she's made of wood? Build a bridge out of her' (Monty Python and the Holy Grail) approach. Clip a TO220 package or a power resistor to the side panel, and see how hot it gets for various powers. — Neil_UKyesterday
That's the best way to say "try it and find out" I've heard
For main sites - yeah, this mostly feels like a good idea.
I'd suggest a few small tweaks. For a question that one asks themselves -
"Ask for clarification" makes no sense. It might as such make a little more sense to rename "provide clarification" there instead. In a sense, if we're going to t...
we had 5 acer laptops, all crashed, and upon rebooting couldn't get to the windows login, or once the 'press ctrl alt del' window appears, it wouldn't do anything more.
100x led, serial cable, sata caddy (wrong size-- proper size should arrive in a couple days), usb to sata cable and some of the soldering tin I ordered. Didn't expect them to arrive so soon!
I'm looking to upgrading my PC with a second hard drive (hence caddy and sata cable), and I sometimes need to serial in to pi and have no way to, and I need solder to... solder stuff. I have some iron that's shipping too, also some cream and some thinner tin.
I have a huge bag of assorted components I've barely touched... might've gone a bit overboard in ordering those assorted resistors/capacitors/LEDs/transistors
I have a distribution group that has the address [email protected] associated with it. I now want a member of that group to be able to send emails using that email address.
I added the address in Outlook, but when I send an email, Exchange complains that the user is not authorized to use the add...
We just using a different mailbox/address now. You apparently still have to make the new mailbox your default mail account and tell Outlook to always use the default account (otherwise it keeps using the old one)
It's really annoying that people bring these problems to me even though I know jack about the whole thing :P
First of all, you're going to want to assign Send-As permissions to the user. This can either be done through PowerShell or MMC.
1a) Assign Send-As Permissions through PowerShell
Enter the following command into PowerShell on the Exchange server.
Add-ADPermission -Identity "CONTOSO Sales" -Use...
Now it has the full details :P
I knew I was missing a step. Luckily PS was still open on the Exchange server ;D
What is the minimum size of a mechanical crank (and how hard would you have to crank it) to generate enough energy, say, into a capacitor (to smooth out the incoming load) that could keep an iPhone 7 Plus from discharging its battery while continuously using it for Web and Youtube?
Also technically, you don't have to change an administrative setting to run PS scripts - Set-ExecutionPolicy with -Scope CurrentUser does the job for one user without requiring elevation
@djsmiley2k I remember once he was being sued for tens of thousands, for a ridiculous cause, he raised the money, then took a picture with piles of cash, sent the picture to the lawyer and the money to charity.
The International System of Units (abbreviated as SI) is the modern form of the metric system, and is the most widely used system of measurement. It comprises a coherent system of units of measurement built on seven base units. The system also establishes a set of twenty prefixes to the unit names and unit symbols that may be used when specifying multiples and fractions of the units.
The system was published in 1960 as a result of an initiative that began in 1948. It is based on the metre-kilogram-second system of units (MKS) rather than any variant of the centimetre–gram–second system (CGS). SI...
You can easily generate 100w with a crank the size of that car starter crank, and over 400w with foot pedals if you're going at it hard.
> A trained cyclist can produce about 400 watts of mechanical power for an hour or more, but adults of good average fitness average between 50 and 150 watts for an hour of vigorous exercise
@JourneymanGeek, yeah, that Meta question was an interesting read, including all of the answers and discussion. I disagreed and posted an answer that I expect will not be popular (all of the even vaguely similar answers were downvoted).
@allquixotic 50w continuously is fairly easy even if you're not fit, yeah
If you're not gaming the laptop would use 10w or so, factoring in conversion losses you'd only need to sustain 20-30w if web browsing and charging your phone.