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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Sup everyone?
hey @CanadianLuke
that's both deep and terrifying
That's what SHE said!
@allquixotic Reality is dangerous for adults as well. The 8 most dangerous reality shows ever (yes, people have died)
> In 2013, contestant Gérald Babin died on Koh-Lanta, the French version of Survivor.

The 25-year-old contestant fell ill while playing a game of tug-of-war and moments later, needed to be airlifted to hospital. He died in the helicopter after suffering several heart attacks on the journey.
I'm trying to create an AD Domain on some Server 2016 instances running as VMs in Core mode... It's slightly challenging this first time around
On the command line?
Using PowerShell
I have 3 servers installed right now
1 has a GUI, and that's my "router" into the local network. The other two are going to be DCs on an internal network for the VMs only
This guide looks pretty helpful
Anywhere specific you're getting stuck?
@CanadianLuke haven't seen you here in a long time
Not stuck, just going through various guides and documenting for myself :P
@Rahul2001 Yea, work has been getting busy
I have a programming competition to participate in tomorrow
Haven't spent much time on SU
For competitive programming, which do you guys recommend, python or C++?
What kind of programs will you be writing?
@CanadianLuke ah
@BenN ever been on codechef?
@Rahul2001 "programming conception" an odd choice of phrase ;)
@Rahul2001 Nope
If you know both languages, I would suggest Python for its dynamism and freedom from low-level problems
@DavidPostill autocorrect :p
@BenN ok, cool, thanks
Usually I'm a fan of statically typed languages, but if you need to do things fast, consider dynamically typed ones
I'll be online tomorrow, I should get sleep now, had a long day
@BenN cool, I'll see the challenges in the morning and let you know more about them :)
OK :)
For the past two months, I've been leading the charge on a 10-person team to deploy AD... Using Samba 4
We're going to start virtualizing servers as well (I'm going to use Xen, everyone else voted Virtualbox -.-)
And the project was just put on hold, and only to be deployed to two schools out of the 50 schools we have -.-
It's been a bit of a crap show... But we made tonnes of progress
Apparently, I'm the only tech with actual Active Directory experience from before this project started
It's taking an awfully long time to join the second DC to the domain...
How long has it been?
Twenty minutes...
It probably has to replicate the AD
It's stuck on "Creating the NTDS Settings object for this AD DC on the remote AD DC <DC1>.<domainname>
There's nothing in it yet, it's just a default DC that was created about 5 minutes before attempting to join
What command did you use to join?
Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools
Install-ADDSDomainController -DomainName $DomainForestName -credential $(get-credential)
Hm, is the $DomainForestName the name of the domain, or the forest?
OK, I'll take a look
I need to go places now, let me know if anything interesting happens :)
...doing a routine driver update on Bifrons via Lenovo Companion.
If your really care about audio you should buy Audioquest Everest cables. After all $21,000 for 3m they must be good, right? ;) - “Counter Spiralling Geometry” and “Spread Spectrum Technology” conductors. It’s got 4 different sizes of positive conductors and eight (!) negative conductors. — DavidPostill ♦ 1 min ago
Alright, take #2... Using a new Domain Admin account I just created
Nope. Gonna do a full reinstall of my second DC
@DavidPostill I have some magic rocks to sell you..
Done! Worked much faster this time
Yup. Running joke.
@JourneymanGeek I think it's time for another extreme "audiophile" product laugh...
What is it? A lathe... for your CDs.
does it rewind them as well?
No, I don't think so. That would be feature bloat.
but dude, you NEED to keep them rewound...
@DavidPostill Thanks... Now I'm looking at silly Audiophile products..
always fun
We should make a bingo card for that...
green markers... rabbits...
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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