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I am pretty sure, that Amarok has been supplanted by Clementine
I'm just looking for whether there are any other good options
So, out of curiosity, has anyone here experienced a circuit breaker tripping when running a game or other intensive workload on their PCs?
Only when I microwave something
the effects of it would mostly depend on the quality of equipment between your wall-plug and the CPU
Two circuits service my bedroom (one is shared with the bathroom, the other is not well determined, though I do which one of the outlets is separate), so I do have a means of load-balancing in the event I have multiple devices demanding lots of power.
surge protector in the extension cords, UPS, type of PSU, number of phases on your motherboard
if you are really worried, a UPS should moooostly mitigate that
@tereško VLC! :P
@Rahul2001 I prefer MPV for video
.. sorry for pings
@tereško media player classic?
on Arch?
I honestly have no idea
What does MPV stand for?
@Rahul2001 mpv.io
@tereško I use VLC. Dunno if it uses Qt. Why do you even require it to be Qt?
like I'm on arch and kde, so qt
but even my terminal emulator is using gtk
sure there's some noticable delay but it's like, 1 msec or 2
@Avery 1 msec or 2 is noticeable?
It is for me.
@Avery I just like to cut down on GTK use
it does strange memory shit with its dependencies
I've had some experience with playing on professional gaming hardware for extended periods and can notice even the small delays. It's just... You feel it.
@Avery probably closer to 5-20 ms
I'm bad with numbers.
2ms is 500FPS
yeah it's more likely around 5-10.
@Rahul2001 it has a windows version too .. and I think it's available in choco repositories
@tereško I see
10ms is noticable if you're playing something pixel perfect
for 5ms you need a really high-end monitor
@Rahul2001 I assume you use chocolatey.org on your windows machine
@tereško Have it, don't really use it much
David Robinson on June 15, 2017

Do you use tabs or spaces for code indentation?

This is a bit of a “holy war” among software developers; one that’s been the subject of many debates and in-jokes. I use spaces, but I never thought it was particularly important. But today we’re releasing the raw data behind the Stack Overflow 2017 Developer Survey, and some analysis suggests this choice matters more than I expected.

There were 28,657 survey respondents who provided an answer to tabs versus spaces and who considered themselves a professional developer (as opposed to a student or former programmer). Within t …

@bwDraco i charge £50/hr for all freelance work regardless of it it IT or coding
@Rahul2001 no, its not enough information
is this a custom theme? a purchased one? what does she mean by "swipeable"?
Hm. Okay.
Most of the listings are pretty vague on details
Anyway goodnight
also she is dictating that it "should take 2 days". how does she know that?
Welcome to the wonderful world of clients!
you'd do better hitting up local businesses with a fixed price menu of jobs.
$100 - 3 page html website
$500 - basic WP site
$50 - 1 hour "PC/internet health check"
where is the entrepreneurial spirit i thought all indians were imbued with from birth? ;)
how do you link steam images?
there is no copper in copper wires!
Then don't buy cheap chinese wires!
@Burgi Prepend a ! or add ?.png (or &.png as appropriate) to the URL
@BenN thanks
@ThatREDACTEDGuy you make these ones yourself!
Hi @JourneymanGeek
I'm wearing sweatpants and thick socks and my feet are cold. My wife is under a thick duvet. I checked the temperature: 22 Celsius.
@Rahul2001 no idea.
@bwDraco considering that's about 2 AM... sleeping ;p
@Rahul2001 You're approaching it wrong: don't try to make your hourly rate competitive. You will be competing with people from all over the world. And some of them will be really cheap and shitty from places who can afford to charge less. Charge what makes you feel comfortable to trade your time for, and compete in what you have to offer. Why you and not them?
@Bob Oh nice
Though what if someone actually tries to upload that much data? Will it just fill up your HDD and die?
@Bob Bawww. On the plus side, getting my clone bot working was surprisingly easy
@Rahul2001 Depends on what you're a beginner at, what you are doing, for whom, and where.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy Isn't he from one of those cheap shitty places ?
He is.
Well for one his english is better than most british teenagers his age.
@ThatREDACTEDGuy damn, that's deep
@NotDog bugger off mate, brits' english better than all
@Avery No, that's applying logic and sense :P
i've spent the last week gathering the materials to build my own landing pad
i finally build it go fetch my ship to park it and some bugger has parked in it before i could move!
@ThatREDACTEDGuy it warmer in manchester than in REDACTED!
@Avery Have you heard how 16 year old kids talk these days?
@NotDog No. How do they speak?
Outside of maybe private schools, you'd be hard pushed to find a single sentence in any conversation that was properly formed.
@NotDog grime isn't an indicator of the state of language.
@JourneymanGeek Fireflight
@NotDog ...idk, it'd probably fill up the ram buffers and die
@JourneymanGeek ...I think so?
all I have is a Spotify page :P
@Avery Problem is this is how they actually talk. I just couldn't find that documentary I was thinking of with interviews so just found something on Youtube that sounds basically th esame
@Avery Also lol
@Bob 10TB RAM buffers?
@Avery it is worse north of the border they are barely worth calling English
waits for the scottish tirade of abuse
@NotDog If I had that much then it probably wouldn't die now, would it? :P
@Burgi Haud yer wheesht ya wee bawbag
@Burgi a 'feitheamh airson na h-Alba tirade de dhroch-dhìol
I don't sound like that IRL, honest
@ThatREDACTEDGuy in mother Russia that is sweltering heat. Comrade Putin would take off his shirt and wrestle bear
burgi tha an amadan à deas air a 'chrìch
@DavidPostill thats not real words. STOP TALKING ELVISH AT ME!
@Burgi It's scottish gaelic.
@Burgi https://translate.google.com/?hl=en#en/gd/burgi%20is%20an%20idiot%20from%20sout‌​h%20of%20the%20border
> 5. After one too many shots in Revolution, your blootered pal might have to ask, “Is at a mannie or a wifie?”
@NotDog i have no evidence to the contrary so in my head you talk like Begbie mixed with cattish
Oh gawd I've experienced this so many times in Aberdeen
@DavidPostill the internal dialects of Scottish folk is just as bad.
> Our favourite Doric phrases are coppit bonnie, foos yer doos, foggietoddlers, spewin feathers and ill-tricket. Dinna ken fit they mean? Look them up in our easy to use Doric Dictionary.
Y'know, things I heard on the street in Torry are beginning to make sense now
"spewin feathers" - i know this one
you want a brew
its "spitting feathers" here
i still haven't done my washing up... :(
i can't face it now so.... bedtime
Not exactly what I was looking for...
@JourneymanGeek Serenity
> Creative appeals to users looking for value, as it asserts buying the Sound BlasterX AE-5 makes it unnecessary to splash out on a "separate RGB lighting system which could set a user back by at least USD 50".
I can't remember ever hearing someone upset about having to spend "at least $50 USD" on RGB lighting to illuminate their sound card.
@NotDog what kind og crazy-ass lighting are they buying for $50?!

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