@djsmiley2k "Image editor? really... that's not programming" -- Oh come on! You've never needed to write a Word document with screenshots (edited with nice little arrows and blurring out sensitive info and resized to fit on the page) to guide clueless users through an application?
Plus, how do you think all those little icons and widgets and CSS styles on the web apps you use get developed? A hex editor?
And no, MS Paint isn't sufficient. It lacks so many basic features compared to Paint.net or GIMP.
@djsmiley2k "if it's standard for the job to be dealing with X, why is it not installed?" -- because everyone gets the "base image" (which has almost nothing except Windows and Office) and is told to go to town, then has to request individually each and every software tool they ever need to do their job.
And sometimes it's not standard, but you need it to accomplish a particular task, or to do so efficiently.
If I could convince IT administrators everywhere of one thing, it would be that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all standard image of software -- not for a particular role, not for a particular project. There's a lowest common denominator of things you know you need, yes - but you can't exhaustively know what everyone will need all the time.
And users feel like pigs in a pig pen having to constantly request software instead of being able to just go grab it, especially if it's open source or freeware.
And I love how they have policies about having to "bless" software before you can put it on the network. Don't even try to tell me that IT admins are going to perform a detailed audit of the source code of a ~100k+ SLOC C/C++/Java program before blessing it. 99% of the time it gets blessed because a high-level director says they need it.
What an IT admin might do, at the most, is install it in an isolated VM and make sure it doesn't ship adware, run it through a virus scanner, maybe look if it opens any ports or does any network I/O, then bless it. But that's a long way from making sure it has no backdoors, vulns, malicious code, etc.
(And to be perfectly honest, many average/good programmers would do the same sort of vetting before grabbing a tool, usually on their personal box at home, before even bringing it into the corporate environment.)