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The funny bit is, google have shown they can identify people without any test
so all testing now, is for their benefit (i.e. you're helping their AI identify signs/numbers/cats...)
@djsmiley2k Is it using ip trails and interent behaviour? I'm curious.
@Nick they don't say... (unsupprisingly)
@djsmiley2k That's what the "tests" are for. Helping them.
@Bob Why aren't we? I think this is fresh territory for us. Worth talking about. How many nudes of the president is @JourneymanGeek hiding in his secret files.
You don't even have to click anything @nick
it just goes 'not a bot'
@GypsySpellweaver It's also what the Ingress game was all about.
@Nick some multiple of the number you have.
@djsmiley2k Think its been that way ever since they made the re-Captacha
@JourneymanGeek When was the digit for zero introduced to our ancestors?
@JourneymanGeek Question: Is it possible to see who has voted to reopen a certain question? If not, is it possible for me to see whether I did it?
I can do the latter for you
Q: Is there a reason for preserving icon grid size when changing screen resolution, rather than preserving their on-screen size?

User9123When you change the screen resolution you change the size that objects appear on the screen. This can cause Windows to shift your desktop icons if the new resolution is lesser than your previous one and they wouldn't be visible in their original arrangement under the new resolution. What is bein...

no, you didn't
@JourneymanGeek Thanks. So, that beckons another question: Why is it not appearing in my Reopen Votes queue?
@JourneymanGeek Some of these image fixes are getting fun.
@AndyK For about 50% of the surface of the planet, it is.
is what @GypsySpellweaver?
morning matey
@GypsySpellweaver No, it isn't. They have daylight, but not morning.
@FleetCommand for daylight + morning, it's closer to about 30% of the surface of the planet.
@GypsySpellweaver 12.5% only.
when do you stop morning?
@satibel My apologies. Top of the morning te ya laddy.
I'd figure that it couldn't go below 25%. No matter what the axial tilt.
@GypsySpellweaver Alright, let's see, from your POV, how many of the 24 hours are considered morning?
12 are morning, midnight to noon.
daylight, on the other hand is variable
@GypsySpellweaver Then 50% is accurate.
morning + daylight is from local sunrise to noon. So a rough average of 6 hours globally. Depending on latitude and season as much as 12, as few as zero.
good day, anybody who could give me a hand with schtasks?
Can't pronounce it, let alone help with it :/
@karel Sorry about that on the tag edit. Can I cancel, or does it have to wait for a 2nds reject?
the question is if is there any chance to plan an activity via command line to run once with a second precision. I see that even if I specify a start time in the format HH:MM:SS seconds are set to 00
any clue about this?
@FleetCommand I meant when does morning end?
@satibel According to GypsySpellweaver, at 12 PM. According to me, morning ends 3 hours after sunrise.
@FleetCommand For me it ends whenever I go to bed. Begins when I wake up. (Tends to drive others nuts when I'm saying "good morning" at 1900hrs :D)
@GypsySpellweaver LOL! Bloody hell, it sure does...
I tend to ignore clocks and calendars. I'll comply with others' schedules when necessary, but otherwise time is irrelevant in my world.
@FleetCommand Is there a way for me to cancel a suggested edit?
I wish I knew a way. I wanted this feature so much when I didn't have the editing privilege.
I fubarred an edit. Got Fiddler and JS Fiddle crossed.
Happened to me. Sometimes, I posted an edit request, and while editing, a person with editing privileges made almost the same edit. I ended up with an edit request the made no sense. I knew it would be rejected and permanently put on my record.
Can you reject tag edits?
@GypsySpellweaver Your edit didn't appear on my dashboard, sorry. My queue is empty. If it had, I would let you down easily.
@GypsySpellweaver Wait. Tag edit as in editing the tag list on the question?
Nope tag wiki
Oh, I don't have that editing privilege yet.
Not sure how it got into the image list, but it's the second one I've seen
No point in going to the super user mod room, last post was 2 days ago
@bob @FleetCommand BTW, that reminds me. Relative to the discussion of 21 hours ago. After leaving the room I was @-ed by tereško. I eventually got that message in my global inbox, but it was significantly more than 15 minutes. Had the computer running for an hour after, without it showing up.
@GypsySpellweaver "Leave" button is your best friend then.
That was with the leave button.
The benefit of the leave button is that I don't show on the stack to the right. So folks won't, normally, try to @ me when I'm not here.
apparently second precision in task scheduler was lost after win xp..
The good new is that the ping still goes to the inbox, as long as I'm pingable. So I won't actually miss the message, even if it is later.
Welcome @DavidPostill, I got a tag wiki edit I need to have killed. I fubarred it.
that's the idea
@JourneymanGeek reject this edit superuser.com/review/suggested-edits/641276
My foul up there :(
@GypsySpellweaver Don't worry about it, it's been dealt with already. btw thanks for all the hard work you've been doing on the conversion from http images to https images.
@karel I parked here until I got journey to reject it.
I do watch my edits. Try to learn from them
Here's someone with changing plans :/
Q: How to merge partitons

user197079I have three operating systems: Windows 7, Ubuntu 10.04 and Ubuntu 12.10. I have a primary partition and three logical partitions to Windows 7 (Localdisk C (primary), D, E and F). And I have one partition for Ubuntu 10.04 and another for Ubuntu 12.10. But now I want to merge all the Windows part...

@Nick I have done what you are trying to do. Use httrack
Special attention to the barely visible green box around the extended partition C:\ and D:\ can't be merged until the extended partition is dealt with. Yuk.
@JourneymanGeek so, apparently python debugging is a thing for me now -_-
the b2 tool is kinda broken
I'm trying. To upgrade my home Fedora box. It's failing :p
@bertieb hmmm someone seems to be leaving that answer on all the tmux questions
@bertieb I don't like it as it's got no purpose
Aye but its on topic (presumably?) at retrocomputing, I've seen a few history-of / what-is-the-reason-for style Qs in the HNQ
Oh retrocomputing has it's own stack?
then yeah sure migrate/move/nuke it over there
I thought you just meant add the tag xD
It isn't really a good question and migration to betas is discouraged
@djsmiley2k Ah naw, most of my chat tag mentions are facetious; like prefixing OT questions with [harware-rec] or [learning-material-rec] :P
I always forget how to do [ tags ] so that's partially why ;P
Can us mere mortals suggest a beta move anyway?
You can suggest it via comments...
I think the only ones we get are meta, SO, SF, webapps and android
Also, why those?
Also, where does the line get drawn between SU and U&L / Ubuntu?
Full of questions, I am
Lol. If it's on topic here, it usually should stay.
Migration is mainly for good off topic questions
Aye; I think a check of their tour/help centre would answer whether there's a question on-topic there that is off-topic here (or vice versa? wait)
@djsmiley2k Just saw what you mean about the tmux answer (another came up in review)
Q: How was a user able to post a question with a title identical to an existing?

CœurThe following question was asked 5 days ago: Object Reference not set to an instance of an object How was the author able to post the question when there are already 58 old other questions with the same exact title? I've checked that: The post was not migrated The post was not deleted then un...

59 identical titles . . .
@bertieb via flags. I'll be happy to talk about the philosophy of migration after walkies
@bertieb Yeah, with mod-flagging
Ah, that one at the bottom that says 'be specific and detailed' you say
I forget that exists sometimes
I was thinking more along the lines of "belongs on another site on the StackExchange network"
@bertieb There are migration stats, and those are called migration paths to different sites. When the stats show the two sites migrate stuff to each other a lot, they set up one
The threshold is arbitrary and decided by SE staff
But it's been getting higher and higher as of late
It's usually because mere mortals do a lot of faulty migrations
Seems sensible, on the face of it
Eh. Actually there's a lot of talk of just dropping migration altogether
@JourneymanGeek Used to be
It quieted down with the introduction of SO-specific projects
IOW, people are busy ranting about Documentation on SO
@bertieb b2 seems half-arsed :(
half the tools don't work, and the ones that do don't really work for backup
@Bob D: sorry
I'm still not sure if b2 sync preserves permissions or not
Can you test on a sample file?
(bit of a PITA, but still)
@Bob are you able to spin up GPU instances now ?
@HackToHell on azure?
I still can't see the NC instances
@HackToHell Yea, I can get a NC6 over in East US
:O lemme recheck in East US
@HackToHell Remember, only East US and South Central US right now.
I checked in South Central US and it didn't show up, it's not limited to windows right
idk, I tested with win10 on eastus
It does show up on East US, hmm I don't have enough cores now
That's fixable, thanks !
@bertieb wonder if that's the one i'd reviewed first, or a 3rd answer...
@djsmiley2k It was a duplicate answer to the same Q
@HackToHell ther's a 6-core one. but yea for the bigger ones you need to request more cores
same user?
@djsmiley2k Yeah, it has a little preamble... have lost the tab
oh ffs
i told them to explain what it's doing in a comment
sounds like they wrote a new answer... xD
Yeah, me too; think they deleted the dupe
User only has one answer; possibly others were deleted?
Welp, my plan to successively free-up-and-add 3TB disks to this raid6 array has fallen at the first hurdle (disk); ≥ 120 I/O errors so far
I'm guessing it's probably not a sensible idea to run badblocks on it to get the blocks marked out, and then add it to the array for a short while so that I can migrate 4 other disks which are currently also radi6'd ?
(seems a waste to have 4 disks of parity over two different arrays for home use)
It's a big game of 'free disk space' freecell (freediskcell?)
ah. back
@bertieb essentially the current "standard" migration queues are the most common ones
the community can often request they be removed or changed
if you want a non standard migration location, you can flag
@bertieb I nuked the dupe answer and left the other one for the time being.
@DavidPostill Cheers!
typically though, these questions should not be crap (do not migrate crap is literally a rule), be a better fit there than here, preferably off topic here, and the migration target ought not to be a beta site
@JourneymanGeek Makes sense cheers
Aye, figures there's a fair chance of low-quality if also posted on wrong site
Does happen of course
@JourneymanGeek @bertieb rclone with b2 seems to work alright, but I still need to manually sort out permissions
But putting more than minimal effort would result in a "hey, this post about c++ pointers is really programming, not computer help"
(Damn parentheses)
@Bob Seeing the word 'manually' in a sentence about an automated data store makes me wince
Did not know they had these issues
@bertieb the API seems reasonably solid, if a bit too simple, but the CLI tool is buggy as all hell
@bertieb least you found them now
rclone, that based off rsync?
@djsmiley2k Could be worse, aye.
Even with some pretty extreme juggling, I don't think I have the capacity to get another drive into this array
scurries off to Amazon
No more bits please, 512k is enough for anybody
This is great, we have 1 first liner in
we should have around 30
and they let the cute girl go this morning too :/
> Battery fits with guaranteed safety
Because guaranteed safety is a feature now ._.
1 and a half days of heavy use?
i doubt it
"heavy" use
@djsmiley2k Well the battery is 50% larger than my Z3C, which already manages 1-2 days of heavy use
@PowershellforLinux how do you define heavy?
So's the screen, but eh
maybe it's just my s4 sucks these days, I dunno :/
@djsmiley2k Heavy enough to wear out the screen coating within 4 months?
20 minutes of playing facebook games?
because that's what happens to kill my phon
20 minutes of pokemon go?
4 hours of hotspot, 2-3 hours of web browsing, 2-3 hours of music
Alternatively 4 hours of GPS navigation kills the battery on the Xperia .-.
@PowershellforLinux Hi. I have question. Are you affiliated with the PowerShell for Linux project?
Wow. That was like Zorro removing his mask to reveal he is Dante from Devil May Cry.
Still. My question remains.
The most recent Firefox update lost all my cookies.
@FleetCommand no, its TOWMN
@JourneymanGeek Your statement of the obvious is futile.
(yawn) Yet another name change
Well, well. I'm pulling data out of a NANDroid backup dating to February. At least not a whole lot of important data was added since and the most critical data is in the cloud.
@bwDraco The numeric ID.
Yeah. I think this needs to stop.
Oh, hell. Our domain controller just lost a whole lot of computer accounts...
I am screwed.
I could use some news about the gruesome death of a Microsoft engineer right now! Domain controllers aren't supposed to just forget computer accounts.
@bwDraco @FleetCommand Guys, please don't feed the attention seeking ...
...and this risks official moderator sanctions.
Not sure I know what I'm doing at this point.
This is why I didn't run for mod.
You think it just "forgot" but really it just deleted.
@DavidPostill, did I risk getting kick-muted for this?
@bwDraco Yes.
@allquixotic O_O headless FF just got marked as fixed for FF55
Lol. Guys. I step away from my desk fiiiiiive minutes.
@JourneymanGeek: it was my fault this escalated.
@DavidPostill Sorry, what's that? I have lost track of what's happening here.
I have a domain controller to fix right now.
@bwDraco and you should know better
Oh hey, good morning everyone
Ah man
I missed a drama, it seems
@FleetCommand Apologies. Telling us you were going to "inventory all your user IDs." got mixed up in the non drama.
I'm drawing up an action plan to bring this behavior under control.
Alright. If anyone knows a faster way of unjoining and rejoining six dozen computers, please let me know.
There might be an MDT procedure for this
Mar 8 at 8:36, by bwDraco
...and I kinda think I understand what's going on. The fundamental issue is a failure to think about the human on the other side, their emotions, their motivations.
@BenN Morning ben. Welcome to the madhouse :)
@bwDraco Please drop it.
In summary, this incident does show a lack of empathy. It was an unnecessary attempt to draw attention, and it was done with blatant disregard to how others would be disrupted in the event it escalated further. If I had properly exercised empathy, I would have avoided doing this on the understanding that creating drama is disruptive and hurts the chat atmosphere for everyone.
...and that's the last I'll say about this.
@FleetCommand Do you have AD backups?
Do you have multiple DCs?
We have AD backup and multiple DCs.
But the backup is useless right now.
@FleetCommand How?
I was in the middle of deploying WSUS, you see.
Do the computer accounts appear if you connect directly to a different DC? Might be worth checking if a USN rollback is in play
I'd rather rejoin six dozen computers than return to backup.
@BenN Checked. The answer is no.
I'm pretty sure you can restore just specified objects from an AD backup
@BenN It's a daily sector-by-sector backup.
Oh, you probably shouldn't use those to restore AD; that risks a USN rollback if you wait too long to restore
AD backups as a whole are finicky business
heck, system restore on any AD connected computer is risky, nevermind the DC
I suspect there's a way to mount the AD stuff from that kind of backup and apply it in DSRM, but I haven't done that before
Alright. I've got the critical servers rejoined. Clients remain. That means I have to step away from this computer. So, see you around guys.
Good luck!
Is there a way for me to gain experience with Windows domains without having to spend thousands on a full domain setup at home or getting a job that requires working with domains (which usually requires preexisting experience, creating a chicken-and-egg problem)?
microsoft.com/handsonlabs/SelfPacedLabs was suggested along with MSSC MSCP study guides on a chat elsewhere
I just spent close to $500 on a new phone and cannot justify the cost of a Windows Server license or CALs, let alone appropriate hardware.
or just throw a eval install on a server.
@bwDraco errrm
get 1st line support role
@bwDraco Also, why.... at least the server cals would of done you some good.
12 hours ago, by bwDraco
...and my Nexus 5X has started to bootloop. I may not be able to recover it.
@djsmiley2k Most of them require you already have Win Server experience :/
@DavidPostill 1st line?
I think we're looking at different jorbs
also, 'I used computers once her derp!' seems to be enough experience
Long story short, my phone has succumbed to a common hardware defect and is inoperative.
@bwDraco that sucks
still doesn't explain blowing $500 on one
what's @TOWMN's current username?
My car dies, I don't blow £50k on one.
@JourneymanGeek no know, no care.
Wait, OP3s arn't 500 quid
@djsmiley2k I actually need to ping him ;p
@JourneymanGeek her?
One of the chat transcripts had a link to profile earlier
want me to re-open tabs til i hit it?
@djsmiley2k OnePlus 3T is $439, but had to add fast shipping (+$10) and a case (+$12; separately purchased from Amazon). Also, the issuing bank for my debit card charges an international transaction fee for the purchase (OnePlus is based in Hong Kong).
I mean, I have a link to these lovely DIY SD card holders that they might be interested in
but shrug
@bwDraco ...
If they insist on changing their name all the time, so I can't remember
@djsmiley2k uh, $500 on a phone is about typical for a mid-range
there. That was much more work than I should have
yeah, but he didn't need that anymore, than he needed a windows server CAL so he could learn AD.
that's all.
@djsmiley2k thanks
@djsmiley2k depends on priorities, but I'd consider a device I use pretty much all day every day more important than some server licences -_-
@djsmiley2k Typical quote from a job ad Internal IT Technical Support / 1st Line / IT Helpdesk "Strong knowledge of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and MS Terminal Services/RDS is desired but not essential." If you don't have it there are plenty who do and you won't get the job.
Anyway, buying CALs is totally the wrong way to go
@JourneymanGeek erm, such bodge o_O
Go spin up a server VM on Azure or AWS and play around there.
@Bob yey. Now we got an answer
If you pick a smaller size that maxes out at like $70 for a whole month running 24/7.
can you just rent a win XXXX server with it repinstalled?
@djsmiley2k such a doge bodge.
@djsmiley2k Ya, Azure, AWS and some other providers include the licensing in the hourly/monthly cost.
actually that's a pretty smart idea too
There you go @bwDraco
If you only play on it for like 5 hours a day 3 days a week... that's only maybe $20-$30/month, probably less.
Just remember to fully shut off the VM when you're done. (e.g. Azure only stops charging if you 'deallocate' from the control panel, vs shutting down in-system)
Does the storage persist?
@bwDraco I forget AWS, but it does on Azure.
If not, how do I keep the data at minimal cost?
You still pay for storage as long as the VM and disks exist, but that's negligible.
Maybe $3/month for the typical ~30 GB used.
@bwDraco Azure (because I'm more familiar with it) will charge you for space used by the disks. It will also charge you for compute hours as long as the VM is running but you can deallocate the VM while keeping the disks.
@Bob That makes sense. So it shouldn't be too expensive...
There's four states for a VM, really: running, stopped, deallocated and deleted
I'm not sure if I have the funds available to do this, though.
Running is obvious.
Stopped is if you shut down within the OS, which'll still charge you for the compute hours... because it's still 'allocated'
If you click stop from the control panel, it's 'deallocated' but the VM still exists and is trivially started by clicking start.
Stopped means the VM is off but the system still reserves your resources. Deallocated means the system isn't holding any resources.
If you delete it ... it's gone. The disks still exist even in this state but you'd have to recreate the VM settings.
That makes sense.
@bwDraco Pretty much, yea.
@bwDraco I would normally consider Azure expensive (I only use it cause free credits with VS subscription). But if you only use a few hours per month, it's not much.
Blah, $200 starter credit isn't going to last very long.
@Bob unrelatedly, I was looking at watch faces on the ticwatch. They have a broken face.... gee. too soon people too soon
@bwDraco ...mine is $50/month
it lasts me fine
Maybe ~15 compute-days with small-ish instances, plus storage for the rest of the month.
@JourneymanGeek lol
It's unlike my current Linux VPS provider, where $200 is at least eight months of server time for me (and likely more if I'm smart about resizing instances).
my old cheapss vps provider's got windows ;p
@JourneymanGeek Oh that's actually pretty smart
@bwDraco Different purposes. These proper 'cloud' services always cost more - they're a lot more flexible, but they'll always be more than just getting your own dedi.
Take some old card trays and solder them
windows is expensive
Funny enough I have a ton of old SIM/SD card slots for my old phones that replaced them 3 times
Windows licensing isn't cheap.
still, it's not $500 phone expensive :O
£500 would feed me for 3 months :/
@bwDraco VS Dev Essentials gives you $300/year free credit. And the dev/test plan gives you the Linux VM pricing (i.e. you get the Windows licences 'free').
so that'll at least give you a good half-year or so of playing around.
You can move to something else if you think you need more when the time comes
Thanks for bringing up all these options, but I'll have to wait until my income is higher.
... dev essentials is literally completely free
> The Azure credit is in $25/month increments for 12 months.
Oh, portioned more conservatively.
But yea, you can run win servers fine on A1, A2, I personally like D1v2 instances. $25 is good for something like 1.5 compute-weeks
like, whatever else you do/buy later, there's no reason not to use this -_-
e.g. hop onto one of @JourneymanGeek's favourite servers if you need a more long-term one later

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