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How do i set my Nexus 7 to automatically set the timezone?
@PowershellforLinux not really my point tho
Is there a right stack for this question? [Not necessarily SuperUser.]
Q: Why has USB become so popular?

Phillip NoelUSB is almost ubiquitous now and I would like to know the technical and/or "political" reasons for why it has become so popular. Since USB has power, ground, transmit and receive pins, it appears to be based on UART. Is this correct? Assuming this is true, then won't USB be slower/have more over...

@NickAlexeev Looks to me like "opinion based" wherever it ends up.
@NickAlexeev It's a bit like asking why people like roofs made of slate rather than cheese on their houses
The answer is easy though, it was worse and cheaper than the alternative
@Hennes Was the FireWire that alternative?
Hot plug, fast data transfer (100/200/400mbit per sec vs 12Mb/sec for USB).
Capabilities from isochonous streaming etc.
Technically much more capable
A firewire pendrive would have been sooooo much better than USB
@Hennes But for something like a mouse, FireWire would be an overkill.
But mice were serial. Keyboards PS2.
HDD, pendrives, printers, VCRs, other computers, NICs, ... all good firewire candidates
@Hennes Up to that point though most of those devices, with the exception of HDDs, weren't particularly fast anyway. NICs were only just starting to get to 100mbps, printers were previously on a parallel connection which probably wasn't above 10mbps and there's always the old favourite: "we can make it better later"
I remember copying 40GB data to an external drive.
Full weekend task on USB. (USB1 at the time)
A few hours with firewire
@Hennes why not ethernet :(
100, 1000, 10000, rj-45 compatible, just a small stack on every device
Why Ethernet? Why not firewirenet at four times the speed?
wouldbe able to fire wall off, packet in spect, etc
firewire is outdated. upgrade to usb 3.1 intel speed boost
upgrade to fibre chanel
@PowershellforLinux In the meantime, a bunch of small Australian wildlife got spared from this kitty.
I got thunderbolt. Why need bloody old USB-C ?
heh weird 2 NAA in a row
This isn't a shop rec, right
buyt should it still be closed?
Q: I want to buy additional NICs for my PC. What options do I have?

ThePraetorI have a PC with 1 integrated Intel 10/100/1000 NIC. I have 2 USB ports (USB 3.0) and 1 PCIe x16 port (PCIe 3.0) free on my motherboard. I would like to buy 2 or 4 additional NICs. Which option is better performance wise and is there some other option of connecting more NICs? What considerations ...

Anybody ever done something like this with android tekrevue.com/tip/record-iphone-screen-quicktime
guys, greetings from Syria.. my C: drive is full and I don't know how and why, I mean the only thing there is Android Studio, Visual Studio and the OS, is there any way I can actually give C: more hard disk volume without having to format and wipe out the entire partition?
whoops accidently pointed my woofer towards my PC and my G-sense error rate went up a value
@SamIbraheem yup
@SamIbraheem windirstat?
windows vista or higher?
run that and then order by filetype filled on the top right corner, and send a screencap if its still confusing
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere I always forget to mention OS, it's Win7
open my computer and in the top right search bar put in size:huge
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere thats cool, i never knew you could do that, is there an option for above 128 MB
the size:gigantic
odd I'd expect huge to be 16MB and greater but it's 16MB - 128MB
while gigantic is >128MB
Sam, see if you think any large files that you have no clue what they are
why do I suck with english
well i just found out that photoshop has about 2 gigs in temp files doing nothing but taking space
4 gigs actually
before you delete things that you have no clue what purpose they serve please ask us
Skyler have you ever ran cleanmgr (disk cleanup)
that can clear your temp for you
And @SamIbraheem what size is your C: drive right now..?
cleanmgr fails. Miserably at cleaning up temp
it does but it's better than nothing
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere I have 48 Gigs in C:
the size:huge thing didn't work, but I got the tool though windirstt
@SamIbraheem if your drive has un-partitioned or un-allocated space then you can use diskmgmt.msc (Disk Management) to extend your C: partition
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere well unfortunately it's all allocated
48gigs sounds plenty, windows should take about 20gigs and sounds like you have nothing else? maybe 5GB of program files
run disk cleanup and when it finishes if there's nothing much to clear, click clean system files
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere i usually run ccleaner every now and the, and i turned off disk re-partitioning since my main drive is an ssd. But weirdly enough there were a lot more listed temp files that popped up, but trying to delete them shows they dont exist anymore
@SamIbraheem do you have other partitions then with a lot of free space?
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere yeah E: is 120GB or so?
disk management can also shrink partitions
but it sounds like your C: drive has plenty of space
there must be some temporary files taking up all the space
I'm pretty sure all the programs there barely take up 50
you can also re-locate your temporary directories to your E: drive if you want
is disk cleanup running?
I just realized disc and disk haha
not currently
Is there a "Wasting my life away" emoji?
well that's a very simple way to try and make some space on your C: drive
yes there is it's my name
powershell for linux please do take over. I'm going to make myself some java
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere What? I can't, you've messed up the question
You've told him things he can't unsee
haha like disk cleanup?
cleanmgr ?
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere so I ran CCleaner and the best it could do is 236 MB
@Skyler what's disk re-partitioning?
do you mean defragmentation?
How can I relocate my temp path?
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere herp derp
yea defrag
whats the shortcut for computer properties again
winkey + pause|break
go in your computer properties, advanced system settings
Advanced tab
system variables
you will see 2 temp variables for your current user and 2 of them under system variables
is the default for one of them C:\windows\temp ?
you will want to copy over all the contents of those 2 locations first to the new location, then change the environment variable @SamIbraheem
Dagnabit. The Humble PS4 Bundle is for 'merkins only.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Temp and TMP?
sorry I made an error in my typing. check meant to be change
No worries my dear
but Temp folder is empty?
@SamIbraheem I just tried it, the proper way to search for large files was like this:

size: >1MB
.. when it finishes if you have the size column in your search results you can click that to sort by largest files first
maybe your temp got cleared by ccleaner
@ThatBrazilianGuy wish I could help but I did not understand a thing
COOL, thank you so much and will try what you told me, but is there any way I can give more volume to C:? I mean cut off some of the volume in other drives and just give it to C:?
yes you can
search for disk manage in your start and there will be a

Control Panel
Create and format hard disks partitions
open that one and then you can right click and partition and find a shrink option
then after you can right click your C: partition and do the expand option...
and that will not affect any data?
the only problem here is that if it's a hard drive and you steal space from a partition that's further on the hard drive, that part might have less performance, and the C: drive usually has high performance files.

hopefully defragmenting can solve that
no it won't affect data
okay well this is microsoft software
I didnt make it so I cant know for sure :P
I can't risk it :(
but this is not meant to affect data
I used shrink once :)
it didnt affect the data
I DO NOT wanna lose my android projects and Visual Studio, my boss would kill me to death :P
@SamIbraheem You not have some kind of version control or backup system?
the way it should work is defragment the data/space so that there's a good chunk it can un-allocate
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere lol
Sam, if your projects are fairly large or used for production, you should definitely use version control such as git.
you usually use git with a cloud solution so you always backup your progress
gitlab is a very easy to use interface and it's really great for teams
I know I know, I'm just too lazy to do that :(
there's nothing lazy about it
it actually does a lot of pulling of work for you
Still can't find disk management though
whenever I change something in my program I switch to my command processor, press up and enter, that makes a rough commit and sends it to my git server where my program is re-compiled and deployed into my test server!
do you know how to use run?
start -> run
or windows key + R
type diskmgmt.msc into the run window
talk about me being lazy?
the computer does everything for me
Yay found another £130 bag I want to buy
@PowershellforLinux What kind of bag do you need that costs £130?
a plastic bag with kittens printed on them
Is it made from sharks and bears?
You could probably carry 3 kittens in there quite safely
Hmmm. Camera bag, I'll let you off... but only if you have the obscenely expensive camera to go in it.
@Mokubai Define obscenely expensive? >_>
It was £650 or so when I bought it, but is nearly 10 years old
People still go omg wow nice camera but in the professional field it's barely even entry level
In my case, anything above £500 for a camera is on the verge... once you get a complement of lenses that tips it over
We are literally the only people at this farmhouse
@Burgi Well that explains the cow I saw walking past...
@Mokubai Yeah, I guess that qualifies
What farmhouse are we at?
(£650 camera + two ~£300-ish lenses)
I'm a cew not a cow..
@PowershellforLinux Yeah, I'd want a decent bag to protect that.
But main problem is my new laptop is too big to fit in pretty much anything small. I wanted to get a small compact bag, smallest laptop bag they sell at John Lewis that it fits in is a £100 Samsonite
@Mokubai I've got an existing £80-ish Lowepro camera bag but it doesn't take a laptop and is a messenger style. Main problem is because I need to carry two bags to take it and my laptop bag, I keep losing/forgetting it when I get off planes
I've literally got off a plane and left it in the overhead bin twice in one day.
The guy on reception got in his car and buggered off
So yeah, might cost more, but having only one bag affords it protection both from impacts as well as my own clumsiness
@PowershellforLinux o.O
I know people with £2500 cameras + multiple £3000 lenses though so mine's still pretty low end in comparison
I wish I had that much money to sling at a camera...
I'm trying to pay the cat tax for good internet in rural Sicily
Eh, me too :-( Though those are proper photography professionals.
I have an awful likening for food that prevents me buying expensive things
I wish I had the sk1llz to make £3000 a day off my photography :-|
/me checks his budgeting application for money spent on food in the last year...
Could probably buy a new family car for that
@Burgi Nice... send us a postcard, mmmkay?
Poor kitty!
It was a soaking wet cat hiding from the thunderstorm. Reminded me of @PowershellforLinux when he was on his recent world tour
I'll post a picture of the farmhouse tomorrow
@Burgi :-o
And you didn't take him/her/it in? :-(
Here I am constantly wishing I could find a lonely suffering cat to adopt but never meet one and everyone else passes them by ignoring them
@Bob, ever had any experience with these things? magnetphonecable.com/products/magnetcable?variant=28179217233
So, I noticed you're talking about photography.
Let me say this: it's not easy, and it's not cheap.
Why does everyone keep asking how I'm not broke yet. C'mon it can't be that rare to suffer from sound financial planning having no life and a well paid job.
@PowershellforLinux heard of, not used
My main bag is a Think Tank Photo Urban Disguise 60 v2.0. It's large enough to handle two DSLR bodies with battery grips with lenses attached (including one with a 70-200mm f/2.8), and at least two more lenses.
> Systems Administrator- HPC
University of Glasgow - RI Cancer Sciences
Location: Glasgow
Salary: £41,709 to £52,793 per annum.
Yeesh. Not falling into that trap again
> This post has funding available until 20 January 2019, in the first instance.
I'll feel bad if I quit in January 2018
Then again even 9 months in the job will net me £32000, which would go a long way towards emmigrating to Australia
@Burgi Oh, are you on vacation?
@Bob damn. Was wondering how well they worked, especially with quick charge
@ThatBrazilianGuy yes
Grr. Swiftkey has changed the holo theme and made the keys bigger, meanwhile I'm still trying to find a theme with smaller keys and they have none
None=>nine nice autocucumber
Then what the hell is @Burgi doing here while on vacation? :-o
@ThatBrazilianGuy with his girlfriend no less
@PowershellforLinux autocucumber is very nine
Oh hey I got my 2-for-1 voucher for spending £10k on my credit card
I hadn't realised I was so close to spending £10k on my credit card
Last I checked I'd only spent like, £6500
Hi @Rahul2001
How are things going? Better?
@ThatBrazilianGuy long time no see...
No, actually
@Rahul2001 I'm Trying to focus more into work. In fact, I have blacklisted the chat on my work PC.
Stuff is as crappy as ever, but eh.
@ThatBrazilianGuy :-o
I tried that, I just spent more time playing star trek online or agar.io
@ThatBrazilianGuy ooooh. Cool. Best of luck with that!
@Rahul2001 I know it doesn't even come near what you're experiencing, but if you want a little schadenfreude, I borked an 1 TB HDD last night. No backups. ;__;
I should probably try be nice and helpful and sympathetic to rahul but I just schadenfreude at him all day anyway
@PowershellforLinux I thought you currently had no work to focus into
@PowershellforLinux Yay, 6 months ~ a whole year of photos and videos I took, music and games I downloaded, backups of a customer site, and random stuff, just gone, so hilarious, lol.
No one to blame but me, I should have backups, but 1 TB HDD costs 10% of my salary ;___;
I should've backed up into DVDs. Well, no use crying over the spoilt milk.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Hence tried ( in my prveious job)
@ThatBrazilianGuy Been there, done that, multiple times
Borked a 20TB ZFS array with 10+ years of photos and videos I took too, but I'm still confident I'll recover that one day
Looks like it happens every three years or so to me. Just enough for me to feel confident again.
I think I'm not touching an HDD again until I collect one year's worth of salary to build two synced RAID arrays.
Ironically I've lost data more times to breaking/borking/misconfiguring RAID arrays meant to protect my data (5) than to actual drive failure the RAID arrays were there to prevent (0)
I had a period where it'd happen every year around the same time
@ThatBrazilianGuy That sucks. I learnt how to take backups the hard way too. What works for me is that as soon as I download something important, or as soon as I'm back from a trip, I copy all the pictures and stuff to two locations by default. As I keep coding and making stuff, I keep saving it to multiple locations.
I'm pretty sure I could get that job
@Rahul2001 Dropbox is really awesome if you don't have too much stuff and if you don't care supermuch about privacy
Google photos also comes in handy sometimes
One is none
@BenN I have my own server, so one copy of stuff goes there, and two copies on hard disks.
Ah, that works too
I still can't figure out what woke me up at 4:45 in the morning but I cannot bring myself to go to sleep again
@BenN I had 50+ GB on dropbox from a promo, it ended, I didn't renew... =/
My Dropbox's size has changed a couple times for reasons unclear to me
First it dropped by a couple GB, then a few months later it went back up part of the way
There was a time when I used to use Google drive, then I tried Dropbox for a bit because I got quite a lot of storage from a promo, but that ended. Then I used One drive for a bit, but although it is renewed with the family plan of office 365, I just don't trust it a lot.
Uploading stuff to my own server leaves me in control, and works best for me
Ironically microsoft's shit is actually more secure than DropBox
In totally unrelated news, weather outside is awesome because it rained all night. Also, I've been eaten by these damn mosquitoes.
@PowershellforLinux How'd that happen?
@Bob Oh I've explained it before tyhthyhyttytytyty
Tha\t's the one I broke by hibernating and resuming a VM
@PowershellforLinux I read this as minecraft
10 hours to download an (outdated) backup of my web server VM
and I probably need to down my server again to do a quick backup/archive and get the current, post bobbed version
@PowershellforLinux that still sounds really weird :S
@JourneymanGeek "post bobbed"
you make that sound like it's a bad thing! :P
I'm annoyed (slightly) veeam linux won't do one off, local, same drive backups

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