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AMD Ryzen processor price labels spotted at Fry's Electronics (cc @Psycogeek, who lives near multiple Fry's stores in the SoCal area)
Hello friends
Any guidance on how to root Asus zenfone?
1 hour later…
@SunMan wrong superuser
doorbel broke
pcb is corroded to hell
good thing it isnt a wifi doorbell then :-)
@Psycogeek battery runs out too quick on those
Backblaze finally charged my card for two months of service: $0.61 for B2 Cloud Storage.
@Bob sanding the contacts might help
@JourneymanGeek hm?
for the doorbell
@JourneymanGeek what contacts... it's the PCB itself. and all the wires.
vinegar managed to clean up the wires but I think the pcb is fucked
and it's got one of those die-on-board things covered with epoxy so I can't even take it apart and wire it up
lost cause... gonna go buy a new one
@JourneymanGeek I was tempted to DIY one with the rpi, but then I'd need to hardware it to a power source :P
(the current broken one is a battery powered unit with the button and speaker wired together... so not wireless)
@Bob If I went wired, I'd go for an oldskool one with a physical striker
Replacing these sorts of systems can require tearing down walls. We just went wireless instead.
@JourneymanGeek Like a school bell? :D
@JourneymanGeek eh well. I wrote the entire answer there to avoid no link only answers before being told by an employee it's better to link it
@Sathya rofl
@bwDraco you can reuse the wires...
I'm aware of that, but the wires do kinda age. I'm not sure how one would do more extensive servicing of a hard-wired doorbell system, though...
Other than the wire, replace both ends ;)
Q: Cannot boot from newly bought SSD

CyvalI use a Toshiba Satellite P745 Laptop. I bought a new Kingston UV400 SSDNow SSD 120GB. I'm currently using Ubuntu 16.04 as my OS (in laptop). I've downloaded Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit yesterday, because I want to change my OS to Windows 7. After putting the SSD inside an enclosure, I did the f...

this dosen't seem quite right
That's not how it works. You cannot directly boot from an ISO file. You need to burn the ISO image to a DVD and boot into it to install Windows. — bwDraco 11 secs ago
I wrote an answer instead ;)
@JourneymanGeek went with wireless this time
the wired ones took either 9V or 4x C
which are, frankly, weird and shitty batteries
@bwDraco nah, the wire literally went through the wood frame of a window next to the door
and there was lots extra
and the button was fine (once I cleaned the corrosion off the wire...)
the chime, on the other hand, was hella dead
would've been easy to replace with a new wired one (reuse existing button) but ... yea, 9V
9v isn't that bad ;p
@JourneymanGeek they don't last all that long
not much capacity in AAAA cells
and we needed to replace the old, cheap, wireless back door bell, which incidentally chewed through 3x AA in about a month
hopefully the new one can last at least a year
but, hey, this time it's two buttons attached to one chime, with different sounds. and a spare chime that has a mains plug. cause they didn't sell buttons independently...
The CR2032s in the buttons should hopefully last ... a while
@JourneymanGeek oh, and physical ones aren't particularly loud...
but but. they're cool ><
also I think the usual cells in buttons here are weird 12v mini cells
@JourneymanGeek yea, some of them had those. the ones we bought were coin cells.
not sure which would last longer, but meh
> (9 out of 10 structural engineers surveyed agreed that bullet holes are a Bad Thing for airworthiness; The 10th wet himself and ran out screaming)
@JourneymanGeek 8-cell alkaline batteries. These applications tend to need short pulses of relative high voltage.
It's called A23.
The A23 battery (also known as 23A, 23AE, GP23A, V23GA, 8LR932, 8LR23, MN21, L1028 or ANSI-1181A) is a dry cell-type battery mainly used in small electronic keychain radio devices, such as keyless vehicle entry systems, home security systems, garage door openers, and Bluetooth headsets. An A23 battery is cylindrical, smaller than a AAA battery, measuring 28.5 mm long and 10.3 mm in diameter, with a typical weight of 8 grams. An A23 battery is an 8-cell device with a nominal voltage of 12 V. The higher voltage is necessary for the radio frequency-transmitting and receiving devices which A23 batteries...
Excessive precison isn't needed when people know what the hell I'm talking about ;)
51MB of data left... Great.
2 hours later…
@TOOGAM Very good advice - especially as he is a doctor at a medical clinic ... — DavidPostill 20 secs ago
Trivial exercise to find this user on LinkedIn ...
In response to
"I inadvertently sent one competitors business info to another." Wow, what a major blunder. I see that you asked this question with what looks like an anonymous account. Smart. But it looks like you have a photo assigned with this profile. I suggest removing that; I've been taught that it is typically best to not go on public record stating a major error like that, so I suggest anonymizing. — TOOGAM 5 hours ago
@JourneymanGeek Should a mod change this users gravatar?
@DavidPostill naw. Unless he requests it. Check the edit history
@JourneymanGeek lol. That is an even easier way to dox him ;)
I didn't even think about that. :p
@JourneymanGeek Me neither. I did a reverse image search ;p
I mean, doxing at all ;p
I think they know he messed it up.
Q: How can I speed up my pc for multi tab browsing?

mYnDstrEAmWhat can I do to improve browsing performance? In particular I have a browser-session with around 1000 tabs (they only load when they're clicked). And I also open up many new tabs at the same time quickly and would like to have them load very fast. I'm using Chrome and Firefox (I'll probably swi...

@Bob ^
@JourneymanGeek I kinda want to invite him into chat.
I'm not entirely sure I can make that clearer
also, I think kilotabs are excessive
@JourneymanGeek ahem
My 2k tabs were fine, tyvm
@Bob other question seems to indicate they're somewhat price sensitive
ah, thank you
@JourneymanGeek mind if I invite to chat?
yeah, Ought to be fine
beats handling this in comments
and I do actually have some experience with machines that old
just not in such extreme circumstances
2 hours later…
@allquixotic See here's part of the problem.... I gt good content on youtube right now for free, if it wasnt' there, I'd read a book or something.
£10/mo is high, to me, yes
That's the same cost as my OVH server
Is it possible to fund credit card?
Or debit card?
@Boris_yo hmmm not sure what you mean by 'fund' ?
I thought credit card and debit card can be only 1 way but noticed that when I requested refunds they have been directed back towards card's balance.
@djsmiley2k I have a disposable debit card.
They are both based on a balance
It had $250 ceiling balance. Once that card is empty, it cannot be recharged.
so you 'buy' it for upto $250
and then it just goes down?
Yes. Locally it's possible to get this debit card on postal service's branch.
I hate to pay 25 NIS charge every time I get new card, not to mention waiting in queue.
And your question is can you put money onto it?
Maximum allowance is $250 on it.
Only the provider can answer that
a 'normal' debit card, is linked to a bank account
If refunds find their way back, can't simple transfer too?
and each transaction debits the account....
yeah, but if they want to block them, so you have to pay for a new card each time...
Can you not get a normal bank account?
I don't know where debit card in question is linked to. There was no bank account whatsoever.
I know america is weird about this stuff, not sure why they can't just follow the rest of the world....
@Boris_yo I doubt it's linke to anywhere
it's a special case, being a disposable card
Maybe they still assign a deposit but not under my name? Like anonymous?
Israel here.
yeah exactly
it'll just be an account number, no way to fund it etc
No monthly fees for that debit card too and no need bank account, no credit history check as well.
If you want a card you don't have to buy each time, you need a proper account I'd guess.
@djsmiley2k No way to fund it, yet refunds work.
Refunds are special...
refunds are just undoing a transaction
@Boris_yo Oh I'm sure it's 'technically' possible, but they won't allow it
@djsmiley2k Because they already have link to original transaction?
the original transaction possibly hasn't even processed yet
@djsmiley2k Like chargeback or refusing processing or something?
I wish there was a way to fund any card... With PayPal, Skrill, etc.
What freedom would that be...
@djsmiley2k Gotcha
I think Carmageddon was my first game...
What a times...
sometimes the wait time on a transaction can be as long as 90 days
@Boris_yo can you not get a normal account with a debit card?
And how I was hard pressed to make it work with 3Dfx ^.^
Carmageddon was the win
also Carmageddon 2
I once split the giant yellow truck in half, using buzz lightweight
@djsmiley2k I think there is merchant authorization in US that is placed before transaction takes place. I have normal bank account but I hate paying monthly fees for card I may not use often.
@djsmiley2k In half? In Carmageddon 2 you could do that but not 1.
@Boris_yo You have to pay a monthly fee just for a debit card?
@djsmiley2k Yes. Is it different where you live?
@Boris_yo yup, the giant yellow truck I'm thinking of was new in Carmageddon 2.
was funny, because we couldn't beat it for like a week
then late one night I was playing at my mates house, and the thing splits in half
never managed it again, and with buzz lightweight as well xD
@Boris_yo Yes, most bank accounts come with a free debit card
@djsmiley2k Buzz lightweight? Is this driver?
@djsmiley2k We have normal credit cards and sometimes to pull new clients they offer 1 year free of monthly fees.
@Boris_yo yup, the name was a joke on the name Buzz Lightyear
it was the smallest, easily broken car in the game
tottally and utterly useless normally
strength 1-5: 80
yeah, you were never really meant to beat this guy
but I split him in half :D
I can still see it happening in my mind, I remember the road... was driving a long and it came directly at me, I was thinking 'well I'm dead' cept it went under the front of the truck, then the truck just exploded and split in 2
The problem was then surviving the rest, I believe I died with one other opponent left.
@Boris_yo well the banking thing sucks for you, I thought it was just america that was screwed up in the regards to charges and cards and stuff...
@djsmiley2k Is it different in EU?
@Boris_yo I don't pay for cards in the UK.
I can't answer for the rest of hte countries...
@djsmiley2k There was also another useless car but it was a black car. Maybe in first installment though...
@djsmiley2k Hey that's pitbull? He definitely pumped his ride. In first he had hauling truck and here he has truck that I remember from one of Jackie Chan movies, in the ending...
the grim reaper one?
@djsmiley2k Mr Grim?
Ooops... That's Twisted Metal 2! The best Twisted Metal game ever.
2 hours later…
Yawn, and now i'm on my lunch break
@djsmiley2k Us brits are clearly weird having lunch after afternoon tea and then later having supper at dinner time.
@DavidPostill well yeah
but my problem is my shift is 2-10:30
my lunch is at 4ppm because if i take it any later, everyone ehas gone home :/
it's stupid :(
I dunno, i don't really remember many cars properly
@djsmiley2k @Boris_yo we don't pay for debit cards here in India either.
hows the money situation there now @Rahul2001 is it still all the grey money being swapped?
was it india?
Q: Firefox refuses to cache images

ChiraI'm working on a website, and I noticed that Firefox is refusing to cache any of the images. The response headers are all set correctly, but Firefox is sending a couple of weird request headers: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0 Accept: */* Accept-L...

Well this is in the wrong place, but i'm unsure what the right place is...
serverfault, webapps? :/
@djsmiley2k Eh, it's mostly okay, not a lot of black money was eradicated but whatever... Most people are okay now.
I think the first proper video game I ever played was Halo CE, and it's still my favourite.
boring shift is boring already :/
@Rahul2001 The first proper video game I played was Space Invaders. I used to have the high score on the machine in the Imperial College Student Union bar and was good enough to be able get continuous free games (which I used to sell to the people waiting in the queue to play for beer money) ;p
I kinda do that with pinball
I remember at one hotel in spain, there was a Kong pinball machine, which I'd get so many free games going I'd let random kids at the hotel have a bash, run it back down to a single credit, and fill it up again
@djsmiley2k Yeah, I did the same with pinball and Galaxians as well. I remember a pinball machine that I got up to 99 free replays and gave them to someone knowing if he won another game it would reset to 0 :)
@DavidPostill I'm so sad that arcade machines are dead.
@Rahul2001 There are still places in the UK which have them.
@DavidPostill I definitely hope that my future college does.
@Rahul2001 College... as in university?
@djsmiley2k yeah
i doubt there'll be any in the uni itself
I guess "college" is an Americanism...
@bwDraco Oi. Even us Brits have colleges. Please don't insult my alma mater ;)
Imperial College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom. Its founder, Prince Albert, envisioned an area constituted of the Victoria and Albert Museum, Natural History Museum, Royal Albert Hall, and the Imperial Institute. The Imperial Institute was opened by his wife, Queen Victoria, who laid the foundation stone in 1887. Imperial College London was granted a royal charter in 1907. In the same year, the college joined the University of London, before leaving it a century later. The curriculum was expanded to include medicine after mergers with several historic...
@DavidPostill so you didn't go to university then? :P
A catfish isn't a cat either.
Don't call it one.
College, in the UKism's, is the thing you attend between school and university.
!!/trout @djsmiley2k
slaps @djsmiley2k around a bit with a large trout!
@djsmiley2k Were did you go? A Polytechnic? ;P
Yes actually XD
Here, colleges are basically higher-education institutions that may or may not form part of a larger university.
Well, no, it was a university when I attended
Coventry University is a public research university in the city of Coventry, England. The University was formerly known as Lanchester Polytechnic until 1987 and Coventry Polytechnic until it was awarded university status. With more than 27,000 students (as of 2013), Coventry University is the larger of the two universities in the city, the other being the University of Warwick. It has three campuses: one in the city centre of Coventry where a large majority of the university operates, one in Scarborough, North Yorkshire and one in London. The campus in Coventry is currently undergoing a £16...
@djsmiley2k I think they are all universities now, right?
I attended College of Staten Island, which is part of the City University of New York.
MS in Computer Science.
I guess I attended the College of Computer Science, Coventry University, Coventry.
But I attended university, generally :P
@bwDraco Yeah, Imperial College is part of the University of London
It has it's own separate ranking though.
Has anybody noticed Intel's new TV commericals (at least here in the US)? It seems they're getting ready for AMD Ryzen...
The number of Intel commericals I'm seeing is a clear sign they're worried...
oh ohoh hohoho
i think SAP just stabbed itself
I think Intel has been holding back on innovations: discover new IPC improvement or power efficiency improvement -> hold it back -> release the bare minimum needed to achieve 4-5% improvement gen over gen, so they can stair step us and make us upgrade more often
@bwDraco I think Ryzen will dominate for a maximum of 8 months, then Intel will release a new iteration with some awesome held back tech that they've been reserving for limited run use for the NSA, etc. thus far
AMD will ultimately lose, but might make a profit during those 8 months... then Intel will be forced to stop baby stepping the public
ATI/AMD did the same thing to Nvidia a number of years ago when they beat them to 28nm and wrecked face in benchmarks until Fermi came out
Forcing Intel's hand is what truly matters.
This is why we need competition.
I think Intel will just sink more money into R&D to pull ahead, but not before AMD recaptures a nontrivial portion of the market.
Even then, pressure from AMD will mean lower prices for everyone.
woooooooooooooooo i'm so bored
i'm litterally rewriting the wiki for one of our clients
we have a wiki which documents everything, for all our clients
and as I'm very familuar with one or two clients now, I'm rewriting it, as they've been with the company 15 years, there's a lot of outdated and wrong infomation in there...
@allquixotic do you honestly believe that or is it just some fun conspircy?
after all, if they had more improvements, could they not push them to absolutely demolish AMD?
hmmmmmmm here's a fun one
anyone know how to exclude a page from a pmwiki search
the wiki we have contains a lot of 'dead' pages, for processes we no longer follow, etc.
'Administrator may exclude pages from appearing in search results.
is all the text I can find xD
I'm presuming no one else is at work atm...
@djsmiley2k I'm here. I just don't know anything about pmwiki
Just wondering who's about L:D
@djsmiley2k Anyway, you can exclude groups from search results. So if you put all your old documentation in a group you can exclude it all at once.
@MichaelFrank yup I figured that
I can also just make a ZZZ. group and put it under there
at least then it'll be in the results, if anyone cares...
I'll speak to my boss and see what they think.
You could always just offline the documentation. If it's still required, but should not be searchable, dump it into word and put it in \\server\IT\old doco or something similar.
Yeah I don't have server access to do that
the joys of being a lowly drone eh ;)
I can 'delete' it, so it no longer exists, but then it'll raise questions as no one appently ever deletes anything
Q: Linux CentOS - DNS Slave doesnt receive zone files

Sasa777i configured DNS bind Master server on linux CentOS 6 in virtual box and it's working perfectly, but i have problem with Slave server, he can't receive zone files and its doesn't work (unknown host if i trying to ping domain). Please i would appreciate any help? Thanks

Walmart, Los Angeles, CA, United States
10.6k 3 12 45
huh o_O
Do we have a mod here? This looks really weird...
Has the user recently changed his/her username?
They change names moderately often
Oh the walmart user?
@bwDraco The user was formally known as "IT Solutions"
Q: Computer basic questions

Ellaha MomandCan someone please answer these questions and send it to my number plz. +15717629612 1- Calculator in our computers belongs to which catagory? a: program b: application c: operating system 2- Jhon starts his computer and after typing password for his username what does operating system do at f...

well that needs.... fixing xD
fixed that link for you
Huh, chat broke it :/
Apparently it thinks asterisks can't go in URLs
Still broken.
That works.
Yeah, chat ate the second protocol
@BenN That's a very useful trick to catch username changes though :)
I must try it on TOWMN sometime :)
all our newzealand customers having issues yey
@djsmiley2k Vodaphone NZ has an outage "Recent reports mostly originate from: Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Lower Hutt, Whangarei, Tauranga, Dunedin, Palmerston North, Hamilton, and Porirua. "
"Vodafone offers mobile phone and mobile internet, as well as fií broadband internet and phone service to consumers and businesses. I"
hahah nice, ty
that'll explain a lot
@DavidPostill What's the source for that plz?
they look old?
Well, after a quick survey around the office, Vodafone Mobile seems to be working.
@djsmiley2k It says it's a live outage map ...
Our internet access is with them as well, and since I'm talking to you, I guess it's working.
are you in NZ @MichaelFrank ?
I am.
@DavidPostill Those outages are customer reported. :P
Well clearly the live map is not a live map :/
and the heat map is realllllllllly misleading.
nm eh
one of the stores has completely gone offline now
while the other one appears to be partially a user fault
someones removed the indexes in the db... and as the servers appear to be located here in the UK..... queries now time out rather more than they used to :/
earthquake in NZ?
why on earth would you locate your servers in the UK if you are in australia or NZ?
@Burgi Yea, we've had some pretty bad earthquakes recently.
Bleh, I really shouldn't stay up so late
I'm kinda nervous. I'm getting braces in like 5 hours.
@MichaelFrank are you a kiwi?
i'm sorry to say i thought you were american :(
@Burgi deja vu... I swear this isn't the first time @MichaelFrank's been asked that in here :P
my girlfriend has a thing for kiwis (the people not the bird or the fruit)
@BenN they can, it's just annoyingly hard
or maybe not in GCM
her ideal guy is someone called Richie McCaw
@BenN meta.stackexchange.com/posts/178088/revisions oh wait they can't, I misremembered :P
hm. IIRC URL encoding worked
@Burgi haha!
i think he plays rugby
He's retired from Rugby now. Currently he's a helicopter pilot.
well not everyone can be a hobbit herder
That is what collies are best at.
unless you can use helicopters to herd hobbits
@Burgi lol
@Burgi You should buy this for your gf
i bought her a panda from christmas
@Burgi I remember.
maybe a rugby thing next year or something?
i may have peaked too earlier with the awesome presents
@Burgi I'll send you a picture of what's hanging on the wall 5m from me in a couple minutes. ;)
what did i miss?
> Great news! You could get standard BT Broadband
Hide results
Estimated speeds
that isn't great news....
@Burgi Nothing. He repeated his previous post for some reason.
@DavidPostill I got the retry/.../... message.
@MichaelFrank Bad internet connection?
there is no cable near my new flat
@Burgi Hmm. If (when) I look for a flat that will the top my list of requirements :)

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