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In other news, DISM appears to be perfectly willing to install the Remote Server Administration Tools on a Home edition
TBH, this is not a great reflection on someone with a master's degree. I seriously need to read critically.
I'll be addressing this issue over the coming days. I'm sorry if anyone was adversely impacted. Let's move on.
probably barely passed obedience school
@JourneymanGeek Well, that's the problem with my upbringing.
More seriously, I took 3 attempts to get my BSc
that's not really a reflection of my online or offline social skills
We've discussed this before. I already have plans in place to address ongoing issues with social soft skills.
@OliverSalzburg That's... not the worst idea. Especially if you still want control over subdomains.
@bwDraco eh. you have opinions, I have opinions. It's alright to disagree.
I tend to be rather harsh when criticising those posts, but that's more directed at the post (and its author) rather than at you.
(And there's absolutely no guarantee that my criticisms are remotely accurate...)
I'll just read more critically. Accepting things at face value is a Bad Thing (tm).
@bwDraco there's a huge different between you linking something you read
and you going 'GUYS THIS IS TOTAL LEGIT!!!! <link>'
If anyone blindly trusts something, because someone linked it, they are the one at fault, not you.
You have a good point.
Even if they know you usually post good quality stuff.
Regardless, I'm still going to read more critically.
That said, anaylising while you read, and concidering if you believe it or not, is a good thing to do :)
Gotta go soon. See ya in a bit.
You can always say 'Not sure I believe it, but it's interesting <link>
Thanks for the advice :)
@djsmiley2k Yup.
TBH, Gawker has always relied extensively on clickbait, so I've never really had much faith in their writing.
@OliverSalzburg: I agree with you, It really honestly just depends on how ones infrustructure is built. For instance, someone may host a webserver with multiple sites being hosted on 1 ip address using NamedBasedVirtualHosting, having a CNAME record to point to the hostname of the webserver makes it easy to migrate 300 websites if they all point to the same one webserver host. Otherwise updating A records for 300 separate hosts can be quite annoying, and time consuming.
another good example where a cname record would be ideal would be records related to pop / imap since these services generally run on the same host as most mailservers.. However when configuring clients.. its easier for the end user to understand where to put the pop and imap settings in textbox fields.
I wrote a load of scripts at a old job
they updated 9000 dns entries on demand
was a pita but it worked XD
about 100 zone files
lol damn
yeah, the best bit was if something was screwed up in any file
the whole dns server would just fall over
And we didn't have split dns servers for our public and private queries, meaning that 1. everyone lost internet access, and 2. the website would be offline for anyone without a cache..
The best bit was one how my boss just 'accidently' deleted half the file
Still no clue how he did it, he litterally cut the bottom half of the config file off, and we found it like that the next morning
You should totally switch to a DNS server that has a dns backend. ;P
by hand we had to re-write half the config :D
One update query to rule them all.
MS DNS has been not bad in my experience
@BenN probably cause you can powershell it into submission ? ;p
DnsServer module to the rescue
Q: Looking for a replacement part for PCI Interface Low Profile Sound Card?

dirtymopI can't find a replacement for this card. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16829270005 It needs to use a 3.3 volt slot or a dual voltage signaling board. The motherboard only has 1 pci 3.3 volt slot. I tried to use this card. https://www.amazon.com/Channel-Surround-Sound-CM...

The magic smoke appears to have escaped
man, that's a big brute. Kong there's no slouch either, but that crt... ;p
Q: Old Computer, after one year unused startup time 45 minutes?

Martin TeeI have a old Lenovo Laptop, with XP, a diagnostic machine, no internet access, no extra programs, just XP and diagnostic program. Last time I used it, worked and booted ok. But now, startup time 45 minutes. Can anyone explain me where is this dog buried? Thanks!

erm, wat?
@djsmiley2k: probably failing HDD
I don't even understand the question...
The dog burried lmfao
Just saw that
I would guess it's a translation of a different language's colloquialism
I am tempted to say "I didn't bury anything"
I'm actually quite scared to reply
I think i'll ignore that one.
I commented
it took 45minutes to boot?
Q: I cant open powershell although it is running it is not visible.

Kelvin ZhouI have a windows 10 and an intel core i5. I also cant open mt start menu and I cant hide my taskbar. Help?!

Maybe it started patching prior to being turned off?
We shouldn't have to guess ;p
Guessing is fun! :D
@BenN Did I miss something?
No, I was talking about the US presidential campaigns
oh hahaa
wait, who's been decived about that?
'Everyone's at risk of being dumb' is more appropriate XD
Pretty much everyone on all sides tried to foist some less-than-factual perception of the opposing candidate onto the general public
ahh, politics.
@BenN: Totally in agreement.
@djsmiley2k I think the Get-ADObject cmdlet with the -SearchBase switch (in LDAP path form) will do what you want
yesterday, by NotAdmin Dave
Low participation rate and oversampling.. That's all it is..
yesterday, by NotAdmin Dave
"We know college people hate trump... lets reach out to them as a majority for this poll.. And the people that actually like him and think hes doing a great job.. lets only call 2 of those guys..."
yesterday, by NotAdmin Dave
Thats why I dont provide any personal information about myself if i ever decide to opt into one.
And providing that information is actually worse.. Since now they can ignore people that dont opt in that information and always target individuals that have opted in
This is why we need to keep PRIVACY PRIVATE.
Its easily exploitable.
@BenN can I have it in a fancy gui?
Tack on | Out-GridView for a GUI-ish table
need to be able to clicky and reset passwords and stuff
ya seeing my issue yet? :/
/me cries
i'm tired
and really can't do this today
damn this ubuntu vm for being so slow
i might just go cli

@djsmiley2k you might just go Gentoo
/me runs
With the -PassThru switch on Out-GridView, it'll return the selected object for you to do more things with if desired

hm. weird characters
Alternatively I could stop throwing PS stuff at you and let you rest :)
@Bob Both those messages appear blank to me
@BenN eww LDAP
LDAP paths are ... ugh.
@BenN 0x08, no idea how I managed to type it :P
@TomWijsman haha, I'm getting very seriously tempte to setup a tunnel, use my binhost and do exactly that :D
think it's come up before... something to do with firefox, textboxes, SEchat JS and backspace
wtf is that
and why did it add a line return, before rendering it outta existance?! :D
good question
0x08 is a backspace char, not funny-box-char
Ah, typing 8 with the numeric keypad makes a Unicode thingy I guess
I hate life◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘love lamp
I got a real 0x8 with [char]8 | scb
@Bob All questions are good questions, some are badly formatted.
Thing 12
There's an 0x8 between the numbers
Q: I can enter U+0008 (backspace character) into a chat message under Firefox

derobertI typed a chat message including two pings. I believe I tab-completed @rumtscho and fully typed @MarthaF (since she doesn't tab complete). However, other people tell me that a Unicode character was inserted into the message; I can't see it: Originally, I abandoned this bug report for a lack of...

found the meta post :P

@bwDraco Where are you getting 1.12PiB from?
241 Lifetime_Writes_GiB 0x0032 000 000 000 Old_age Always - 1152
nvm, misread it.
Not sure what I was thinking.
1152 GiB ~= 1.1 TiB, no?
bah, non-decimal counting
yeah 1.125ish
/ 1024
Never worked with a SandForce drive. The SF2200 series is pretty much obsolete, and the SF3700 series proved to be vaporware.
wtf is going on with the rendering o_O
(there's no space on that page)
This is what I'm reading "Here's how to remote access YER L's.."
Are they using a wiki program that uses CamelCase autolinking?
@bwDraco IIRC SandForce controllers are still used in other drives
Intel used them, yea?
@djsmiley2k keming
I've seen this happen on TV Tropes, which uses PMWiki.
@Bob Phison and SMI hav pretty much overtaken SandForce for generic SSD controllers.
Could it be a CamelCase rendering function of somesort improperly adding spaces?
@Bob I thought it was Kerning
RemoteAccessURLs... May be treated as Remote Access UR Ls ?
@djsmiley2k ya, keming is a joke :P
yeah it's PM wiki @bwDraco
kerning with bad kerning is keming
@Bob BOOM.
@Bob PmWiki does this. I've seen this on TV Tropes.
It's basically autoformatting CamelCase. If the word is all caps except the last letter, the software will separate the last two letters.
That sucks =)
That's what im thinking as well.
To escape this, use [= =], e.g. [=URLs=].
> To prevent a CamelCase word from being linked when you don't want it to, use the "Escape sequence" demonstrated here: [=CamelCase=]
lul, it's the page title, can't.
@djsmiley2k: check wikiwords.php include file
i can't :(
/* Copyright 2001-2015 Patrick R. Michaud ([email protected])
This file is part of PmWiki; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. See pmwiki.php for full details.

This script adds WikiWord (CamelCase) processing to PmWiki.
Originally WikiWords were part of the default configuration,
but their usage has died out over time and so it's now optional.
I don't have server access D:
@Bob Intel has switched to SMI controllers for their latest SSDs.
Got stuff to do. Will be back.
Julia Silge on January 19, 2017
The 2017 Stack Overflow Developer Survey opened last week, and we on the Data Team are looking forward to analyzing the survey results to better understand our developer community. I am particularly interested in women in tech, for probably obvious reasons, and recently I explored last year's survey data to see what we can learn about women developers.
hmmmm diagnosing proxy issues
with no access to the actual proxy
just a uri and a port
use fiddler
life 300x easier to diagnose a proxy
you'll thank me later. promise
what is fiddler?
k so dns lookups are working
its a http debuggin tool
ok weird
just google.com not loading XD
@JourneymanGeek finally finished reading it and those linked, and... tbh the name-and-shame thing he has going on makes me uncomfortable.
There's links between things which I don't think he's revealed (for reasons he'll know).
Otherwise, I don't see how he jumped between some of the things linking people
@djsmiley2k yea, some of them did seem rather circumstantial
hopefully he has more
I didn't go back and re-anaylise
but found my self thinking 'how did we get here?'
otherwise there's the possibility he's just ruined a few people's lives
^ see also, why name-and-shame is ... risky.
but Krebs seems to be really on his stuff, and I don't think he'd do that unless he was sure?
*shrug* dunno
Something that is interesting, I see none of the 'shady underworld' the DDoS'ers appently inhabit
you know, the same one that the murders, gangers, drug dealers, etc all use
they hang out generally on internet relay chat in rooms with mode +s
I used to know a few of them on efnet. Yearrrrrrrrrs ago
@djsmiley2k you haven't looked hard enough :P
my file upload works
@NotAdminDave people are everywhere
next step, 'processing' the file
this is where things get fun
yea yea yea
@Bob Looks like you and @allquixotic
i'm having problem in understanding how open vpn exchanges encryption/decryption keys..does anyone know in simple words? the open vpn security overview is too complicated
@Dog :P those cat ears say "I'm keeping my eye on you, but I'm not worried about an immediate threat"
@allquixotic "Soon..."
Okay, I'm back. Was working on an application for a paid summer internship.
They're making them 512n for legacy compatibility, but 1 TB and 2 TB "Enterprise Capacity" hard drives sound like an oxymoron...
Just what is the demand for these lower-capacity 512n drives?
@bwDraco people with ancient RAID controllers who are happy to throw new money after old to maintain their existing infrastructure? (e.g., they want to continue to replace existing 1 TB disks with hot spares that are the same size for block-level copying)
although I don't understand why a 512e drive wouldn't work equally well; the 512-byte sector still gets exposed to the OS the exact same way
the only difference is that the 512n firmware doesn't have to go through some gymnastics to do a read/update cycle on a 512n sector, whereas a 512e drive does
ZFS can be picky, from what I've read. You can't add 512e drives to a 512n zpool IIRC.
Have you actually tried doing this?
I'm sure governments will buy them by the hundreds for servers that don't experience unbounded capacity (e.g., web servers or databases that grow ridiculously slowly)
I'm not sure why ZFS would care about the physical sector format if the logical sector format is the same...
@bwDraco haven't tried it myself, no, but ZFS literally can't see the native 4k sectors on a 512e drive; the lowest level interface ZFS can access shows 512-byte logical sectors
e.g. the /dev/sda block device on Linux... it'd be exposed as 512-byte
A: What's the point of hard drives reporting their physical sector size?

bwDracoThe 512-byte emulation is intended for compatibility with older systems. However, writes involving only part of a physical 4K sector can cause reduced performance because the sector needs to be read and modified before it can actually be written. When a legacy operating system tries to write to ...

even in the kernel, at the SATA driver level, it'd just see 512-byte
> We can't just stick a 4K drive in an array formatted with 512b disks. Many arrays (most notably ZFS based storage, which is increasingly popular as software defined storage makes waves) will not accept a replacement drive with a different physical sector format.
I really have to wonder why ZFS does this.
Does ZFS actually care about the physical sector format?
@JourneymanGeek :P
@allquixotic nah Linux kernel implemented native sector size hinting long ago and ZFS uses it to choose block size when creating an array
Seems to have something to do with the ashift parameter.
Bleh, my S4 modem is borked
@NotAdminDave So what? If I have an A record that points foo to and I need to change the IP address, then I change the A record. How would the additional CNAME improve the situation? Maybe I just didn't understand the question :P
Im confused too.. A cname only points to a host not an IP address.. unless you use the in-addr.arpa equivalent of the address.. but even that's still considered a hostname according to rfc
I was agreeing with your original comment
Using a sticky note to disable 8 PCIe lanes :P
So, in highly compute-intensive workloads, does PCIe bandwidth matter? Well, not by much.
However, multi-GPU workloads that depend on communication over the PCIe bus suffer a big performance hit. This is of no significance for most multi-GPU users as they will likely be using SLI rather than having cards communicate over the PCIe bus.
Tested with an i7-6900K and one or two GTX 1070 cards.
I really should stay out of politics, but this one is funny
(From "Kuifje en het zwarte goud" if I remember correctly).
been a while since I last read tintin
wonder if there're any new ones
Same here. over two decades.
Let me check wikipedia, but I thiunk the writer is dead.
> Died 3 March 1983 (aged 75)
is this question acceptable superuser.com/questions/1169435/…
You have backups, right? — DavidPostill 23 secs ago
> One Star
ByD.W. K.on January 16, 2017
Verified Purchase
Work good until it die!
well, that's informative.
@William It might've been, except we have a dozen duplicates.
I ran out of space in the comment listing dupes -_-
@Burgi I... I... I think I remember that 0.o
@allquixotic Single rails vs. Multiple rails vs. Ruby on Rails

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