Easy to deploy, or easy to develop? Easy deployment would be something like, for example, copying a few files into your HTTP server. That's "easy deployment". Easy development would be something like, writing a minimum of code.
If you're trying to develop a web app without legitimately knowing how to code, well... you won't be successful there, I'm afraid. I've yet to find a framework that can hold your hand that much.
Do you just want a general-purpose admin console exposing the raw internals of the database, that would require the user to write SQL statements to create/read/update/delete in the database?
I'm looking for a tool that can create reports but also interface that can manipulate data.
These reports and interfaces will be deployed on Windows PCs.
Access and Excel spreadsheets are excluded. The reports and interfaces will be linked to a postgres database.
I'm looking for something robus...
@AndyK So, you've been given three upvoted solutions in the question you asked. Have you tried any of them? If yes, why did you find them unsuitable, or what difficulties did you have? If not, why not? What are you looking for instead?
and don't one of you regulars dare reply to my message with the Pakled quote from above, "We look for things to make us go."
@Bob I mean, sure, sometimes you have to hack things, but once you get a continuous integration / continuous deployment pipeline set up, you usually just have to press a button in your IDE or run a script and it'll deploy
@Bob speaking of web apps, I really need to learn any random web app framework well enough to be productive with it (to actually make progress on developing sites)
I feel like I'm missing some fundamentals, not so much in "how" as "what do I do" when it comes to things like, CSS... I don't lack for finding specific things, just lack a general direction as to how to use the stuff
@AndyK there are decent SMB (small/medium business) packages that do things like "shipping costs, building costs, purchase requisitions" (if you could specify even more "things" like that, it would help us further suggest options to you) out of the box... some open source, some with modest license fees.
you might not have to write any code if you select the right software
Salesforce or SAP would "cover everything", but expensive
here are other random IT things people might need: timekeeping (logging the hours worked per employee), payroll (paying your employees), IT asset management (keeping track of the computers/devices/monitors/servers/etc. your company owns), facilities (badging and credentials, physical security, cameras and monitoring)...
if you can narrow down exactly which domains in the general area of "typical software every business needs" that you need, we can make better suggestions
money/knowledge/time triangle: if you have 0, you're dead. if you have 1, you might be able to get by. if you have 2, you'll probably be OK. if you have 3, you will thrive.
Funny thing is, politics has no place in outside the politics site.
As far as the sites proper go - we have fairly focused/limited scopes , various aspects of technology, cookery, life skills. In most cases, the main sites are designed for maximised signal to minimised noise.
For a Troll to act...
and yes, I intentionally replaced the word "N*zi" with "Bureau-member" because of a recent video I watched about German game censorship, where Wolfenstein: The New Order got completely rewritten so you're fighting an enemy faction called The Bureau
@allquixotic So, yea. If you do go Ext - I can probably answer nearly anything :P If not... well, I've been meaning to learn another one at some point :D
I already tried all the solutions here, but I continue to get the following error when I issue the command "Run qmake" on my project from Qt Creator on Qt 5.6.1:
Project ERROR: grpc++ development package not found
... Yet, on the console, qmake && make clean && make successfully builds the ...
From the install log: ... 'Windows Installer 4.5' RunCheck result: No Install Needed Launching Application. URLDownloadToCacheFile failed with HRESULT '-2146697208' Error: An error occurred trying to download 'http://github-windows.s3.amazonaws.com/GitHub.application'.
@Rahul2001 I was kind of down for a while but for the past couple of weeks, I'm doing good. The New year is good for me :) How about you? How's life been?
@djsmiley2k wow, it finally worked for me too. I've been trying to get it for the past 12 hours. Maybe shrinks are right, talking about it does solve the problem :D
In Notepad++ I want to search in all file types except one.
For instance: I want to search in all files but not .class files.
Can the Notepad++ filter can be configured to work this way?
@JourneymanGeek shucks, everyone's like that nowadays. I wish people were more explicit. I mean if something major like the apocalypse is happening, people should explicitly (and calmly) say that "hey, the apocalypse is happening, that's what's up yo"