The Intel HD Graphics 4000 has 0GB of memory because it is an integrated graphics card. This means that instead of having its own dedicated memory, it has to borrow from system memory instead.
I have seen plenty of motherboards with on motherboard integrated graphics and their own memory chip(s)
@Hennes modern Intel graphics, except for Iris and Iris Pro, doesn't have any dedicated video memory for a long time (ever since it was put into the CPU generations and generations ago)
Iris pro is the perfect counter example. Just stating "it is integrated thus it does not ... " is nonsense. It should have been "Like most integrated... it does not have..."
You should be able to find a Samsung OEM windows 8.0 DVD and install that. And then upgradfe that to windows 8.1
It should automaticallyu activate
Mind you, that is NOT the generic windows 8 image.
if you're going to install Windows 8-anything, use 8.1.... although the only reason I can think of not to use Windows 10 would be the lack of a license key
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens what's so hard about installing Windows?
I was assuming it shipped with 8.0 and thus would activeate 8.0 Not sure if it would work for 8.1. I do recommend allwindows updates including the update to 8.1 after it was activated.
the nice thing about Windows 10 is it binds itself to the hardware, so once you activate it one time, you can reinstall any time without providing a license key and it'll "just work"
@allquixotic The hard thing about modern windows is installs failing without clear error message. Or stating item A went wrong! (which means unrelated item B went wrong).
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens because the installer only needs a certain limited number of drivers to work, and the #1 one that it tends not to have is the storage driver
you can use Device Manager or boot up a Linux live CD to find out what SATA or IDE controller you have
@bwDraco due to the low performance implied by "flash drive", no. I'd rather have either an external mechanical HDD (2.5" probably) or like Hennes said, an SSD
@bwDraco @Dog introduced me to shortly after he first came in here; I really like them, but the main thing that makes them more expensive than OVH, for me, is the IPv4 ongoing costs
there's just no comparison: I own (as long as I have an active server with OVH) 2 x IPv4 /27 with OVH. The costs I paid are fixed, not very large, and sunk years ago. Continued use of them is free.
on it's 2 euro per IP per month. super OUCH
you go visit the Greybeards in High Hrothgar, and they teach you to use your Thuum by imparting on you knowledge of Ro (the second word in Fus-Ro-Dah, Unrelenting Force), then Wuld (the first word of Wuld-Na-Kest, Whirlwind Sprint)
Guys can somebody explain to me why my post that has 1 view got -2 downvotes in front of my eyes, like 2 secs after i posted it. Are the mods scripting StackExchange to target my posts and purposely put negative downvotes?
when choosing between "the system is just dumb/wrong/not up-to-date" and "someone is intentionally doing something because they hate me", always choose the former
I am trying to figure out, before i take apart my headphones, how exactly does the signal sends? Is there a built in chip on the volume up and down, answer calls, skip soundtracks and so on?
IF so, that would mean that the sound port on the older devices recognizes a signal a little differently ...
@DeerSpotter meta.stackoverflow is viewed by a ridiculously huge number of people; these people also have a tendency to pile on to really bad questions and downvote them, then post them in chat so more people downvote them
@DeerSpotter start by reading the Help Center ( / , etc. for each Stack Exchange site) and specifically look for the heading, "What questions can I ask here?"
@DeerSpotter no; we just ask that you put questions on the site where they belong, and take 2 minutes to introduce yourself to a site and a community with specific guidelines designed to keep things organized and orderly and efficient
if you're not willing to participate in the system according to the guidelines set forth, you're free to go to another community outside of the stack exchange network
@DeerSpotter Well, the main purpose of the downvotes is to get rid of poor questions, when you improve your questions you get the side effect of more upvotes and more attention and better answers
@DeerSpotter It's a bit hard at the beginning for some, but the very fact it's so different from other communities is what makes SU, SO etc so awesome. It really works!
@DavidPostill meh, it doesn't really matter; the issues he's having are not specific to any one SE site, and if we can either get him to participate in the community in a better way or go to another non-SE forum, we'll be doing the whole network a favor.
@DavidPostill sure but he might make an account on somethingelse.stackexchange and ask a question there... or on its meta... a little bit of tough love might help, since he came in here with an attitude, so might as well speak his language a little
@DeerSpotter Thre is a way out: (1) read upvoted questions and answers to familiariaze with what is on-topic for each site, what these communities focus into, question and answer guidelines, etc (2) start making interesting contributions -- questions, answers, doesn't matter (3) get upvotes (4) ??? (5) profit