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AFk for a bit. Shopping
Samsung NP300E5E-S01ES
I think is that computer
I think the motherboard is this <BA92-12169A>
lul 3 screen laptop
that's not new, i saw one like 3 years ago
The Intel HD Graphics 4000 has 0GB of memory because it is an integrated graphics card. This means that instead of having its own dedicated memory, it has to borrow from system memory instead.
I have seen plenty of motherboards with on motherboard integrated graphics and their own memory chip(s)
Where you seeing this? XD
Also http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/05/31/windows_10_samsung_fail/
Do read the last part on the last link though
And while I am nitpicking. It seems that Samsung does not sell laptops. They only sell windows laptops
Based on http://www.samsung.com/us/support/downloads
subtype windows laptop
Subtype laptop.
Sub NP300E5E-A01US or NP300E5E-A02US (only two options for NP300E5E).
CLick drivers. -> fail
That reminds me very much why buying A-brand items is a bad idea compared to building your own. (which ius easy for desktops, less so for laptops)>
So it doesn't work with win 10?
I am downloading win 8.1
@Hennes modern Intel graphics, except for Iris and Iris Pro, doesn't have any dedicated video memory for a long time (ever since it was put into the CPU generations and generations ago)
I think it should work. But not sure if all devices will work
their only working memory is system RAM
E.g wireless or BT might not have the needed drivers
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens if it works on Windows 8.1, it will work on Windows 10; Windows 10 did not break compatibility with any drivers from Windows 8.1
including old NDIS drivers written for an old version of NDIS and old WDDM drivers written against an old version of WDDM
so.. I only can reinstall with windows 8?
you can even load WDDM 1.0 drivers compiled against Windows Vista on Windows 10
Iris pro is the perfect counter example.
Just stating "it is integrated thus it does not ... " is nonsense.
It should have been "Like most integrated... it does not have..."
You should be able to find a Samsung OEM windows 8.0 DVD and install that.
And then upgradfe that to windows 8.1
It should automaticallyu activate
Mind you, that is NOT the generic windows 8 image.
yes I will try that then
it specifically is the one from Samsung.
I am going to search a win 8
and install that
the owner doesn't say me to install win10
or win8.1
Personally I found OEM iso hard to find. (exceptipon from Dell where I had a few dozen).
that it was my decision
Then go to win8. they are probably used to that.
Do run all windows updates though before retuirning the laptop.
Windows 8 is unsupported, IIRC
And install a virus scanner.
Windows 8 (not 8.1) is unsupported; it's like running Windows XP
but to install win 8.1 I thinks it is so difficult
if you're going to install Windows 8-anything, use 8.1.... although the only reason I can think of not to use Windows 10 would be the lack of a license key
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens what's so hard about installing Windows?
I will have the same problem
I was assuming it shipped with 8.0 and thus would activeate 8.0
Not sure if it would work for 8.1.
I do recommend allwindows updates including the update to 8.1 after it was activated.
as with win 10
the problem is that it appears like not activated the license
I don't know if the owner have installed something or what has done
the nice thing about Windows 10 is it binds itself to the hardware, so once you activate it one time, you can reinstall any time without providing a license key and it'll "just work"
@allquixotic The hard thing about modern windows is installs failing without clear error message. Or stating item A went wrong! (which means unrelated item B went wrong).
@Hennes it probably just doesn't have the SATA (or IDE?!) driver for his hardware because it's so ancient
just have to put in a USB drive with the driver; that's not hard
I have yet to hear anything convincing about what's so "hard" about installing Windows 8.1 or 10 compared to obsolete Windows 8
@allquixotic Yes, I have done it, but when I start the installation
If it has IDE lagacy mode then win10 would work. (which is discovered much to my surprise on me feb 2009 Dell E6500 laptop)
It says that needs some drivers that I don't have
No drivers for ICH7 AHCI, but with a IDE driver
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens then you need to know which drivers you need -- most likely it's just SATA or IDE
but how could I know it?
it doesn't show more info
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens because the installer only needs a certain limited number of drivers to work, and the #1 one that it tends not to have is the storage driver
you can use Device Manager or boot up a Linux live CD to find out what SATA or IDE controller you have
I really need to update my Dell E6500 to windows.
I tried a clean win7 install, but it has been running windows updates since 26-12 last year
then grab a driver that's compatible with Windows 7 or later and you're good to go
(10 3/4 days for windows updates and counting)
@Hennes holy shit
what, does it have a 3 RPM HDD?
literally 3 RPM
or a 28.8k modem?
or single-data rate RAM?
It took a full weekend on an Skylake i5-6600K, now almost 12 days on this.
Core2due, SSD, 4GB (maxed out), wired networking used
10Mbit, but it is not tranfgering any data. so network speed is not a bottleneck
not sure why it's taking so long with an SSD unless it's a really low-end SSD
i think my HHD is failing
It just consumers 100% CPU on one core.
Windows 7 update is known slow since last year.
i just had another of those weird EFI errors but the pendrive managed to fix it immediately
@Burgi smart tests done?
oh, it is ICH9, not ich7 for the Dell
@DavidPostill not yet
Does the idea of a 2 TB flash drive seem interesting to you? extremetech.com/electronics/…
(No, that's not a typo.)
Nope. If I wented that much storage I would use an SSD
@bwDraco due to the low performance implied by "flash drive", no. I'd rather have either an external mechanical HDD (2.5" probably) or like Hennes said, an SSD
HDDs tend to be more consistent IOPS and throughput than flash drives
(Journeyman Geek may be impacted by this)
@bwDraco @Dog introduced me to online.net shortly after he first came in here; I really like them, but the main thing that makes them more expensive than OVH, for me, is the IPv4 ongoing costs
looks ok to me
there's just no comparison: I own (as long as I have an active server with OVH) 2 x IPv4 /27 with OVH. The costs I paid are fixed, not very large, and sunk years ago. Continued use of them is free.
on Online.net it's 2 euro per IP per month. super OUCH
@allquixotic sorry for killing the bot earlier, i really wasn't expecting that command to do anything
@DavidPostill the original order
> 1 x Seagate 4TB HDD / 8GB SSD 3.5" Hybrid Drive @ 145.42GBP
@Burgi patched, it's no problem
as people find ways to abuse the bot I just close them; cat and mouse until eventually it does nothing
@Burgi Yeah, smart looks fine
Why did you originally think it's dying @Burgi ?
@Burgi (looking at the URL) jew4A, eh? ;-)
@allquixotic i do get to slap my first cylon raider sticker on the side of my viper though now :D
@Burgi lol
@allquixotic its random... O.o
I know :)
@djsmiley2k i got that weird EFI error that nuked it over the weekend
but this time i slapped the pendrive in and it booted immediately after that
i did a RAM test last night and that was clean
only think i could think of was that the drive was failing
i wonder if the SSD part is broken or something?
i guess the other major downside to a hybrid drive is there is more to go wrong
oh btw: my flags are back!
that's possible
Also, pen drive?
booting from a pen drive sounds painful
anyway home time bye!
win10 ISO
@allquixotic lol @ "super OUCH"
Uh, what's going on with those stars?
@Burgi Yay, flags!
@bwDraco for what reason?
@allquixotic It was nothing, the situation fixed itself :p
@BenN lol
5 mins ago, by Burgi
oh btw: my flags are back!
Didn't know @Burgi was such an enthushiastic vexillologist!
vex & lol - that has to be made up
> vex
verb: vex; 3rd person present: vexes; past tense: vexed; past participle: vexed; gerund or present participle: vexing

make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried
Oh, cool, a new word
@allquixotic Vexilologism: (vex + lol + ism) To annoy someone by laughing at their face while making fun of their silly flag hobby.
@ThatBrazilianGuy And now, Master Quix will impart you his knowledge of vex.
@ThatBrazilianGuy i will gladly relinquish my domination of the star wall for that joke
./me opens his arms VERY slowly; a visible wind starts rippling towards you and your thoughts are filled with the idea of vex.
@allquixotic If that's a reference to something, I have no idea what would it be.
Seconds later, a chorus of Nords starts chanting inside your head and you are informed by God that you learned a new word, vex.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Skyrim :/
> barbarian choir
you go visit the Greybeards in High Hrothgar, and they teach you to use your Thuum by imparting on you knowledge of Ro (the second word in Fus-Ro-Dah, Unrelenting Force), then Wuld (the first word of Wuld-Na-Kest, Whirlwind Sprint)
is crossfire possible across generations?
Guys can somebody explain to me why my post that has 1 view got -2 downvotes in front of my eyes, like 2 secs after i posted it. Are the mods scripting StackExchange to target my posts and purposely put negative downvotes?
@allquixotic Oh, one of those longint games on the "to be played" section of my steam account...
I think it's Master Borri who says, "Bex!" and his Thuum causes the gate to open
@DeerSpotter no; the views counter isn't necessarily accurate and up to date
@DeerSpotter have you got a link?
so it is theoretically possible it was hacked?
when choosing between "the system is just dumb/wrong/not up-to-date" and "someone is intentionally doing something because they hate me", always choose the former
stop being a megalomaniac
Q: How does the apple Mic on the headphones (wired) volume up and down send its signal?

DeerSpotterI am trying to figure out, before i take apart my headphones, how exactly does the signal sends? Is there a built in chip on the volume up and down, answer calls, skip soundtracks and so on? IF so, that would mean that the sound port on the older devices recognizes a signal a little differently ...

its off topic
thats why
your account is suspended
> This account is temporarily suspended to cool down. The suspension period ends in 7 days.
so it gets automatic downvotes?
1) Not on Super User
2) Not about the main topic of ---SO--- meta SO, that is, ---programming--- questions about questions about programming.
according to my screen, your post has 23 views and 10 downvotes
that means roughly 50% of the people who viewed it, downvoted it, perfectly normal for a bad, grossly off-topic question
@allquixotic 11 now!
i feel someone is targeting me
i know i pissed mods off here
you are asking bad questions in the wrong places
so how would they track a post with a bot?
@DeerSpotter meta.stackoverflow is viewed by a ridiculously huge number of people; these people also have a tendency to pile on to really bad questions and downvote them, then post them in chat so more people downvote them
you account is also suspended
all i know is that there is a big "ASK QUESTION" button
and the tags put it in the rooms
you're not being targeted specifically; you're just not using the site correctly, and people are punishing you appropriately
1 min ago, by DeerSpotter
i feel someone is targeting me
@allquixotic Paranoid, not megalomaniac.
well thats not going to help me get better
its only make me do more stupid things
@DeerSpotter start by reading the Help Center ( stackoverflow.com/help / superuser.com/help , etc. for each Stack Exchange site) and specifically look for the heading, "What questions can I ask here?"
right because every user here needs to be a lawyer to use the site, great guys
@DeerSpotter no; we just ask that you put questions on the site where they belong, and take 2 minutes to introduce yourself to a site and a community with specific guidelines designed to keep things organized and orderly and efficient
no just common sense and patience
why couldnt it be simple like every other site, tags controll the converstaion
if you're not willing to participate in the system according to the guidelines set forth, you're free to go to another community outside of the stack exchange network
nobody is forcing you to stay
your right nobody is, except the downvotes, i kinda want to see how low they can get
usually about -15 before the system auto deletes you
@DeerSpotter Well, the main purpose of the downvotes is to get rid of poor questions, when you improve your questions you get the side effect of more upvotes and more attention and better answers
@DeerSpotter Why are you asking here? This is the room for SuperUsers
@DeerSpotter It's a bit hard at the beginning for some, but the very fact it's so different from other communities is what makes SU, SO etc so awesome. It really works!
@DavidPostill meh, it doesn't really matter; the issues he's having are not specific to any one SE site, and if we can either get him to participate in the community in a better way or go to another non-SE forum, we'll be doing the whole network a favor.
This is not the correct place to discuss your suspension.
@allquixotic He's suspended on SU
@DavidPostill For asking off-topic stuff on meta.se? Or what else they did?
@DavidPostill sure but he might make an account on somethingelse.stackexchange and ask a question there... or on its meta... a little bit of tough love might help, since he came in here with an attitude, so might as well speak his language a little
did i ask about the suspension? see this is what i am complaining about
you guys are always negative first, then positive
always justifying things to yourself
@DavidPostill TBH he didn't ask about the suspension at all.
every law out there is meant to be broken, other wise why not create a law against that?
@ThatBrazilianGuy I have to agree there
@DeerSpotter every law?
every single one has a loop hole
i dont have enough experience on this site to know those loopholes
that is... naive
and you guys are not helping
@DeerSpotter sorry now it seems like incoherent ranting to me
well it is the root issue
and i need root access
@DeerSpotter You have to change your behaviour, be less hostile, and help us help you.
Or not, then most of us will have other stuff to do and/or get bored.
I can easily be less hostile if i can comment on my posts
but it seems impossible to achieve with these downvotes
you can't comment because you are suspended
i couldnt comment even before that
@DeerSpotter See, you were suspended but it is very probably an automated thing not targeted at you at all.
because you didn't have enough rep
and rep comes from what? upvotes?
did you read the tour?
so when i see downvotes like whipcream i dont feel less grumpy
which is why i think its a loop im stuck in with no way out
i need to be able to comment or its going to be the same thing over and ever
@ThatBrazilianGuy It wasn't automated. "This account is temporarily suspended to cool down. " That is a manual suspension.
if i cant provide a valid answer, which it looks like i am unable to do so
because you all require english majors to participate
and i can comment on the issue
what can i do?
i cant
you can only comment on your own questions/answers
@DeerSpotter Thre is a way out: (1) read upvoted questions and answers to familiariaze with what is on-topic for each site, what these communities focus into, question and answer guidelines, etc (2) start making interesting contributions -- questions, answers, doesn't matter (3) get upvotes (4) ??? (5) profit
the only way i can see out is to game the system
which is stupid
@DeerSpotter dude I haven't even studied English, ever.
this site should be about contibuting
not bullshit answers
you are basically making me go out and try to be the best bullshitter jsut so i can get reps

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