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00:00 - 10:0010:00 - 00:00

@DanielBeck Do you actually use an US keyboard layout on your Macs?
@slhck No, the US keyboard is all wrong. I'm using the "International English" layout.
Ah, the US one is without accents, is it?
So I have a funny shaped return key, and a key between left shift and z.
The US one has otherwise the same layout as mine. Accents are dead keys invoked with modifiers.
Opt-` (non dead key) = ` (as dead key)
Opt-e = ´
Opt-u = ¨
Opt-n = ~
Opt-i = ^
Opt-s = ß
So it's really easy to type German on it actually, once you're used to it.
Hm. I should really get one of those soon. Generally, when you write a lot of English and do programming, the German one sucks.
Well. I write 99% English. I seriously don't even know how to write good German anymore.
Exactly. The Mac one worse than the PC one, since the Opt/AltGr combinations aren't printed.
Well, I could use a blank keyboard too :) But it's hard if you need two hands for some simple chars.
On Windows, I just use the US International layout. It's a bit odd, as it makes " into a deadkey for umlauts, but you get used to it. I could write my own layout (and have done so before) using KLC.
Ah, I hate how that diverged. Just like electric wall sockets.
They should make one and let people adapt to this.
hahaha, exactly
although I appreciate that they at least use Micro USB now for all phones
@slhck Using adapters.
I don't want my phone to have a full Type B plug :)
brb coffee
@slhck Mine has a Dock connector port, which is even bigger. At least it's thin
@slhck I hope you're dutifully using the SU mug!
@DanielBeck I don't have it at work now, but I always carry my water bottle!
user image
thinks the english iso layout is the one true keyboard
with the L shaped enter key
@JourneymanGeek I like that too
@Sathya: british keyboards have that. A mechanical keyboard with one of those would be my perfect keyboard
@JourneymanGeek we used to have American layout + L-enter keys right
@Sathya:thats the iso layout
american + l key + alt gr
oh ya, and euro key
dosen't know of any keyboards that support the newfangled rupee symbol tho
btw @iglvzx the Npad thing works swell
18 hours ago, by iglvzx
^ If your keyboard has no Numpad or you don't want to hold down the [Fn] key.
18 hours ago, by iglvzx
A: How to type zero-width space character (U+200B) on a laptop keyboard?

iglvzxI have written a small application for just this purpose! It is called Npad, and it is a simple AutoHotkey script to conditionally remap the normal number keys to behave as the Numpad keys. This allows you to enter Unicode characters using their Alt keystroke combinations with any keyboard. Inst...

yay, AHK ninjaness
1 hour later…
In my Audio control quest, I am down to a mere few items.
using nircmd, or volumouse, or i checked autohotkey. no one seems to know what the executable name to talk to, for "system sounds" So I plugged in every .Exe that was showing running in my whole system . and none of them took the audio control to control the "system sounds"
I thought up one totally screwey workaround, make a whole 2nd set of wave files that the "system sounds" play, and switch them using rename. I happen to know that it is possible to change them underneath the system this way, but it is another rotten workaround.
A 1/2 volume set
Could someone check if it's possible to install this without any troubles
Free File Opener is distributing modified installers which differs from the originals. The modified installers are compliant with the original software manufacturer's policies and terns & conditions. Additional software recommendations may be offered to users on an opt-in basis during the installation.
sounds too good to be true ._.
The ^ above reads like this in my brain "this is how stuff gets jammed into cnet downloads, and unloads junk on your machine" . So i would need a backup, which i am about to do, i would need to know why i would want to install it. and IF the same program/programs were available without the BS.
or to use a VM
OHH, it is an array of programs, some of which I would not want, some which i spent years finding the "right one" and already have , not some one they packaged, and some which might be trial?
I got an error during the installation process, I want to know if something is wrong with my laptop or something else.
Maybe I'll ask a question.
I was directed to it from mircosoft, should be reliable.
yes MircoSoft :-)
@Gigili: Installing works for me.
Aha, so I should ask a question about the error.
I do not understand how this is microsofts redirection? All the indications i get on the web are it is a scam site, by the same people of helpmeopen
private domain
How do you see it's a scam site? Because it is not.
Ok, well normally i just ignore stuff like that, because others know how to search a domain register . but i would trust you to know if it was or not. Usually people hop on that stuff 90mph and have the proof . me I cant find out anything
On a completely other subject:
At 00:09 a sound plays, nobody has guessed for months which sound it is. :D
At first i was not familliar with any windows site that bans access to thier home page shell.windows.com
next was why is every link to the site have the same thing on them, and adds for stuff that normally microsoft would say to avoid.
so then i tried to do the domain thing, and it bounces from an old ownership of ms to unregistered, domain, which one location indicates it could be a private domain. Very confusing, when Old microsoftXp stuff does still have links to it, and wasnt it specifically used for the older os?
download.cnet.com/9241-2192_4-11682126.html?messageID=10646058 , yahoo toolbar , not a big problem, then trialware. according to one user.
While the reviewer points out that the other 2 reviewers are sockpuppets. there is a noticable trend on Cnet Itself, to be adding in this stuff. one program has 5 stars for 300 reviews, and 200 more reviews after that sent that programs ratings to a 2.5, with about 80% of the people complaining about what i think is CNET repackaging.
So , there is no way to definitivly know that it was once good, or that it could be good from the source.
and so little info on the web about it, unless i cross check with its former name openhelperwhatever. if it was for spit, it would be recommended once.


For all Meme lovers and enthusiasts. Post Ubuntu/Computer-Rela...
Q: "No description" filter on tags page

WilliamHaving a filter for no description would be helpful because then the tag editors can quickly tell which tags they need to make desciptions for.

How To Enter Your Serial Number and Activate Free File Opener . . . support.freefileopener.com/entries/… so how to activate and licence a free ?? ya ok, next
@slhck: Hmm, did you won them through an earlier contest or did you just get the mug / bottle as a gift?
@TomWijsman I won them through the MVSU contest
Ah, makes sense, I already forgot they were listed in the Google entry form there.
Yeah, I also forgot what I ordered.
Which made clearing customs quite awkward.
lol. i need to do that tommorrow
and thats a lot of space
I've been sending out invitations like crazy.
Plus, I did the scavenger hunt
And I've got a university e-mail address :)
Any CSS Experts available for two minutes? :( I am about to throw a brick through my monitor!
@WilliamHilsum I'm pretty sure that's the basis of the entire existence/purpose of css. >_<
@RebeccaChernoff hehe! Couldn't agree more! Usually I do absoloute/pixels and am ok... but, I am doing it based on 100% width/height and I keep getting 2pixel problems :(
@RebeccaChernoff LOL
5 boxes, each set to 20% width in a div that has 100% width... Why is there a few pixels left over!!! ARGH
Posted by David Fullerton on February 15th, 2012

A few months ago we had James Portnow of Extra Credits on the podcast.  We’re huge fans of everything that they’re doing over at Extra Credits, so when they asked us to help them write an episode on programming, we jumped at the opportunity.  Here’s the link:

If you’ve never heard of Extra Credits, it’s a weekly show about the video game industry from the perspective of people who actually work in it.  It’s a fascinating look into game craftsmanship — not just how video games are made, but what makes them work, what games do well and not so well, and th …

@slhck How?
Ah, I see it.
Is there anyway to do width in percent and take off two pixels in CSS? This is driving me mad as I tried/can't use margin-2 as I need the border :(
I need width:20%-2px;!
@WilliamHilsum Does this help?
@DanielBeck Interesting, but, I have hardly done anything on CSS3 - so much for this quick, simple app! lol
@WilliamHilsum Just specify the border-box value for the keys box-sizing, -moz-box-sizing, and -webkit-box-sizing and treat the border and padding as part of total width, i.e. 20%
Haven't used it, but looks simple enough.
Ahh, can't get it working... guess I have to do more than skim read that article! Thanks for it.
@BloodPhilia hi
@Raystafarian Hey Ray, what's up?
@BloodPhilia I couldn't be more bored at work. How about you?
Anyone in here familiar with Vim?
having some trouble with all of my files opening blank
@msarchet Could be permission errors, the file could be non-existent
@msarchet At the bottom, does it say [new file]?
@Raystafarian Peachy ;)
@BloodPhilia yea it says [new file]
I have administrator access on my machine
@msarchet Then the file you opened does not exist
@msarchet Perhaps you mistyped the name of directory?
Yes it does, I can open it in any other editor and it works fine
opening directly via NERDTree, or the open command
or the GUI all yeild the new file
Well, somewhere, vim is getting the wrong path to the file...
try opening it through the terminal
vim /directory/to/file
where file is your filename
See if that works
yea, that's working fine
any reason that you could think of that the paths would be wrong
because everything was working fine this morning
@msarchet Might be a problem with NERDtree
seems like it probably is
I'm not familiar with Nerdtree, so I can't be sure
yea no problem
It might be since I'm loading it through pathogen
@msarchet Good luck!
Another crasy day. I get a trial program, works pretty good, so I install the crack, so i can test all the features. Call up buy the program $400, install it on a fairly clean system, install the update, and the program crashes :-)
I guess i should just be luckey that with the paid version, I can get support for asking them why the cracked version worked better than the real one :-)
It is always nice to know (google search Hasp (dongle) driver crashes windows) I am not alone. Worlds best security for a program, crash the whole computer.
How I can verify a large number of video files quickly whether they're broken (e.g. silently aborted downloads, transfer errors, etc.) or can be played? cc @slhck
is it on the mac?
@Psycogeek Preferred
well if you do virtual windows, in it, and can run Virtual Dub, a broken video , even though it is not scanned will show that it has an index problem. it is fast. there were always mp3 checkers, and there must be a video checker out there similar, that is just the method i use.
Virtual dub will not often show if there is a few data errors in the frames, even the full error scan doesnt seem to be able to tell the "some bad data" but will show "fails to render"
I do not quite understand how it can see that the keyframe index is missing or broken, when 80% of the video is there. it doesnt make sence that the TOC for that stuff is at the end ? but drag and drop an incomplete download, and it knows in 2 seconds. Then hold the shift Key and it moves by Keyframes, or press the keyframe advance button. no keyframes no go
Many Video player programs can Skip by keyframe, without keyframes, they will not do that. In MPC holding down the shift key does a keyframe skip, when using the search bar slider. Also if a video has to "buffer" then it is a video stream, without a keyframe index (might not be the correct tech words)
@Psycogeek OK, I'll take a look at those.
Btw, zip file index structure is also at the end. So it's not like this was something exotic.
so there is some zipped up data, that gets tacked onto the end at finalise for the video?
@Psycogeek No, I just was commenting on you not thinking the TOC could be at the end.
There are file formats that work like that.
good night everyone
dream on
Okay, I just did a crash course on USA states
I'm an student of English... And I need to know where all the states are for my American Culture course...
Most americans don't even know
@soandos Well, I do now (:
From the simpsons movie: Ohio, Nevada, Maine, and Kentucky all border Springfield's state
:P Which seems to be quite odd
I've never seen the Simpsons movie to be honest
You mean hawaii does not border all those states? darn
Its funny i suppose, but will never be a classic
@DanielBeck Really depends on the codec. h.264 is very robust, and most decoders will gracefully just continue decoding. The real problem is when the container is broken. AVIs that have their index at the end might suffer from this, but they can still be played back, just not seeked. MP4 and MKV perform better, and I would assume that the only way to check is to do a full decode, e.g. a bitstream copy, to /dev/null, and see if that passes
@slhck still need that stuff checked out?
@SimonSheehan Ah, well if you have a couple of minutes, that would be great, of course :) But basically, if the post itself is understandable.
@slhck Will do, give me a few :)
No need to hurry … won't be published before next week
Oh yeah! all 50 states labelled in 1 min 15 s
@slhck Looks good to me right now, I don't see anything major.
@SimonSheehan Cool, thanks!
@slhck no problem!
@SimonSheehan Hiyo!
@slhck Hiyo!
Anybody there?
@Borisyo Im around
@SimonSheehan Is there a difference between WPA and WPA2?
@BloodPhilia what? you playing States game?
@SimonSheehan What do you think of USB Wi-Fi Card for $7? Device is from DX
not sure. I don't like the idea of USB WiFi, I recall it not working very well before
@SimonSheehan: a good number of my systems use it,
Also WPA2 is more secure than WPA @Borisyo
DE stuff, i haven't had problems with in general, though build quality tends to be shoddy in many cases.
@Sathya Great! I updated Npad so you can still input characters such as !, @, #, etc. I also put my script on Bitbucket. You can download here: bitbucket.org/iglvzx/npad/downloads
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