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Czechlike catting detected
@Annaduh looks like I'm gonna be moving to Android Wear next
seeing as Pebble just ... kinda died.
FRYS promotions say "No Rainchecks".

What in the world does it mean? In seriousness.
Anyone here using an Android Wear smartwatch?
@Bob lol?
@Burgi ?
@Bob :-(
who would wear a watch that you need to charge daily
I'm still hanging on to \Microsoft Band
Also O2's free 4G upgrade for everyone seems to have gone a bit too far
@Burgi That's my biggest concern. But I did plan on replacing my current Pebble...
That's also why I asked the question.
6Mb 3G + 60Mb 4G => 20Mb 3G + 2Mb 4G
@Annaduh Didn't they discontinue those too?
@Bob Err... probably...
But Microsoft had been soooo good with support until then :-(
Speaking of, I wonde rwhere mine is
let's see. $350 for a Gear S3. They're crazy.
$600... what.
damn thing runs Tizen too
Gear Fit was really nice
ZenWatch 2 looks decently priced
IP67, eww
Pebble was properly waterproof :(
ok, ZenWatch 3 actually looks pretty nice, but isn't really available yet :P
eh, I was planning to wait till next year anyway
wow, they've managed to price the Gear S3 higher than the Apple Watch
@Annaduh I don't really like the longer rectangles :\
not much good for notifications
@DavidPostill Ah must be in-store coupon checks that FRY does.
He is the founder of FRYS afterall.
our customer dumped a website on us and insisted that we have it ready to go on 1st December
so me and my minion worked our arses off to get it done
and we delivered on the 1st
now the customer doesn't want it to go live until the end of jan!
Meanwhile extra income from the 'emergency rush job' work for the webpage?
you develop websites?
@AlanWatch i'm meant to
most of the time i just patch up badly built legacy websites that don't work properly
@Hennes thats what the finance guy said
is there anyway I can use internal wifi adapter as external wifi adapter?
what do you mean "internal"?
@AlanWatch Yes
This answer is just plain wrong. Deleting files is not the way to get their size. Please go and read the help for del and dir. — DavidPostill 1 min ago
why is my ankle covered in blood
@Bob That's what she said!
is @JourneymanGeek annoyed with me? :(
Why would he be?
Did you pwn him at SOASE?
!!is JMG annoyed at Bob?
@jokerdino Frankly my dear, I don't give a dean
@jokerdino Nope
@DavidPostill That answer might be intentionally malicious
> give a dean
Aug 4 '15 at 7:10, by Journeyman Geek
savages ankles
@BenN Yeah. I suppose so.
delete voters, assemble!
mine is cast
@BenN needs more rep :P
anyone else here 20k+ on SU?
bwDraco is, but he's been idle for a long time
*poke* @Hennes you around?
i could combine with a few others to become a mega-@Burgi to provide the extra vote...
And gone shooping. BNRB
and back
@Hennes Can you cast a delete vote on superuser.com/a/1154013/337631 please?
Dangerous answer ...
It is gone
Samsung SSD talk again.
I flagged it as mod attention, was that the right one? :/
@djsmiley2k That's OK if you don't have enough rep for delete votes (20k+). The answer has been deleted, I expect your flag will be accepted (or already has been).
My laptop's system drive for the last two years is a Samsung SSD 850 PRO. The drive reports a wear leveling count of 35, so the drive has written about 36 full drive writes to NAND. At 516 GiB of raw NAND (according to AnandTech), that's 18,576 GiB.
The drive reports 17,904 GiB of host writes, for a write amplification factor of about 1.05. Very impressive.
One of those "forgotten" things that affect SSD performance and endurance is write amplification, where the SSD writes more data to the NAND than the amount of data sent to the drive by the host.
Write amplification arises due to the fact that SSDs write to individual pages but erase whole blocks of pages at once.
Random write workloads tend to produce the worst WA figures because data gets scattered across the drive and needs to be actively rewritten, while sequential writes produce the least WA.
@DavidPostill not even 1k D:
@djsmiley2k Plenty to look forward to then :)
how much defragmentation affects SSDs?
@djsmiley2k hence the mega-@Burgi idea
If the drive has lots of extra working space, however, this write amplification is kept to a minimum because the drive is able to spread the writes out into the unused space and garbage-collect only when necessary. This is why overprovisioning increases steady-state performance.
@AlanWatch SSD usually are not defragmented
combined we'd be up to 3K!
@AlanWatch Generally not hugely adversely, but you want to avoid it whenever possible.
@djBurgi2k or something
Q: Should I defragment my SSD?

jerryI have just learned that one should "Never defragment your SSD". But I have no idea if that is true. I believe that Windows 10 was automatically scheduled to finish defragmentation on my SSD, but I cancelled it. Would it cause any problems for defragmentations done before? The SSD is still not...

There are times where defragmentation may be technically necessary (e.g. for Shadow Copy performance), but this is not a cause for concern.
@AlanWatch ^^^
@DavidPostill there are a lot of people asking about SSD defrag recently
@AlanWatch On a scale of 1 to 10, 0.5
Aye. I still do not see the advantage of it.
Filesystems access a range of blocks (e.g. a filesystem on a partition ranging from logical sector 100 till logical sector 300 can access 200 sectors.
ON a HDD those sectors are usually nummber 100 till 299 and most of them are sequential.
Most, as in not all (e.g. bad sector remapping on SCSI, SAS and SATA drives)
On a SSD there is no guarantee that they are sequential at all.
So remapping them to have sequantial numbers on the FS side might not do any good.
Nice useful login error message. Thanks.
from that question it hardly affects..I believed it should have..not only you are writing data to other location , you are also erasing the previous block
A: How to troubleshoot slow SSD

bwDracoThis looks like a TRIM problem. It seems as if the drive isn't garbage collecting correctly, causing severely degraded performance during write operations. Blocks in SSDs must be erased before they can be rewritten, and the drive can only erase them if it knows that they no longer have valid da...

^^^ This is what happens when you can't trim.
@Hennes Yes no sort of maybe
SSD firmware might know what most systems do an coordinate with it (or act in a nice friendly way)
If you can't trim, the SSD will treat unused areas on the SSD as used, preventing it from garbage-collecting properly. Overprovisioning will mitigate this effect in situations where TRIM is not possible (e.g. external enclosure, near-full drive).
And different firmware might do quite different things (from do nothing at all unless TRIM received to optimese on their own)
While it really doesn't matter if they're sequentially allocated in the flash, remember flash blocks are much larger than sector sizes.
Lack of free space, from the standpoint of the SSD controller, will result in reduced performance and increased write amplification, reducing write endurance.
The 76GiB Intel G2 SSD I used for 6 years without trim ran fine without it.
Not that I wrote much to it. Just OS data
SSDs also have their own ROM right? which controls its functionality
I am not worried about writing to an SSD. After 10 years thy will be outdated. That is (for me) long before I ran out of writes
Defragging an SSD just consolidates data into fewer blocks, basically the same as running extra garbage collection and a free round of TRIM on the SSD
@Hennes I thought the X25-M G2 has TRIM support?
@AlanWatch Yes, own ROM, own CPU (often 2 or 3 ARM cores), own firmware int hat ROM
Normally it'd do it in the background anyway, but sometimes cant/forgets/misses/breaks.
It has TRIM, but not when connected to hardware RAID
e.g. if you clone an image from an HDD or something
My intial install had the Intel G2 on the same 3cxom HW RAID SAS card. I never got around to moving it to SATA
(I use the all-caps "TRIM" for the command itself but lower-case "trim" for the operation of marking free space.)
@Hennes own CPU? why they would require own CPU?
The flash memory controller is a vital part of any SSD.
To run their own OS (aka firmware)
@AlanWatch For processing units.
SSD usually have 1, 2 or 3 ARM cores.
Heck even hard drives have had their own ARM CPUs for decades
@AlanWatch SSDs aren't dumb devices. They need to actively manage the data on the drive, perform garbage collection, etc.
WHich is not unusual. Even a washing machine has a microcontroller (aka CPU plus ROM plus tiny memory + IO)
A modern car has like 30 to 50 CPUs in it
ODB devices on the CAN bus ?
everything which has microcontroller must have its own CPU also else it won't be a microcontroller
@Hennes Actually, Samsung's Polaris controller used in the 960 series has five (!) cores.
The Phison S10, used in many less expensive SSDs, has four.
960 is blazingly fast, I should not be surprised
does HDD also have CPU?
@allquixotic They can't all be CPUs then :-P
@AlanWatch HDD have firmware. WHich means they have at least somethign to execute that firmware
@AlanWatch Yes, but the role of the embedded controller in a hard drive is much more limited.
@Annaduh Central in the local sense -- like a local maximum/minimum on a graph vs. the absolute maximum/minimum
(Arguing the semantics between a generic microprocessor and the central processor of a system, which by definition, is the central one)
@allquixotic My minimum is more central than your minimum! >_M
it can be a CPU if it's the central processing unit of an entire PCB providing some specific functionality where there may be more than one integrated circuit on the PCB that are not central
But err yeahh, tbh what we're talking about is probably better described as "microprocessor" than "CPU" really
why do SSDs CPU have 2-3 cores..1 is not enough?
they're all integrated circuits built out of transistors, but some integrated circuits are so limited in their functionality that they're not even generally programmable by the user
@AlanWatch Because it has to do 2-3 things at a time
One core is not enough enymore for high speed
Low end and low powered ones have 1 core
I call it a CPU if I could desolder it off the PCB it's on, put it on a new PCB with some RAM and storage, and run Linux on it (albeit probably very slooooowly)
Faster one often had one core for nvme or SATA communication and one for the SSD part
One core for reading from flash, one core for communicating with host system, one core for managing the flash tables or w/e
@allquixotic lol
Even faster ones got 3 (presumably 2 opf those for the SSD part, though you should ask the manufacurer)
I don't think all 50 "CPUs" in a car could do that tbh
Smarter cars probably have 2-3 that already do run Linux tho but things like the ABS controller probably can't
They're more likely FPGAs AFAIK
@Annaduh More likely ASICs than FPGAs. I doubt they need to be reconfigured the way an FPGA can.
Samsung's three-core MEX controller used in the 850 PRO and high-capacity versions of the 850 EVO has one core for reading, one core for writing, and one core for background activity.
I have an MS Word question. I am creating a procedure document that has nested lists. I have a couple nested lists that are on the same "level" of nesting. I want to change one list to an ordered list, but leave another list as an unordered list. Word is changing both lists to either ordered or unordered because they're on the same nest level. Is there a way to turn this off?
The five-core Polaris controller uses one of the extra cores for communication with the host.
ugh. No idea. "Save often and try" is my current method.
Back in Uni my methiod was "try, curse and switch to TeX"
@Tiffany don't use a list style
MS? Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
Lower-capacity (500 GB and below) variants of the SSD 850 EVO use the dual-core MHX controller. This doesn't seem to significantly reduce its performance, though.
@Tiffany what version of Word?
I want to leave the "list style" on.. in the sense that it makes my lists look nice and organized, but I want to turn off the fact that it's changing both lists to ordered or unordered because they're on the same nest level
for me, I highlighted the elements I wanted to make an ordered list, then right-click and go to Separate List
then I can set them to ordered and it only affects them
@allquixotic 2013 I think, yeah, 2013
...and we finally have someone reporting on the Epson printer problem: PCMag – Google Cloud Print Is Turning off Epson Printers
well if the option I just listed isn't available, upgrade to 2016... if it is available, you're done
@allquixotic I'll try that
I'll be upgrading to 2016 soon, I don't have control over when I can upgrade. :P GPO controlled.
3G => 25Mbps
4G => 3.5Mbps
Where's the "refarm spectrum" button when you need it
@Annaduh the fuck? is your cell network confused?
@Annaduh I hit a new maximum on my LTE earlier today
6.6 MB/s while downloading in Steam
@Tiffany No, it's just what happens when you upgrade everyone to 4G for free, and your 4G network vastly outstretches your 3G network...
@allquixotic Wow
52.8 Mb/s
Wow as in that's a new maximum for you, not wow as in it's actually fast >_>
@Annaduh bleh :/
6.8MB/s here while downloading through IDM
@Tiffany They have equal amounts of 3G and 4G spectrum but when 90% of customers are on 4G, 3G basically sits idle now...
I'm getting almost 120 Mbps (15 MB/s) on cable here.
@Annaduh well it's unlimited, so I really can't complain
fibre optics?
@allquixotic Highlighted the list items and changed them to ordered list. It didn't change the other nested list at the same level to ordered. Woot!
@AlanWatch Hybrid fiber-coax.
@Annaduh which network?
@allquixotic Heh. Yeah we don't get unlimited 4G tethering, but if we did.... I dunno what the speeds would be like tbh
Hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC) is a telecommunications industry term for a broadband network that combines optical fiber and coaxial cable. It has been commonly employed globally by cable television operators since the early 1990s. In a hybrid fiber-coaxial cable system, the television channels are sent from the cable system's distribution facility, the headend, to local communities through optical fiber trunk lines. At the local community, a box called an optical node translates the signal from a light beam to electrical signal, and sends it over coaxial cable lines for distribution to subscriber...
@bwDraco well you're next generation
The only network that does unlimited 4G, without tethering, has the lowest average 4G speeds already at <15Mbps
@Tiffany Charter Spectrum (formerly Time Warner Cable).
@bwDraco Err wrong @ :P
That said even the fastest network only "averages" 30Mbps, and I've had 280Mbps+ when I've really tried
Then again, I'm on Comcast so...
I did say cable.
@Tiffany O2 UK
what's the frequency band of 4G?
@AlanWatch undefined
@AlanWatch Multiple bands ranging from 700 MHz to 2.5 GHz.
@AlanWatch 1-1000000000
@Tiffany Huh?
@Annaduh Unfamiliar.
Left = 3G, right = 4G... yeah sorta the wrong way round
1 min ago, by Tiffany
@Annaduh which network?
I'm talking about wireline Internet. For wireless, I have AT&T.
she pinged the wrong person, DL
that's all :P
he pinged me though :P
not a big deal though
I'm going to check if FiOS is available for me yet (doubt it)
I'm just stupidly pedantic on how things happen being in the correct order
these frequency bands confuse me..2G was crowded due to 2.4GHz, then 3G came with 5GHz band..shouldn't 4G band be higher?
I want to find that guy who promised us IN PERSON in 2007 that we'd have FiOS in "weeks" and ask him how many hundred weeks it's been
@AlanWatch once you get beyond 5 GHz or so, it stops being useful for general purpose long range radio communication, because things like rain, trees, and thin wooden building walls will stop the signal
lower freq = easier to penetrate thicker objects
@AlanWatch Actually, up to 6 GHz in some places, but in the US, it's typically between 700 MHz and 2600 MHz.
Urgh wow even my 300Mbps network is only managing 20Mbps right now
== Frequency bands and channel bandwidths == From Tables 5.5-1 "E-UTRA Operating Bands" and 5.6.1-1 "E-UTRA Channel Bandwidth" of 3GPP TS 36.101, the following table lists the specified frequency bands of LTE and the channel bandwidths each listed band supports: == Deployments by region == The following table shows the standardized LTE bands and their regional use. The main LTE bands are in bold print. Frequency bands for which future deployment and use is very unlikely are in italic print. Networks on LTE-bands 1, 3, 7, 28 (FDD-LTE) or 38, 40 (TDD-LTE) are suitable for future global roaming in...
Must be all the damn tourists visiting the christmas market
@allquixotic heh, back when I had my own Comcast account, and I had to have a tech sent out because my modem died, he said whenever he contacted corporate for something, that they'd tell him that our area was expected to have XFINITY "in a month or two," but they had been saying that for years...
I was hoping 7.4GHz would be next but there won't be
Doesn't help that Samsung still have my S7 in for repair
60 GHz mmWave tech is coming up next. They're working out how to deal with the extremely limited range, though.
@AlanWatch 2G is 0.9/1.8Ghz 3G is 2.1Ghz 4G is 0.8-2.6Ghz
@bwDraco bouncy bouncy
You seem to have your G's and Ghz's mixed up
totally..I'll remember now
+/- 0.1Ghz for the US because they always like to be different
4G band is closer to 3G band..what makes it the fastest?
@Annaduh ya, 750 MHz is a big one for me
@AlanWatch It's bigger
@AlanWatch it's more about the protocol being used, the spectral efficiency of the protocol, and the channel width
the actual frequency itself has little to do with its speed
The big secret is OFDMA:
Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) is a multi-user version of the popular orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) digital modulation scheme. Multiple access is achieved in OFDMA by assigning subsets of subcarriers to individual users as shown in the illustration below. This allows simultaneous low data rate transmission from several users. == Key features == The advantages and disadvantages summarized below are further discussed in the Characteristics and principles of operation section. See also the list of OFDM Key features. === Claimed advantages over OFDM with... ===
Wi-Fi doesn't currently use this, but a future revision of the Wi-Fi standard (802.11ax) will feature OFDMA.
I was trying to KISS given his limited understanding of bits and Gs and Hz and stuff
where are the roles of 2.4GHz and 5GHz band?
They're for wifi, not mobile phones.
> Qualcomm unleashes 48-core 10nm FinFET ARM server chips
@AlanWatch They're what's called ISM bands. They were originally intended for specialized devices like microwave ovens and medical equipment, but are now widely used for short-range communications thanks to their unlicensed nature and wide bandwidth.
Hence, Wi-Fi uses these bands. 5 GHz has wider bandwidth than 2.4 GHz but suffers from shorter range; better routers get around this through a combination of high-gain antennas and a signal processing technique called beamforming which enables it to focus the signal towards individual devices.
then why people say 2.4GHz is crowded if you are the only one using your router?
Because it is
There are lots of people using the 2.4 GHz band. Different APs and routers all share this same band.
and microwaves and telephones (land line ones which are wireless) and walkie talkies, and bluetooth and everything else
baby monitors, and door bells, and remote control lights
Radio controlled cars
Keyboards and mice
Video senders
Pentium 4 processors
Galaxy S4
Anything with a 4 in it really
crowded in sense of maximum interference due to other devices and not as in availability
@Rahul2001 Pics or it didn't happen
that's a long list of 2.4 band..I never imagined that
There are several uses of the 2.4 GHz band. Interference may occur between devices operating at 2.4 GHz. This article details the different users of the 2.4 GHz band, how they cause interference to other users and how they are prone to interference from other users. == Phone == Many cordless telephones and baby monitors in the United States and Canada use the 2.4 GHz frequency, the same frequency at which Wi-Fi standards 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n operate. This can cause a significant decrease in speed, or sometimes the total blocking of the Wi-Fi signal when a conversation on the phone takes...
so interference was the reason 5GHz was designed..soon 5GHz will become crowded too
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
have you seen Wikipedia founder is asking for donations?
That is a yearly thing
how do u prefer? yearly donation or ad supported?
Never ads.
DOnation, nothing or no ads
Ads mean ad-blocker or no longer using that site
stack exchange has started displaying ads..I think se will display ads on sites..I use Mobile app
How the hell did it go from -2°c yesterday to 15°c today....
@Hennes lol
More like weekly. They're practically begging all the time now
SE seems to have had ads in the past, but it was safely blocked by the ad blockers
I gave them like $100 a few weeks ago. Seen four different nags for more money since.
@Annaduh uk weather tbh
@djsmiley2k Fuck Scotland. This is why I wanted to be in Thailand for new year
I prefer low temperature
good for servers
go then?
@djsmiley2k I have to cat sit for some friends
-2 is tolerable at home
I'm a cat.
sounds familiar
i got my yearling badge the other day :)
@AlanWatch SE have always had ads
i like how google translate gets round government censorships
@Qinten Can you link me to that question/answer/comment?
Other ways include a sandbox process, an uncommon browser and/or browser engine, tightly configured security settings, proper internet security solutions and so on (besides the usual keep-your-system-up-to-date stuff) ... it's all about making your system sufficiently more secure than a clean Windows install with a default browser
You could summarize this somewhat as RESTRICT ACCESS TO ALL THE THINGS :)
And yeah, in that case virtualization tends to be one of the easiest solutions
2 hours later…
i spend 3 hours tramping about this bloody planet to find the stupid mineral i get there and i suddenly need an "advanced mining laser"
@Burgi lol
@Burgi I thought it was the big 4 + a few minor sites
Su's big 4 :p
That privilege doesn't seem to exist on AI
catlike typing detected
(going for the third (ironically ;P))
Q: We're enabling display ads on select Stack Exchange sites

Tim PostWe knew that the Stack Exchange Network would eventually play a bigger role in contributing to the financial end of our business, but we didn't know how long that would take. Turns out, it was roughly six years from the time that we decided to put all of you in charge of the topics that Stack Exc...

                |  CHOCOLATE! |
                |  CHOCOLATE! |
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ack --cathy output
i run an adblocker anyway
i just assumed that they were still there
@allquixotic That looks like catlike typing as well :)
also this evil planet, its meant to have copper on it
i've looked EVERYWHERE
there is no damn copper
there is nothing remotely copperish
@Burgi What planet
I don't even recognize the game :-(

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