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@allquixotic Really? 0_0
> Sexually Explicit Material. Accounts that use Stack Exchange to post sexually explicit or pornographic material, or links to it, will be suspended.
Do we get a CM here to suspend the user?
@bwDraco Why do you feel it is explicit? There are no rude parts on display ...
@DavidPostill Yeah, to me it's quite unmistakeably a bottom part.
@DavidPostill The definition of what's explicit changes according to time, location and culture. To some people, nudity is sexually explicit. To others, only stuff from hardcore porn is explicit.
@ThatBrazilianGuy what is to you?
@wat I don't know. My judgement varies with the circumstances and surroundings.
I think the avatar in question it is quite inappropriate for a community like SE.
It's near-full nudity, which is not acceptable for Stack Exchange.
If I turn the fan off, I feel too warm. I turn it on, I feel too cold. Ouch my youth...
@bwDraco And yet this film Suicide Squad, rated PG13, is far more explicit than a bare bottom. And by the way, that movie does include a shot of a bare bottom.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I don't disagree.
This meta post alone probably warrants a mod message.
@bwDraco Nah, your NSFW warning edit is enough. The image is linked, not in the content
@ThatBrazilianGuy The first revision of the question had the image inline ... and considerably larger than an avatar would be ...
I find it ironic as my country it is usually regarded as a liberal, even libertine place, with quite revealing outfits in the streets, TVs and magazines, and yet it's a quite moralist and conservative country.

You don't see women going topless on beaches, which from what I hear isn't given a second though in Europe. Here it would be a scandal. Other example: a TV news reporter from a #1 sports channel ended her marriage to marry a woman, and met lots and lots of hostility.
@DavidPostill Really? In that case, and given the "resemblance to something other than a heart" line, I wonder if could it be a troll.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Topless beaches are not the norm in the UK or Ireland nor, I believe, in Eastern Europe.
@bwDraco Its on meta. CM's are probably aware.
@TRiG Well, I don't know which countries, sometimes my mind just labels a vague definition of "those persons with very very white skin who think 21 celsius is hot"
@TRiG There are plenty of nude beaches in the UK (none of them in Ireland AFAIK).
@ThatBrazilianGuy its plausible
or he's never seen a butt before.
@JourneymanGeek The troll theory?
Kinda odd he has no account elsewhere
and if I saw that on SU, I'd force-change the ava and mod message
Granted the one time I did that it was far more clearcut
Got it. Thanks for your short yet comprehensive reply. — Xander Transeau 37 mins ago
That sounds like trolling.
@bwDraco I'd be shocked if someone who posted a picture of a butt on meta.SE was trolling (gasp)
If I were a mod there, the question alone is sufficient to warrant a moderator private message.
@allquixotic outraged sir. simply outraged
@bwDraco why? I'd rather tree him in the open
I am not so sure a suspension without warning is justified at this point...
I mean, if a question was asked, I'd rather deal with it in meta.
@DavidPostill Journalism at its best.
@DavidPostill butts are to be celebrated, embraced, and ogled; this is only a good thing
though I'm pretty sure RA's MPAA rating is sinking right now
There is a time for everything under the sun... a time for butts....
@allquixotic I'm totally trying to find something to change the topic about
@JourneymanGeek your time for butts is when you're walking in the park and there's that wauzer chick trotting her stuff across the field
Changing the topic. So, does anyone else have experience with putting an internal SSD in an enclosure? I did just that a couple of days ago only to find that TRIM is not possible. Has anyone run into issues where the drive goes into steady state?
@allquixotic did I think
One thing I hate about many cheaper flash drives is that they intermittently drop to zero IOPS while transferring data to the drive once you write the drive's capacity worth of data.
@allquixotic the guy with the PIV, is it just me or does it feel like he's nickle and diming his build?
I just randomly remembered I had an account on a freelancing site
Logged in after nearly 3 years and they have been taking USD 10 each month
I've lost nearly BRL 300... ;_____;
Could've paid an entire month of grocery shopping =/
Well, no use crying over the spoiled milk, I guess.
"dormant account fee" ... those... felines...
@JourneymanGeek That's quite offensive. To cats.
I find it so pitoresque how Rio is such a huge metropolis and yet one can be walking in a street downtown (well, the century old part, but yet commercial streets) and there's suddenly a cat sitting amidst the products on display, nonchalantly watching the passersby...
I passed by one today and it was so cute I just started scratching its head and he didn't even moved he just closed its eyes and ommmmmmg caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
!!xkcd 231
I miss ol oneeye
there was this grizzled gigantic tomcat in my neighbourhood who would walk up to people and roll over to be petted.
We have a roofcat
Q: How to decrypt .lock files from ransomeware on Windows

Oleg TikhonovI am helping a friend which is an accountant and got all of her books locked due to this. Here are some details: BTC address of the attacker: 1MBwkTssJkqRvXmAFcSEZ3xTD39A9rkyYA Email: [email protected] File name example: [email protected] Filename o...

oh look another one
I'm a cat who has a pet cat
recursive catting?
@allquixotic A cat in chat who has a pet cat
@ChatBotJohnCavil "You're a kitty" is hardly insane
@Annaduh inane*
Fuck where are my glasses
Found my glasses. Why are my glasses covered in pot noodle powder
@Annaduh so you can lick them? :P
@Bob I don't like licking my glasses
My friend paid 1 BTC to the (ransomware) scammers, after which they sent no key and asked for more money (obviously).
World has really gont to hell if you cant trust the criminals anymore :-)
I might be made of celery
@Annaduh stop snorting it then
This feels like a spammer. But its kinda cute when they go "this tool didn't work" while trying to do crappy SEO
Q: How do I decrypt Cerber 4 affected files

Amy AnMy system has got corrupted with .cerber4. It asks money to decrypt files. But I don't want to pay for it. I find this post and follow the manual guide but it seems no work. I want to try System restore but there are not restore points in my computer...

So Leonard Nimoy is dead...
@Annaduh uh... welcome to 2015?
The tamil CM died
I think she died yesterday and they covered it up for a bit
@Bob Took a while to set in
@JourneymanGeek CM?
Chief minister.
Well I just hacked my hostel website to get 15% off
Now I need a donut.
Donut not found. Please assist.
Donut located. Powering up weapons.
Target acquired. Weapons locked.
Capt'n! The donut's gone to warp!
> Handling of 'touchmove' input event was delayed for 2147483647 ms due to main thread being busy.
my uptime's amazing
Fetch me the nyancat
If anyone can outrun a faster than light Donut, nyancat can.
@Bob eh, it's only 24 days
@Annaduh :(
@Annaduh actually yesterday was my first reboot since mid-Sept on this machine :P
home one's probably been running longer
but eventually need those sec updates...
Now that you mention it, my brute force method of disabling windows 10's forced reboots seems to have worked
If you need to shoot holes in your donut, its not a donut. Its a do not. And do or donut, there is no try
does anyone here knows about rar on bash?
"on bash" >_>
I don't think anyone's written a bash implimentation of rar or unrar
ah hah. but that's not exactly bash
what is then ? lol
Its a command line application
You could call it in any shell you please.
oh ok lol
I don't really understand this I'm just trying to do a script by myself
See, if I need to play 20 questions....
it just loops forever
the man page is confusing
hm. Try unraring on its own first.
rar shouldn't loop anyway
rar a -r -ao -dh -m 5 paman.rar C:\backup\paman\
paman is the file to be created, and the other is the path where the folder is
By loop i mean it just print the command on the screen and keep repeating but does nothing
shouldn't there be an - before the a ?
I don't think so...their examples they don't use it.... Is there something with better documentation I can use to archive a folder in .bat files
bash or bat?
That's completely different from bash
oh sorry
annnd, at this point, maybe you should ask the question on the main site.
I thought they were the same. Can you just say some alternatives I can use with better documentation ?
I don't really compress things in CLI
7zip is what I'd typically use tho
so just to know when searching
if i'm doing a scrip which is saved as .bat
which language it is?
If its .bat its windows batch.
.ps is powershell
otherwise look at the first line
k thanks
@JourneymanGeek ps1*
theguardian.com/business/2016/dec/05/… Amazon to open up (possibly) 2000 automated grocery stores with (orwellian) purchace tracking system and automated payment.
To note: that amazon also was gonna do a bunch of other stuff too before they realised all the Laws and permits and BS that would be involved in doing wuch things,
today was a really weird monday here in california, it is as if 1/3 of everybody dissapeared? at the few stores i was at the normal ammount of working humans was very low (couldnt find employees) , commute traffic was low , The people that did still exist seemed "slow" today.
Also and probably the problem, many people seem to have seasonal illness, colds and all, and it is very cool for california. just weirdly different day.
@Psycogeek why not just have people scan the barcodes on their phones
track them too, as a security measure
I just imagine at really busy times, the store won't know wtf is going on
Amazon are building a warehouse up by me
It's a bit odd tho, the road access isn't exactly great - I don't know if the planners may of told some fibs about amount of traffic and such in the area.
I need help from a reviewer to cast the fifth close vote on this question: I need a formula in Google Sheets that does the following so that it can be migrated to Web Applications Q&A. As soon as this question is put on hold, I will flag it with a request for mods to migrate it to Web Applications Q&A. fixer1234 has already commented about this under the question.
tbh it's not a web apps question, it's maths
And does the answer given not work>?
HEXUS hits 4.85 GHz on air with their i7-7700K running at 1.30V: hexus.net/tech/reviews/cpu/…
However, no increase in IPC as established before.
If the question is migrated, its answers will be migrated along with it, so nothing will be lost because of migration including the upvote that an answer received.
Realistic overclocking limits appear to range from 4.8 to 5.0 GHz at 1.30V. HEXUS's reports their chip may be a bad sample as their chip was rather unstable oparating at 5 GHz and 1.35V (they mention a source stating that depending on sample variation 1.29V to 1.35V is needed for 5 GHz).
@karel there's a certain... Lack of effort in the question.
In essence, CPU performance has almost completely stopped improving. Intel's relying on its process superiority to achieve sky-high clocks and higher efficiency but has made next to no improvement in IPC over the last few generations.
@bwDraco waiting for the "next big jump" the real one
...and in fact, no improvement in IPC at all for Kaby Lake.
@bwDraco though arguably without any real competition, and the way machines are now - massive increases in performance don't make that much commercial sense
Most consumer workloads are still I/O bound even with the advent of low-latency NVMe SSDs.
Even if AMD caught up in performance and efficency, and were nipping at intel's heels, there's no major 'realistic' advantage for a processor to be 10 or 20% faster for most people.
CPU performance per watt is becoming more important because most consumer workloads today are on constrained mobile platforms that must operate within strict thermal and power limits.
the SSD change was a good balancing of that slower bottlenecking , making many consumer functions much faster feeling to the user. being a pretty good fair priced upgrade for these years.
all of the cpu changes, have been underwhelming
@DavidPostill perhaps the solution here is to stop people having arses that look like fruit
@Psycogeek any ssd feels like an improvement
@JourneymanGeek its more a dogbert thing
how do you find out if the archeologists surveying a building site have found anything?
get one drunk ?
that wouldn't be too difficult....
@JourneymanGeek not really
be really interested in thier "job" eventually they will let down thier guard, and tell all,
depends what you use it for, and there are some truly shoddy ssds out there
I maintain that many workloads won't exhibit a significant difference
not really *that* much random access, especially with a decent amount of RAM (cache)
@Bob I threw a shoddy ssd into an old machine
My dad turned down upgrading to the x220 ._.
@JourneymanGeek old machines aren't a particularly fair comparison
they tend to be ram-anaemic and have terrible hdds too
if you added more ram you'd probably see a similar effect
if you switched to a modern hdd you'd probably see a similar effect
But there's very little that makes me go "I need to upgrade my PC to be usable" ;p
Which was the bigger point I was trying to make
the human is the slowest part of my computer :-)
Unlike say...
that makes you rare in this channel ;)
my first 3 PCs
My 4th one, I could probably refurbish to be usable, but cannot be bothered
and that's a c2d, so... verging on a decade?
the Real User Monitoring on pingdom is really cool
hum de dum
just waiting, waiting, waiting for office 2010 to copy ot some laptops
@karel Done
and then I find they've never actually requested the purchase of keys.
@Rahul2001 Congrats
Thanks :D
whats her name, what is she like?
it also explains why we haven't seen you
Does anyone have any experience with spam-filter-as-a-service providers and could possibly recommend one?
we deployed it to several customers and it never missed a beat
Hi. Some one has asked how to get a protected PDF. Is it wrong to answer them? superuser.com/questions/1153447/download-protected-pdf/1153453
@Burgi Nah, we just started dating yesterday
And she will remain unnamed on the internet :)
"Mrs Rahul2001"
Too young to get married :P
I feel like support sites intentionally put static HTML on their pages to always show messages like this as a psychological barrier to people wondering why it takes them 2 weeks to respond
> An unexpected increase in volume has resulted in delayed responses, but we will do our best to respond as soon as we can.
more honestly:
> An unexpected decrease in support funding from our greedy CEO/CFO has resulted in delayed responses, but we will do our best to respond as soon as we can. The greedy bastard.
@Burgi Thanks!
also phone systems that say "We are experiencing a high call volume right now, please be patient"
Those eyes xD
> What on earth are you eating!
@Burgi How are they billing? By volume? By user?
> DUUUUUUDE!!!! Sugar Puffs!!!!
@OliverSalzburg i'm not sure i didn't get involved in that
@Burgi Alright, thanks anyway :)
@allquixotic ???
@DavidPostill lol
check edit history here ;p
it's the same woman as in that Scott Manley livestream vid
she did a special "atomic pin-up girl" costume for halloween
@allquixotic Ah. I was wondering what the connection was :)
it's just a shallow "ooooo nice" from me... science hottie
beautiful women are abundant; scientifically minded women are relatively plentiful; beautiful, scientifically minded women are super rare
@allquixotic did you end up trying the plugin on ts?
@Bob instability
@allquixotic greeeeaaaaaat
got any ideas? :P
I suppose go back to native FLAC encoding, or host CoreCLR purely for the encoding step...
@Bob probably because a bunch of unmanaged threads are putting the native instruction pointer of their thread into the function call into the .NET stack and it's like "O____O"
@allquixotic ha. in theory that should work perfectly well
I suspect I got the function struct wrong, but I have no idea how to tell :\
my experience debugging native code starts and ends with gdb
...doesn't help that TS3 isn't open source, so can't really hook a debugger up to that easily
@allquixotic it's nice just having this playing in the background :P
personally I prefer Amy in the foreground, but to each their own
@allquixotic so, I'm not gonna be doing anything on that plugin for today. dunno about tomorrow. will probably fiddle a bit more and see if I can't get it stable-ish, otherwise maybe look into the ffmpeg api (:S). how unstable was it? crash %?
I got another HNQ. Mine's the only answer. HOW DOES THIS THING EVEN WORK ._.
This makes sense
I don't get why all OpenVPN tutorials seem to suggest using a static key or certificate authentication, when you could just use username and password
Static key is terribly insecure and PKI is ridiculously overkill and complex for normal users
Yet I've never seen a tutorial that tells you just to use plain username/password
I suppose it does require a server TLS cert anyway, but it's still vastly less complex than signing client certs for every client...
@Annaduh how is static less secure than password?
I suppose for multi-user...
didn't know it existed though

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