@SimonSheehan @Sathya @Bibhas (sorry for the multi-ping) : My issue there isn't the downvote. My issue is really, the person ought to have posted a better answer ;p
I have a list of events at the left side of Super User with comments/questions/answers/edits/newusers, will look how fast that refreshes.
@Sathya: I refresh every minute, let me look up the rule that says I need to do so.
The bottom, @Sathya:
> While not strictly a throttle, the Stack Exchange employs heavy caching and as such no application should make semantically identical requests more than once a minute. This is generally a waste of bandwidth, as more often than not the exact same result will be returned.
@Sathya Well, I want to upgrade to Sandy Bridge E, since I already own a watercooling kit from my previous build, I wanted to know what's the best motherboard to OC right now
I only "need" 4 cores total, but often there is more "shared" cache, which might be usefull? So the PCIE lanes are real extra lanes, and not some bs hubs for lanes put on the boards? That is one thing i was noticing also, the actual architexture of the processor, not cheap trix on the motherboards.
@Psycogeek SB-E Is mostly for server/workstations. Ivy/SB boards are for mainstream desktop users.
@Psycogeek Shared cashe doesn't make a huge difference, somewhat significant, somewhat negligible at the same time. More lanes you'll have more bandwidth for be it multiple video cards (4-way SLI) and in general more lanes for high-bandwidth devices.
@Psycogeek If anything, they encourage overclocking on the SB-E platform. Specially since it comes with an external BLK clock while offering Intel branded water cooling. (doesn't come with a stock fan anymore)
And you can purchase an OC warranty for around $30
If you fry your processor due to overclocking, they replace it
@Tek That is some of the things i wonder about. my Ideal would be one single core 10Gig speed processor, and enough (more direct) links to the hardware, and Future upgrade. I am probably going to plunk down $200-300 for ONE motherboard, that i would hope makes it to ONE other CPU update.
@Tek This last month virtual dub upgraded to having thier filters be work on by multiple processes. Before i ran 3 of them to get full use of the processor. I test the same thing with his first implementation of 4core full usage, and it is 17% faster. That is about 50% slower than running 3 seperate program that use about 1.5 cores of work at a time.
So while all the cores were working 100%, the implementation of seperating the work and recombining it, was not better than running multiple instances of the program :-(
@Psycogeek Not much a hardware problem rather than a software problem. Not all algorithms can be made into parallel process. Besides, nothing is stopping you from using single core processes with different program instances as you first mentioned.
@Tek and to often that is the case. Mabey the pro video program (another one that i beg for speed) would make better use of all of them. Being multicore DID allow me to start multiples without getting in the way of Piddling around on the web :-) but not many programs STILL (it has been long enough) take great advantages of the multi cores.
@Psycogeek Sure, but I think we take multi-core for granted. If you had a single core using 100% of your CPU. That would leave very little for you to multi task without your computer being sluggish.
@Tek so those server boards, they running 20 virtual machines , but thier Need isnt really processing? isnt it more the lanes for the hardware and the net connections, more memory?
@Psycogeek Good question. If servers were single core, and it was using 100% of CPU at any point. If they had different accounts for different people, all the people that are in that host would suffer. With multi core, it doesn't affect everyone else.
@Psycogeek So yes, they need the processing as much as any other resource, ram, net connections, other peripherals connected by PCI-E...
For a Crasy Desktop comp. Take getting a 2 physical processor, and 64gig memory (capable) sandy E motherboard. . . . . Start with 1 physical, and 12gig of memory. and update it. But then only want to run one system on it. I cant even get winders to use beyond 4Gig for its file system cache?
@Tek yes the ram they use for the file system. back in XP, if a person messed with largeFileCache stuff, it would use almost all the ram, and it was not too stable that way , probably because of other programs. But i have given win7 8gig total, and it wont use it to cache disk junk. on XP it was not stable, on 7 it doesnt try (or i dont know how to set it)
The idea being , with a oversized Ram (not ssd) and an oversized file cache, the whole freaking system that i am using would be in it :-)
Also, i read about other people on the web, they have the 12+G of ram, and will say "ok now what" . Umm give it to meeee :-) They didnt see it being used a lot in normal use either.
@Psycogeek Probably because they have no use for that much RAM. If you don't have programs that use that much RAM then there's no point in buying it.
@Psycogeek It's like buying an air plane to go to the grocery store when they can do fine with just a car ;) Some people do need an air plane though (private jets/airlines)!
24-64 gig of real ram would sure make an interesting Video buffer for editing, a same area of a video over and over.
@Tek yup, mabey it was Al Gore :-)
Collectable ram. the geeks answer to the China Cabinet , full of plates that you dont eat off of.
Microsoft: ""But for most people who just keep a few programs running at a time, 4 GB or more of memory offers no tangible benefit over a computer with 2 GB of memory and a 32-bit version of Windows.""
""Server computers—such as computers used to run websites or large corporate networks—can especially benefit from more memory. But they have their own powerful operating system—Windows Server—which also comes in a 64-bit version and can use even more memory than Windows 7.""
The Web indicates that windows 7 DID suck up all the memory on the system, then an update changed that. The original idea, from the developers was to "make use of it all", it helps to know that other users saw it changed.
Mabey users were complaining, or it failed the same way it did in XP. I actually want BOTH. to allow the use of all, and to switch that (even if it takes a reboot) and have it be subdued. I have complained when "using it all" was applied, and it would not Free like it was supposed to. and now I wish it would use it ALL, if it will free when it is supposed to.
So Myself and others did whine about it :-) on Both ends of the spectrum (catch22). But the answer is simple, use all the ram for cache Correctally, or gimme a dang button to switch it.
@Sathya: its an obvious mistake to make. ;p. I'm passionate about hardware, but i really don't have the sort of environment where i can work on newer things half as much as i'd like ;p
Ok which Os is it then? I am just realising (thanks to Sathya) that i could write whole batches in winders shortcuts with && :-) up to 256 charachters.
LOL, I had it all written in the cmd, added the "&& Exit" to the end, and Poof, lol, gone, without writing down what worked. I think i should stick with the old batch method
Already done so, @slhck: I'm actually going through the problem titles every now and then. Starting with the most votes ones and/or those which have a different spelling.
@TomWijsman I don't. It never as my intention to improve the title in question. Since there's no sandbox, I had to edit on the live site. I chose to do this in a way that, while not improving the quality, didn't reduce it either.
I chose a pretty much dead question so it doesn't disrupt active content. I'm not too happy having had to do it like this, but the filter is not active on our meta, and I was out of ideas.
@TomWijsman I noticed that the filter can easily be circumvented and reported this, still unaware that this "bug" was repeated used on SO to circumvent the filter both by regular users and diamond moderators. I'd like to see the loophole fixed, but I can understand the reluctance -- there are just too many possible loopholes.
I don't really understand why every topic on MSO seems to devolve into a discussion, but I guess that's what you get without a real bug tracker.
Regarding the issue, the "bug" I reported even seems to have its applications in enabling topics where filtered terms actually make sense. Verbatim error messages, software names, or other names (like Halting Problem). So I can have no problem accepting status-bydesign.
@DanielBeck Exactly my thoughts about M.SO. If an idea has haters it is more likely to get down-voted and not implemented, while for yourself it seems a completely reasonable and making sense.
@DanielBeck My idea would be to just split a title by spaces, then replace known Unicode symbols (like the fake p by the correct p), strip all other Unicode problems and use a smart regular expression.
Adding non-ASCII characters anywhere wouldn't have any effect. Using Unicode/leetspeak instead of characters also wouldn't have any effect.
There are a ton of question titles that contain "need help" while it doesn't add something to the title, in most occasions this causes the user to not explain what the real problem is they are having. Could this be added to the filter for titles such that we have more proper titles?
On Super Use...
@Sathya Just a thought. Not sure what the use case for that site is, and whether that's useful for it. Isn't it the same as the suggested editor queue?
I found out about f.lux when someone mentioned it on another question here on SU that I happened to stumble upon. I've been using it ever since because it's a simple, original, useful piece of software.
However, sometimes I find that I want to disable it during the night, to edit photos or perf...
Now that you have edited it, when somebody votes it up, do the points go to you or to me, or do they split in half? I am concerned 'bout rep points because I'm working my way up you see (don't misinterpret anything there, please)
@themidget They only go to you. Editors are never credited any reputation … only when you have <2k reputation and suggest an edit (which is approved), you get a meagre +2
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To undo a file/folder operation in Windows, you can use either the Undo command in the Edit menu, or press Ctrl+Z.
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