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on irc they were like "I didn't know you could do that..."
very shortly after, it was documented and everything
people were still getting their Pis because it was on backorder for like 6 months
My computer's 7 years old. That might explain why I'm here
my server is older, whats up?
@oldmud0 molex spliter, and adapter
oh wow just read the bacxklog
whos good with webdriver?
@oldmud0 lol
@djsmiley2k that's kind of my day job (well, part of it)
what specifically do you need?
im trying to crawl and save my google photos...
first step 'log in'...
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(desired_capabilities=PHANTOMJS_ARG)
infact i should pastebin it, sec
@djsmiley2k I refuse to help with Python
oh the screenshot didnt load overscp, copied it locally and now i see it says wrong p/w
lol ok
@djsmiley2k are you using 2FA?
not for this
@JourneymanGeek blogs would be popular if we got rep from them
if it's enabled on your account you should use an app password
yup thats exa tly what im doing
k weird that paswor really doesnt work - regenerating
k now hits 2 step verification
gonna have to handle that in the swcript joys
sourcetree has gone off the screen and i can't pull it down to commit my work!
@Burgi what's up?
Hm... I've never used sourcetree, so I can't help :/
Heh, the new Mac book pros don't have an ESC key
Good luck, vim users
@allquicatic yes, yes i am
i dont need automated testsing, illrun this script like once a month
basically just abusing webdriver for this
selenium.common.exceptions.InvalidElementStateException: Message: {"errorMessage":"Element is not currently
why that now :/74
@djsmiley2k element is not visible? likely a JS thing on the page is enabling the element after the JS runs
you should add an explicit wait for the element to be visible
oh, ewww
but sometimes it at least attempts to login when providing wrong password :/
the EC.element_to_be_clickable wait basically just waits until it's enabled and visible, so that's a good heuristic
it doesn't matter that you're not planning to click it
Alone at last. Cat heaven. Dog hell.
like just then it loggedin. with screenshots before and after yey
@djsmiley2k until you add explicit waits, you're going to bump against race conditions every time
hmmmm still telling me wrong password hmmmmmm
so litteral wait until X ?
@djsmiley2k per the page I linked you above
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
element = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID,'someid')))
(note: I am not a Python programmer, nor do I want to be)
hehe ok that's weird
first time it asks me to 2fa
if i fail, it seems to constantly fail the p/w after that without sending the txt :o
or even offering to
@djsmiley2k once again, you should be using an app password
yeah i am
so, app passwords don't work online?
as in you can't 'test' them like that
@Rahul2001 I won't ask what your mental image of me and @BenN is ;p
do i need to ue a specific url because I'm using an app password?
@djsmiley2k they do, I don't know what you mean
@djsmiley2k no
@DavidPostill ;P
do they fail to work because of 2FA being turned on?
because right now, I generate a app password. I open up an incognito tab, I try to sign into google with those details and it tells me the password is wrong
@djsmiley2k huh
that shouldn't happen
ok, good
I thought I was misunderstanding app passwords
I like medium
Eh, mosquitoes!
accounts.google.com/signin/challenge/sl/password << I get redirected to this page @allquicatic
it's definately telling me wrong password, no matter how many times i regenerate it :(
can I defenestrate this day?
Defenestrate away
@Tiffany why would you destroy a forest? :(
SuperUser needs a Jeeves bot from the room11 php chat
so I can !!? defenestrate
throw (someone) out of a window.
@Tiffany We used to have !!google IIRC
There's still !!wiki, at least when the bot is alive
We even used to have !!urbandictionary
!!wiki Defenestration
Defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window. The term was coined around the time of an incident in Prague Castle in the year 1618, which became the spark that started the Thirty Years' War. This was done in "good Bohemian style" and referred to the defenestration which had occurred in the same city's City Hall almost 200 years earlier (July 1419), which also at that occasion led to war, the Hussite war. The word comes from the New Latin de- (out of or away from) and fenestra (window or opening). Likewise, it can also refer to the condition of being thrown out of...
that's the bot that the php chat uses, and it's fantastic
@Tiffany technically it's just another SO-ChatBot but it's forked and hosted on my infrastructure
Jeeves, Somewhere on a server in a galaxy far far away
168 1 8
!!tell 33669033 listcommands
help, afk, awsm, ban, color, convert, define, die, doge, domain, eval, export, findcommand, forget, forgetseen, github, google, hang, imdb, import, info, inhistory, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, refresh, spec, stat, stats, tell, timer, todo, unban, undo, unonebox, user, weather, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, 65wat, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, ahhfire, apumpkin, areyoukidding, bababababat, baroo, bearhello
beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific, biird, boberror, brainf__k, bunny, caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
!!? defenestrate
@Tiffany That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
you don't need the ?
!! defenestrate
that must be a custom command for your bot
yeah, !!? is custom for Jeeves, it googles the entry
it can also execute php code from 3v4l
using !!>
ahhhhhhhh ok @allquicatic I see
the 'example code i was given is for when both the email and password box are already on screen
huh. !!> used to be a coffeescript evaluator for our bot; might not be the same software
had to disable it because people kept sending it into infinite loops
well, would make sense, since Jeeves is for the php chat
lol :(
!! dad
@Tiffany That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
someone bungled the learn for that one
!!info thisisfine
@allquicatic Command thisisfine, created by oldmud0 on Mon, 08 Aug 2016 17:36:20 GMT
!!forget thisisfine
@allquicatic Command thisisfine forgotten.
!!learn thisisfine <>https://i.sstatic.net/yssEr.jpg
in PHP on Stack Overflow Chat, 13 secs ago, by Jeeves
I'm reading a book on the history of glue I just can't seem to put it down
@allquicatic Command thisisfine learned
@Tiffany That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Tiffany that command isn't defined for our SO-ChatBot
(he's written in NodeJS and browser-side JS; the JavaScript room on chat.stackoverflow wrote him and we have a mild fork)
it can do string substitutions
!! s/ahh/lollll/
they get the dad jokes from a site
@allquicatic lollllh (source)
!!am I a good maintainer of the bot?
@allquicatic Certainly
!!should I stay or should I go
@ThatBrazilianGuy You should go
!!who's a good bot?
@Tiffany That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: who
!!good bot
@Tiffany That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Tiffany it's not as open ended as that, unfortunately
!!is @Tiffany performing wrong commands
@ThatBrazilianGuy But of course
urgh, i don't know wtf the elements are because it seems the names have changed
I'm just used to Jeeves
@djsmiley2k use xpath to find them dynamically
should be easy enough
#ids = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@id]')
hmmmm i guess I want @passwd or something?
@djsmiley2k element = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.xpath, "//input[@type='text'] "))) -- again, you need to be using explicit waits
I think you maybe think I've got some kind of experience
I haven't XD
that line you have still isn't using explicit waits
Ok i'm looking at that line now trying to understand it
so it's waiting for any kind of text input field?
@djsmiley2k yeah, it looks for the first visible, enabled textbox on the page
I figured the chances of the first visible textbox on the page being something other than the username field to be about 0.0000001%
ok, trying to figure out how to use that instead of what I have...
likely you can change the text to password for the PW
driver.find_element_by_id("Email").send_keys(details.email) << what i have btw
separate out the element identification into a separate variable and then operate on it, for clarity and so you can tell which line it fails on, etc
don't chain your dot statements so deeply
`element = ...
@allquicatic capricasix?
this is the problem of grabbing code snippits from the web i guess :/
@Tiffany Caprica Six is an instance of SO-ChatBot maintained by the chat.so JavaScript room, yes. she's based on the "upstream" code (by Zirak). mine is forked on github as I linked above, and hosted separately.
but yeah, Six and Cavil are more similar to each other than to Jeeves
I believe rlemon hosts Caprica Six
ahh. I said something in php chat asking if Jeeves could be deployed here (before I found out that there already is a bot here) and someone responded
they were asking what the implementation of the bot was, and I linked your message about it being based on the JS room's bot, and they were a little confused because I guess capricasix is not built using node?
@Tiffany pretty sure the active room owners and SU mods would be against having two bots in here, so if whoever responded is already in the process of deploying Jeeves in here, asking them kindly not to would be appreciated since Cavil is in here
they aren't
can you link to the PHP room? I'll just answer them directly
it was more just me lamenting the robustness of Jeeves :P, but apparently he's not ready to be used elsewhere anyway
NameError: name 'wait' is not defined
sorry, didn't mean to cause a kerfuffle.
@djsmiley2k *sigh*
30 mins ago, by allquicatic
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
element = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID,'someid')))
hmmmm missing import
yey im rihghtu]#
you have to initialize the wait and the import as I already pasted to you after already linking to the website
34 mins ago, by allquicatic
1. Get the first idea of what you're doing by reading the documentation a little bit so you're not completely clueless when something goes wrong
2. Experiment
3. Ask questions that are slightly less clueless than you otherwise would
currently feeding a 4 month old so things are trick to keep track of
rather than
1. Faceroll on your keyboard
2. Run it in php
3. Flail your arms over your head when it breaks
(joking btw)
@allquicatic have any experience with IIS? :P
the sad thing is right now id prob have more success in php due to having at least some expperince
@Tiffany that's another tool I don't want to have experience with, but unfortunately do - to a limited extent
the project I used to work on that used IIS, the lead developer passed away and I stopped working on it after that
didn't have the heart to
@djsmiley2k generally it's a good idea to use a programming language you're very familiar with for a quick hack; Selenium is supported in many programming languages so that's a good thing
What's the end goal again?
nod cept im not a programmer by any stretch
@BenN grab all my google photos
ok so seems the selenium docs aren't .... correct
Python 3.4.3 (default, Sep 26 2016, 20:48:56)
[GCC 4.9.3] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
>>> wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'WebDriverWait' is not defined
I'm pretty sure Google Photos uses the Picasa API
i though id check it outside of my script incase i was screwing someyhing up
yeah I got lost with that tho @BenN
It seems to eventually get to 'use the google drive API'
which I tried, but my google drive account is.... broken
my photos don't display in drive.
which reminds me i should check today to see if that's still the case
So this is largely a X->Y->Z problem
@allquicatic heh. I manage one web server on IIS, and only know bits and pieces of Apache. I'd like to learn nginx though. I need to set up a VM sometime at home and dink around with it.
@Tiffany nginx has fairly cryptic configuration but it's not too dissimilar to Apache on Debian at least because of the way they structure their directories (sites-enabled, sites-available, etc.)
@djsmiley2k sure it's not your browser / internet connection?
it could be my connection, some how
but concidering my phone shows the same issue
I only started in web server admin earlier this year, so it's all new to me. I've had to learn IIS for work.
and the api shows the same issue
the photos simply don't 'exist' in gdrive
also how do you intend to use Selenium to extract pictures that don't display?
neither under 'google photos' folder...
they display on photos.google.com
go figure
even the two 'photos' points on the google drive page don't match up
one is a 'folder' you enable in the config... it's meant to slowly fill up with your photos as it syncs something, over a few days. That only ever shows me the photos I've uploaded, from the moment I enable it - nothing old ever appears in it
@BenN don't tell me, you can use selenium from powershell using the .NET bindings for selenium
is there a Groovy Grape equivalent for powershell?
the other bit is a google photos 'link' on the page, that shows me most of my photos, but has huge chunks of time missing, such as feb 2015 - now
I'm looking again at the Picasa API
No one seems to be able to confirm that the Picasa API is what google photos uses
Maybe I'll try and write something using http requests in that.. D:
why not just file a support request with Google and wait for a pre-canned generic response like "sometimes we lose data and we can't help you, sorry"?
not sure how to @allquicatic
i have a post on the gdrive forum thing
How is the Picasa Web Albums Data API related to Google Photos?
Picasa Web Albums and Google Photos provide different, but mostly overlapping views of the same user photo data
seems the Picasa api DOES give access to grab the photos, but that's all
welp that's all I want, better start over XD
I wonder if that's the problem tho, maybe drive is using the picasa api and they've not updated it
@djsmiley2k there might be third party apps that already do picasa API that you can use
good point
checking if any of those can cope with the 25Gb of photos
(google takeout can't :/ )
I looked for 'Google Photos' downloaders, but coudln't find anything useful
didn't realise picasa might be the keyword
I personally use Flickr; they have no trouble handling lots of photos (many GBs, in fact).
you got a pro account?
google don't really
just the drive stuff not working correctly annoys me, as I actually use the drive api tools already
No, but they give 1 TB of storage to everyone. Pro adds ad-free access and expanded analytics information.
1Tb now?
hmmm ok
I thought it was less
So, any reason why you're migrating from Google Photos?
...never mind.
I'm not
I just want to ensure I have a offline copy of everything
Oh, okay. It seems you're having technical issues with them.
hmmmmmmmm this application is grabbing by album
I wonder if it sees the autouploads as an album
only because I suck really @bwDraco
Damn, now I want some pie.
Hahaha, that's totally something one of my best friends from school would have done.
IUt si something I will do once I bake my next pie. :)
...and take pictures off,
somehow i was expecting
@djsmiley2k Tag a subset and then use takeout to download said subset? I do that with gmail.
@Psycogeek Oh, look! It's 9.869604401089358618834490999876151135313699407240790626413... Tasty!
5 trillion digits (requires special viewer): Alexander Yee makes 5 trillion digits available via bittorrent. He also has a lot of other large numbers. (He holds the record for most digits of Pi computed.)
Oops... I think I messed up somewhere...
@MichaelFrank whoops :P
Put the | out-gridview inside the foreach >.<
I heard an interesting theory on youtube when I was listening to some tech video in the car, it was either LinusTechTips or EverythingApplePro
that Apple plans to eventually move all of their standard PC form factor devices to ARM64 based on a scaled-up, higher-TDP version of the chips currently in their "A" SoC line (like A10 Fusion, etc.)
they did it once with POWER to x86, and there's this idea that they might be able to get better perf per watt out of a greatly scaled-up A10 Fusion for a MBP than, say, a Skylake-H chip
so the picasa downloader only grabs some albums, not all of them, doh
/me sighs
@djsmiley2k wow.
> Good day,are you refer to tape 037192L3,if so cannot EJECT repository elements as no mail slots defined and please help to eject it from your end thanks.
Anyone know what this might mean? :/
@MichaelFrank sounds like a tape backup system
Yea, it is. I'm just confused about why he can't eject it himself.
I'm pretty sure he's got the wrong tape number though, that tape isn't in our autoloader at all.
@MichaelFrank That'd cause a problem ejecting it, yes
@Annaduh Yea, it probably would. I guess I'll wait for him to figure it out from his end. Perhaps I won't have to change a tape today?!
Here is a gift for that special nurse in your life . ebay.com/itm/… "Geek Squad Battery Backup Surgeon Protector UPC GS-1500U"
@Psycogeek lol "For parts or not working"
No bra
We came 2nd in the pub quiz!!!!!
What a gentleman!
12 mins ago, by Anna duh
No bra
i feel i may have interruptted something
Oh great
@Burgi BRA Bomb Rack Assembly (acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/BRA) ;p
Windows has a stuck process. 100% CPU usage, can't be killed, stopped, or debugged.
One thread... smart card server... And I don't even have a smart card connected
Feels like Linux with NFS all over again
@DavidPostill well thats obviously what i naturally assumed
@Burgi I was watching Scott Manley videos on Youtube
my friend dave has totally lucked out with his girlfriend

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