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If you have enough money to let you wait a while before getting an actual job, you could do some pro bono work just for fun
If 't be true thee don't has't wage, thee wilt starve.
e.g. open-source, or volunteer at some physical place
well then.
Heh. Procexp to identify the program?
@BenN if 't be true thou has't enough wage to alloweth thee wait a while ere getting an actual job, thee could doth some pro bono worketh just for excit'ment
I remember seeing that dialog in one of my own programs but I forget what it means
I'm Shakespearean!
@BenN it's geforce experience... the updater crashed
@Rahul2001 So I see
conveniently, just after uninstalling the old one
@Bob lol
NVidia drivers haven't been able to install on my desktop for 5 months
"The installer failed" is a very helpful and specific error message -_-
Iif 't be true thee art sick with all of Google's antics, thee should useth DuckDuckGo!
Bizarrely, the Windows 10 upgrade on one machine decided to remove the NVidia drivers for a specific card, but reinstalling the Win7 (or maybe 8, I can't remember) driver in Win10 worked just fine
Hm. I was on 1.16.42. "Your software is up to date", my arse.
if thou dost not talk like a person mundane, I shalt smite thee with words not profane...
Oh man, that one actually rhymed
@Bob did it for me too
I wonder if they've fixed all the audio bugs.
@JourneymanGeek what did what for who?
@Bob gforece experience update
what, crap itself?
@JourneymanGeek a pox on you!
did you manage to fix it?
@Bob not yet
Downloading the installer fresh seems to have worked.
That, or forcibly killing Steam.
that's exactly what I'm trying
wtf I don't want to log in with any account
PHP is hath used by clotpoles who have no more brain than stone
@Bob Oh yeah, the new GFE needs that for some features now
@kerbalspacecat s/some/all/
There's literally nothing but that window.
Languages liketh Python or Ruby wast designed, PHP just hath happened.
> Use at least 9 characters
Use a combination of at least 3 different types of characters: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, symbols, and other letters.
Oh go die in a fire nvidia
"Sign in with Facebook"
As much as I loathe both companies, at least that button stops me having to create yet another account
@kerbalspacecat I refuse to link my accounts, these days.
Don't want to be tied to Google any more than I already am
...I really need to set up an alternative login for SE
I should have refused, but now it's too late :-(
If I disable my Facebook account I lose access to Spotify, because it's impossible to un-associate a Spotify account -_-
Of course their goddamn email verification server seems to be laggy as all hell
why is there no option to skip this damn game scan
better yet, why is it a bloody modal window
I would like a word with whoever designed this thing
preferably involving fists and lots of shouting
@kerbalspacecat ...yea my spotify account is clean :P
I think the only linked accounts I still have, apart from maybe some mandatory site I've forgotten about, would be SE and Google...
Thankfully I still don't need the thing or care about it
oh yes, nvidia, please scan my Adobe folders for games!
I have an email just for creating accounts on different services: [email protected]
I was tempted to use my fake facebook account
Oh wait it's scanning folders from a previous windows install
on another drive
... is it going to scan 12 TB of data?
... seriously, nvidia, you deserve the biggest fucking fires of hell.
Wow, that is some shockingly poor design
Do you know the last program that did this to me?
The VB6 installer.
The. Visual. Basic. 6. Installer.
@Bob DIAF?
Geforce Experience is now officially on par with Visual Basic 6 on my shit list.
@Bob Why was the VB6 installer scanning your Adobe folder for games?
It's been a long time since I used VB6, why does it need to scan the whole system?
the new UI is worse than the old one
and the driver's UI is not one big ad. Its many big ads.
@BenN It scans for existing copies of Visual Source Safe, IIRC.
@JourneymanGeek Some review sites seem to like it
@Bob was well behaved for me in that respect. Only scanned what I had... I think.
Takes bloody forever if you have a couple big drives attached.
@kerbalspacecat I suspect illicit substances ...
It's still going.
I wonder what would happen if that drive's letter suddenly changed
Does reassigning drive letters invalidate handles? I can't remember
see that TINY lighter grey bit? THat's all the stuff I care about
Nov 13 '12 at 0:27, by Tom Wijsman
Dec 29 '11 at 5:29, by Tom Wijsman
Funny how the Visual Basic 6 installer is installed to look through your entire disk contents for setup components... Those were the bad days. :D
@TomWijsman ^ :P
Gee, thanks, I really needed every copy I have from old Windows installs included there!
@Bob recheck your scan locations?
@JourneymanGeek Yea, I removed the others. AFTER having to sit through that bullshit.
Ooh, send feedback button.
Wait. Where's my shadowplay.
dammit, nvidia
did they seriously remove the one thing I use?!
I think its still there... somewhere
@JourneymanGeek Yea, through some insane in-game menu. I bet they disabled windowed recording too.
Anyone know why mipmap would screw up my FPS on the homescreen in minecraft?
...does anyone here even play minecraft?
apart from you
oh, there was that guy the other day who thought they'd be able to run a minecraft server on something like a Pentium-era Xeon. That was... interesting.
that suggests its in the share menu
I shut down the gaming box soooooo
@JourneymanGeek yea, I figured that out a few seconds ago :P
of course the tiny share button opens that...
because that's definitely what share buttons are supposed to do
@DavidCole-GrammarPolice Do you have mipmapping on or off?
breaking every single UX convention they can, aren't they?
According to some forum post I just read, it shouldn't affect framerate, but I'm not a graphics programmer :/
While it's on I get like 0 fps even on the homescreen, but Minecraft looks awful without it @BenN
Do you play fullscreen or windowed?
Try fullscreen
K brb
it might be AMD
overriding my settings
@BenN well, do you know what a mipmap is? :P
The reserve of a pampim?
it just generates multiple sizes of textures for faster rendering and some anti-aliasing (better than nearest-neighbour)
no idea why it would impact framerate
fullscreen + mipmap still lags to all hell
but then lots of things about minecraft are broken
Could it be AMD overriding settings that minecraft can't handle?
I would be surprised if AMD overrode in-game settings
Updating your graphics drivers could conceivably change performance maybe?
might be worth pointing out this may be in linux, and @DavidCole-GrammarPolice complained about it to the point where people got annoyed in the AU general room ;p
This is Windows.
So no.
also. Low framerates in the load screen?
Yea! I don't get it!
rest of the game is fine?
so performance just sucks?
Probably time for a better graphics card if everything is bad
could it be your video card is just terrible?
GPU Clock is running @ 300... wth
well or the machine...
This is a custom machine
dosen't mean its not terrible
we don't even know what gpu you have
so... safe assumption that it's terrible unless proven otherwise :P
I don't do AMD, but that looks recent, and not too bad
in all seriousness, minecraft barely uses the gpu. at all.
it's a terribly optimised game
you're usually looking more at cpu perf
Minecraft recently-ish started using multiple threads, so having more CPU threads would be good, but it should be playable at 2x3.2Ghz
@JourneymanGeek ...I feel I should point out that the R7 250 (no benchmark for X?) is approx. on par with Iris Pro...
in other words, as far as dGPUs go...
I don't know how much of a difference the CPU being a Pentium makes
It's comparable-ish to a GTX 850M apparently
@BenN pentium can be low end regular cores, or high end atoms.. ;p
@JourneymanGeek I thought only Celeron used Atom-cores?
I should probably not talk about hardware very much because I know very little about it :p
G3258 is pretty good.
I am using 1.7.10 if that makes any dif.
Does a newer version help at all? IIRC there were a lot of performance-related things going on in 1.8
Single-thread is approx. on par with Haswell i3.
@Bob there's an atom core pentium I think. Or irs late and I'm clearly confused
IDK But I'm using 1.7.10 because of supported mods :P
Mods can severely impact performance
@JourneymanGeek o.O
I wasn't chasing my tail.
Depends on the mod :)
Tinkers, Iguana Tweaks, Witchery
Nothing intense
If Optifine is available/compatible, does it help?
Is plain vanilla performance also terrible?
@JourneymanGeek you're off the desktop yea?
wanted to test and see if new CUE still has that volume bug :P
1.7.10 vanilla seems fine :/
fresh install time
Remove mods one at a time and see when the perf problems hit
Imma fresh install
My guess is the Iguana Tweaks, because I have no experience with it and the others IIRC are gameplay only
Ill check
but I dont think so
@Bob yah, on the laptop
You thought I was bad
I just installed windows 10 on modern hardware where it hard no driver for the network. fucking unbelievable. The cursed piece of shit did not have the correct driver. And without network it did not reach anything on the netwoprk. Piece of shit. And network updated failed. Windows piece of shit. And I could not see youtube. Windows piece of shit. And I could not see any webpages. Windows piece of shit..... Any idea where I am going with this? Now look at your own install, think of the one step you missed and all the consequences. Then delete all the curse words. — Hennes 25 mins ago
@Hennes meh, duuuude, you should know better
Granted, I am torn between giving you a medal and a suspension...
I can guess which comment....
Also. "I intednt o delete this in a few moments' made the original comment to long by 53 chars.
Quoted just above by David there ^
This is a bit like a dog peeing on an a illegally parked bike.
you would know all about it
Sometimes I regret not being a dog
Is it a good dog for leaving a reminder that that's a terrible place to park a bike, or a bad dog for peeing on a bike?
It depends. Did the dog pee on the saddle or onto the bags?
You should not park where the dog pees.
Oh, it is already deleted.
alas, its a small dog, so at most pedals, tho its usually the wheels.
I had the page open to return to later.
It does not update itself when it is merely open though (probably a good thing).
@Hennes yeah. I was toying with a mod message but meh. Be nice.
Meh, I will eventually read any @ message here. Might be a few hours if I am doing other stuff.
@BenN Not iguana
Man, making friends is fun 😉😉😉
It would seem it's TC, though I've never had this problem before :( @BenN
PHP sucks for making web apps, but it is pretty convenient for web templating...
agreed most people are teetering to RoR for web apps
These days*
Whats going on
The thing about PHP is that it can be set up very easily on any system
Most Linux distros have it preinstalled
And so do shared servers
It is popular, which means it is probably the first thing a newbie will learn
Which means that they will pretty much begin with learning all sorts of bad practices...
Especially if the version of PHP that's installed is old
Ubuntu Server's LAMP package has PHP 7, which is a modern version, but some popular PHP applications (e.g. phpBB 3) are broken on it
The PHP language is really badly designed. It just lacks any sense of coherency. The language features and functions are so unintuitive.
I've written PHP code. On the surface, it looks a lot like C/C++. But when you try to write anything serious with PHP, it stops making sense.
Yet folks still write web applications in this horribly designed language. What gives?
People use what they know
At least C++ makes sense once you get used to it. PHP just doesn't.
Some would argue that PHP users who don't know anything else think PHP makes sense
Q: PHP !== is very confusing and doesn't make sense

ModularBSo I'm new to PHP and compared to other languages I've used, some things in PHP just don't make any sense to me. My code currently $secret = $_POST['secret']; //HTML input to enter secret code to unlock easter egg $theSecret = "1234"; //Pre-defined test code enter code here if($secret !== $th...

Wait, what's the type of the stuff you get out of $_POST?
It should be a string, right? And the literal "1234" is a string too?
Or is PHP doing the horrible thing where it automagically turns text-like strings into numbers?
@BenN yes
That's appalling
@Bob we actually have a pile of nvidias that cause the fires here in hell actually
Voting to close as too broad because this depends very heavily on the game in question. However, I'm inclined to say "yes" on this because you're not playing games that use the more efficient DX12 or Vulkan APIs. The GTX 1060 is nearly as powerful as the GTX 980; chances are good that you will be limited by the processor at resolutions below 1440p in many games. — bwDraco 1 min ago
i3-3220: 2C/4T Ivy Bridge @ 3.3 GHz.
@bwDraco: Yo, check twitch.tv/tsurk
php makes it quite easy to debug stuff like that
so you just accept it's weird, and carry on
at least that's how i work
good point
i like php shrug
dump_vars($stuff), oh look it's converted into a number! duuur, i'm so silly!
Anyone used chromeos before? On a non-chromebook device.
a billion times better than the crap i'm having to support in .NET
I like php because it works for me
no other language managed that yet D:
yes, I also hate the way it'd do random stuff, but meh
to me, every language seems to do stuff I don't quite understand, so...
@Bob or i5. or i7. Seeing as it's all the same core...
@Burgi blog system almost complete
Only minor stuff and comment system left
good grief is it hot outside!
104f here :/
94; with a heat index of 97
So hot, I would melt, if I went to the beach. Really wanted to cruise around today :-(
@Rahul2001 did my stuff help?
PHP has some expected clippy style stuff. Those of us who grew up with strong typed languages might be surprised by it.
truthy or falsy values however.... runs to a bucket to throw up
It's alright if you can add a string to a number and get either a number or a string (as opposed to a crash), but magically turning a string value into a number when no operation other than an equality check has been performed on it is a little much IMO
It might be a personal taste/experience thing though
Aye. I know people who like it.
Personally, I like to do that explicitly, or have the compiler throw an error (INSUFFICIENT COFFEE. STOP CODING!)
php is just a terrible, terrible language. It starts making zero sense when you say "oh its not that bad, it makes sense in its own way".
Thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for not being a real Ramhound, acting like we will all die in fire if we are not completely sure about everything except for one variable. — Joe Hefley 9 mins ago
An example: Can read that unicode file? Yes. Can print it well? Yes. Does the printed text give correct regex hits? Yes, but not on PHP. PHP doesn't care. If it's gonna regex it, it needs stuff to be read from a UTF8 file.
No errors either, it just silently fails.
"What would be the technical name of the adapter? Would I need multiple? " so I asked "What do you mean "what is the technical name of the adaptor", before I research and find an example for you, have you attempted to locate it yourself?" I then get treated like I committed a crime for wondering the reason he wanted the technical name for an adapter.
@Ramhound calm down. Assume everyone is stupid but you, not to get your ego sky high, but to not care about what others do that much, and to understand their moves. :)
So I should be treated like dirt because people know less then I do? I don't accept that
We are here to help people solve their issues (and for sweet, sweet rep). If they don't want help, there is nothing we can do on SE. Literally.
@Ramhound Take a deep breath and let it go. I have flagged the comment. That was all you needed to do ...
@DavidPostill and it just got auto-validated
Already did
And for a good laugh:
And Ramhound, it's "adapter", not "adaptor." — Joe Hefley 18 mins ago
My response:
@JoeHefley Please don't complain about spelling mistakes. It makes you look a little foolish when you have your own.You had "Compatability" in your question title. I've fixed it for you. — DavidPostill 1 min ago
Variants of adapter
also adaptor
Webster Dictionary
forehead slap
I think I will just use accoutrement in the future.
@Ramhound Yeah, but his was a real mistake :)
Which makes it funny
All computer uses should be forced to have a mechanical hand connected to the internet
so when they say something stupid other people can activated and slap them on the back of the head ;-)
Granted my head would be sore, but would be worth it, perhaps connected it to SE voting :$
Q: PCI-Based Graphics Card has Slow FPS

DavidBI recently purchased a Lenovo TS140 ThinkServer. Despite its branding as a server I plan to use it as a desktop. As part of the setup, I want to use a GeForce 9500 GT graphics card. The card is PCI-based, and while it should be good for my purposes, I am unable to achieve a decent framerate with ...

So I believe this is one of those users who will "tell me to shove off"
because I have asked for clarification and they didn't appreciate it
Do I still point out its a 16 year old card, and Windows 10 drives don't exist for it, or do I even bother?
@Ramhound Go for it :)
No; Staying away from that
Looked, impressed, Nvidia did release drivers for it
Was released in 2004, so its still 16 years old.
@Ramhound No, only 8 years old according to Wackypedia
"On July 29, 2008 the GeForce 9500 GT was officially launched."
@Ramhound And your math is not quite right 2016 - 2004 = ? :)
Amazon stocked it in 2004
Date first available at Amazon.com
September 14, 2004
2016 - 2004 = 12
How something was stocked 4 years before it was released confuses me
@Ramhound I think Amazon is wrong :)
alright well its still nearly 10 years old. He expects a great deal out of 5-6 generation old GPU.
@Ramhound That I don't disagree with :)
Firefox is an absolute battery hog.
i have looked EVERYWHERE and i cannot find the last animal species on this planet
I just don't get it. Firefox is horrifically inefficient.
i spent 2 hours in caves because someone told me that animals spawn there sometimes
On Windows, it actually does better than Chrome in battery life tests (although Microsoft Edge is generally the best for battery life on laptops).
the tab group plugin is really unstable
On Android, however, all this goes out the window and Firefox consumes far more battery power than Chrome.
my phone battery lasts for about 3 days
even with the wifi on and the occasional GPS
My phone's battery life is great if it's sitting idle most of the time (thanks, Android Doze). It's just Firefox being so horrifically inefficient.
I've tuned my device to use zram heavily, which doesn't really help due to lots of CPU power being consumed for swapping, but even if you factor that into consideration (or disable zram), Firefox is horrifically CPU-inefficient during normal web browsing.
Firefox's page renderer is incredibly inefficient.
when will i finally admit i hate no man's sky?
Testing with zram off.
Giving the battery some time to recharge...
A: Webmin -> Virtualmin -> Let's Encrypt -- Getting error about e-mail when registering SSL

RamhoundYou have to use the following command-line option. -m EMAIL, --email EMAIL Email used for registration and recovery contact. (default: None) You can make this easier by adding the following to your configuration file Uncomment and upda...

should I feel bad by answering that questio
I read the manual, literally skimmed it, and quotedit
searched or "email" wasn't hard...
If you want to escape a Markdown thing, put a backslash before it
Alternatively, add sufficient spaces and you'll get a code block, which disables most special formatting
I don't even bother with Let's Encrypt. I just use a paid (but inexpensive) solution: Comodo PositiveSSL.
I get my certs from Namecheap.
I'd rather continue to use a solution that works with zero trouble than to save $9 a year for a solution that is not yet 100% proven.
As things change, I might start to look into free certificates, but I'd prefer not to use something other than what I know works.
Alright, battery charged to 66%. zram is off. Let's see if Firefox is indeed the problem.
...and my phone just ran out of memory. The system UI just shut down and restarted.
woof woof
I think I know what's going on. Firefox's memory management on Android sucks. It leaks lots of memory over the course of a browsing session and uses loads of CPU time trying to clean up memory it loses track of and is unable to recover. This continues until Firefox crashes or is restarted. Wikia pages are particularly bad in this regard.
zram does not make a substantial difference here.
On desktop, this is less of an issue because you have many GBs of RAM. On mobile, you just don't have as much memory.
Also, the Gecko renderer is very inefficient.
And thus the experiment ends.
Anyone see Sully?
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