@BenN if 't be true thou has't enough wage to alloweth thee wait a while ere getting an actual job, thee could doth some pro bono worketh just for excit'ment
Bizarrely, the Windows 10 upgrade on one machine decided to remove the NVidia drivers for a specific card, but reinstalling the Win7 (or maybe 8, I can't remember) driver in Win10 worked just fine
> Use at least 9 characters Use a combination of at least 3 different types of characters: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, symbols, and other letters.
oh, there was that guy the other day who thought they'd be able to run a minecraft server on something like a Pentium-era Xeon. That was... interesting.
might be worth pointing out this may be in linux, and @DavidCole-GrammarPolice complained about it to the point where people got annoyed in the AU general room ;p
I just installed windows 10 on modern hardware where it hard no driver for the network. fucking unbelievable. The cursed piece of shit did not have the correct driver. And without network it did not reach anything on the netwoprk. Piece of shit. And network updated failed. Windows piece of shit. And I could not see youtube. Windows piece of shit. And I could not see any webpages. Windows piece of shit..... Any idea where I am going with this? Now look at your own install, think of the one step you missed and all the consequences. Then delete all the curse words. — Hennes25 mins ago
So I'm new to PHP and compared to other languages I've used, some things in PHP just don't make any sense to me.
My code currently
$secret = $_POST['secret']; //HTML input to enter secret code to unlock easter egg
$theSecret = "1234"; //Pre-defined test code
enter code here
if($secret !== $th...
Voting to close as too broad because this depends very heavily on the game in question. However, I'm inclined to say "yes" on this because you're not playing games that use the more efficient DX12 or Vulkan APIs. The GTX 1060 is nearly as powerful as the GTX 980; chances are good that you will be limited by the processor at resolutions below 1440p in many games. — bwDraco1 min ago
It's alright if you can add a string to a number and get either a number or a string (as opposed to a crash), but magically turning a string value into a number when no operation other than an equality check has been performed on it is a little much IMO
It might be a personal taste/experience thing though
Thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for not being a real Ramhound, acting like we will all die in fire if we are not completely sure about everything except for one variable. — Joe Hefley9 mins ago
An example: Can read that unicode file? Yes. Can print it well? Yes. Does the printed text give correct regex hits? Yes, but not on PHP. PHP doesn't care. If it's gonna regex it, it needs stuff to be read from a UTF8 file.
"What would be the technical name of the adapter? Would I need multiple? " so I asked "What do you mean "what is the technical name of the adaptor", before I research and find an example for you, have you attempted to locate it yourself?" I then get treated like I committed a crime for wondering the reason he wanted the technical name for an adapter.
@Ramhound calm down. Assume everyone is stupid but you, not to get your ego sky high, but to not care about what others do that much, and to understand their moves. :)
@JoeHefley Please don't complain about spelling mistakes. It makes you look a little foolish when you have your own.You had "Compatability" in your question title. I've fixed it for you. — DavidPostill1 min ago
I recently purchased a Lenovo TS140 ThinkServer. Despite its branding as a server I plan to use it as a desktop. As part of the setup, I want to use a GeForce 9500 GT graphics card. The card is PCI-based, and while it should be good for my purposes, I am unable to achieve a decent framerate with ...
My phone's battery life is great if it's sitting idle most of the time (thanks, Android Doze). It's just Firefox being so horrifically inefficient.
I've tuned my device to use zram heavily, which doesn't really help due to lots of CPU power being consumed for swapping, but even if you factor that into consideration (or disable zram), Firefox is horrifically CPU-inefficient during normal web browsing.
Firefox's page renderer is incredibly inefficient.
You have to use the following command-line option.
-m EMAIL, --email EMAIL
Email used for registration and recovery contact.
(default: None)
You can make this easier by adding the following to your configuration file
Uncomment and upda...
should I feel bad by answering that questio
I read the manual, literally skimmed it, and quotedit
I think I know what's going on. Firefox's memory management on Android sucks. It leaks lots of memory over the course of a browsing session and uses loads of CPU time trying to clean up memory it loses track of and is unable to recover. This continues until Firefox crashes or is restarted. Wikia pages are particularly bad in this regard.
zram does not make a substantial difference here.
On desktop, this is less of an issue because you have many GBs of RAM. On mobile, you just don't have as much memory.