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@bwDraco Please be very careful how you write this (Note: I'm out of popcorn ...)
I have some growing outside, you can borrow mine!
I think if you focus on the philosophy of deleting (or not deleting) questions "in the abstract", rather than focusing on a specific user/moderator, your chances of getting a good response are much better... you might want to mention random only in reference to citing some of his actions as examples of something in order to discuss your point
I have this feeling that we may have to start calling on him to resign (or put him on notice) because he's acting without, and apparently against, community consensus.
That might be a little strong
the abstract concept behind doing / not doing something is a much less incendiary subject than an individual's behavior
besides, by posting your meta Q about the abstract topic, you will be able to understand, what the community consensus actually is
allkitkatic is right, focusing on behavior rather than a person is much more likely to get good results
then he'll post his answer and we'll see who gets more upvotes :)
do we need a superuser lawyer?
@bwDraco Wrong approach, IMO... I still think you should write the question but please read my advice first :)
There is a documented MSE procedure for torching a mod, but I would be surprised if that got anywhere
Anyway, I crystalized my thoughts on deletion
A: Why and When are closed questions deleted?

Ben NUnder certain circumstances, closed questions are automatically deleted by the Community user. Otherwise, they can be deleted with varying numbers of votes from 10K+ users (depending on the score of the question and its answers). Finally, moderators can instantly delete any post. As for why they...

Also consider the following: IF we create a good, thoughtful meta Q and get lots of good comments / answers that show, after it all, that perhaps what random is doing is against consensus, it's reasonable to think that he might actually consider changing his behavior somewhat
and we can do that without having to say in the question that he's a bad fellow or intentionally acting against consensus or whatever
and we can do that without having to oust him as a mod :) so, win-win in that case
^^^ wise things ^^^
'random' ?
@djsmiley2k a SU community moderator
oh thats their nick?? ok lol]
also there is a fairly often-touted argument that moderators are going to have different "styles" and different approaches to moderating, so unless the behavior observed is way off in left-field and gains a strong community consensus against, it's probably going to be tolerated by the Powers That Be
@DavidPostill Are you sure 20K+ users can undelete things removed by mods?
I don't have that anywhere, and I can't find any info about it in the help center, so I can't verify it myself
So, if this is something the community feels needs to be addressed, the first step is establishing in a meta Q in no uncertain terms what the consensus appears to be, and solicit enough feedback to get a representative sample of active users
hopefully it will show up in hot network questions or hot meta questions and that will garner enough attention to get at least a lot of voting (positive or negative), if not comments and answers
If a mod agrees, we could get it
I see that too
It just gives an error when I use it
@BenN You are right. It doesn't work :(
The privileges says "Voting to undelete answers except those deleted by a moderator" - it doesn't mention questions ...
That's the page I checked :/
Should I write up an MSE thing?
@BenN if only to get the privilege page updated to clarify about questions, I'd say so
although ideally the undelete link would not even appear if you lack the permission to do it
SE will probably take the shortest path to a decent resolution though and just update /privileges
Hmm, I'm trying to decide whether I should ask for the link to be removed or the ability to undelete to be restored
@BenN I think they'll want to let CMs continue to have the final say; that appears to have been a deliberate design decision, as the "default" behavior without any specific qualifiers would be to allow vote undeletes on mod-deleted posts
I looked through the proverbial history books and it looks like the change was made to stop question owners from one-click restoring their questions when deleted by mods
IMO it would be better if CMs had the option to "soft delete" stuff in a way that would allow the community to undelete if they feel it should be, while still having a "hard delete" nuke button for cases where it's egregiously harmful (like spam, vandalism)
The problem with restoring undelete is presumably most deleted questions (crap/spam/offensive) should not be undeleted. It would be nice to vote to undelete too broad or off-topic thought (if we disagree with the deletion).
soft delete low quality questions that are on-topic and not offensive/spam/garbage; hard delete spam/offensive
Yep, locks seem like the tool for the job there
Primary source for the original change: meta.stackexchange.com/q/77107/295684
Q: An open letter to random♦ about deleting closed questions

bwDracorandom♦, I've noticed that over the last several months you have been deleting large numbers of closed questions. While I understand that closed questions really don't belong on this site, recent controversies have called attention to your deletion of closed questions that have high-quality answ...

@BenN Ah. So we can still flag deleted questions and ask for then to be undeleted ... presumably that flag would be handled by a different mod ...
It's a dice roll which mod handles a flag
@BenN Yes, but they are not supposed to handle flags in which they have an interest? In the same way as I would not flag to undelete a question just because I lost rep on an answer ... and I skip reviews where I have an interest as well ...
I can't remember whether there's official guidance on that
The mod flag handling, that is. Skipping reviews where one has a conflict of interest is definitely the thing to do, even if there's no guidance
For context:

Controversy on random's decision to delete closed questions with good answers

yesterday, 2 hours 17 minutes total – 164 messages, 6 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked 17 secs ago by bwDraco

Q: Clarify that normal users cannot undelete questions deleted by moderators

Ben NWhen moderators delete posts, they cannot be undeleted by non-moderators. The "undelete" link still appears for 10K+ users, though, but it produces an error tooltip when used. That fact doesn't seem to be mentioned in either the 10K privilege page or the 20K privilege page. The latter says someth...

Also, an existing feature request that is double plus good: meta.stackexchange.com/q/86710/295684
@bwDraco So you decided to proceed with it as a direct confrontation with an individual moderator instead of discussing the topic in the abstract? Eh... I'm not sure that will go over so well, to be perfectly honest. For one thing, the meta Q you linked to is from StackOverflow. The immediate kneejerk response could very well be, "Well that's for SO, we do things differently here."
Wish you the best of luck with that Q but I'm a little worried that it won't get the results you're hoping for.
I'm honestly getting tired about this. I'm hoping to see changes, not resignation or removal proceedings.
96 questions [tagged h](http://superuser.com/questions/tagged/hp) left.
But enough front page spamming for now.
1 or 2 more days should do it to clean that out.
@Hennes Thanks for all your work!
Down 1000-ish questions. (some edited, some retagged, some just tag removed).
If we ever have a cleaup up weekend give me a yell because I am spamming the active question pages a tad more then I like, but speading it out to one per 15 minutes is mentally hard.
We should organize one of those, it's been a super long time
Fixer is busy on the google tag.
It isn't the first time this has been discussed.
nods. Indeed
IIRC you wrote a similar-ish thing (but not on the same subject of question deletion) a few months back?
It was overly combative and has since been deleted.
Still not 100% sure on concensus on other things.
or even 100% sure myself about which tags we should and should not have.
E.g. HP-procurve? HP-switch. If not, then why do we have Asus-laptop. Is that more specific?
I've decided to stick to the facts this time and avoid being overtly accusative.
@Hennes I think the consensus was that product tags are OK, while company ones are not
actually tells you something about the question, so I think it's legit
I have also tried to show an understanding of his viewpoint.
I saw quite a few questions where I would have tagged them with or [tag:lagg/trunking] if it had existed
@BenN @allquicatic "Thank you for informing us of the compromised user account. The user is being dealt with"
<he knew!>
Oh @allquicatic, you might want to adjust your use of "CM" as referring to mods, since most MSE people think "community manager" (e.g. Shog9) when they see that
I upvoted your answer, because those are some good possible feature requests
@allquicatic It's really hard to word something like this but I honestly am getting tired of this.
I've already tried my best to not be so harsh on him, nor am I suggesting that he step down.
@BenN done
So, how should I handle situations like this?
@bwDraco If you're trying to get the attention of an SE CM, the "contact us" link might work better than the Tavern
Though it might be a good idea to just sit back and chill for a while
1 hour ago, by bwDraco
I have this feeling that we may have to start calling on him to resign (or put him on notice) because he's acting without, and apparently against, community consensus.
Granted, your meta question does not go that far, but you've certainly put that on the table in chat at least...
I know. That was a mistake.
I'll excuse myself from this matter at this point and just watch how it plays out.
@bwDraco well IMO i am glad sombody says something, but it wont be me :-)
A person might recognise that those kind of balls can be usefull in some work situations, like managment, owner and just protecting yourself against that worlds laziest employees you work around. Soooo it is a skill, used effectivly, not sure how much you have to sweat over it, if you dont regret post, and cut into your self esteem based on other opinions that will fly about from saying things confidently.
Question edited to address some concerns.
I have some things to do so I may not be able to tend to this matter.
Heh, Shog9's graph does a pretty good job at showing the data... seems like a few of his recent deletions have stepped on a few active users' toes, but aside from that, in terms of sheer quantity, he's doing exactly what he's been doing for years
When i first got here , his moderations style was confusing, and being new, did seem overly harsh and unnessisary and arbitrary. As i have lived here for longer, it is more par for the course.
IMO (again) when you have 1.5 million people visiting first, then is a good time to create disturbances that upset the people that you depend on to have a site.
we dont!
!!oh i was about to type something here then I rememberd the bot's asleep
!! s/asleep/currently exists only as data in my ZFS snapshot until I get home and have the willpower\/energy to fix it/
Yeah I think "asleep" will do informally
Speaking of ZFS snapshots, I really need some way of automating my snapshot => Send | Receive => hold/unhold process
Takes me close to two hours every time I want to do a backup... so I only get round to it once a year or so
@allquicatic I know my personality can be rather abrasive at times. I'm already doing my best to keep it under control.
just dont do the crime if you can't do the time :-) umm must be a better way to say that. Dont do the talk, if you cant do the walk .
It may be just me, but it's just something that always seems to get on my nerves.
@bwDraco oh it is just you because the other 50,000 people who might have a problem with it, did the walk :-)
@Dog Hold? Unhold?
@Ramhound Fair enough that the comment is posted automatically, I didn't know that. However I'm annoyed because you chose/said "Recommended Deletion". Why? Did you properly review the question and other answers? This is a perfectly good answer and there's no need to delete it. — Clonkex 5 mins ago
@Bob Basically a lock to prevent deletion (accidental or otherwise)
Clonked decided they would harass me for a system generated comment.
.... I am speechless
@Dog Ah. Sounds useful.
He deleted it; bah!
You don't actually have to select a reason
i do
@allquicatic As for Cavil - I can toss him up on a server (yours, mine, whichever) from the latest export, if you want.
Oh, wait... uncommitted code changes...
Ah. I usually spare the poster the auto-comment if there's a similar enough one posted by someone else
Though in this case there was no such existing comment
@Bob Except when you forcibly remove a hold because you can't remember why you put it there in the first place, only to find out later it was critically important
The open letter is deleted.
Oh hey the open letter to Random about deleting posts has been deleted
Hopefully, though, we can focus on making the most of good content that happens to be attached to a bad question...
@bwDraco be the change you wish to be.
Oh hi JMG, good, uh, morning?
@JourneymanGeek Woof
fix up closed questions before they get deleted. ect ect
@BenN at least I am not crazy....
@BenN Morning. Coffee and Drama, part of a complete breakfast ;)
I'll start to play a more active role in editing when I get a chance.
Gotta get that popcorn in your diet!
There is so much for me to learn...
Also calling out specific users is just totally asking for trouble
mod or otherwise
focus on problems not personalities
I just need to spend some time practicing soft skills. I'll try to arrange this when I get a chance (the weather has been remarkably uncooperative lately).
@JourneymanGeek That's incredibly hard to do. I may need to be suspended given that this isn't the first time this happened...
I'll make some adjustments now (effectively immediately) to prevent this from happening again.
@bwDraco That dosen't solve the underlying issue - many of your actions seem to be "Hey, I want attention" or " I'm going to attack moderators for actions I disagree with"
In hindsight, I think I should have asked "Can we not delete closed questions with good answers?"
@bwDraco Yep, that would be better. Then we can discuss a question rather than a person :)
My parents are rather overprotective of me and that has stunted my development of soft skills.
After all, if somebody disliked a pattern of my activity, I would prefer that they ask about the action rather than attacking me

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