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It's just not a common thing here
I think I recall a couple ATMs attached to "the world's tallest cinema" in Glasgow, got a screenshot of a Windows 98 bluescreen on one of those a few years back
we usually have at least one per big bank per shopping centre
There was also a Windows 7 with a "Your windows is not activated" popup on the displays over the security gates in aberdeen airport
@Bob We usually have at least one big bank per shopping centre :P
that would take up entirely too much space here
Even in Aberdeen, the buttcrack of the arse end of nowhere, there's like three banks in our main shopping centre, and another four directly outside it
Our bigger supermarkets (Tesco, Sainsbury's) have their own banks and actual bank branches in store as well
Oh should also add, most (all?) of the standalone machines we have in the UK aren't run by the banks
The standalone ones tend to be some weird no-name independant company not associated with any bank
There#s one, inside a casino funny enough
Ahah! I remembered the location of some bank-operated standalone ATMs: In the middle of Edinburgh train station.
@Dog we have a couple of those, but most are bank-run
I don't think I've ever seen anyone use one that's not
All of ours are bank run, and there's restrictions on how many they can have
Wow, Street View really doesn't like India much
it likes pakistan... and everywhere else even less
Thailand ftw
Sri Lanka... Bangladesh
Guess which Western European country is paranoid about privacy and hates Google?
oh, france just hates everyone.
turn around
Haha look straight down
Looks like the boat is sinking
I was just zooming in and out of places randomly because 120fps google maps is zomfg
And it just turns out Greenland's street view... is on a boat
Heck, if you zoom into that darker blob at the bottom left... you get this:
Like literally, someone streetview'd a boat going back and forth in loops the middle of the sea?
or they put the camera rig on the boat
Yeah but whooo and whyyyyy?!
cause llamas can't swim?
Ahaha the street view car in Greenland...
Is a guy on a snowmobile? Or a buggy of some sort?
tho ATVs are dangerous on roads
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, saw that. Though strictly speaking I don't think it's actually street view (as in, it's a third party project, not part of Google)
true, but I misremembered
also, is joke.
Holy cow, wtf
If you zoom out google maps far enough you get the earth in space o_0
I mean i thought the whole 120fps super smooth zooming shit was pretty cool in itself, but whoah I wasn't expecting that
There's even the actual milky way in the background
Crickey, this whole WebGL thing is really a thing huh. Maybe a fewhundred years from now you'll be able to zoom out to the whole solar system
Hah, you can actually already go to mars
And the moon.
But it zooms out to infinity and resets the environment, rather than having all three in a single environment you can pan between
I found the dark side of the moon. The more you zoom in, the bigger the black square gets, until it covers the whole side of the moon
Very slow under Firefox. Relaunching Firefox using the discrete graphics card...
3 hours ago, by That Brazilian Guy
I'll let you guys know if I ever arrive home.
So... I didn't die.
@Dog What's your system spec?
@BenN I'm quite good at that. Decades of experience!
Statistically, I'm nearly immortal!
I had to launch Firefox using the discrete GPU to get it to work smoothly.
Also, the GPU is clocking down aggressively causing it to not run at 60 fps unless activity is sustained.
Of note is that I'm running Firefox Developer Edition (Aurora), not the stable release.
gatistuicakkym Un a cat.
@JourneymanGeek Didn't know there were any cute girls on the Faroes
@JourneymanGeek I have been assimeowlated by the RA catllective.
I'm thinking about running Cat 6A cable across the house. Now what?
depends on the 'now what' and what your intentions are.
I'd prefer to not just use 802.11ac.
@JourneymanGeek Cabling across three stories, likely along the exterior of the drywall.
planning on trunking or using those [ shaped nails?
is there any existing cabling/piping you can use so you don't need to drill more holes?
Infrastructure will begin in the second floor with an advanced 802.11ac router, and switches may be added in places where they're appropriate.
I need maximum throughput. The idea is to have the cables in now and be able to replace the rest of the infrastructure when 10GbE networking hardware becomes widely available.
This will probably be done in the new house which we expect to move into within one to two months.
ah. Will you be doing any renovations?
We're renovating significant portions of the house so I figured it might be a good idea.
My parents have not been told about this as this idea just came up.
I'll let them know once I get a chance.
ah, might want to have a polite talk with the contractor, mention you want to do this.
Chances are if there's any other work going on you might be able to take advantage of it
I'm not sure if my parents will let me do this.
.... I really should have thought of doing that when we got the new airconditioning system up
I kinda want to keep this as easy and simple as possible. Visible wiring along the walls is fine but I'm not sure what my parents will say.
which is why using existing conduit/trunking/whateveryeramericans call it makes sense
if they're doing any rewiring, you could probably use the same trunking
tho... I donno if you guys use a 'ring' circuit like we do
@JourneymanGeek No. I'll be using a star topology as is typical with home networks.
no no
for power
but it looks like you can't use the same conduit for power and networking according to code. Bummer.
I'm not sure about that.
I also have no current plans to support Power over Ethernet.
I think you're misunderstanding my intent ;p
I was thinking 'maybe you could reuse the trunking/conduit for power for ethernet'
but apparently that's against code
I don't think that's allowed under fire code here in New York, either.
but this is the sorta thing you would pick up from a professional
tho, I suppose the american tendacy for using wood/drywall for everything makes it easier....
Would this require tearing down drywall?
hopefully not
but getting wiring between rooms...
I'm concerned about cost. If cost is excessive, my parents may not approve of doing this.
A couple thousand is probably fine but certainly not much more than that.
I'm pretty sure it would be much cheaper
I'd be more worried about getting the cable between rooms
If you arn't that concerned with looks, its basically just cable + connectors + crimping tool I suppose
drilling to get the cable between rooms
The cost difference between Cat 6 and Cat 6A is marginal and I'd strongly prefer infrastructure that's future-proof, capable of supporting 10GbE.
and either wire staples or trunking to keep it neat or hide it.
@JourneymanGeek Exposed wiring along the ceiling is probably okay.
what's the ceiling made of?
Most likely drywall. One room (master bedroom on 3F) has a cathedral ceiling, which may make installation tricky.
it dosen't necessarily need to be against the ceiling tho
our last install was entirely at roughly human shin level
ya, wirenails or trunking
and I don't see it costing a few thousand...
or heck, if its DIY.... probably under a hundred quid including tools.
Come to think of it, it's probably no more than a few hundred.
My big issue with it is needing to drill through walls
Might require a few temporary holes in drywall but shouldn't involving tearing down entire sheets.
but meh, drywall.
its fairly easily patched, and if you're renovating anyway...
Easy way to me feels like talking to the parentals, and seeing if you can get someone to do the the drilling and trunking for you
its the tiring part, and they're likely to be doing that work anyway in a renovation
then do the cabling and covering it up yourself, or hell, even get them to pull the cable for you
My gut tells me that it's going to require four jacks at the central infrastructure area on 2F to service four rooms. Four-port switches are cheap and built into most every router but then again, it's every port on the switch...
you don't need independent jacks on the wall
just run the wires straight out into a patch panel
@JourneymanGeek Heh, when they were doing the new construction I made sure they ran an extra conduit underground :P
@Bob My vision for this includes a 4-port wall plate in the infrastructure area. Four Ethernet cables will be plugged into this wall plate and connected to a network switch which will form the core of the home network. Behind these four ports is Cat 6A cabling that runs into four different rooms (one for each port), enabling speeds of up to 10 Gbps with appropriate network hardware.
@JourneymanGeek Would probably cost around US$30,000 to $50,000 if the Samsung SSD PM1633a is any indication.
I just find it funny that they finally realised they can get more storage in by making the drives bigger
@JourneymanGeek But... but Apple!
Actually, I had this idea a while back:
Dec 25 '14 at 3:16, by DragonLord
I'm curious if these exists an enterprise 3.5-inch solid-state drive with extremely high storage density, as in 16 TB or more of NAND in a large stack of PCBs inside the device
We now know this is real.
IMO not really the best idea unless the NAND inside is replaceable.
I wonder if these are thermoplastic. My inner 12 year old rascally puppy thinks you could 'modify' one of these with a hot air gun... boingboing.net/2016/08/09/chiko.html
Well, time to watch Stranger Things
Downloading the latest factory image, will install the latest baseband as soon as possible.
they do realise... you can remove and destroy a simcard right?
...scanner reveals one vulnerability. Will scan again once the latest baseband is installed.
@bwDraco Heh. Suddenly I'm somewhat glad I got the Exynos S7 (cc @Dog)
Though, I'd actually prefer to abuse the vuln to root it myself...
Q: If a signal person in California tells me to kill someone, do I have to do so?

user8667According to California sample written driving test (problem 6): You see a signal person at a road construction site ahead. You should obey his or her instructions: A. Only if you see orange cones on the road ahead. B. Unless they conflict with existing signs, signals, or laws...

the asker probabaly knows what kind of effort is put into the directions at some times, dude out there in 100* weather begins to get rummy, doing thier job about 1/4 of the way. or (seen it) exiting the scene to go get a drink, leaving the signal with stop on one side, and slow on the other in a single lane passage. Ok work that one out drivers.
"It's not a law" uhh yea it is, and like any human they make misteaks, and like any human they just dont give a ----- about half way through the day sucking gas fumes and co2.
...vuln still present after update. I guess I'll just have to wait for the next patch.
Something is very wrong with this picture..
Heyyy @Ariane I'm back! :) ☺
hi psycogeek :)
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere please keep in mind why you were suspended the last time
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere Ariane hasn't been here in a long time
I did nothing wrong @JourneymanGeek
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere I beg to differ
well then beg on
for you do differ
I mean you don't have to beg you already differ
s/did nothing wrong/have not learned my lesson/
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere I'm not supposed to threaten. I do feel that its essential that you realise that this is not a dating service, and trying to chat up people of any gender is entirely inappropriate.
lessons.. let's see, I was re-assured again that people aren't clear about their feelings. it's hurtful that people hide what they feel and you become the one people are talking about behind your back or just behind your blindness
I'm acted entirely on your actions. I'm being up front about where you went wrong and feel its essential you understand what that was
no worries, I learned there's a female cat here. I'll chat up miss cat instead :)
well it's my weakness
In fact, I insist you take a look at superuser.com/help/be-nice and superuser.com/help/harassment
why do you choose to mute people for a day? you should just talk about it straight up. muting me was rude and solved nothing. let's just get to an understanding
I'm here to learn and be together with you
I'm patient with us understanding eachoter
hm. I felt what you did constituted harassment of a user entirely based on her gender.
My sense of humour is here. Specifically when I mention I'm going to chat up a cat.
"why do you choose to mute people for a day"
I'm breaking the first rule because I'm talking in a sarcastic tone I apologize.
Jeff Atwood on April 6, 2009
Are you familiar with the Penalty Box?
Many of these points may apply
Ah Yes I seek attention. it is my weakness. Will I ever belong here?
(also, regulars, sorry for the disruption, but I think its essential we handle this)
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere there's appropriate attention
@JourneymanGeek Don't worry about it, please proceed
and there's being a disruption, and/or making other users feel uncomfortable.
Wow I love how that article is worded.
I just can't grasp the context of my actions.
In which case, you'd need to understand there would be consequences.
I think I can be very clear about what you shouldn't be doing. Just don't do it
Like what if she didnt find it negative or harassment ish, or what if she did why didn't she just let me know. Or if she did let me know why was it in such an indirect way. And if everyone does stuff in an indirect way because that's a norm people have adopted well then I am out of luck because I don't live like that. In my country everyone is honest and immediately expresses their feelings, none of this snakey slitherings between stuff, we stand tall and firm.

Now that that's out of the way, there's the added complexity of environment. Where did this communication go down? Oh yeah it was
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere We don't prevent people from establishing communication outside of chat to have conversations that may not be appropriate for chat, and if it seems like you are in good rapport with someone and they are actively engaging you in conversation, you can ask them (in a non-pressuring way) if they want to hop over to email or Steam or Telegram or whatever
if they say no, then you drop it and don't ask again
I don't appreciate being told what to do.
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere In which case, you may wish to find a place where people will let you do what you want.
Cause I feel that this is an essential thing you need to understand if you're going to be a part of this community
and I consider telling you why and spending the time to point out how and where this goes against the rules is essential.
..You made me laugh because of the response I gave you. Thanks so much.

Now I'm laughing at this response I typed.

@allquicatic I appreciate your help, it's good to know that's acceptable because I felt awkward thinking about it.

@JourneymanGeek I didn't mean that towards you
People who are harassed don't always step up to say so. That's part of the reason that its so dangerous.
You mean it's dangerous to allow things that might cause harassment because it's hard to tell how the victim is coping with it?
btw would it be appropriate for me to ask how old you are? so that we can safely calculate our experience differences
and tbh, if a female user was hitting on another user hard, and I felt they was feeling arkward, I'd do the same "hey knock it off" and suspension I did to you.
Not sure why that's an issue.
no worries forget I asked,
This is common sense and etiquette.
We have well behaved teenagers all over the network, of various cultural backgrounds.
Well I'd like to share that I used to have such ideals, of suppressing global negativity in a server because there might be just those couple silent people who don't appreciate it one bit, even if I had no problem with the negativity being converged. Everyone shot me down because of that
I'm really unsure of what I should stick to
common sense and etiquette is a dream that will never be reality
We actually do it for most part
what does it all mean
@JourneymanGeek I bet you knew the moderator who was pinged about this!

@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere How old are you?
@Rahul2001 I'm 5. And to make your day I will star you :)
... <not sure how to react to that>
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere if you're 5 I totally need to report you to a CM
Min age for site according to rules: 13
oh I forgot, I turned 13 last year.
time flies...
I'm getting a very strange feeling about all this
Guys, need some help with a competition...
probably because I work tomorrow and I have only 5 hours left to sleep
again? >_>
Anyone up for a challenge?
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere go to sleep then
@JourneymanGeek This time, I didn't make it
I'm reading windows 10 anniversary
Hint for level 1: Tayloring to all your developemental needs.
Oh Taylor Swift, root-access
Any idea what the answer could be?
something that fixes stuff?
That's... pretty vague
something that fixes all your dev problems. it must be Linux
maybe Jessie linux because Taylor is a girl so is Jessie
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere nope
maybe it's developmental as in developing your mental state
okay, done
next level is confusing
Any ideas?
Hint page for the challenge: facebook.com/itookaredpillinibiza
My teachers are pissed with all the cursing going on there
@Rahul2001: Are you an artist?
(drawing, etc.)
@bwDraco Not really, why?
I sketch sometimes
And my photoshop skills are average...
Q: Cold Sore Lysine Your Miracle Cure?

maewradsryVirafend By touching or scratching cold sores, you risk infecting area. You also risk spreading herpes to others, as well as spreading the virus to other areas of quite body. For example, an individual touch the cold sores on your lips, then rub your eye area or nose, you will spread Virafend Rev...

No, that's a lie, they're pretty crappy
@bwDraco why, though?
Please don't onebox spam. We don't want to give them any SEO points.
I thought I was in the room the other day and someone put a link in here so people would click to close it, etc.? Just don't link to spam in chats regardless or use a specific format to send the URL, etc.? I'm fine with whatever is right; just thought I was repeating what I saw occur previously...
A: Why can't I use the first or last address in a subnet?

Ali FanaeiYou CAN USE Net ID IN CASE OF using such specific device like Some CISCO Model that works on Layer 3 NET ID. but you of-course should have broadcast address to do some management and task specific rule for your broadcast domain. so it absolutely seems doesn't possible.

O_O the font
A: Why are some witches in Harry Potter regularly addressed as 'Madam'?

Fayth85𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝒯𝓇𝓊𝒢𝑜𝑔, 𝐼'𝓋𝑒 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓇𝑒𝒸𝑒𝒾𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒾𝓃𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓇𝓎 𝒷𝓎 𝑜𝓌𝓁, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝓊𝑔𝑔𝓁𝑒-𝒷𝑜𝓇𝓃𝓈 𝓉𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓌𝑜𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓈𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈. 𝒮𝓉𝒾𝓁𝓁, 𝒾𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓌𝒶𝓎 𝑜𝒻 𝓃𝑜𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝑒...

Dammit. I'll need a bench supply to fully charge my laptop's battery.
It just stops charging well before it's full.
Night. It's very late here.
Well, I've had an interesting 8-10 hours -- I left work at a normalish hour to pick up dinner and help my mom with her work because she was overwhelmed and needed a second set of eyes and some help (and I know how to help her). Not too weird yet. But there's more: we worked until 12:30 AM. But there's more: When she got home, she opened a knife and cut her thumb REAL bad.
@bwDraco might be by design
Now I'm at the emergency room waiting room and she's being seen to potentially get stitches to stop the bleeding.
@allquicatic 0_0
She'll be fine -- it's minor as far as wounds go -- other than the pain and short-term bleeding.
But the only medical center open in the area was about 14 miles away
I burned down there speeding pretty badly to get her relief ASAP. She's being seen by a doctor now.
yeah, I know what you mean
I wish Urgent Care centers would be open in the US 24/7 -- at least one or two every 20-30 miles. This is not an issue that's so severe as to demand an emergency room visit, but she's effectively being admitted into the hospital for this (and then immediately released once treated).
(well, I can see the nearest hospital with a ER out of my window...)
This is an issue that could be treated at a regular doctor's office if they were open, but Urgent Care is open 7 AM - 8 PM, and doctor's offices are open 9 AM - 5 PM.
Only proper hospitals are open 24/7/365. And she hurt herself at about 1 AM.
@allquicatic also has a polyclinic if its during office hours, its nearer than our usual doctor
What is a polyclinic?
Nearest hospital is... ~3km apparently.
That's a lot closer than I first thought.
14 miles sounds ... pretty far
I don't think we really have urgent care centres.
@Bob the distance was compounded by the fact that we were going down a highway with a speed limit of about 65 km/h, and lots of traffic lights (most of which were green, thankfully)
There used to be one that kiiiiiinda was and was open 24/7 but then they changed. They now close at 10.
@Bob there's a much closer hospital -- about 5.5 km -- that doesn't have a "fast track" emergency room, and they were telling us on the phone that it would be an hour wait to be seen if you're not actively in the process of expiring
@allquicatic The speed limit actually doesn't look low to me. Limits are ridiculously low in Australia considering the distances involved.
@Bob well, I went over 100 km/h in that 65 km/h zone :D
The >1000km highways between major cities are something like 110km/h.
I think 120km/h is the max posted limit.
The standard highways within cities and the one to that nearest hospital are 60km/h... larger ones might go up to 80, but that's usually freeways.
but we decided to drive a little further to be seen sooner
@allquicatic "government" run general care clinic
@allquicatic O_O
(Practically speaking run by 2-3 government owned corporations)
For most things we go to a private GP we've seen for years
the "Fast Track" emergency room is basically where you get treated quickly for non life-threatening emergencies, and the only real waiting you do is if the professionals are all taking care of people suffering life threatening problems at the moment.
@JourneymanGeek that kind of personal rapport with a doctor was a thing we used to have here, many years ago... but these days we don't do that really, because our private insurance system has been in turmoil, both with Obamacare and with us getting offers of various different "plans" that have different benefits and costs, and we end up changing semi frequently
and, based on which insurance provider you have, various doctors support and don't support the insurance you have :P
we had to stop seeing our "Family Doctor" when we changed insurance when I was a teenager, then when I got my own insurance I got locked out of all doctors I'd ever been to before
I'm now in a health maintenance organization that's basically a very tight-knit, large enterprise with an extremely small network as far as doctor choices and facility choices, but with very affordable insurance premiums :P
@allquicatic That sounds, ah... very broken.
so I can't really choose where I go or who my doctor is, but it's standard, board-certified care, at centralized facilities. Think of it as sort of privatized collectivism.
@allquicatic Wait. What do they do on non-fast-track, then?
Cause that basically describes every emergency room afaik. What, do the not-busy doctors just sit around?
@Bob a non-fast-tracked ER basically has two queues: you're dying and you're not dying. If you're dying, you see a doctor, with absolute minimum wait time. If you're not dying, you wait, and wait, and wait... sometimes hours.
Fast track is more like: they have a "pseudo" 24/7 Urgent Care facility on-prem that takes care of the non-dying people
@allquicatic That also describes all emergency rooms here.
You get billed as if you visited the ER and checked out the same day, but you get treated as if you stopped into an urgent care facility
They're just... prioritised.
@allquicatic I don't know how urgent care differs -_-
@Bob The best way to describe urgent care in the US, is, it's for things that you need to be treated or evaluated the same-day (due to pain or blood loss or internal illness), BUT it isn't in your estimation immediately life-threatening, and you acquire the symptoms during roughly business hours (8 AM - 8 PM).
If you're outside the hours when urgent care is open, (inclusive) OR you have symptoms that exceed the severity "threshold" of urgent care (namely, that you're potentially going to expire in a few hours if not treated/evaluated), you go to the hospital emergency room.
Of course, if the symptoms are minor enough that you can simply wait until a doctor's office or urgent care opens, then you don't go to the ER :P
If anyone's up for a challenge...
help me out, maybe?

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