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My speedtest results are pretty good for the tier of service I'm paying for, most of the time. Though they can vary even by the minute. This I got not too long ago...
That's actually faster than the advertised speed, which I think is closer to around 15 Mb/s
@sidran32 You might be getting a speedboost - my ISP does it
For a few seconds when you start downloading, it boosts it up.
which makes me download 20MB files instantly
@SimonSheehan It does, but I actually have seen it in practice with extended large downloads. I've gotten pretty good speeds.
@sidran32 My speed is quite consistent, which is nice.
And I get really low ping times
wow, you guys are lucky
mine is slow
Upload is pretty crappy, but the good download is nice
and howdy @SimonSheehan, @sidran32 :)
@SimonSheehan Mine is good, at least consistantly above 1 MB/s
@studiohack Don't you sort of live in the middle of nowhere? Or is that the wrong person. Also, hello!
Except rarely, when I get a speed that's only a little slower, but that's not always my fault. :P
Isn't it MB/s * 8 = Mb/s?
pretty much. my ISP is a local one, covers like 8 very small towns :P
My ISP kinda likes to die at 21:00 every day. So my internet around that time is awful
I always am mixing up bytes, shorts, words, dwords, etc :P
Oh, I'm over wifi too, which usually means a little slower. :P
:P haha. I never really seem hindered by WiFi
It can happen. It's only half-duplex.
@SimonSheehan mine is slow on evenings, friday evenings, and other weird times
@studiohack Ahh. Weird. Mines has awful DNs.. I moved to google's DNS though finally.
notice mine is slower, that's right slower than 66% of the US
Who is it?
who is what? this is my ISP, a local one
@sidran32 he likes to keep his location a secret :p
Ah. It's not named, so I asked. :P
I use OpenDNS @SimonSheehan
That image is edited ;)
It's not like it's showing your IP :P
@SimonSheehan I just cut off the bottom, showing the location and ISP. the location was 100 miles away :P
@sidran32 nope, it's not lol
@studiohack Ahh.. I like the whole Google DNS thing, since its convenient. And now my ISP can't hijack my failed lookups
how is that better than OpenDNS?
and i don't trust Google, I don't need them looking at my DNS stuff too
no idea - I don't know what the difference between the two is. I just trust google.
Haha, totally opposite sides there
There's a list of free public DNS servers somewhere out there that sorts based on ping. I have to find it again... but I use that, myself :P
@SimonSheehan lol
my speeds can drop to as low as 0.75, up
try watching anything, bahhh!
or if my brother uploads to YouTube, the entire network slows to a crawl
hey @TomWijsman
@SimonSheehan where did you find that? 108 days uptime? wow does that mean your router/network hasn't crashed in that long?
@studiohack Its part of my routers web interfae. Also note its in hours, not days :P I moved it 267 hours ago though. Hasn't had a crash since then.
@SimonSheehan oh dumb me, sorry :P my head CPU is slow
The 108h part is my lease running up from my ISP.
@studiohack haha
I always have to flush mine - power cycle once in a while
Wow, @SimonSheehan
I don't take care of my network very well, I'm awful.
@SimonSheehan LOL
I turn my router off at night since it's right at the foot of my bed on the wall, and the blinking lights keep me up :P
My router and modem site on top of my desktop, in another room.
you power cycle every night! not bad
My WiFi is servicing a lot of machines and handheld devices... So it never goes off
my mother has the router and modem, as well as the main telephone base for the entire house on her desk... classic WRT54G router. love 'em. would like to upgrade to DD-WRT or Tomato.
@studiohack Even if I didn't, I do have it set to auto reboot once a week :P
but my family doesn't understand IT downtimes ;)
I wish I had one of those routers @studiohack, although my Linksys E2000 is a beast.
@SimonSheehan hmm. how come?
@studiohack It's reliable, more than anything. After a bad stint with D-Link, I longed for one of those things
I have a Linksys WRT160N with dd-wrt on it.
It was kinda crap until I put dd-wrt on it :P
@SimonSheehan you have a E2000? and you're complaining?
that looks high tech! and awesome
But we also have a WRT54G that we're using as a network switch with the stock firmware and it runs fine
@studiohack Haha, Its fairly nice. I haven't had any issues with it, which is awesome.
Since the D-Link wouldn't stay up longer than 45 minutes before it practically set itself on fire
@SimonSheehan You have Wireless N, is that better or worse than Wireless G?
Wait, not D-Link! Its a belkin!
@studiohack N is better. :P
@SimonSheehan I have a wireless PCI card for laptops from DLink... I rather like it
@studiohack Well... it reaches out to the bottom of my driveway!
I have it too (well, 802.11n draft)
we used to have a DLink router, but upgraded to the WRT54G
I had 4 D-Links, a belkin, and now this cisco/linksys one
Original D-Link was a wired one, with airport express hooked into it
Followed by a Wireless G one.
then I got a new Wireless N d-link that didn't last a day
@SimonSheehan ever done a heat map for WiFi on your property? it's awesome and shows the weak spots
went back to the G for a while, then got the Belkin one, which was a disaster.
i've had a WRT54GL for the last 6 or 7 years i think
@studiohack Nope! How does one do that?
How do you do that, @studiohack?
@SimonSheehan software and a map... walk around with your laptop and tell it when to ping
@studiohack Haha, nice!
I shall try that one
I also have a WRT54GC but it's in storage since it's not compatible with my modem (something to do with different packet lengths)
@studiohack: how does it know where you are?
I did it a long time ago, just part of my property, it was pretty sweet :P
@JourneymanGeek it doesn't, you have to provide it a map (I did a hand drawn one, but I may do a satellite image screenshot next time), and then click where you are, and it pings
(cc @sidran32, @SimonSheehan how it works ^^)
thinks he can dig up the flat's blueprints somewhere ;p
now that would be cool
I used to do CAD sometimes, I even did a CAD drawing of the first floor... pretty nice
though, my house is very old, so it doesn't line up
mine is pretty correct
but... er... my dad's filing system is a bit unusual
and by filing system i mean he chucks everything into a drawer
oooh, nice. classic
$76 for one of these?! wow
is pondering throwing to gether an alternate, cheaper plan for computer sneakage...
Though it would be less fun
@studiohack: two reasons, firstly its an old model with more ram. Secondly its only still made cause a lot of people swear by them
iirc the current favoured hackable router is a netgear
@JourneymanGeek so it is a classic, powerful one?
thats the crappy one
My Linksys WRT54GC is unhackable due to its lack of memory :P
But it's awesome because it's TINY
We just have a regular WRT54G
lotta reviews! and very positive!
@sidran32: if its V4 or below, its a GL
mine is a plain ol' 54G
I've upgraded my firmware on it
basically the newer ones have half the memory, and a vxworks based firmware
@JourneymanGeek Ah. I'd have to go upstairs and look, but I won't :P
I've hacked it, changed the password, etc. but this family is always online, so it's hard to do any work on it
and I'm always responsible if someone's email crashes or whatever
@studiohack: same issue i have with the shared gaming desktop ;p
my mother's Outlook Express 6 has the problem where it continually leaves stuff in the Outbox, sends it continually, and never puts anything in the Sent
needs a reinstall - but she has a new PC - but I need to help her change PCs. ah well
But this is my other router not in use:

And this one is being used:
I find that it is useful to ask networking stuff directly on SF
@sidran32 that is small! looks like a switch
@studiohack Yup. This has a comparison photo: yasha.okshtein.net/wrt54gc
except mines silver :P but same design
The WRT54GC is just shorter than an iPod.
Though because it's small, the WiFi signal strength isn't the greatest. But it does let you hook up an external antenna. You just have to purchase it separately.
I never got one. Never had the overwhelming need when I was using it.
I prefer my routers boxy ;p
I like my classics, like the WRT54G :P
@SimonSheehan excited for tomorrow? ;)
@studiohack I actually forgot until today, aha. Fairly excited, not doing anything special, but its nice :)
@SimonSheehan Nothing runs linux flawlessly? Boo!
@SimonSheehan haha
@Paul Haha, I mean it can work well, but things happen!
the GL is a little too reliable
I can't replace things till they break, and i wouldn't mind switching that network over to gig-e/802.11 n ;p
1 hour later…
I like the Linksys gear. It works well, and most of them can be upgraded to dd-wrt to get the most out of them. I have a WRT610N and an Esomething000 (whatever the replacement model was). Dual-band so I can use 2.4Ghz for access and 5Ghz for an extender (solid enough to play 16GB HD movies over NFS). The Netgear WNDR3700 seems flakey.
I only buy Linksys but I also only have bought their cheaper models. Still good gear though.
@sidran32 NetGEAR, right?
err... wow, that was weird
I meant Linksys
And I can't edit it. -.-
My brain sometimes... I swear...
@sidran32 there, there. Happens to all of us :P
@Sathya I know. Me especially. Usually my brain starts doing that when I'm reading and typing at the same time, or typing and listening to someone simultaneously. I didn't even have Netflix or even the word "Netflix" up anywhere when I typed that though...
@sidran32 :P
there you go @sidran32 - speaking of netflix, if someone wants to buy a one year subscription streaming Netflix, just tell me
Ah, thanks, @studiohack :P
@Sathya Just looked at your blog about your Thanksgiving trip in Texas. Can't say I know what driving in India is like. Apparently not that high speed? :)
@sidran32 high speed, yeah but you don't have trucks going whoosh on both sides!
oooh fun
@Sathya Aha, I see. Trucks definitely can make you nervous if you're not used to it. I think I only just got over them this past year, after driving for almost a decade. :)
well, at least not in my town anyways. Lot more expressways coming up
but seeing these big ass trucks+trailers overtaking you on both sides, with you going at 75 & them goin at 80+ definitely is a scary moment
@sidran32 hahah!
@Sathya Speaking of routers, how is this thing? Full disclosure: I'm a sucker for devices with built-in LCD displays :)
@sidran32 I like trucks. out here, we have the huge long haulers, with two trailers
@studiohack We have those too. Just recently though, I saw one truck towing 4 other identical trucks, all stacked one behind the other :P (of course, with no trailers)
@sidran32 it's good for bling bling. Craps out often under stress
@Sathya Ah, that's disappointing. Would be nice if it could do both. I assume dd-wrt probably would disable the display :P
well, probably, but then if you put dd-wrt it'd become a big ass paperweight :P
Oh really? :P No dd-wrt support for the thing?
@sidran32 we have a lot of dirt hauling and beets going on in there
@studiohack Ah, you mean pickup trucks, not tractor trailer trucks? :P
@sidran32 huge pickups AND big semis
@sidran32 unfortunately not
@studiohack Aha. I see.
@Sathya Aha. I see.
@sidran32 why? what? I sound like a hillbilly? :P
@studiohack Nope. :P When I think semi I think of detachable trailors, but now that I think about it, ya, you can haul tons of dirt with those too. :P
Also, my uncle used to be a truck driver when I was little. Was cool, but of course he was away quite a bit.
@sidran32 you need a picture. let me find one of mine
@sidran32 like so
@studiohack You'd like Australian road trains then. Some of these go on forever: google.com.au/…
picture is cut off, but you get the idea. the main trailer, and then the pup
@studiohack Yup. That's what I was thinking after I thought about it for a bit :P
@sidran32 ever seen one of these dump? the dirt comes out the bottom, and the trailers go right over it
@Paul awesome!!
@studiohack Can't say I have. I only see them on the road. :P
I think I've only seen road trains go up to 3 cars.
reads up
we have no cool traffic :/
also, indian trucks are scary
Ok, that is scary...
I took that photo!
It's actually a truck towing another truck. :)
@sidran32: magic paintjobs!
Naw, The magic paintjobs actually have the perspective askew, I assume to prevent people from actually thinking that stuff is gonna fall out :)
> See, outside of India, movies are divided into many genres: action, comedy, horror, musical, weird European stuffs, etc. Indian movies have only one genre: all of them.
@Sathya This link is awesome. Cracked is great :P
@sidran32 hehe.
It is entirely true
Oh wow...
I actually saw that clip of Chitti assembling his clones into massive spheres and stuff before. It really is absurd...
OK, bedtime. Goodnight.
@sidran32 you should watch the entire movie ;) It blew my mind too :P
@sidran32 Good night!
@Sathya: I have the DVD, just no time ;p
@JourneymanGeek tut,tut.
My dad's a bit of a movie addict
3 hours later…
hm, thats fun. Someone in my family got a new mp3 player. didn't charge, brought it in... they fixed it by installing the latest firmware, since apparently the old firmware wouldn't charge the player if the battery was flat
@JourneymanGeek lucky a firmware fixed it
Anybody: Does "sparce file" settings effect the creation of a blank write file for the purposes of writing data to a contiguous block on the hard drive? WTF :-)
Meaning, if a program specifically wants to create a Big blank sequential file space , and the purpose of that space is to actually hold out a set of clusters on the disk. Then the program will be writing to that large file Hole it made , then finish by capping off the end when the write is done (however that is done?)
One audio program and one video program I have , they seem to like to make a file that is big enough or bigger than that data, then Write INTO that file. Setting the file system to sparce ?? would not actually lockout the whole space the program intends to write to???
@Psycogeek: Well, i got it like a day before, so, they'd had to have replaced it
@JourneymanGeek a li-ion sitting for a really long time on low is not so good for it.
@Psycogeek: well this was a 'new' mp3 player we bought direct off the manufacturer
in face, the service center is in what i believe is their worldwide headquarters
I do note that this means if someone had an old mp3 player, with the original firmware, and the batteries went flat...
you'd either have to pay to get it fixed, or assume its broken...
I need to add that to my checklist
the best "storage" charge for li-ion is 40-60% that is why many devices come with a partial charge. But there is little they (Or me) can do when the devices drain the battery for clocks and other tiny drains when off. that is why a device without maintance will not last many years :-(
in battery land we call this "use it or lose it " :-)
@WilliamHilsum Yup, must have been a weekend in between. :)
My swag finally arrived! :D
@TomWijsman picsoritdidnthappen
Unboxing as we speak...
Downloading 'em and blacking-out.
No, Windows Phone Update, not now!
Welcome to rainy Belgium!
Finally, SU stickers! :D
And schwag!
Thanks you, friends at Stack Exchange... :)
Everyone's getting shirts :/
@HackToHell We had a contest a while ago, winners are receiving schwag these days.
I guess they will do a contest again this year, and there are some other occasions where you can get shirts from like writing posts for the blog.
And well, shop.SE for that and anything else. Good luck if you participate in a future contest... :)
@TomWijsman And who was the grand winner? I have got 83 rep, somehow I do not think I will win anything in the next contest also ...
@HackToHell slhck was, based on votes on Meta.
@HackToHell The contest is not about reputation but rather about contribution in various ways. Something that makes you stand out in that period of time. It's made so that almost anyone can win if he / she decides to put effort. Don't let low reputation withdraw you from participating, if you want to...
be back later
@HackToHell: work on that rep '[
@JourneymanGeek yes, got to bring it to atleast 5K.
@TomWijsman got to spend my entire time on the computer in super user ? Ok :D
@TomWijsman nice
@HackToHell: dosen't take that long
this is what happened to @JourneymanGeek :P
I have got the RSS feed of recent questions, and I am gonna answer everything I know.
Honestly? Pop by here twice a day. Answer at LEAST one question
Also poke at questions that seem interesting to learn new things
I try to answer any question on :P
RSS feeds are pointless. too many answers
ok, i am gonna select my tag and be ruthless about it.
whee, accepted_answers += 1
Q: Native method to pull out metadata about packages, procedures and functions?

dom_watsonI wish to be able to query Oracle for a list of public procedures and functions that belong to a package, something along the lines of: select procedure_name from all_package_procedures where package_name = :my_package_name; I also wish to be able to query Oracle for a list of parameters for a ...

I don't do that
i have roughly 1K answers, and 1K tags behind those
superuser.com/questions/376784/… there's 100 rep on this question - if you could write a better one explaining memory timing and such.... @HackToHell
Right now Turix's answer is the best - but you can use his references and others to write a better one
(and thats one way to get rep quickly)
@JourneymanGeek The best place to find answer for that is in OC forums, while I was trying to OC my CPU, I came across a lot of stuff related to getting the maximum stuff out of a RAM, will compose an answer. Thanks :)
I don't do that of course, too stressfull ;
Also, at some point, you'll get rep from questions you forgot you answered
Also , this question superuser.com/questions/377682/… happens to have an answer here stackoverflow.com/questions/94331/…
I will be back in 10 mins sorry
I really need to set up a backup cd ripping rig
and work out why DVD drives are all misbehaving on the dumpster-dell
Which CDN is fasted from your location guys ? cloudclimate.com/cdn-speed-test
@HackToHell google had the fastest speed here, on one test.
@Psycogeek Mine's still running, Cloudfront is leading
ooh, this is a cute one. There's a user who smells... SUSPICIOUSLY spammy using the same username as someone who commented
@HackToHell ohh, didnt see that, still running here too.
@Psycogeek It finished for me, Voxel is the worst with 1967 ms
@HackToHell would be nice to know how many there are supposed to be
@HackToHell like a horse race , anyone taking bets :-) cloudflare pushed past google by a length, Amazon came up from behind and . . .
still doest make sence, says "speed" but then show ms larger? "average request time" is Slower?
@Psycogeek speed means time taken to download right so larger ms means badder right?
i guess, so the Shorter bars are better , not worser?
so the bars do not represent "speed" but "time" ?
high winds and softlayer with gogrid in 3rd
Meh, don't you hate it when you correctly answer a question. Then the OP posts back what they did, and it's in no way better than your solution... Yet you know they'll wait the 2 days and select their answer as correct :/
Q: How do I print actual size of an image?

RoboShopI have paint .net and I got an image in PSD and PNG format and the print size it says is width 9.5cm and height 14.5cm. When I go to print, it shows up with that default Windows 7 print option where you choose full page, or wallet, all those template sizes etc. But I don't want that, I just wan...

and wow my grammar sucks today xD
2 hours later…
More disk fun what the heck is a $extend/$RmMetadata/* things and when they talk about them referring (somehow) to a Resource monitor, what resource monitor?
@Psycogeek proabably ntfs stuff
@JourneymanGeek cool
They released it yesterday and 9505 downloads so far
@HackToHell Yes it is that. It is causing some minor problems for people in servers and USB ??? but i just want to know what makes it and how it can be cleared temporarily off the disk or something?
I have no idea o_0
mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt && rm -rf '/mnt/$Extend/$RmMetadata'
i'd suggest backing it yp first in case ;p
@grawity You genious :-) what am i supposed to do with that?
@Psycogeek Run it inside a Linux CD, changing sda1 with the correct device name if necessary
I dont run any linux. if i did i could probably just hop in there and frilling delete it?
Yeah, and that's why I said Linux CD
no linux , windows :-)
i managed to get a cleanup script going on some of the other stuff, in windows.
@grawity cute cat
You see i am trying to make a FSUTIL batch thing to mess with stuff, for testing and cleanup (for my Own use only). i found this fsutil resource setautoreset true but i dont know what creates the files to begin with.
or really what that does, without knowing what is going on, i should probably leave it alone . . . when hell freezes over . . . or sometime around there :-)
my cute little (Dont know what i am doing) batch , includes clearing the journal junk, setting the Filesystem memory ammount, enable/disable last acceess, and anything else that could be usefull . Unfortunatly although fsutil has help, it is most unintuitive.

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