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Yeah, letting out the magic smoke is not a good idea ^^^^
@Burgi Ahahaha
Richard Branson never owned VM
!!/ban quertyuiop
@bwDraco The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
Just looking at the transcript.
I'm starting to get concerned about his abusing the chatbot.
And there was a case of someone who sued VM for claiming it was "fibre optic" and that the fibre optic only went to the green box while a naive consumer might assume it went to their house as FTTH
Not sure if the court case went anywhere but VM did basically end up admitting it wasn't FTTP. that said...
NTL certainly marketed it as FTTH
VM have also recently committed to providing actual FTTH/FTTP to all new builds where possible going forwards.
anyway.... back to retro gaming with the duke
While actual retrofitting of their HFC network to FTTP is basically non-existent, as in, will be done for experimental trials only in the fractions of a percentage range, they're trying to basically avoid any new builds of anything other than actual FTTH
I mean there's no real cost benefit these days of not building pure FTTH/FTTP anyway, if you're going to build a new network of any sort you might as well build it properly. Coax might even cost more when you consider the additional RF/weatherproofing/power/line gear
!!ban bwdraco
@qwertyuiop bwdraco added to mindjail.
"In 2005-06, Branson was busy assembling the Virgin Media group that today competes with BT and Sky for entertainment, phone and broadband customers. The formation of Virgin Media is a classic Branson business venture: he owns a tiny stake in the business that is listed on the Nasdaq exchange in New York, but derives tens of millions by licensing the brand name. He is not on the Virgin Media board and the company is run by chief executive Neil Berkett."
@qwertyuiop Flagged.
@bwDraco for moderators, who are going to do what exactly?
You can instruct the bot to unban the user using !!/unban.
I doubt I have the technical privilege.
Nor, for that matter, the ethical one. It's not my bot.
@bwDraco Flagging summons 10ks and moderators from all over the network. The bot isn't our responsibility; it's that of the people in this room.
bwdraco tries to ban me but when I use the same command he used he throws a tantrum and drags mods in from all over the network to complain?
You two appear to have gotten yourselves into a war over who can ban who from the bot first.
4 hours ago, by Bob
@allquixotic We need to fix permissions on the ban/unban.
Hi ArtOfCode
I warn you: bots that cause problems are liable to be banned.
You'll be glad to hear I no longer have a crush on you-know-who, but that doesn't excuse you from the conspiracy pot
Some chatbot abuse was happening here near the end of this part of the transcript: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/118/2016/6/4/16-17
Oh wait you don't know who I am
Ignore anything I said
@qwertyuiop help, afk, awsm, ban, color, convert, define, die, doge, domain, eval, export, findcommand, forget, forgetseen, github, google, hang, imdb, import, info, inhistory, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, refresh, spec, stat, stats, tell, timer, todo, unban, undo, unonebox, user, weather, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, areyoukidding, bababababat, baroo, beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific
boberror, brainf__k, bunny, caaaaat, caaaat, caat, cabbages, cancer, caniuse, caution, chihuahuaunrav
Oh, you're on SE-Chatbot.
5 hours ago, by qwertyuiop
There, found the 80MB GIF I was looking for
5 hours ago, by Bob
I'm trying to be serious here. I will pull out the kick-mute.
@bwDraco I'm not seeing it
The messages were deleted.
@ChatBotJohnCavil That's a helluva lot of commands.
@Randal'Thor We have a lot of user-added comands
Certain taylor swift fanatics may or may not have added about 20 each
still not seeing it
@qwertyuiop So I gathered ...
@bwDraco That wasn't bot abuse. That was posting large gifs when asked not to.
"meta" and "modwatch" sound interesting.
Hmm. I wasn't there when this happened, so can't say exactly, but I'm concerned about this user's occasionally disruptive behavior.
1 min ago, by DavidPostill
@bwDraco That wasn't bot abuse. That was posting large gifs when asked not to.
s/not to/to by a room owner/
!!/xkcd 1000
ban/unban is supposed to be for room owners/mods but it is broken.
I honestly don't care who was abusing what, if it causes problems then I've gotta do something. The only problem I saw coming in here was a war between two people of who can ban who first.
So it's SE-Chatbot, which means I do at least have a technical privilege.
@ArtOfCode One shot wasn't really a war
There may have been a misunderstanding on my part.
@DavidPostill do you know if that's part of the framework, or if this bot has overridden it?
@qwertyuiop It has been requested in the past not to post large images as some people have limited bandwidth limits.
To be honest, qwertyuiop can get very annoying at times.
5 hours ago, by allquixotic
Guys, paste huge complicated GIFs! they'll both drain his battery and make him want to stop using data :D
@ArtOfCode I'm not sure, you need to ask @allquixotic
@ArtOfCode It runs on its own infrastructure. Contact @allquixotic if you need to make any changes.
"at times"?
5 hours ago, by allquixotic
Go! Find the biggest GIFs ever!
@Burgi Why did you unblock me if it was only "at times"?
i only ignored you
@bwDraco gonna unban you for now because taking potshots probably ain't a valid way to ban people, but let me say that openly saying "I'm trying to ban you" and issuing a ban command ain't exactly constructive.
!!/unban bwDraco
@ArtOfCode bwDraco freed from mindjail!
turns out that command doesn't transfer across sessions
Does for me :-/
I've always used ignore and block synonymously because I didn't know there was a difference.
@allquixotic have you got the ban/unban commands from SE-Chatbot overridden, or are they framework things? If it's a framework command, that's a bug and I should probably fix it
Ah maybe you used "Hide posts" instead
"Hide posts" doesn't transfer across sessions. "Ignore user" hides all their posts, everywhere, forever, until you manually turn it off
5 hours ago, by Bob
Also, yea, please don't do this. Remember some people here have very limited connections...
Will be more careful next time. Not my desire to cause trouble (I'm still rather short-tempered, see this open letter for details), but I do sometimes make mistakes.
@DavidPostill Bob was the one refusing to go to sleep when being told to by five people! He lost his right to issue orders when he went up against Lord Catxotic
@ArtOfCode Again, the bot runs on its own infrastructure, maintained by @allquixotic.
that explains why you banned me for NSFW stuff that wasn't that NSFW
@Burgi He tried (and failed) to get me banned for quoting one of his own posts
@bwDraco aye, but it looks to me as if it uses the SE-Chatbot framework. Or if it doesn't, it's creepily similar.
The guy's a nutter I tells ya
(Not to say I'm not a nutter by any means, but I am a hypocrite)
@qwertyuiop @Bob is also a room owner.
@DavidPostill Yes but we all know cats own the house and everyone else is their subservitents
@qwertyuiop I thought you had ignored me?
@DavidPostill I have
However since 80% of the chat in here at the moment is from ignored people I pulled up an incognito window to keep an eye on it
I am always hard at work to improve my behavior. This was a snap decision on my end, which clearly should not have happened. Again, I pledge not to make moderation decisions on impulse or emotion. Sorry for what happened here.
@qwertyuiop what.... the... fuck....
@Burgi It's just 3 people, come on
@bwDraco Please don't apologise. You are not one of the toddlers losing their rattle.
you've ignored them for a reason...
@Burgi Oh I see what you mean
Yeah I should just log out I guess
So how do we deter future chatbot abuse?
@Burgi But I also ignored you for a reason, that reason being you said you ignored me
@ArtOfCode So the bot calls an API maintained by you?
But it turns out you just used the temporarily hide button :-/
@bwDraco uninstall the chatbot
@bwDraco Python framework, actually. But you've got the gist of it.
I always thought the bot ran entirely on allq's infrastructure...
@ArtOfCode It's a fork of Zirac's chatbot so uses pretty much everything that does
@bwDraco Hopefully @allquixotic will fix some of the issues.
I helped re-write SE-Chatbot from a single bot into a bot framework, which seems to be used in a number of bots.
@qwertyuiop Zirak? Oh, that's SO-Chatbot then. Which is different, oddly enough.
you know what i might just stop using chat, its too full of politics and drama
@Burgi But but but you'll miss moments like these!
!!tell 30128919 pstew
@Burgi Just ignore the toddlers
and i lack the spaceships to deal with it in the proper way
!!uninstall @ChatBotJohnCavil
@qwertyuiop That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Burgi Evidently, not a solution
@ArtOfCode can you kick the chatbot from the channel?
why would I need to do that?
it will solve ALL the problems
Any room owner or mod can kick any other user.
ain't the bot's fault
including world hunger
Be Nice.
@ArtOfCode Sorry. Shouldn't have said that.
if you need me i'll be playing duke nukem
Okay, do I need to be kick-muted?
@qwertyuiop stopdamnit
I'll be playing Cities Skylines
@bwDraco I'd already have done it if you did.
@bwDraco No. But somebody else does.
@ArtOfCode Can't you make it so if you block someone you can't unblock them for X days or vice versa?
Facebook does that to prevent exactly this kind of abuse
@qwertyuiop I ain't an SE dev
@ArtOfCode the chatbot is also a fracking cylon!
@ArtOfCode But you know the CMs who know the devs!
You're my path to royalty
ANOTHER reason to kick it
@qwertyuiop That would be nice. Then everybody can block you.
@ArtOfCode Needs to be pinned.
or y'know I can just go ping Adam
Who's Adam?
you lot ain't as bad as the h Bar
first man
don't need to pin Be Nice yet
@qwertyuiop Adam the dev
Adam Lear
@Burgi Dude go play Duke Nukem
@ArtOfCode I love how you stay calm in hard situations like this. I really need to learn...
Folks, my promise still stands.
mod cynicism
@bwDraco go work in customer services for a 6 months
@Burgi Haha, I did 6 years of that -_-
I should set that as my desktop background
assume everyone is out to get you, you soon stop caring if people yell at you
@bwDraco It's very easy - think before you post. Which applies to everybody else as well.
In which case any time I have a panic-look-busy-the-boss-is-coming moment, all I have to do is press Win+D
It's not even my code, but it looks colourful, and neat.
@qwertyuiop desktop? That makes you look busy?
> A key reason Journeyman Geek has proven highly successful as a ♦moderator, despite being an "impulsive hothead" in his own words, is that he avoids making moderation decisions when angry. As such, I am also taking steps to ensure that I make all moderation decisions on a sound basis and without allowing my emotions to cloud my judgment.
@ArtOfCode Well no, but lots of colorful-looking-code-windows does
Or set something like that to be your browser homepage and hit Ctrl+N a lot of times
@DavidPostill Easy in concept but very difficult to do in practice. It's bounded by the amount of self-control available at any given point in time.
I mean I don't even have the slightest clue what the code says or does but it looked pretty decent so I copied and pasted it into the root page of my web server based on the appearance of competency alone. That must mean something if the code looks so good that... er... never mind.
Yeah, refraining from moderation when angry is one strategy. Being a cynical <expletive> who just gets amused when people start yelling and throwing toys out of the pram is another. No guesses which is me.
Ah crap that screenshot probably let @ArtOfCode figure out who I am
It may come natural to folks like you (which is the main reason you've become mods, room owners, etc.) but it's a completely different matter for me.
@qwertyuiop oh, yeah
figured that out some while ago
Oh, what gave it away? :-(
My promise still stands. Self-control is, has been, and will always be my #1 priority.
Was it the cat? I knew I should have changed that avatar when I last changed my username.
@qwertyuiop I saw some reference to qasdfdsaq in something before the screenshot
The cat came about because I was previously known as Caterina 'Catty' McCatFace
But I couldn't think of an obvious avatar for 'qwertyuiop'
Still haven't figured out when you previously mentioned a crush/conspiracy something, but that's probably because I should be sleeping.
Feb 24 at 14:21, by qasdfdsaq
I was complaining about the other-mod-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned's conspiracy over the secret list.
I cant find the original, search only seems to go back a few months :-/
Either that or I'm using the wrong terms but I should be sleeping too
Actually I should be in hospital but I was rejected by a dead fish, so.... long story.
@ArtOfCode qwertyuiop is AKA kerbalspacebecky and qasdfdsaq
Also I call shenanigans
Why does bwDraco get to summon mods to unban him just because he's upset more people want him banned than me?
take the toy away then NO ONE can complain
Have you not blocked me again? Are you planning to?
I need to decide whether to keep you unblocked or not
its what my mother used to do with me and my sister
I didn't have much of a mother or a sister, so I guess that's why I never learnt these things as a kid
you will have had a mother at some point
biology dictates that
A biological one who abused and then abandoned me, yeah.
As an actual psychological/familial role model... not so much
Everyone, please be nice. I don't want to summon the mods again.
Also if they can clone sheep who is to say they can't clone cats in a test tube?
@qwertyuiop Already happened
"Scientists in Texas have successfully cloned a cat, opening the way to replicating pets and other valued animals once the technique is perfected.

The kitten, called CC (the old typist's abbreviation for carbon copy) and now almost two months old, appears healthy and energetic, although she is completely unlike her tabby surrogate mother, Mark Westhusin and colleagues at Texas A&M University, College Station, announce in the February 21 issue of Nature."
> Out of 87 implanted cloned embryos, CC is the only one to survive—comparable to the success rate in sheep, mice, cows, goats, and pigs, the scientists say.
Why is cloning so unreliable?
So for them to clone me there would have to be 86 dead, unsuccessful kitties :-(
"Our lack of knowledge is grossly apparent, Wolf said. We really don't have much of a clue" about why cloning so often goes wrong, he said.

Fortunately, we do have some guesses. Cloning requires taking a nucleus from an adult cell that is developed for a particular function in a particular part of the body. To properly specialize, nuclei of adult cells turn off certain genes, or certain copies of genes, and turn on others.

But transferring that nucleus out of that cell and into an egg doesn't necessarily guarantee that it will forget its past and revert to the uncommited state of an embry
There is still so much to learn in the world of genetics...
Oh we know plenty of why cloning goes wrong
As a cat with a biotechnology degree I can attest to most of those things
you know what, i really don't care. @qwertyuiop you deliberately go out of your way to alienate people then get all upset when they react badly to your trolling. if you are like that IRL you need help. @bwDraco, yes you need to be less confrontational with your moderating, i can only suggest that you imagine the person is actually stood in front of you or go work in a bar/shop for a while. @DavidPostill @JourneymanGeek @BenN @GuitarShoeDave if you fancy chatting i am on steam and GOG galaxy
but the tl;dr: YOU try copy 3,234,830,000 characters of code without being able to see what you're doing and very limited error-checking ability and get it right every time...
@Burgi So you're ragequitting because of me?
Incidentally biology also dictates that having absent or dysfunctional parenting leads to a whole host of mental and physical disorders later in life.
Which funny enough is a factor in cloning problems too
> @bwDraco, yes you need to be less confrontational with your moderating, i can only suggest that you imagine the person is actually stood in front of you or go work in a bar/shop for a while.
@qwertyuiop If you want people to understand where you are coming from deleting your posts immediately doesn't help.
It's hard to check in a virtual environment.
Again, this is an area of ongoing research.
@DavidPostill I don't really want a transcript of my mental health record on the public internet either
And why haven't you blocked me already if you keep calling me a ragey toddler
Improving my behavior is something I'm very passionate about.
@qwertyuiop It wasn't particularly aimed at you. And as a room owner trying to keep the peace I cannot really block anybody.
@qwertyuiop It was aimed at a "pencil"
I apologize for misreading your comment then
On the other hand i thought it was the moderators' job to keep the peace :-o
Eh, w/e. Too much chat. My Cities Skylines city needs me.
@qwertyuiop And room owners.
Making 60,000 people homeless overnight doesn't go down too well
@bwDraco It's not something you research. That is distancing yourself. It is something you do. Take actions.
@DavidPostill Well... the research could involve human experimentation.
@MichaelFrank The research has been going on a long time ...
@MichaelFrank lol
@DavidPostill Yea, I'm sure I've advised going outside/offline several times in the past.
@qwertyuiop I was trying to figure out what had happened, but got that far back and decided that was funny enough to stop worrying :P
@MichaelFrank It's funny how he got so upset at me though. AIUI it only worked because other people had already voted to mindjail him in the past
@MichaelFrank lol
tl;dr: He tried to botban me because I used the !!caat command. I just used the same command back at him and it worked cause someone else had already voted to ban him in the past
Yea, it's more than one vote for sure, possibly more than 2.
@MichaelFrank Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
6 hours ago, by Tom Wijsman
!!/ban qwertyuiop
Looks like 2 votes is default behaviour.
Then he did his usual unblock me - flag me - block me again rigamarole
I'm out of pot noodles :-(
Why are we levying accusations of this sort on people?
00:24am is the worst time of day to run out of pot noodles, all the major supermarkets close at 00:00 :-9
@qwertyuiop @bwDraco Both of you stop it.
@DavidPostill Sorry. :X
I'm only trying to help, sorry.
@DavidPostill Stop what? I just blocked him once and left him blocked forever. I've never once unblocked him just so I could flag him and block him again.
Also lack of pot noodle makes me moody
Odd. I see no other invocations of the ban command against me.
For that I apologise
I am a cat
@qwertyuiop Stop playing innocent. It takes two people to summon the hord of mods. Once in 24 hours is enough.
I have no control over these human cravings for pot noodle
My cat mind is not evolved to handle these things. For that, I need Taylor Swift.
...and I guess the other vote was from myself:
Mar 2 at 22:40, by bwDraco
!!/ban 11606
@bwDraco Stop. Now. It's ancient history.
Just trying to find out why. I'm not trying to provoke anything.
@bwDraco Why doesn't matter. Please let it go.
@DavidPostill lol
Let's move on.
...sigh. So much to change, and so much is deeply rooted in my personality.
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.

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