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I feel shit again where is mt l
My lsd
@qwertyuiop I feel shpenist agapenisn where peniss mt l (source)
OK time to ark
@qwertyuiop Because it's 10 AM
How can you be awake at 10am and 5am at the same time?
@allquixotic Oops
@qwertyuiop shit
thanks for trying
Sorry I didn't get round to it earlier, I blacked out on drugs
That said, clicking your link: arkservers.net/server/
> Server Information
AKA I'm not sure what the deal is with the port numbers
But the "Click here to join" button does direct me to
> steam://connect/
If I manually add server at in Steam it'll show me the server details and allow me to add to favourites, but then won't let me join or remove the server.
If I try to add I get no response - maybe it's just a firewall issue?
The other Ark server I had in my favourites (despite me having never installed or joined any game before) was port 7777
Hmm maybe I should actually try play some of these games of mine in stead of blacking out drunk/stoned/drugged every day because I'm so bored.
looking into why it's not listening on 7777
I get connection refused on 27015 too but maybe that's cause I'm using telnet instead of UDP
> You need to sign in or register if you want to Downvote this server!
I'm sorry I felt the need to downvote your server but well, I feel it was legitimate
> Your purchase has not been completed. Your credit card information has been declined by your credit card company.
I'm getting kinda tired of this on every site I go to :-(
Side affect of reporting fraud on your card... your card number gets changed and every bloody saved card number on every website you've ever used stops working -_-
Also Steam's address verification is sooooooo broken
The saved card details I've been using for the last two years:
> Card numer: XXXXX (correct)
Address line 1: My old address from two years ago
Address line 2: My current city
City: My old city from five years ago
Postcode: My current postcode.
And every transaction still got approved, despite the fact every single line in the address disagreed with every other line
I always try to avoid having my data and credit card in everyones database as they all get hacked eventually. check out as guest only. It probably has no value though , as they store everything anyways.
They're legally not supposed to store the CVV on any site, ever
But if you're a big enough company coughAmazoncough you can just skip the CVV entirelty
@qwertyuiop Depends on country. It's not allowed in Europe.
@qwertyuiop 27015 and 7777 are both UDP. the higher port # is the query port and the lower one is the game port
Yeah I figured
Trying to join some other server now just to make sure everything works at my end... and it's going through like downloading 50 mods 1 of 1
Maybe just try turn off the password?
Just tried joining four 4 random passworded servers without knowing the password and got the same error on two of them, and "Timeout" on the other two
I think it's a versioning issue somehow
@qwertyuiop It works!
There's a bug in arkmanager that makes me think the server is up to date (green color on version #) when in fact it's outdated
the major version number of ARK has to match between client and server. 242.1 server vs. 242.2 client is fine, but 241.x server vs. 242.x client will never work, no matter what the major version number is, because the two don't equal
they updated to 242.x between the time I set this up this morning and now, so I had to update the server
So ARK works on SmartOS LX brand. That's REALLY encouraging
so you could just fire it up via a USB stick and have a steam server running? what game was it?
@Psycogeek ARK, as mentioned a few times
it's not quite as simple as firing it up on a USB stick
you need at least one empty drive that it create a ZFS partition on; it's just that it boots from the USB stick, not from your hard drive or SSD
the ZFS partition is what contains all your containers and virtual machines... so you boot up SmartOS, then create a container (LX brand if you want to host ARK), then you have a dedicated server running
it's really designed to be used in datacenters though, everything about it lends it to that use case
so we assume ARK survival evolved? store.steampowered.com/search/?snr=1_4_4__12&term=ark not any of these other lesser things :-)
course if you said ARK SE , i would have to see if that Q&A site was still in beta :-)
@Psycogeek yes
1 hour later…
@qwertyuiop heh, my bank refuses any place without CVVs
so I cannot buy stuff off amazon
Nice, my bank just introduced nfc pay
My bank introduced paywave
Oh, that thing we've been using for four+ years? -_-
Apparently Americans are still using signatures.
@Bob sure but anybodies (sig) will work :-)
@allquixotic Lol
Now that's an awkwardly timed coincindence
Glad it's working though
Americans use their moms
RFID credit cards are so cool, you just swipe by the criminal and . . .
my wallet blocks that ;p
which is less useful than it seems
plus they save loads of time from that difficult process of putting the card in the slot. Why you can just lean your wallet towards it . . . the one with the RF blocking , and it will see the 4 other cards that you have , so you dont even have to get it out. Lol
we have RFID train cards. Which don't work
that sux, perfect application for it, no?
I always assumed that it was the style of ID used in the Sci-Fi movies, where the machines and the evil omnicorp knew where you were always, so you couldnt stop the machines and computers from taking over the world.
I mean in a RFID blocking wallet ;p
and yeah, they could track where a card's been, but you switch em every few years anyway
so that means it does work? the blocking wallet?
you need to open it up to scan or take out the card
@Psycogeek won't work if it's proper challenge-response
A passive ID is trivial to clone, yea
superuser's on a new CDN
Hopefully nothing should go wrong
the other cool tracing technology they have here is toll booth and now toll roads. where I live most of the toll roads are just one "express lane" where you pay $0.50-7.00 to drive through the traffic 5-10% faster.
they have that here
they're planning satillite tracking soon
I couldnt believe pretty much everyone gave up thier freedom for a bit of convienience. In a country where people gave up thier "lives" for freedom or so the quotes go.
@Psycogeek you know they could just read your plates?
they do that too, if you mess up, and depart without paying, then (lazily) you just get a bill in the mail , like photo red light and photo speed traps, which surprisingly many of those were (instead) Pulled out.
Good Morning! did i miss anything??
@Psycogeek There was an article in the national news here today that said most of the fixed speed cameras throughout the entire country haven't been operational since 2015.
But people still driving past them all careful like :-)
I think sometimes they just needed to be more firm.
Speed Limit
. 45 .
This means you A$$hole
@Psycogeek They are firm about speed limits here.
@MichaelFrank heh. The main point of those is psycological anyway
I'm always surprised when I see someone talking about "going 10 above" as "normal" (re: the US).
ours have gotten bigger and orange than they used to be
@Bob yes Except in very few select places you get a free 9 over.
a 20 or 25mph school zone is often a really bad place to be even a few MPH over
@JourneymanGeek Well, now it is. But they showed the income figures for them slowly declining over the last 5 years due to more and more of them being taken offline.
someone is an expert of doskey here? still have this odity
afternoon folks
I need a little sharpening from being used by mods all day
so many jokes...
I step out of the room for a couple hours and this happens...
@Bob lets just steer away from the profanity...
along with inanity.
And yes, I am a chatting crazy maniac dropping nukes.
@Sathya :/
@Sathya Sometimes I feel like I want to delete all the chat stuff once in a while
keep up the inane stuff & 'll do it for you
But won't that spam the entire recycle bin?
have ways to handle that.
Better there than here
what is jmac's exobrain !?!
@JourneymanGeek that was scammy?
battleborn's 40% off
@Bob @allquixotic worth it?
doh :P
hm... it's alright
very much a team game though
yeah, but has a SP mode no?
I suppose solo is doable
@JourneymanGeek the story seems more geared towards co-op, but it can be played single
who do you speak to at M$ if you have an idea for them?
@Bob which is fine ;p
@Burgi the project heads wife. If he wont listen to her, he will be hearing about it :-)
@Burgi I THINK they used to use something called uservoice
Its going to take about an hour to download
which is not bad
Cod go faster with fibre
I got fibre
bottleneck's not my connection :(
Speed upgrade?
naw, I think its stream
or I need to switch ISPs
my ISP was generous enough to grant a 20GB increase to my data cap
now it's a pitiful 95GB from a painful 75GB
though not quite sure till when it'll last
that's nice
i got a shocking unlimited data cap
you definitely need to use my WiFi for big heavy stuff
I have 120 GB with a 8mbps speed :/
not sure what I should feel about that
No point in me upgrading unless I got ethernet tho, my current connection is 200/200 (20/20 practically), gigabit's the good shit
I got a INFINITY INFINITY gb with a shoking 90mbps speed
@Edity Wow. Where do you reside?
@RahulBasu or, aka. unlimited fibre broadband with a permanent speed upgrade
@RahulBasu most civilised places ;p
like aussy for example
aussie is hardly civlised.
oh yeah
ALL them dropbears and hoop snakes and ADSL...
Or the peaceful Wellington?
that's new zealand
+1 hour of talking recieved
they've got my republic. Despite having a queen.
aka British crown
too posh
and "sing" a pore?
I like it.
One failure tho, too much rules
@Sathya is that per day? that seriously sucks, when they capped here they thought 250GB was a good place. (eventually dropped it).
@Psycogeek per day... eheheh how I wish it was. It's per month
games are in existance now that have 25G to crasy DL of up to 40-50 , add a few days of HD youtube , and thier cap is impractical.
I typically end up hitting the limit in ~15-20 days
need to pay additional monies to reset the data limit :|
well that beats being kicked off, that is what this ISP claimed it would do, but being a very long time on-time payee they did not.
the other trick (other people had) is to finish off your month at 1/10th speeds. That wouldnt bother me so much.
if it is a network overload/bandwidth problem they are trying to address, from what i have seen the greatest load on any network is relative to the humans. are they at work, are they asleep, is it the weekend in that location. If they really wanted to "fix" that, they would allow Free nights and weekends :-) ( just like a telecom offer)
@Psycogeek for me the problem is that the speed drop off is atrocious - go from 50Mbps to 512k
just enough to log-in and pay huh :-)
that is bleepin' ridiculous. And when you have multiple devices that is not good for anything
@Psycogeek heh, yeah just about ;p
can't use "problem", so use "probleme" heh superuser.com/posts/1080272/revisions
@Sathya original title was in french
probleme is the correct spelling ;p
@JourneymanGeek heh
"So I did a scan (sfc & dism and I delete cmd.exe) but not solved"
deleting cmd.exe will at least change the error message :P
are git question more suitable to SO or SU?
@Burgi The number of questions might be a clue: su 1559, so 71302
thats what i thought but i was just checking because i've seen loads of git questions here recently
maybe its worth a meta question to mass migrate the git questions here to SO?
@DavidPostill SO prolly has a load more questions tho
@Burgi urg. No
@JourneymanGeek true
git's on topic, being software
i guess it falls into the scope of both sites
@Burgi Yes, and the ones on Super User seem to be mostly on topic after a quick random check
@Burgi We are getting one or two / day (or less) ... that's not loads
i've been around more often recently so i've seen them more i guess
oh great, now the Mad Downvoter has been replaced by the Mad Upvoter , OR , someone is finnaly upvoting valid questions . what wrong with them :-)
@Psycogeek Are these questions from the same user? Serial or random upvoting?
They are just new questions that are on-topic, I am just not used to anyone upvoting them :-)
(or being countered by downvotes)
@Psycogeek probab me cleaning the first posts review
Not me. I haven't looked at new question yet. Working on reviews.
> And network administrator will change your ip adresa, you will get new adresa.
from a work email:
> Dear all,

> Who was your 90s crush? Don’t be shy…
who wants a new adresa
@Burgi aren't people at your work retired before 90 :-)
my inbox is full of popstars
@Burgi lol - you were only 4 in 1990 ;)
i don't want to be flagged for "sexism" again
but yasmine bleeth and pamela anderson...
@Bob those cutscenes are awesome
@JourneymanGeek ?
@echo off
set input=1
echo %input%
set input=%input%+1
echo %input%
can someone please tell me how I can get this code to work?
where is it breaking?
it echos '1+1' instead of '2'
(the second time)
@RahulBasu Use set /a
Arithmetic expressions (SET /a)

Placing expressions in "quotes" is optional for simple arithmetic but required for any expression using logical operators.

Any SET /A calculation that returns a fractional result will be rounded down to the nearest whole integer.
set /a "input=%input%+1"
Protip: use PowerShell when you can :P
cmd sucks in so many ways
wow, that darkweb.SE site is shutting down...
The irony :P
@Bob You are starting to resemble a stuck record ;)
@DavidPostill Hey, I only say that every other week.
And I don't see you disagreeing :P
cmd sucks agreed.
@GuitarShoeDave It might suck but it gives me rep ;)
I still use cmd at times.. but its garbage.
Not hating... it does suck.. powershell is all object oriented which is why i lerb it.
Although i'm not an advanced powershell user
@GuitarShoeDave Yeah, I'm a beginner learning it when I have a bit of time ...
Powershell took everything that can be done in the command line that would normally have to be parsed manually and made everything into objects with attributes so no parsing is required instead.
@GuitarShoeDave Yes, parsing is the hardest bit of cmd for beginners. But very easy when you know how ;)
And there are many thing that cannot be done on Windows 7 with PowerShell because the cmdlets were added in Windows 8.1
CMD shell leap year calculations.. Not fun.
@DavidPostill No it's not.
It seems easy until you figure out that you simply can't handle the edge cases cleanly.
@DavidPostill Yea... too bad WMF updates are optional.
@Bob I seem to be doing OK so far ...
@DavidPostill Funny things like dealing with line breaks and escape characters...
And fiscal calculations
@GuitarShoeDave !!no, just no.
especially those fiscal years when there's an additional 53 week
@GuitarShoeDave That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
set /a leapyear=((!(%year%%%400))^|!(!(%year%%%100)))^&!(%year%%%4) is close enough for most people
@DavidPostill You're just proving my point :P
cmd kinda-sorta works for some simple stuff, but you can't really cover edge cases well
also, good luck if you ever want to use regex
you get some weird weak dialect with dodgy syntax
s'pose I should be surprised it has regex support at all
(cmd+utils really)
Even MS can't do leap years correctly.
"A bug in the internal clock driver related to the way the device handles a leap year affected Zune users," said the company in a statement. "That being the case, the issue should be resolved over the next 24 hours as the time change moves to January 1, 2009."
That article was published in "January 3, 09 "
But yea
lol "Although it is technically possible to correct this behavior so that current versions of Microsoft Excel do not assume that 1900 is a leap year, the disadvantages of doing so outweigh the advantages."
anything with a NULL value datestamp shouldnt even be evaluated as something unless a date is provided.
"The leap day bug is that the GA calculated the valid-to date by simply taking the current date and adding one to its year. That meant that any GA that tried to create a transfer certificate on leap day set a valid-to date of February 29, 2013, an invalid date that caused the certificate creation to fail."
@SimonSheehan: I used to love that Saturday Night Live Skit when I was growing up.
When I watched TV :(
"The leap day bug is that the GA calculated the valid-to date by simply taking the current date and adding one to its year." Hmm, as a professional, how would you explain that to "normal users"?
Oh nevermind, my 8 year-old just explained it to me.
@GuitarShoeDave Will be incorrect (probably) in 3200 ;)
"Due to the changing length of the tropical year as expressed in days, the rules for determining leap years will need to be revised from time to time so as to keep the year in step with the seasons. The actual length of the mean tropical year is presently about 365.24219 days, so the Gregorian calendar is too long by about one day every 3200 years.

One possible rule would be to omit a leap year every 3200 years, so that 3200 CE is not a leap year."
Oh found a nice midi archive of 300,000 songs.. (downloaded a nice sound font with it) approx 625 days worth of constant music without break.. or... 2500 days worth of music based off of my usage. =)
That's like almost 7 years
Granted there are "some" duplicates, but not many.
I just find that company a bit irresponsible sometimes. Before year 3200, they might get the idea to make certificates precise-to-the-second, and forget about the atomic clock leap-second adjustment. Or base the clock or some imperial value then use metric by accident. Bugs happen, but for Microsoft to make mistakes with primary school science, and have to write that mea-culpa is a laugh-cry king of thing.
@DavidPostill the only reason I'm not using powershell is that my stuff is often used on widows 7
@RahulBasu Erm. There is PowerShell on Windows 7. It just missing some stuff that is in Windows 8.1 PowerShell.
PS F:\test> (gwmi win32_operatingsystem).caption
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
PS F:\test> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-----  -----  -----  --------
4      0      -1     -1
@DavidPostill but then if 1 use those features, they won't work on many PCs
code for win7
it'll be backwards compatible on all modern windows then
@DavidPostill it'll be forwards compatible on all modern windows then (source)
@DavidPostill where are you learning from?
MVA is good resource for powershell
@qwertyuiop That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@RahulBasu I erm acquired a number of PowerShell Books
So this Ark Survival Evolved game
It looks interesting... have you played it @allquixotic? Or just experimenting with the server(s)?
Why didn't strikeout work?
I'm unsure whether I consider this something akin to an electric horse buggy, or something actually cool
I can't get any work done because my friend Catherine is sitting on my keyboard.
Oh beautiful we have an XKCD bot now.
Just need a karma bot
we've always had an xkcd bot
Why does nobody ever star the super awesome interesting stuff
Instead they star stupid meaningless crap like "!!penis" or "hi"
@GuitarShoeDave the xkcd bot's just a normal rss feed 'bot' here
@qwertyuiop then you wouldn't get any stars at all ;p
@DavidPostill Just install the updated WMF
@qwertyuiop yeah, played it a lot, it's great
@DavidPostill Eh... I can't remember the last time I learned a language via a tutorial :P
a friend of mine has a pet spitty-dinosaur-thingy on ARK#
Usually "I need to do X" => Google => "I know how to do X" => repeat => I know the language now!
heh, the SmartOS developers are really responsive
I got one of them to start packaging Guacamole for SmartOS just by filing an issue on github
I've decided to set my hostnames per the 12 colonies from Battlestar Galactica
@Bob Does it include all the missing cmdlets?
Installing it now.
@DavidPostill Most, yea.
Some rely on parts of Win8. Like the dedup.
@allquixotic what if you need more than 12? ;p
@allquixotic they get resized when they use a smartphone?
Aerilon = general-purpose LX branded
Aquaria = general-purpose SmartOS native
Caprica = Cavil and root access stuff, LX branded
Gemenon = Pathfinder guild stuff, LX branded
Leonis = TS server for one of my friends, plus anything else reasonable he wants (LX)
Libran = another TS server for another one of my friends, plus anything else reasonable he wants (LX)
Picon, Sagittaron, Scorpia and Tauron currently unused
Virgon = Windows - because Windows is alphabetically last because it sucks
Kobol = global zone
@Bob Thanks.
@JourneymanGeek at this point I have some that are unused
also I just skipped Canceron out of sheer principle. Because fuck cancer
@allquixotic my last workplace's london location named all their windows boxen after diseases...
I need noise-cancelling earphones. At work.
To my left, someone is listening to loud religious preaching.
To my right, people are having a loud meeting.
Somewhere further down, people are chatting and laughing really loud.
So I'm forced to face traffic every day to arrive to this? Yay! \o/
afk. need to restart
@DavidPostill OK
@ThatBrazilianGuy welcome to my workplace... it's always like this... except those rare cases where everyone is quiet / gone for the day and it's so deafeningly quiet because of all the sound dampening that it sounds like my keystrokes are at 100 dB

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