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Ya. It's in the sandbox.
where's that?
19 secs ago, by qwertyuiop
1 min ago, by qwertyuiop
55 secs ago, by qwertyuiop
14 mins ago, by allquixotic
Go to sleep Bob
wait, nevermind
you're supposed to be asleep
19 secs ago, by qwertyuiop
19 secs ago, by qwertyuiop
1 min ago, by qwertyuiop
55 secs ago, by qwertyuiop
14 mins ago, by allquixotic
Go to sleep Bob
It's only 3am :P
Guys, paste huge complicated GIFs! they'll both drain his battery and make him want to stop using data :D
1 min ago, by Bob
@ThatBrazilianGuy 😴 📱 🛏 🛌
@allquixotic Ahaha great idea
Just have to be up before... 12?
He is, don't you see? Sleepyguy, pill, square, square
Go! Find the biggest GIFs ever!
... I'm on Wi-Fi anyway
any GIFs of the entire Star Wars saga (every frame, not those cheap ones)?
Also, I'll probably hop on a computer and trash it
Wait that wasn't the right gif
FTFY, but it's only 4MB
4 messages moved to Trash
you guys are killing my connection
> Bob has invited you to join Trash. See your invitations.
Really now?
You think i'm trash huh
Ha! He can't bin a gif of a beautiful fox!
Bob is treating me like trash. Literally :-(
Eh, it's 2 MB.
I had minimized the screen, left for the kitchen, came back and... why is my download meter maxed out??
There, found the 80MB GIF I was looking for
@qwertyuiop That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: pleasewaityourcallisimportanttous
Also, yea, please don't do this. Remember some people here have very limited connections...
1 message moved to Trash
23 mins ago, by allquixotic
Go to sleep Bob
I'm trying to be serious here. I will pull out the kick-mute.
If you had listened to @allquixotic 23 minutes ago none of this would have happened
1 message moved to Trash
guys stop.
@qwertyuiop Sometimes, it's in good fun. But this is getting out of hand.
I now have 1.9 GB to last me 13 days :/
→ 1 Bob moved to Trash
@qwertyuiop Are you offering to pay my excess?
chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/1?m=6902042#6902042 - not a gif, but don't want to onebox it here either
@Bob Oh c'mon, you even deleted the 1MB cute jumpy fox? :-(
When bob deletes cute foxes, you know he's way beyond out of it. And needs sleep
@allquixotic He did :-( He tried to bin me too :-(
@jokerdino Haha this is great, I am going to have to use this soooooo mcuh nin the next week
Oh man, I didn't realize that Lord of the Memes GIF was so huge. Sorry y'all
183MB according to PowerShell
@qwertyuiop Command pleasewaityourbobisimportanttousandwillbeansweredbythenextavailablefoxerator learned
!!forget pleasewaityourbobisimportanttousandwillbeansweredbythenextavailablefoxerator
@qwertyuiop Command pleasewaityourbobisimportanttousandwillbeansweredbythenextavailablefoxerator forgotten.
@Burgi Damn I want that job
@qwertyuiop Command pleasecontinuetoholdyourbobisimportanttousandwillbeansweredbythenextavailablefox‌​erator learned
!!/ban qwertyuiop
@TomWijsman The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
!!ban TomWijsman
@qwertyuiop TomWijsman added to mindjail.
!!ban taytaytay
@qwertyuiop The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
!!unban taytaytay
@qwertyuiop You do not have permission to use the command unban
@qwertyuiop That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: snore
@qwertyuiop I'm afraid I can't let you do that, qwertyuiop
@Bob Exported to gist, id: 4fb6a88f75458e017d3854b01daeb428 viewable at gist.github.com/4fb6a88f75458e017d3854b01daeb428
!!unban TomWijsman
@Bob TomWijsman freed from mindjail!
@allquixotic We need to fix permissions on the ban/unban.
@Bob Can room owners ban?
@DavidPostill Room owners are considered the same as mods for the purpose of bot permissions.
But the vote-to-ban was apparently not correctly disabled.
@Bob Thanks. I was thinking of bot banning somebody else ... there are at least two annoying users at the moment.
@DavidPostill I generally avoid bot-bans.
If it's an issue of flooding the chatroom, that's more a kick-mute kind of thing.
If it's bot abuse (e.g. getting the bot to say something that could be flagged), that's bot-ban, IMO.
Need to set up a sandbox room to fiddle with the bot without interrupting main conversations...
@DavidPostill These are just how I'd personally handle things :P Of course others here do it differently.
@Bob There was an instance of that earlier
JMG did give out a botban earlier today.
@Bob I'm always happy to take your advice. Sometimes neither of you are around ...
@Bob Yes, that one
@DavidPostill Heh, apparently my 'moderation style' is a lot more lenient than others'.
@Bob I try to be as well. But it's hard to know where to draw the line.
@DavidPostill Do you know the origins of the !!ban command?
The JS room had the bot as a room owner and the room in read-only (approve to write).
The bot would add people to the approved list as they entered the room.
Then the !!ban could remove someone from that list, which actually removed their room write privileges too.
That was before kick-mute existed.
IIRC some of the SE team didn't like that functionality being hacked in like this.
Kick-mute might've actually been added as a reaction to the uproar when they wanted to ban bots entirely.
We don't really need !!ban for anything here.
I (very occasionally) kinda use it as a weaker form of "please stop doing that with the bot", but for most uses kick-mute is technically more appropriate...
@Bob IIRC the bot's author set up a sandbox-like deal somewhere
@BenN Yea, that's how they do it over at JS.
But Cavil doesn't have the ability to be in multiple rooms. That was ripped out at one point.
@Bob Yes, but we have a problem with "spoiled toddlers" in the room seeking attention. At least that's how I see it sometimes.
They know what they are doing is pushing the boundaries and they do it anyway ...
no, they are doing it intentionally
@jokerdino Exactly
@DavidPostill Back to the "where to draw the line" - this isn't "no fun allowed" :P
So, yea. Nice hard subjective decisions.
@Bob Agreed.
guess we should stick with a warn first and boot if no improvement.
That's what I'm working to. I'm trying to be nice. So 3 strikes and your out kind of thing.
@jokerdino @Bob The problem with that is that we (room owners, I don't know about mods) can't tell if the recipient of the warning has "ignored this user" and can't see the warnings.
I cant tell it either
Maybe we need a chat enhancement so that room owners and mods can't be ignored ...
not gonna happen
@DavidPostill I'd say ignoring moderators is at your own risk. If you're stupid enough to do that, you deserve whatever comes to you.
@DavidPostill Mods can see who a user is ignoring, but disclosing that fact is a no-no
I never saw that.
But I'd say that ignoring a room owner is done at the risk of being kicked out of the room and not knowing why. It's up to that person to accept the risk. They can always just check the transcript anyway.
I know if someone is ignoring someone else but I cant tell who that someone is.
@Mokubai Thanks. I will bear that advice in mind.
@jokerdino Er which someone is someone? You can tell if someone is ignoring someone or you can tell if someone is being ignored?
If that makes sense.
lets say you are being ignored by someone else, I can tell you are being ignored.
On a persons chat profile you can see "being ignored by x users"
but I cant tell if you are ignoring someone else.
@Mokubai Where do I look on my profile then?
its not revealed to puny users.
or is that a mod-only thing?
and also, only to parent site mods.
I only found "You are not ignoring anyone."
@Mokubai No. So can you tell me if I am being ignored?
Okay. Mod only then. Even then we can't see who is actually ignoring.
@Mokubai I don't care. I'm just curious for a yes or no.
it's very vague
@DavidPostill If they can, they won't tell.
if you are being ignored by someone else, we can tell.
9 mins ago, by Mokubai
@DavidPostill Mods can see who a user is ignoring, but disclosing that fact is a no-no
identity is not revealed
It doesn't work the other way around though. There is no 'this user is being ignored by x, y and z'.
@Mast I'm not asking for the username. I'm asking if any user is ignoring me.
@jokerdino I don't want the identity. I don't care who it is.
I cant tell you because this is SU and I dont see any info.
maybe if you quickly switch to Ask Ubuntu profile, I can tell you.
@jokerdino But @Mokubai can
@jokerdino OK switching.
all fingers point to yes Not true. Never saw anything.
@jokerdino Thanks.
hm, not that way. The account that is linked to your chat profile
do you see that 'parent user'?
I guess I shouldnt be revealing anything.
@jokerdino Yes I see my parent user
if that is SU profile, then SU mods can see your thangs.
depending on whatever that is, respective site mods should be able to see more things.
Yes it's my su profile.
Weird, first spam I've seen for fake passports...
@jokerdino @Mokubai I give up. Why is it so hard to get a yes/no answer which doesn't actually reveal any names. :p
dont know. I cant see things
OK I don't give up. The secret message revealed all...
cant reveal names, even if there is a person ignoring.
yeah, you already were clued in.
I would imagine that everybody who's ever issued an even slightly stern warning has at least one ignorer
I wasn't looking at my inbox ... sneaky
Have we got anyone who plays Destiny here?
@BenN I need to work on that
Good old BT, you get great reliable service out of them. And their call centres are an absolute joy to talk to.
@Mokubai Do I detect a note of sarcasm ... :p
@DavidPostill There might be a slight teeny-weeny bit of sarcasm there. Let's just say that if I had my way all of the spammers and game cheaters would have BT Internet connections.
That'd learn 'em
ah...... virgin media...... :D
all my lovely lovely fibre optics
@Burgi BT has fibre as well ...
only to the green box thing
@Burgi That's the same for VM.
Virgin Media operates a variation on the part-fibre arrangement, technically known as HFC (Hybrid Fibre-Coaxial) with DOCSIS 3 technology. Here the fibre connection runs as far as your nearest Virgin-owned cabinet, and the connection between the cabinet and your home is via a coaxial cable.
FTTC is a kind of hybrid part-fibre technology where the fibre optic cables run from the telephone exchange to your local telecoms cabinet — the green box at the end of your street. Many cabinets will have a 'Fibre broadband available here' sticker on them where it is available. The connection from the cabinet to your home is via the standard twisted pair copper telephone wire.
So either way you have copper or coax for the last bit.
i was sold a lie?
they told me it was FTTH
I agree coax is potentially faster but neither are fibre to the home (which you can get in NL). I should move back there ...
next you'll be telling me that richard branson doesn't own VM anymore... ;)
its too late to change it now
"Work laying fibre optics has already begun in Cambridgeshire and Leicestershire and will start soon in West Yorkshire, Devon and East Sussex, Virgin Media said."
I don't see manchester in the list.
tbf it was NTL that told me it was FTTH, not VM
"One provider that does offer FTTH is Hyperoptic (hyperoptic.com). Because it's fibre the whole way, it can offer lickety-split speeds of up to 1Gb with totally unlimited downloads.

The downside is that Hyperoptic isn't available everywhere. It's only found in select buildings, usually apartment blocks, that would particularly benefit from it. This is because of all that pesky disruption it takes to install - it makes more sense to connect an entire building full of residents than just one house."
They are still bloody fast (and cheaper) compared to my mobile tethered connection :/
when i had my own place i went with BT because i needed a phoneline installing and it was free with them
When I have my own place I will see what is available.
i shouldn't have given this answer a pass the first time
A: How to inspect memory map on OSX

Nathaniel J. SmithIt looks like the real answer is to use the vmmap command.

he claims the accepted answer is wrong then refuses to elaborate on why or how
Weird. I seem to have an additional 20 reviews in close and first posts
I went though both queues earlier today and used up my 20 votes ...
@Burgi I pressed delete.
i had to reflag it
i'd say the guy doesn't "get" the site but he has 1.3k on SO
Never mind - I was confused
Different queue?
Or different site?
@BenN Reloaded the review page and it looks normal.
I thought SO was trying some experiment with extra reviews for massive queues, but I don't know if that applied to other sites or exactly how big the limit is
@BenN But it says I've done 37 first post reviews today ... in recent reviews, and thanks me for 20 ... I'm still confused
I think the text that says "20" is hardcoded
And the review stats page does say for me that you've done 37
@BenN Which should be impossible
Maybe for some reason it's considering reviews done in the "day" as defined by some non-UTC timezone?
It happened before that the limits were changed on Super User. JMG was confused as well when I asked him.
I always do them early in the morning (UK time) and use up my 20. I was just surprised to have some more ...
My computer turned off on its own. I figured it was a fine opportunity for a map. When I woke up, I went to turn my computer on. No effect. Everything was plugged in right. I reset my power bar. The computer turned on on its own, produced sparks from its rear, turned off, and then started smoking. RIP.
For a nap*
Anyone has an idea why this happened?
"and then started smoking. RIP" The computer ignored the warnings on the packet?
@Ariane "I reset my power bar" what is a power bar and how did you reset it?
Haha. I meant it started producing smoke on its own. At this point though with this whole suicidal mood going on, cigarettes wouldn't be beyond it.
cheap non-compliant power bar?
A power bar is um. Those bars with many power plugs on them, and a switch to cut the power off. I think they also auto turn off if there's a surge. I reset it by pushing the switch to off, then to on.
I have no idea. I got it from my mom when I moved out years ago
have you had your circuit breaker tested recently?
@Ariane Aah. A surge protector power strip? Does it it have a make/model? Can you provide a picture?
I don't think so. This is an apartment so this stuff isn't really my responsibility
But sure, I'll go take a picture
If you are lucky you will just need a new power supply for your PC. A repair shop will be able to test and tell you.
i would ask the landlord to get the circuit breaker tested too
How do you even test this stuff? Worth noting I don't remember having had power problems before
I have pictures, lemme imgur them
The big one is in turn plugged into the thin one
If you have a dodgy power supply the surge protector wont last forever.
You are running a lot of stuff from 1 wall socket?
I think the surge protector has failed (it should probably have a green light next to "OK").
All of my PC. (Screen etc.) A TV, a few consoles.
No wait the tv isn't plugged in there
When they fail two things can happen. Either they stop supplying power at all (which is the safest as you then know to buy a new one) or they carry on working (with no protection). The second is dangerous if you didn't notice it has stopped working ...
Btw the sparks came out from where the rear USB ports are. If I had to guess I'd say what made them was the motherboard or something directly plugged in onto it.
@Ariane Could have been the power supply. A big sealed box inside the case if your have a desktop. A PSU normally has a fuse in it, but you shouldn't open it to fix yourself. That is a specialist job. And if you have smoke then it could be something else.
Surge protectors have a limited lifetime. IT would be good to buy an new one anyway.
So basically a surge happened right when I was flipping the switch? Sounds like bad luck
And take your computer to a repair shop and keep your fingers crossed.
The power supply is on the bottom and it's quite possibly the most premium thing in this PC. I'm rather surprised to hear that
Yeah I shall. I'll need to have someone take me though, this stuff is hard to carry around on the bus
When you flipped the switch you turned on everything attached. So they all got powered up at once ...
Speaking of which why did the PC just turn on on its own when O flipped the switch?
Don't know. Without knowing why it went off (by itself) it's hard to tell.
I should have checked whether the other stuff plugged into it was turned on
Make sure you get the electrics/wiring tested in your apartment. That is the landlords job and normally it is a legal requirement to get it tested every x years.
@Ariane Yes.
They don't even fix stuff we ask every year. Not sure they would do it. But I'll ask.
Good luck ;)
@BenN " Thank you for reviewing 40 first posts today; come back in 2 hours to continue reviewing."
Laptop battery is at 85.4%, plugged in but not charging. Battery is probably failing at this point.
(It's indicating that it has 63.4% of designed capacity, but it's not even hitting that.)
Replace or continue to use?
I am not dismantling the battery. The cells have probably gone bad and will have inadequate capacity for my use.
dismantling the battery just sounds lethal

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