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superuser.com/questions/1084223/… wow, does it get any worse than that? New computer, probably great phone, much of it fried in one swift move.
This is the day you buy a multimeter and (eventually) learn to use it. Even if you never learn to use it , and it never happens again.
hey lets push 10 amps down a data cable so it is more versitile, and more Fun!
@RahulBasu I do, but that is not my profession, just my position. Actually, not even my position, just my current carreer
@RahulBasu Some say that he escaped from a secret lab, and decided taking over the world was passe. Others that he can survive of a diet comprising entirely of cheese. All we know is that he's the stig journeyman geek
@JourneymanGeek you have hooked up one of those smaller monitors to a RasPi ? superuser.com/questions/1084197/… I was thinking if a monitor of this type did exist, or could be whipped up , it would be more like 5-7inches , not your usual fuller sized things.
@Psycogeek naw, mine was HDMI
and 5-7 inches would be just big enough for Bios only junk
But yeah, they probably exist. It's. Tablet screen with a special board
Kickstarter :-) 7" touchscreen connects VGA DVI or HDMI , offers mouse style touchscreen support. 10,000$ donation gets you 100 units for your servers
we will make it from old HTC phones :-0
@ThatBrazilianGuy @Edity greets you
!!info usermessagereply
@ThatBrazilianGuy usermessagereply: User-taught command: <msg> *@Edity greets you*
@ThatBrazilianGuy Command usermessagereply, created by Edity on Sun, 29 May 2016 00:35:43 GMT
!!forget usermessagereply
@Edity Command usermessagereply forgotten.
@ThatBrazilianGuy try !!bsod
!!info bsod
@Edity Command bsod, created by Edity on Fri, 03 Jun 2016 21:03:55 GMT
not a user-taught command?!?
!!/help bsod
@bwDraco bsod: User-taught command: <msg> https://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/3VFTRD8UzRdYIq4QqZnpyQ_87nc=/0x51:639x477/1280x‌​854/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/49292097/bsodwindows10.0.0.jpg
@Bob anything planned to go on "tonight" (your Saturday afternoon)?
@allquixotic I don't think so?
Also, nice timing - I just opened RA :P
I suppose @JourneymanGeek will be busy as usual today...
@Bob heh, presumabkly
@allquixotic Give me 10-15 mins and I'll be free
I finally managed to find a battleborn char I can work with for the first mission and I needed to dadsit
and I donno if I can pause and wander off
Marquis is fun
@Bob for what? :P
@allquixotic ...anything? :P
@Bob okay... I just need to unlock my desktop and I'll play on my Mac with streaming :D works really well
got my gaming mouse hooked up to the mac
@allquixotic So, Steam? :P
@Bob actually, meh, would rather work on my server tonight
unless Geek is available too
in which case we can all 3 play
Ah... ok
yeah I need to get cranking on it
I've used vmadm create to start up all the containers but I still need to set up Windows, and then all the services on all the boxes
@allquixotic I was going to suggest an attempt at a smaller (faster?) SoaSE map :P
Are those containers more reliable now? Was pretty buggy last time.
@Bob SmartOS's native containers have always been rock solid, but back when I first tried SmartOS, the Linux emulation in "LX" brand zones (basically, containers with a custom syscall emulation for the Linux ABI instead of the Solaris ABI) was really in its infancy
Now it's so good that (1) systemd, (2) guacamole, (3) nginx, (4) X11 and Eclipse and Firefox, and (5) The Unreal Engine 4-based ARK: Survival Evolved dedicated server (binary-only!) works perfectly.
Whereas Wine has taken years to get to near-parity with Windows emulation, translating from Solaris kernel ABI to Linux kernel emulation to support native Linux-compiled binaries has been pretty easy for Joyent.
There were apparently a few gotchas, like AIO, inotify, the /proc and /sys filesystems... but they've actually managed to emulate those, and efficiently.
So whereas last time I had a KVM hypervisor running Linux in a VM, now I have Linux-compiled programs running directly on the host kernel and FS.
Emulation overhead is apparently comparable with container solutions like LXD and OpenVZ (which, while they're not emulating anything, still have to do state accounting for container isolation stuff).
!!mindjail Edity
Are you looking for !!ban?
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek why toss me to the mindjail
Well 2 bans with one hammer
superuser.com/questions/1084270/… <-- kill this dude as payback.
I don't like bots anyways :D
@Edity we've warned you about abusing the bot before
Seems like a acceptable compromise
@Edity sour grapes!
@RahulBasu or reverse psycology ;p
hi ya
2 hours later…
Guys? I think it's time that I confess and reveal the truth...
The truth is...
I'm a squirrel!🐿🐿🐿
1 hour later…
Slow day today.
a little
@DavidPostill heh, was that stealth ping intentional?
@JourneymanGeek No, I've no idea how that happened ...
(I hadn't actually noticed until I talked but anyway, I was curious)
I wasn't even looking at that part of the page. I thought I had clicked on reply to one of the OP's responses ...
It was a good coincidence though ... ;P
How not to choose a username ;)
in the case that you had not seen it, this is the future robot babe from "sarah conner chronicles"
which was an ok tv series extention of the terminator stuff.
and on fox
So, didn't last a season
I dont mind so much that a series gets canceled or short, what kills me is if the series was a never ending mini-series, and there is no bloody end )-: End in a grasping cliff hanger to bleed support, then get cut off.
@Psycogeek typically fox kills off any sci fi show in one season
What does it take 5 minutes to kill all the actors and bring it to the end :-)
@JourneymanGeek I did not know that, that explains a few things.
Firefly? Fox
Almost Human? Kinda sucked. Also fox.
X Files. Erm, ok, maybe not.
oh so firefly is dead, it did not have stand alone episodes either.
there was a movie at the end that kinda tied up the loose ends
any sci-fi show can be ended so easily, 50 mega ton nuclear bomb, bright flash, a few scenes showing thier faces lighting up, and were done ,
Space ABY kinda did that
THat show was ok too
I have a soft spot for space opera
i still like the stargate set, for all it was, plus you could fire up any episode or pair, and be in and out with some sort of happy ending even.
they ran it so often here in the US, i doubt other fans would be interested in seeing that again.
I binge watched that
loved it
I think done well enough a clone video game (meaning not paying for the name) might be interesting enough theme to get good variation in play going.
Babylon 5 !!! 110 episodes and 6 films
Blakes 7 !!! 52 episodes
Those were space operas.
@DavidPostill i have gone through many of the episodes, also stand alone, but does it ever go beyond "cops in space" cause booring.
@Psycogeek They aren't stand alone really. They fit in between the normal series episodes.
And it's much more than "cops in space"
"Described as "one of the most complex programs on television", the various story arcs drew upon the prophesies, religious zealotry, racial tensions, social pressures, and political rivalries which existed within each of their cultures, to create a contextual framework for the motivations and consequences of the protagonists' actions" from Wiki is not a bad description.
battleship galactica also much politics and internal struggles, wonders how they ever get into space :-)
You could also say Stargate is just soldiers in space.
in 101 completely different places until the writers get lazy and start doing the same nemisis the rest of the series.
imagine where star trek would be if they were still fighting the klingons :-)
even if either one of them exterminated the other in thier eventual destruction of trillion doller space crafts
1 hour later…
so. I have a copy of windows iso downloaded. I'm remoted into my friend's system which won't refresh or reset. Wondering if I can do a repair install or some dism magic to cause it to do a clean install without a cd...
I might need to do a housecall but she's in the other end of SG
will she give you free food?
i'd say its worth the risk
can i have some help on this answer?
A: How to inspect memory map on OSX

Nathaniel J. SmithIt looks like the real answer is to use the vmmap command.

the guy for some weird reason is refusing to edit the answer
@Burgi if someone who knows OS X could do an edit...
i don't know enough about the command
or I could get her to buy a usb key, make an installer for her and just let ger do it
Sunday delivery tomorrow ^_^
@qwertyuiop Please enter some output
@Burgi Does your job require you to know about the command?
@qwertyuiop scroll up a bit further
c'mon, @qwertyuiop, don't make me botban you again :(
Oh, going for the Founder's Edition?
Not waiting for the (cheaper, maybe better) custom coolers? :P
@qwertyuiop SOAB
@qwertyuiop I just paid $3 USD less than (529.99 gbp in usd) and free shipping :)
Heh. Was thinking about it early today, but... bleh.
Nope. Must... avoid... temptation...
@allquixotic @JourneymanGeek What time are we starting today?
@Bob for me, the earlier, the longer I'll be able to play before falling asleep
their delivery estimate window is really wide... could take between 5 and 10 days to get here because it's not Amazon Prime
still another 3-6 months away from being able to reliably find them in stock shipped and sold by amazon.com
demand for this thing is unreal
@allquixotic I can do earlier. @JourneymanGeek? :P
um, no pun intended
I can do... about the same time you ran off to work on your server today :P
Maybe a little bit later.
Heh. I think the S7 was enough of a giant impulse buy for one year, for me.
Must... resist...
I'm pretty much good whenever, but you guys seem to think (and not exactly incorrectly, mind you) that when it gets REALLY late for me, I should go to sleep
@allquixotic Well, half of that is you get a bit unresponsive/occasionally doze off :P
one part of me wants to play Stellaris but another part of me wants to work on my dedi
@Bob I didn't do that at all last week! I was ready to keep going but Geek had to walk himself walk his human
@allquixotic There's that too. Ok, I'll stop suggesting sleep :P
I think I fell asleep the week prior when Geek died early and it was just you and me
you stopped talking for like 10 minutes and I dozed, then you had to get my attention
@JourneymanGeek Have you done the DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth thing yet?
It has a /Source switch that lets you use a WIM (which you can get from an ISO)
in our current game Geek is doing fine because the enemy keeps attacking me
Heya peeps
Hello sexy beast
@allquixotic Too bad Geek isn't nocturnal too... I'm wide awake right now :P
@qwertyuiop wink
@Bob Weird innit, since he has no reason to be up during the day
@allquixotic Speaking of which, my mini-plan for tomorrow today is to try to knock out the TEC guy ASAP.
@Bob Again?
@Bob It's not mine
@allquixotic :-o
@Bob @allquixotic: My flatmate is coming back from holiday tonight and wanted something to mess around with tomorrow so I bought one of those for him (Sunday delivery)
@qwertyuiop ....huh. Just as a gift?
That's a helluva thing to mess around with
As it turns out I tried talking him out of it by pointing out the non-founders editions will be in stock in less than a week at £100 less
Speaking of messing around, looks like I might be able to claim a free Gear VR for my late-March purchase :P
But NOOOO apparently 1 week is too long to wait to save £100 :-/
@allquixotic Nah he's paying me back
I have the big credit card so he just uses me for all the big impulse purchases
Last year (maybe two years ago now?) we did the same thing with his 40" 4K monitor and GTX 780+
@Bob well, if he manages to build a Novalith or two, we could very quickly start to lose planets that aren't protected by the starbase Auxiliary Government
@allquixotic I don't have any aux govs nor the space for them :(
Yea, gonna have to hit him hard.
Almost exactly the same thing two years ago actually. He went on holiday, the day before he came back he called me and said "Can you order me a GTX 780, a 40" 4K monitor and a new case and CPU? Cause I want something to mess around with when I get home"
I think only Lava planets and possibly your Terran homeworld have enough planet health to resist a novalith shot
actually... I think the planetary shield tactical structure helps, too... maybe build those if he gets a novalith
planetary shields reduce incoming bombing damage and Novalith is basically a 7500 hp bomb, so yeah
I think I mentioned to Bob already but ATM there's no real reason for me to upgrade personally, I'm waiting for next-gen/HBM2
Oh yea. That 970 OC'd?
the 1080 Ti will be crazy, but since I don't intend to play at 4K, the 1080 should be very future proof for me
@Bob Yeah
@allquixotic I don't have a 4K display but I find 3000x1680+ with 2xMSAA to be just about the "transparency spot", i.e. where all the traditional giveaways of computer graphics go away and instead it just feels "real"
Things like moire, aliasing, shimmer, texture blurryness, etc.
Wow, now I feel like a dirty 1080p gaming peasant...
It's the point where everything looks so good that I would not be able to notice anything higher, like a 1080p/1440p display on a 5" phone
Unfortunately my card isn't fast enough to run DSR at those resolutions with AA on, so I do want an upgrade, but really it's gonna have to be a card that runs 4K 120fps
tl;dr: Basically 1080p with 4x to 8x super-sample anti-aliasing at 120fps is what I want
2K @ 75 Hz is probably fine for me, but I'd like it at 29" or 32" class, not 27"
I don't mind the monitor resolution all that much. It's really the render resolution (before downscaling) that matters
@allquixotic I kinda want to see the price first, but it'll probably cost as much as a full Skylake i7 w/ 1080 machine...
In short 4K DSR, downscaled to 1080p on a 1080p monitor looks sooo much better than 1080p max quality on the same 1080p monitor
I'll be interested to see my flatmate mess around with the GTX 1080, cause he does have a 40", 4K monitor
@allquixotic That's probably because there's 5 years of pent-up demand for it
@qwertyuiop yes it does; I did a quality comparison last weekend :)
I did it about 1/3rd the way through playing GTA 5 and got maybe 20fps with all the optimisations I could stand
I think I'll stop hanging around here, sometimes you guys your specs get me depressed. .___.
But it still looked so much better that I can no longer play GTA 5 at "just 1080p" so I stopped playing it now, until I get a new graphics card
@ThatBrazilianGuy lol
My specs aren't even that good. In fact, brb, 3d mark'ing
@ThatBrazilianGuy don't leave ;_;
@qwertyuiop Wanna trade your PC for mine?
my specs are worse than @ThatBrazilianGuy's.... on my Macbook Pro
I guarantee you he has a better GPU than the Intel Iris 6100
@allquixotic Don't worry, you'll all will have to stand my unfunny jokes for a long time
holy crap I mean, I'm sorry
ok, well, that 700-range in the G3D Mark rating is comparable to what my NVS 5400M in my old laptop gets, so surely your card is faster than that :)
by 24 points :D
I'm currently playing Batman Arkham Asylum (released 2009, yay that xkcd strip, you know the one) and I plug it into my 1080p TV, turn all settings to the max, and I get an average of 20~30 fps...
As I am used to shitty specs I am used to 30fps so it's not thaaaaat bad... but...
If there is fog or too many particles on the screen... it gets slow...
feels like I'm in a matrix movie with slo-mo
:( I imagine the majority of PC gamers probably exist in that sort of world
or they just buy a console
my upcoming card, my current card, and... what you somehow (I have no idea how) play Arkham Asylum with
I got to experience that thanks to AotS :P
15 FPS
well, 30 now with the driver update
@Bob I wonder how AotS will benchmark with the 1080 ;o
@allquixotic I was thinking about that. How can I experience that and not feel like it's terrible, but actually passable
I think I know the answer
Like if you just zoom 300000000% on an low-res image you can "see it pixelated" (lots of squares)
@ThatBrazilianGuy I plan on selling it in a bit. I also have an old 6-core i7 extreme system lying around gathering dust
But if you resize a low-res image on Photoshop you get a blurred image, sure it's shitty but the ugly squares are not there, it "smooths it out", let's say
So I think the same thing happens in terms of FPS
I don't get to see the stuttering like a slideshow of pics
The video card, or driver, somehow "smooths it out"
That's just a wild, totally unbased guess
That's just because you're used to it. The thing 'smoothing it out' is probably your brain... and maybe a touch of image persistence, especially if you're using a TV.
@Bob I really doubt it'll be that much. The 1080s are overpriced enough as it is, and by the time the Ti comes out we should hopefully have some Slowlaris flavoured competitors to keep the market in check
It's a LED TV, not a CRT one, doesn't it use the same technology as PC monitors?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Nup.
@ThatBrazilianGuy there's an option
btw, that's LCD... "LED" just refers to the backlight
There's lots of options actually
Also, TVs typically have a lot more delay and often aren't designed for higher refresh rates.
Especially older TVs

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