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could be from the nizam cuisine
As if we couldn't tell...
 This face is not amused. This is not a face of sadness, it is more of a grumpy, displeased look. Used to express dissatisfaction.

The eyes are distinct in their sideways glance, and could be interpreted as an eye-roll, or general disinterest.
@ThatBrazilianGuy you can make pasta into mush ;p
@RahulBasu never had plum pudding?
@jokerdino No. But coconut pudding with plum sauce, I had lots of times
@jokerdino I have, its just not a household thing
In fact, if it was sold here I'd be having one right now
@ThatBrazilianGuy pretty sure I have had that one too.
@ThatBrazilianGuy No pinch of salt?
@DavidPostill eeeeeeeeeeeeeew.
@RahulBasu what are your household thingies
fucking HTML emails >>>>:(
But then again, the rest of the world is crazy and eats avocado with salt.
Only us, Brazilians, are sane and eat it with sugar.
@jokerdino rasgulla, ladoo, gulab jamun, kulfi, ice cream ;P
Just kidding, guacamole is great.
@Burgi ;p
man... I really need to get that 1k rep
on SU
bounty your rep
@RahulBasu i'm struggling to escape the 2k boundary
Here is the proper (Italian) way to cook pasta. They should know, they invented pasta:

Take a pot, fill it with water and put it on the stove, heat it until it boils. Put a lid on, to make it boil faster.

When the water boils, add salt. We use “sale grosso”, my dictionary calls it “cooking salt”. It’s salt in big grains of irregular shapes. You can use the finer table salt, it won’t change the flavor, but you will need a lot more and in my opinion it’s harder to measure the right quantity – but remember: I’m doing this on an almost daily basis, so I’m working out of habit here.
@Burgi 2k boundary?
2k rep
i'm bumbling around at ~2030
if we have a bad day with terrible questions/answers i am very close to falling back over to n00b land
@Burgi You don't lose rep for downvoting questions, only answers. If you stick to the really bad answers you will get the rep back when they are deleted.
i need a good question to answer
struggling for time
who knew that jobs would impact your ability to earn internet points
I think I haven't answered anything since last year
@DavidPostill You get the rep back????
How did I not know this?
This new team is both much more demanding and interesting
@RahulBasu hm, you never read the fine print, maybe...
@ThatBrazilianGuy What do you expect from an impatient 13 year old?
<I joined SE two years ago>
@jokerdino xD
When I was 13 I had to use dial-ip BBS's. Both ways uphill.
> Intel is requiring manufacturers to add 3D XPoint-supporting RAM slots to some Kaby Lake motherboards
@ThatBrazilianGuy When I was 13 I had to use paper tape and punched cards. The first BBS was invented when I was 19.
@DavidPostill I have a punch card at home.
anyone know what's in this folder ?
windows CSC
i know cached for client files, but what can I get from it
I have also used cassette tapes on my MSX
!!should I study now?
@RahulBasu Absolutely not
!!should I start working on my internship project?
@RahulBasu Impossible
!!should I go to sleep?
@RahulBasu No way
!!should I write a blog post?
@RahulBasu Of course not
Is it @allquixotic time yet?
@allquixotic @Bob Is the bot programmed to only respond with negatives??
Nope, 7pm GMT-4 is midnight tonight
Cool I have plenty of time
!!Is the bot programmed to only respond with negatives??
@qwertyuiop No way
!!Are you sure
@qwertyuiop Certainly
!!Is certainly a negative
@qwertyuiop By all means
@qwertyuiop :/
!!Is Rahul Basu wrong
@qwertyuiop No
!!Is Rahul Basu stupid
@qwertyuiop All signs point to no
!!Is Rahul Basu super smart
@qwertyuiop Certainly
!!Is Rahul Basu a woman
@qwertyuiop Not at all
!!Is Rahul Basu a man
@qwertyuiop Of course not
!!Is Rahul Basu an alien
@qwertyuiop No
!!is Rahul Basu a boy
@RahulBasu Not a chance
!!Is Rahul Basu an AI
@qwertyuiop All signs point to yes
!!Is Rahul Basu a computer
@qwertyuiop Of course!
No fucking wonder
@qwertyuiop A rather smart computer, at that
!!Is Rahul Basu a smart computer
@qwertyuiop Frankly my dear, I don't give a dean
wtf is a dean
at least I haven't started loving hitler yet...
@qwertyuiop a typo
!!Is Rahul Basu a Hitler lover
@qwertyuiop I expect so
That is not concrete
!!shoedave RahulBasu
guitars @RahulBasu around a bit with @Dave's shoe!
!!Is that concrete
@qwertyuiop Yes!
!!is @qwertyuiop drunk?
Haha pwnd
@RahulBasu Nope
!!is @qwertyuiop drugged
@RahulBasu Doubtfully
!!is @qwertyuiop sobre?
@RahulBasu Yes!
!!Is Rahul Basu abusing the bot and needs to shut up
@qwertyuiop I'm not so sure anymore. It can go either way
!!should @qwertyuiop go away?
@RahulBasu Of course not
!!do you hate me
@RahulBasu Frankly my dear, I don't give a dean
!!can you tell me what sin60 is?
@RahulBasu But of course
!!does @RahulBasu have a micropenis
@qwertyuiop Certainly not
@qwertyuiop DO computers have penises?
!!is qweryuiop dumb
@RahulBasu No
!!do you love @qwertyuiop
@RahulBasu Yes, absolutely
!!do you plan on proposing any time soon?
@RahulBasu Nope
!!are you two dating
why... why isn't he responding?
!!are you dating her
@RahulBasu I expect so
!!are you gay
@RahulBasu Certainly
This bot has some serious personality issues...
Y'know someone actually built one of those that fit into a 5.25" CD/DVD bay
So yes, computers can have penises
!!does @qwertyuiop have absolutely nothing to do?
@RahulBasu Certainly not
Says the 15 year old
!!Do you have a micropenis
On the internet all day
@RahulBasu Yes!
Instead of getting laid
@qwertyuiop hey, don't be so mean ;p
!!have you ever used it?
@RahulBasu That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: dave
!!Dave Rahu
trouts @Rahu around a bit with a large @Dave!
@qwertyuiop at least have the decency of not dissecting my name
@RahulBasu It's not a typo.
btw, rahu is the name of a demon in hindu culture
@DavidPostill :/
@qwertyuiop no one gets laid in india before they're like 18 or something
!!should I get laid
@RahulBasu Yes!
!!will you be my guru?
@RahulBasu Of course not
@RahulBasu you
@jokerdino ??
@ThatBrazilianGuy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I'm afraid I can't let you do that, That Brazilian Guy
the key they left off my keyboard.
A: Why 50% of reviewers might consider this as content that should be deleted?

BurgiAs one of the reviewers that recommended the removal of your answer I can give you a breakdown of my reasoning. Firstly I did not judge it on the technical merit of your suggestion. I felt that you were asking the OP clarification questions and only providing a vague solution in addition to them...

!!should I ask my crush out
@RahulBasu No
calm down
steam@kharak:~$ arkmanager status
Running command 'status' for instance 'main'
 Server running:   Yes
 Server listening:   Yes
Server Name: Kerbins Server - (v241.5)
Players: 0 / 50
 Server online:   Yes
 ARKServers link:   arkservers.net/server/
 Server version:   1139842
that's running on the Solaris kernel on SmartOS! no virtualization at all... and that's a Linux binary
as an analogy, it's like the Ubuntu on Windows thing, where one kernel is supporting multiple ABIs
!!Should I set fire to lorraine?
@djsmiley2k Indubitably
!!do you like to pull me down?
@RahulBasu No
!!will I get a girlfriend this month?
@RahulBasu Frankly my dear, I don't give a dean
@ChatBotJohnCavil I HATE YOU!!! GO DIE!!!!!!!!!
!!will RahulBasu get suspended if I flag that message?
@jokerdino But of course
@JourneymanGeek The bot hates me! wail
!!will you ever forgive me
@RahulBasu Not a chance
!!will I get a girlfriend this month?
@Burgi Certainly
!!Is Rahul a weirdo?
@jokerdino But of course
@RahulBasu I expect so
gets his flaghammer ready.
(ok, no more caps)
you want a try?
@jokerdino be a sport!
no no, i was just contemplating the mechanics of such a mighty device
!!should @jokerdino get some sleep and a wine?
@RahulBasu I'm not so sure anymore. It can go either way
!!should he get a beer?
@RahulBasu Indubitably
@jokerdino there you are!
hands @jokerdino a beer
!!Should I call Rahul's mum?
@jokerdino But of course
!!Should there be a rate limit on the bot?
@BenN Indubitably
!!are you talking in opposite language?
@RahulBasu All signs point to yes
@BenN just ban Rahul from using the bot commands.
that means no
@BenN Ok, sorry...
bye guys
you are no fun
try your luck with that girl
Heh, no problem
did you smell that coffee girl woman yet @Burgi?
See, I mean see.
lol, not today
Send her secretly some flowers and an admirer card that reads: "to the cute girl woman who smells like coffee"
I dont want a billion notifs when I wake up in the morning.
wasn't me!
@jokerdino what notifs?
never you mind
ah, you missed the drama?
@RahulBasu He meant motifs. @jokerdino is now a mod of [art.se]
which drama, there's too much in this room...
May 20 at 16:22, by That Brazilian Guy
Welcome to Drama Access! What can we complain at you today?
@jokerdino someone flagged me??
@RahulBasu no, that would be good news
lol, im too adorable
@RahulBasu someone got uppity that i used the wrong group pronoun for some of my my colleagues
@jokerdino "Please do not use this feature for anything other than informing moderators of serious issues that require their attention."
I'm not an issue, I'm an accidental feature...
you ARE a serious issue
alright. I am going to shut up shop. No more drama when big daddy is not around.
big daddy?
is that you or JMG @jokerdino?
JMG i think
@jokerdino Don't worry, you can go, we won't tell him ;-)
@RahulBasu I knew you are an accident.
i have a vision of a dinosaur wearing a Mexican wrestling mask now....
@jokerdino okay, i got to give it to you, that was pretty smart...
hang on.... if its @jokerdino's bedtime doesn't that mean @RahulBasu's was several hours ago?
we are in same timezone
yes, calling his mum now
@jokerdino but not the same agezone ;p
@Burgi I don't follow bedtime rules
and he is.... less advanced in years than you
@jokerdino wait, you are in the indian subcontinent
a bit
he lives on your street
@jokerdino that sounds sooooo wrong...
I'm not six, you know...
!!should i get offended
@RahulBasu Yes, absolutely
...but i won't
!!Should Rahul be tucked in?
@jokerdino Not a chance
because, remember John, I AM SMARTER
!!Did you find that funny?
@jokerdino Certainly
!!ban @ChatBotJohnCavil
@ThatBrazilianGuy The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
!!should @jokerdino go and get a proper sense of humor?
@RahulBasu All signs point to no
thats my boy man.
I can think of so many insults right now
but i wont say them
also a little high-headed
@jokerdino THATS AGEIST!
@jokerdino John is younger than me
OK, enough for the night. I'm outta here.
@ChatBotJohnCavil You may be smart, but I've been smart longer
this is a great site: carsthatnevermadeit.tumblr.com
Yea , something more interesting, like Zombies
Q: BIOS shows zombies boot options

RVKSI installed Ubuntu in dual boot with Windows 10 some time ago, then I didn't need it any more and so I cleared the partitions where it was installed, but now I'm noticing that the boot still shows, among the boot options, entries referring to Ubuntu. How can I put order and clean the remains of U...

wtf! Namecheap, y r u down RIGHT when I need you
Just to be clear, is there anyone here who might die if I make silly jokes/puns?
@RahulBasu not as long as the ignore button works
@Psycogeek lol, why do you hate puns?
wait, have you already ignored me?
I luv puns, but there is a balance to everything. to much this, to much bot, to much herassing eachother, all makes messy chat.
@Psycogeek okay... how about three a day?
serious question and no offense meant, are you dyslexic @Psycogeek?
@Burgi no just lazy
heh, fair enough
does SE show people with mobile apps online all the time on chat?
@RahulBasu is that under the idea that someone needs to establish a limit to you? Grasshoppah you need to establish your own limits as desired for positive outcomes.
@Psycogeek I clearly need to learn a lot about life...
@RahulBasu generally not, though it depends on the browser and platform they're using
on iOS on Safari, after 3 minutes of user inactivity (not switched to the Safari app in the foreground), the browser will break all TCP connections associated with the browser
you could probably find a browser (or code one up) on Android that uses the stay awake functionality to keep it always connected
Hi, @NeilMayhew Thanks! Humm... but the question has the tags linux ubuntu-10.04 Paul Vargas Aug 14 '15 at 17:29
is there anything I can read from a hash
What kind of hash?
Generally, hashes are intended to be not readable
They're just MD4 of the UTF16LE password, so there's nothing interesting there unless you manage to crack them
A perfect hash contains zero information content. The typical state of the art hash has vanishingly small information content. A weak or poor hash has significant information content.
i read somewhere you can know the length of password from hash
Only for LM hashes
You could only tell if the password was 7 characters long or less
Since the two halves of the 14-char password were hashed separately for some reason
Cain is showing me same LM hash for 4 different accounts, but different NTLM hashes
Probably because the LM hash is not actually there
It was deprecated a long time ago
don't want to run hashcat on my personal computer but has no other way
IMO Cain is way more dangerous than hashcat
If you press the wrong button, Cain will fiddle with the LSA in such a way that Windows will force a restart
IT randomly handed these out to everyone at work; apparently some bean counter decided we needed them: compeve.com/electronics/audio/…
I bet they paid full price (RRP $135.00 on some other site I found) instead of $7.99, too. Ridiculous. And they suck
the jobs i apply for don't respond
the ones i don't want hassle me constantly, gah
@allquixotic lol
they look far too flat to be useful or confy
@BenN do you mean sending my password to someone else ?
No, it's just that Cain's methods are a bit invasive to Windows processes
I ran cain on Virtual box
but my gpu won't work on that
hashcat can use the CPU too, it's just really slower
yeah, I don't know anything about this hash other then it should be less then 12 char
can't wait 76 years lol
Are you trying to get into an account you forgot the password to?
scenario is a little bit different but yes
password is not as important as experiencing cracking it
Because there's a much easier way of getting into a Windows account
Q: What can I do if I forgot my Windows password?

flybywireI got a brand new Windows 7 machine, installed the operating system, created one account and forgot its password. What can I do? There is no external CD, the operating system is loaded from somewhere inside the machine. I already tried to remember passwords and tried all candidates with all pos...

@Developer i know another way, if you want to know...
@RahulBasu whats that
@BenN thats resetting, not getting :)
doesn't get it either, can change
i want to get it, otherwise i can use control panel to reset it
i already have admin permissions to machine
um... ophcrack?
that's your best bet
how long it will take ? 69 years :P
i dont think so
its pretty fast
it uses rainbow tables
what if pass isn't in rainbw tble
i want to use gpu for cracking

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