Amusingly my parents turn the lights on and off if they need my attention and I have headphones on
@SimonSheehan I woke up at 9, walked the dog, realised the leftovers from yesterday had gone bad, put another batch of rice for lunch, cooked some peas for the dog
not quite arsed to have breakfast or to shower yet
@JourneymanGeek Hmm. That's interesting. Would you mind commenting that on the article page. My editor has been goofing around with Discourse for a while. Sounds like something everyone should be aware of.
Congratulations! As you can see, the new site design just went live. Thanks to everyone for your patience.
Also updated are the newsletter template and chat room based off of the new design.
If you see any CSS/styling bugs, please start a new post and tag it with design and bug.
Congrats again...
@JourneymanGeek Discourse was the main topic really. I turned it into a fluff piece because I got lazy. I'd like to encourage discussion about discourse on that page...ironically, on disqus
@Bob Site redesign happened after I wrote it. Can't edit till next month until maintenance is over. We're on a hiatus now. (Editor told me the same thing)
@Bob It looks cool now. Kind of an Isaac Asimov on Tatooine kind of feel.
@JourneymanGeek Hmm, I might pitch that to some people. Lemme see if I can get one started. Students would be really happy to try making something like that just for the fun of it.
essentially though I guess this would be a 'simple' wrapper for docker commands. The 'fun' stuff is in how you handle connecting containers together and of course users.
I know that sqlite doesn't perform well with extremely large database files even when they are supported (there used to be a comment on the sqlite website stating that if you need file sizes above 1GB you may want to consider using an enterprise rdbms. Can't find it anymore, might be related to a...
> An SQLite database is limited in size to 140 terabytes (247 bytes, 128 tibibytes). And even if it could handle larger databases, SQLite stores the entire database in a single disk file and many filesystems limit the maximum size of files to something less than this. So if you are contemplating databases of this magnitude, you would do well to consider using a client/server database engine that spreads its content across multiple disk files, and perhaps across multiple volumes.
> SQLite supports an unlimited number of simultaneous readers, but it will only allow one writer at any instant in time. For many situations, this is not a problem. Writer queue up. Each application does its database work quickly and moves on, and no lock lasts for more than a few dozen milliseconds. But there are some applications that require more concurrency, and those applications may need to seek a different solution.
@RahulBasu As long as the site is not indexed by standard search engines for any reason, then it's part of the deep web. I think there are some precautionary measures you need to make to ensure that. I don't know what but this whole deep and dark semantics issue...that's a potential pothole for that entire SE.
@JourneymanGeek It's half the terrible spawn (making backup difficult) and half not being aware of half the game concepts cause you haven't run the tutorials yet :P
Anyone else has their frequently used folders in a startup after PC boots-up? I have a few of them but the path is not as I want it to be affecting navigation:
did a little search around in the available reviews
in almost all games (except Tomb Raider), the GTX 1080 experiences a performance hit in DX12 (when compared against DX11), for resolutions higher than 1080p
Define what are the basic Linux commands.
Like as a five basic commands:
Additional basic commands:
echo, cat, man, pwd, cp, ln, less, grep, tail, ssh, reboot, poweroff.
Define more commands.