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@Bob I hope they do
If they push high core counts and massive IPC improvement it might finally nudge Intel into providing 6-8 core parts on the mainstream desktop platform.
@qasdfdsaq 40% more IPC than Excavator.
@qasdfdsaq SB was the first generation with on die GPUs, on die memory.... etc I think
@bwDraco we'll see when it comes out ;p
@JourneymanGeek GPUs, maybe, but who uses on-die GPUs in a gaming machine? On-die memory had been around several years before SB
@qasdfdsaq I like it as a backup
If my video card goes, I still have something I can use to troubleshoot the machine
I sometimes hang a spare monitor off it too
It's handy sometimes, yeah, but it's not exactly relevant to CPU performance
And I don't think people would be praising it so highly five years on just because it had an iGPU
@qasdfdsaq and they were a significant upgrade in terms of efficency
the core i5s and core i7s were hot processors for their time.
Sandy bridge wasn't a big improvement on the generation before it...
IIRC it was
Well certainly not on paper
i7 880 - 3.73Ghz turbo at 95w, i7 2700k - 3.9Ghz turbo at 95w.
X5672 (Westmere) 3.6Ghz turbo at 95w.
10% difference at best?
i7 980x (Gulftown) 3.33Ghz x6 at 130w
i7 3930K (Sandy Bridge) 3.3Ghz x6 at 130w
i7 3970X (Sandy Bridge) 3.5Ghz x6 at 150w
Seems the SB-E was about 17% more efficient than the one generation before it, which in turn was 24% better than the generation before that.
Asus is releasing a consumer 10GbE switch
@qasdfdsaq iirc 2 10GbE ports, bunch 1GbE ports?
Its a start I guess
Yeah, although there's a higher end version with 4 10GbE ports
And they're also releasing consumer 10GbE PCIe cards.
A bit late considering Thunderbolt's just getting big, but meh.
iirc if you don't mind pulls, 10GbE cards are pretty cheap on fleabay
Someone here bought em
Yeah but most of them are PCIe 2
(Or worse)
I also don't see a compelling use case (for me)
> So there are a few things worth mentioning. The external dock does need an external monitor to run. Because the dock requires ASUS proprietary technology and only ASUS laptops will have it, we are told that the laptops will carry a mini-DisplayPort input connection, meaning that the GPU can be hooked straight back into the laptop if necessary.
If the dock has sufficient power, it can also be used to charge the laptop via a USB-C charging connector as well, meaning that the laptop does not need to be attached to power when this is occurring.
Well that's interesting, if not a bit, unclear.
@qasdfdsaq O_O
Laptop => external GPU => general display output => general display input on laptop?
So the laptop screen basically doubles as an independent monitor too?
A: Was Aragorn's claim to the throne legitimate?

Wad CheberTL;DR Version: Yes, it was absolutely, without question, certainly legitimate, and in any case, there were no other potential claimants to compete with him. Aragorn's claim isn't as strong as one might wish for, but it is unquestionably legitimate. And besides that, he has something his predec...

Now that's a long answer! :o
@Bob that actually sounds handy.
@MichaelFrank sounds like a case of lies, damn lies and statistics, as well as your typical political 'my side is smarter than your sidr'
@JourneymanGeek Yea, also badly constructed polls.
@MichaelFrank probably intentionally...
One comment on an answer said that the polling company/service/thing is known for dubious behavior like this
@BenN dubious? or hilarious?
@MichaelFrank ?Porqué no los dos?
But yeah, the question was clearly designed to have the "smart" people pick the "whaa?" option
@BenN I don't speak French. :(
Oh good - that was Spanish :P
It's a common-ish Reddit image macro
@BenN there's no whaa or this poll sucks option.
@JourneymanGeek Right, sorry, I meant the "unsure" option
(Other commenters were bemoaning the lack of a baffled option)
Or a I am unsure what you're smoking option....
eply from bytes=32 time=2712ms TTL=57
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Reply from bytes=32 time=2746ms TTL=57
What a way to start the morning
@HackToHell Is it dropping packets?
That is awful...
@bwDraco It wasn't, rebooted the router and it's back to normal
Bufferbloat, it seems, given how consistent the pings are.
Perhaps, was torrenting ;p
@BenN s/common-ish Reddit image macro/well-known advertisement quote/
@Bob did you keep playing Hearthstone?
I just played the latest tavern brawl and got a legendary Nozdormu card from a pack I opened
Also it's cold in my room tonight... We're covered in a light coating of snow here in the midatlantic region
Supposed to get a mega blizzard on Friday, that should be interesting
Oh and iOS 9.2.1 came out today or late yesterday... Numerous huge security holes were fixed... Not happy that they existed in the first place though >:|
@allquixotic Same for us. I'm already getting things charged up.
@allquixotic A bit. Did some quests. Did alright in PvP (after losing the first couple). Faced an interesting Merloc deck :D
But I don't really want to get into deck building... seems awfully complicated.
@allquixotic Was hot and humid here last night :S
Hi. What does it take for software to install other software on windows? (Not hinting about windows store specifically - rather how that app does it?)
@deostroll essentially its a script that puts things where they need to be
msi is the 'official' way but something like NSIS would basically go "Ok, I need to add these registry entries, and create these folders, and copy over files to program files and..."
PSA: Want to make the most of your flags? Try the Tavern on the Meta.
How exactly does that help?
A chatbot actively monitors all posts submitted to the Stack Exchange network and reports those with spam patterns.
ahh smokey
I'm suprised it dosen't have its own channel
Whee I'm going to mumbai
via Chennai
Oh and anyone used a web checkin before ?
How does that work? Do I need to print the boarding pass before hand ?
Oh cool, then I can get a windows seat :D
1 hour later…
(Note that the accepted answer on that question is actually largely incorrect)
@JourneymanGeek msi installs are also transactional
I need to redo the bias lighting
@JourneymanGeek I want some sort of silent installers that don't need ui interaction?
@JourneymanGeek Speaking of which, I just got sent this in an email -_-
@deostroll Funny thing that ...
@Bob that's much too blue
even in the photos
redone. Now they're two seperate units on seperate plugs, and shouldn't fall apart any more
@deostroll "Unattended install"
@JourneymanGeek shrug I wasn't exactly looking for them
@Bob in which case
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 2 days ago, by bwDraco
We might need a CM here because I attempted to out a mod.
Any ideas on how to make sure this does not happen again?
@bwDraco just don't.
This is urgent.
If someone needs to mention anything personally identifying they will
No it is not.
...and if I post the same or similar content again, do I risk getting suspended?
I'm just afraid I might do something like this again.
Why don't you just... well not
@JourneymanGeek ?
I fear that if I don't address my self-control issues, my Stack Exchange career will come to a grinding halt with an extended suspension.
2 days ago, by bwDraco
I anticipate a network-wide suspension and may be unavailable for extended periods of time.
address it then.
2 days ago, by bwDraco
If it matters this much, just declare Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 EOL!
This was not necessary.
and stop blowing things out of proportion
2 days ago, by bwDraco
Screw enterprises. Just upgrade!
No one can fix that for you
Just count to twenty before you type anything
That's my acting out in response to Microsoft pushing the Windows 10 upgrade.
people ignored it mostly
That rant was unwarranted and my trying to push an opinion that is the exact opposite of what people want is usually the first indication of trouble.
Basically outside a few small cases, anything outside the current page of chat is irrelevant
Look, this self-control issue has to be fixed no later than the end of the month.
is someone on the internet wrong?
I'm dead serious about this and I can't risk something like this happening again.
@Burgi heh, bit of a long running issue.
Oct 14 '15 at 6:49, by DragonLord
My past is riddled with serious behavioral issues and repeated detention incidents in school.
@bwDraco quite honestly, your real issue is trying to be the center of attention
And well
you're doing it now
It's been getting progressively worse lately.
so. What do you want us to do?
For some reason, I'm doing this at an alarmingly high rate.
have a cup of tea, put your feet up and stop worrying :)
@Burgi Yes! That would help!
I fear I'll completely lose my mind at some point, so I'm in a rush to solve this problem.
@bwDraco when you start feeling angry just go make a drink
@JourneymanGeek It might be best to treat things as if I'm a problem user. No further warnings; any further occurrences will result in disciplinary action.
...starting from a kick-mute from this chat room.
@bwDraco This is not something you rush.
@bwDraco I think I know how to moderate
Very very few people, if any, benefit from pressure in this kind of situation.
That said, your issues are out of my scope as a moderator
I just can't deal with this any more.
10 mins ago, by bwDraco
I fear that if I don't address my self-control issues, my Stack Exchange career will come to a grinding halt with an extended suspension.
@bwDraco Lets start by suggesting you stop quoting yourself
I've contributed so well for the last four years and it's come down to this.
@JourneymanGeek Why?
Secondly, anything that happebed more than 20 minutes ago on chat does not matter
No changes are planned.
@bwDraco you keep doing this, and keep tying yourself in knots
You want help, start with that.
@bwDraco are you actually an angsty teenager irl?
@Burgi heh. He has had issues.
Just needed a breather.
you know how we were talking about clickbait in HNQ yesterday?
@JourneymanGeek I'm not going to take that as an absolute, but I'll try to avoid it.
that's fine
13 mins ago, by Journeyman Geek
Just count to twenty before you type anything
For the love of $DEITY, please pin this.
For my sake and for the sake of everyone in this room.
print it out and stick it on your wall ;p
I guess my pen will be my reminder.
I actually do this when I am pissed off at people I moderate ;p
Hmm. User posting question in Czech
Flagged for mod ;)
Responded with a comment (with machine translation because the user likely does not understand English)
@DavidPostill: Try starring the original chat message, not the reference to it.
i hope i am not coming down with a cold ahead of crazy party drinks on saturday
@bwDraco Yeah, I figured that out ;)
Dec 4 '15 at 10:14, by Journeyman Geek
@bwDraco I don't practice. I don't think about the greater good. I just have fun
I must be here for the wrong reason.
I guess I'll just have to take a different approach to the way I contribute to Stack Exchange.
The answer format introduced late in 2014 has itself been a source of trouble.
My focus here has always been about excellence, rather than simply having fun.
Jan 20 '15 at 2:04, by DragonLord
It's still a leap of faith for me each time I hit the Post Your Answer button, even 300 answers later
I must be trying too hard to post the best possible answers.
I exchange stacks in between the huge periods i wait for our infrastructure manager to build me a dev environment
5 months and counting btw
That answer format, inspired by Thaddeus ♦ of Science Fiction & Fantasy, was an attempt to set a new standard for answer quality as well as address readability issues present in some of my longer answers.
...and I must have set the bar too high for myself to meet.
It seems I've been pushing myself too hard.
Even today, posting a new answer is a leap of faith for me.
@bwDraco I also tend to mostly forget what I said that long ago
Now I'm just flagging spam reported by SmokeDetector at the Tavern.
@bwDraco There is nothing wrong with the format of your answers ...
@DavidPostill Compare a high-scoring answer from mid-2014 or earlier to one that has been edited more recently.
A: Why are we still using CPUs instead of GPUs?

bwDracoTL;DR answer: GPUs have far more processor cores than CPUs, but because each GPU core runs significantly slower than a CPU core and do not have the features needed for modern operating systems, they are not appropriate for performing most of the processing in everyday computing. They are most su...

^^^ This is a wall of text.
needs moar pics

 Post Quality Advice and Tips

If you're looking to improve the quality of your questions and...
Just flagging spam is a never ending task and therefore has little in the way of rewards.
@bwDraco I might have said...
Stop stressing yourself so much
And stop stressing over stress
Trying too hard to be the best.
Take a breath. Count to 20 before we hit the quote button ;)
It comes from my academic background.
I've been taught to not accept anything less than an A.
These days, I'm more likely to accept compromises, but I just hate to deliver any work that is less than optimal.
I guess the lesson to learn here is to not overwork myself. While it's good to have high standards, it's important to not overdo it in trying to achieve them.
It's vital to know your limits and to not push yourself too hard.
It's just like in athletics. Overexert yourself and you risk getting seriously injured.
@bwDraco You clearly know what you think you have to do - now go and do it ;)
@JourneymanGeek yes. I am thinking that this should be something that the software does silently
@deostroll no no
What you're looking for is called unattended imstall
Alright, thanks for your continuing support and patience. I really appreciate it. See ya soon, it's really late now.
This pen means a lot to me.
now i have to change my password :(
@Burgi Don't worry, I'm pretty sure SE chat (and Google) has a record of everyone's password by now.
Mine's on here somewhere.
Hence, I'm wearing it as a constant reminder of my commitment to improving my self-control.
Alright, gotta go. Cheers :)
this has come up on late answer reviews. neither the question or the answer are high quality. what is the best approach here?
Q: How to recover password protected power-point?

CodeItI have a powerpoint file which was written using MS Office PowerPoint 2007. When I click on my .ppt it's asking for password. I forgot my password I used to open my .ppt file. I'm using PowerPoint 2013 now.

@Burgi the answer was shit (and possible spammer trying to be smart). Question is marginal, and attracting low quality questions....
so.. deleted the answer, protected the quesion
@JourneymanGeek So many deleted answers it was near auto-protect anyway :P
i can't delete or protect. so just flag to be closed?
Pay PaI Your Account Was Opened Form Another Device
p a i ....
Yes, I sooo believe that
WHere do you guys get the cookie cutter replies from?
@Burgi some use a script, some are inserted in the review queue
I'm not a fan myself
for example, not an answer
A: Hotkey to switch between multiple displays in Windows 8.1

user548054Thank you so much, you made my day!

So xiaomi sells routers ?
And it's a wifi 802.11 ac router for a bloody cheap price
Wired Transfer Rate:
Even then it's fucking cheap
It's cheaper than my tp link!
Mine is just 11n on 2.4Ghz
That has 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz and USB port on 11n
@HackToHell I think I've been down that path before :P
Been looking at the Archer D7 for ~$125 recently.
But I really don't need more APs...
But 802.11ac!
...meh, not like that'd actually be useful here
@Bob lol, how many do you have now
@HackToHell Uh. Primary router + AP, a TL-WDR4300.
The Billion BiPAC 7800NXL is technically an AP too but I don't use it for that. It serves as a modem.
another quick question, i guess that the number under everyones avatar in the chat is their rep. why is mine ~900 when i only have ~700 on the live site?
Two TL-WR841Ns and one TL-WR740N for guest and coverage.
@Bob I figured you had five or more ;p
An old NetComm that doesn't really work.
@Burgi It's aggregate of all SE sites
A newer NetComm NF12 for higher signal strength in the bedrooms.
And a couple switches around the place.
I already have full (house) coverage, and it's mostly for internet access so speeds aren't a concern. Wired GbE for bulk internal transfer, rare as it is.
I suppose I could add better backyard coverage...
@HackToHell interesting, i take it it does not include the "free" +100 association bonus?
@Burgi I think it does
bleh can't find any cheap bluetooth receivers
which have a 3.5mm jack I can plug into
that looks cheap
there's a sony one for 20$ iirc
Friend has one, it has a nfc pairing and stuff
Might be a better idea to get it
It's 40$ :/
Hi =) I'd appreciate a very quick input on this: Is it safe to remove all the subfolder of .lnk in regedit as proposed here? The answer has a single upvote, but I just want to confirm if it's not harmful...
I guess this might not be the place, but I don't want to ask a question "Is it safe to... " on the main site, as this is probably a very simple yes/no answer.
@HackToHell even aggregated and discounting the "free" association bonus i'm down 200 rep
site	rep	Adjusted
Super User	713	613
Stack Overflow	207	107
WordPress Development	194	94
Information Security	188	88
Worldbuilding	180	80
SharePoint	179	79
Science Fiction & Fantasy	168	68
Server Fault	127	27
Arqade	112	12
Web Applications	111	11
Space Exploration	108	8
Electrical Engineering	101	1
Personal Finance & Money	101	1
Database Administrators	101	1
Aviation	101	1
Project Management	101	1
	2792	1192
@Burgi: Superuser + So
@StewieGriffin I guess you could back up/expiort your registry to be safe?
Why... i have no idea...
so is it every site above 200 rep?
Maybe... i have 13800, so yes, i guess it might be all >200
Thanks @J.Geek
@StewieGriffin in any case already having a backup is a good idea, especially when running commands you arn't sure about
Hmm. VTC needed.
Q: UDP: bind: Address already in use

ar2015I have C++ codes to test UDP. A client and a server. When I try to run both on one PC, I receive the following error: bind: Address already in use Why do I receive this error? and is there any way to fix it? ifconfig ---> myIP server sends to port 1617 client listens to 192....

My car got a dusting of snow last night
Please read the comments and vote accordingly ;)
The amount of snow my car got is analogous to writing a Hello World program in C++ in preparation for writing Firefox. From scratch.
(compared to what's coming tomorrow and over the weekend)

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