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@Ramhound anything the site is selling is well known spam, posted over and over
Argh. New PC has been delivered while I was not at home. Great!
...to neighbours who are no longer home....
Yay. New tablet was delivered right as I was walking out the door. Great! :D (I took it in person from the mail person)
@DavidPostill Or the asker could just restore from backups. :)
@Hennes I find this behavior so utterly flabbergasting
How can they consider "delivered" an item that was delivered to a 3rd-party?
Unless specifically stated by myself, if you deliver an item to my neighbor, you're not delivering it to me
Even worse: "We left your $5k laptop by your doorstep. kthxbai."
I can understand the ease for some low value packets
(Ease, not approve off).
But for EUR 600 worth of stuff. F-no!
@ThatBrazilianGuy have had it happen
I have never seen it here in Brazil, but looks like it is frequent overseas.
Interesting product at CES:
Sounds like this will be the new standard thermal solution for upcoming AMD processors.
AMD has had a history of complaints with noisy stock CPU coolers. This should silence (ha) those complaints.
@bwDraco Ha! -_-
I suppose it'll be the standard only for high-end processor models (Black Edition parts, etc.) but that is a major improvement nonetheless.
Q: CPU is hot and CPU fan making very many RPMs and much noise. (CPU fan not listed in speedfan)

joelOn Saturday I replaced the motherboard of my computer because my old motherboard wasn't working anymore. Everything went well, and after some tries my PC was booting and working! I noticed the CPU fan was making a lot of noise. I downloaded cpuid hwmonitor. The CPU was in idle state at 50 - 60 de...

Bigger fan certainly helps, but looks like AMD did some work optimizing for low noise.
The fan itself is thicker in addition to being wider, for what it's worth.
1 hour later…
Anyone experienced with smartmontool? I can't understand the output
@CanadianLuke Time to replace the disk :/
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct 0x0033 133 133 140 Pre-fail Always FAILING_NOW 1963
Q: SMART-status: reallocated_sector_ct FAILING_NOW

RobOn my HDD which I've put in my Synoglogy NAS DS207+ I see this SMART-status: Is there any way to fix or circumvent this issue? Is there any way to fix this by partitioning (the disk is 1TB) (If this question should be in AskUbuntu please comment or move)

197 Current_Pending_Sector 0x0032 200 200 000 Old_age Always - 17 is bad too
so yeah, time to buy a new disk
A: SMART-status: reallocated_sector_ct FAILING_NOW

ChrisYes, the only way to fix this issue is to do a backup and replace this drive. Why do you want to risk data on this drive when clearly there are physical issues already reported by S.M.A.R.T.? From Wikipedia: Reallocated Sectors Count - Potential indicator of imminent electromechanical fai...

Both disks? Or just one?
just sda
OK, weird question then... Why is this the output of cat /proc/mdsat:
# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md3 : active raid1 sda5[0]
      898226287 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]

md2 : active raid1 sda4[0]
      2929686340 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]

md1 : active raid1 sda3[0]
      78123904 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]

md0 : active raid1 sda2[0]
      976551 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]

unused devices: <none>
Unfortunately, this was the first warning a hard drive is failing
Or am I booting off of the wrong disk?
I tried adding /dev/sdb[2,3,4,5] to the array, but it failed after starting to resync the data
@CanadianLuke The first disk is failing. The second one looks OK (but I'm no expert).
I'm going to try to reboot from the second drive... BRB
Wait... Does that even make sense...
/dev/sda bad, /dev/sdb good. I don't know anything about raid.
@DavidPostill I saw it as the opposite based on the smartctl results
@allquixotic Really?
# smartctl /dev/sda -a
smartctl 5.41 2011-06-09 r3365 [x86_64-linux-3.2.0-4-amd64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-11 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net

Device Model: WDC WD4001FAEX-00MJRA0
Serial Number: WD-WCC130199842


SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: FAILED!
Drive failure expected in less than 24 hours. SAVE ALL DATA.
where'd you get that from? I was looking at this.
I just cut 'n' paste from that link???
# smartctl /dev/sdb -a
smartctl 5.41 2011-06-09 r3365 [x86_64-linux-3.2.0-4-amd64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-11 by Bruce Allen, http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net

Device Model: WDC WD4003FZEX-00Z4SA0
Serial Number: WD-WCC5D2SUAJ4H


SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
okay, but sdb looks fucked up too
> Error 276 occurred at disk power-on lifetime: 8500 hours (354 days + 4 hours)
Am I going crazy? That says /dev/sda bad, /dev/sdb good.
there are errors in the SMART log for sdb, so that one isn't healthy either, though it may last longer than sda
Crap... Well, there goes that idea...
I missed the bit about the failed for sda
so I'd say, sda bad, sdb slightly less bad but still damn dodgy
Did a DSDT through the BIOS, and both drives seem bad... I think when I get the new drive (eta tomorrow), I'll let sda clone over, get the array going on a known-good drive, then replace the other -.-
At least it's only the imaging server... And the backup server...
Ah, OK I didn't scroll to the end ...
@CanadianLuke your main servers' disks don't happen to be the same make and model, same firmware, and same production run, do they? because they could potentially fail at the same time your backups are dead
No, they're always bought separately... We don't believe in buying in batch for server stuff... Laptops and desktops, on the other hand...
disks of different make/model, or manufactured far apart in time, are astronomically unlikely to fail together, but disks from the same run have been shown repeatedly to fail "together"
The two disks above are different "Device Model"s
They're black drives. I know, don't use them for RAID, but unless we get more funding, we can't do everything properly
just go on strike until they order RE enterprise-grade drives with 1M hours MTBF :)
Can't, not union
We get RE drives for our main servers, but not our backup servers
HGST if you're slumming it with consumer drives
Hmmph. They are not proper backup servers then. Your main servers fail because of whatever and your restore fails because all the backup drives failed. Shit creek and no paddle ...
HGST for the win
which reminds me. I need to reorganise/clear up space
Who will get fired when you have a disaster non recovery?
my scratch drive is full :(
my belly is full, and it can store more .pizza files than anyone else's in this entire state probably
also, bad dog!, you shouldn't scratch drive platters, you know that costs your human money!
*threatens with rolled up newspaper*
Only the dead ones ;p
Scratch drive is a less dead DOID :p
Drive of Impending Doom
oh, right, you told me that one before
why did I forget
I found it useful so stuck a 250gb drive for transient files
Oct 22 '15 at 13:25, by allquixotic
@JourneymanGeek DOID?
Oct 17 '13 at 15:02, by allquixotic
@JourneymanGeek DOID? sounds like a guy with a stuffy nose trying to say DROID
apparently I ask you what a DOID is every October
also, razer's making a lot of neat stuff
rep capped again ;) 6 times in 8 days (and one 199)
Oct 22 '15 at 13:25, by Bob
Oct 17 '13 at 15:02, by allquixotic
@JourneymanGeek DOID? sounds like a guy with a stuffy nose trying to say DROID
their new laptop's awesome seeming (dual core core i7, with an optional docking bay over USB-C/Thunderbolt3 which'll take a desktop video card) and a pretty nice looking smartwatch.
though I'm still saving up for a GTX1080M-based Alienware 15"
I don't need another laptop tho
I just can't stomach the concept of buying another 28nm video card
my x220 is good for a few more years
also it's possible that in 1 year a 2 GB SSD might be more affordable than $999
My desktop's pretty much good until stuff fails.
I was wondering ;p
I suspect it will be
imagine if I were 67 years old, then I'd go, "also it's possible that in 1 year a 2 KB SSD might be more affordable than $999"
especially if you cheap out and get TLC or its a dramless controller
or if I were 45 I'd go "also it's possible that in 1 year a 2 MB SSD might be more affordable than $999"
wouldn't have been an SSD then tho
Q: What does putting ls grep D on a linux command prompt actually do?

help computer scienceType: ls | grep D Try other letters as well as D. Explain what happens and how this is an example of a pipe.

Well, if I'm only taking over stuff, and keep getting denied (in writing) by the person with the purchasing power, then I'm going to say, not me. I'll still feel the brunt of it, but I'll just print out the emails
@CanadianLuke Sounds like your ass is covered ;)
For now... Public employee though
We also have off-site backups too
Phew ;)
@allquixotic I'm still thinking 250gb + 1-3 tb for storage + a drive for transient data works well for me
But Monday, I asked for a new hard drive, and a new server. The server I'm replacing has been in service for 7 years... We typically are expected to replace them every 5, but they needed to wait for money
@CanadianLuke ow
technical debt sucks
So, I got the hard drive ordered... and now I know I need a new one, but they won't spring for the RE drive for a backup server. I may need to alter its use
@allquixotic my last workplace had a batch of about 50 drives of a specific WD model that would fail
Oh, lovely...
so.. could get worse
A: What kinds of security vulnerabilities does providing DNSSEC expose?

Paul VixieDNSSEC has some risks, but they are not directly related to reflection or amplification. The EDNS0 message size expansion is a red herring in this case. Let me explain. Any exchange of packets that does not depend on a previous proof of identity is subject to abuse by DDoS attackers who can use ...

> In closing, I want to expose my biases. I wrote most of BIND8, I invented EDNS0, and I co-invented DNS RRL. I've been working on DNS since 1988 as a 20-something, and I am now grumpy 50-something, with less and less patience for half-baked solutions to misunderstood problems. Please accept my apologies if this message sounds too much like "hey you kids, get offa my lawn!"
@JourneymanGeek holy shit...
@allquixotic paul fucking vixie
Native ads, promoted content (Taboola et al.), ads on everything in an article (text, image, page interstitial), pop-up/pop-under, full-page ads...
The online content publishing business is getting insanely hard to stay competitive in and the victims are everyday readers.
These days, it seems the only choice for an ad-driven site to stay afloat (let alone make a solid profit) is to monetize everything. Banners alone are not enough.
Your thoughts on this?
1 hour later…
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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