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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

this is pretty shiny, if you had something that only periodically needed internet access on a pi 0
@qasdfdsaq What was your old one, and what's your new one?
@qasdfdsaq That's more for the safety briefings and to be able to hear instructions in case of emergency, IIRC
Huh. S5 is now $400
My home internet seems to be down.
Fiber land Sharks
Oh the connection is there.
So did you check with WholeFrickingWebDownOrJustMe.com?
Homeplug was down
restarted one of the nodes and I'm good
...down? o.O
Q: How to shrink a Windows 10 partition

kdbanmanI use a big single partition on a 1TB platter drive with Windows 10. I would like to shrink the partition down so that I can mirror the drive to a smaller but faster 256GB SSD. I bought the drive without planning much. (Oops.) I saw that I'm only using 195GB and thought, "damn why don't I spe...

Yea like thats gonna work. I am now using 195Gig and (why it is just so small) that it would fit on a 256G disk, that probably formats out to 240, and will be filled in 2 months or less.
Great idea there to put on SSD, but the law of "find a hole and fill it" says you probably need a much better clean-up and orginisation before tossing out the HD.
My PC produces a fair amount of heat running full tilt
And Why all the trouble? any good cloning programs will clone to a smaller disk as long as the data will fit on it. Why nobody mentions that 1 good program , would beat piddling with BS and 3 half-way done thing.
@JourneymanGeek FF at almost 3 GB commit and still running smoothly :D
It used to crap out around the 2 GB commit mark.
(I have a memory leak on my desktop for some reason, probably graphics drivers...)
Physical memory usage is 36% of 24 GB
So that's fine too
@Bob discovering memory leak after installing 64Bit browser ?
People like me instead suspect that the browser dun found a hole and filled it ;-)
@Psycogeek Nah I knew I had one
I've had it for several years now
even in the 32-bit version
chrome gets around this problem easily, opens 50 32bit processes and only leaks to 2 gig in each :-)
Works fine on laptops and at work but leaks on my home desktop.
@Psycogeek I don't mind the higher memory usage.
It was problematic with the 32-bit version because the browser would start glitching and crashing when it exhausted its address space.
I'm perfectly fine with the browser going over 10 GB commit if it wants.
I have plenty of free RAM. And a large page file on the caching SSD too.
i think my browser has at most used about 1Gig, but i am the one that wonders how 15K of text and 340K of pictures , and 7K of javajunk ammounts to 2 gig.
We used to run whole computing system with 8gig , now the browser thinks it deserves that?
@Bob I used to have random graphical issues when I passed 1.2gb ;p
(also, outside of our two oldest boxen, everything runs 64 bit firefox here now)
Multiculturally appropriate greetings all!
@bertieb have a nice day!
@JourneymanGeek Thanks :) You too!
I suppose it is important for a browser to cache all of a youtube, that a person would never watch again in thier whole life, and ad-blocking alone probably takes 5gig or so :-) just for the list of things to block.
Any luck on the job hunting front?
Aw :-/ Still got my fingers crossed - resultant typing impairment notwithstanding - for a decent place to recognise your obvious talents soon!
Had one set of interviews but they decided not to fill the role
Ah, shame- do you have anything else lined up?
And if I'm asking too many personal questions please say!
top500.org/system/177170 is this a 4megaWatt computer? how much would it cost in power alone to run such a system where you are? I calculate about $1300 per hour here. gee gotta have one of those.
@bertieb got some applications out
but in my experience you have less than 1 interview per 20-30 applications
@JourneymanGeek Ouch, that's a disheartening ratio :-/
@bertieb that's reality ;p
I'll manage
I'd note by the time I get to an interview, I do ok
@JourneymanGeek I never agreed to such a harsh reality! :P
Here's hoping for another interview soon, in that case
@JourneymanGeek any reason you're already looking for a new job?
@ekaj I lost my job?
oh I didn't know that, sorry to hear it
what happened?
so.. I tried to have Windows "refresh" itself because it wouldn't boot (BSOD) and now it won't even enter recovery. It just BSODs, reboots, BSODs, reboots, etc. How can I get it to boot external media now? Since UEFI came out it seems the usual keyboard shortcuts don't work..
@ekaj company restructured
shutup clippy -.-
@Seth have you tried this? askubuntu.com/questions/374931/…
aha, I managed to get F10 to get me into the BIOS/UEFI/whatever.
This is an odd question..
Q: How to reduce performance of storage server?

Zhengyuan LiuI want the storage server to reduce performance after licence expired instead of power off which seems to be violent. I have considered limit net speed,however some customer may just use Fibre Channel to communication. As a storage server, it mainly access data through disk, so how to limit disk ...

2 hours later…
my desktop's going to be busy today
compressing a VHD
and once that's done, need to reencode some video
what you using to reencode?
I used that (it has some magical Nvidia NVENC tool bundled with it) to reencode a 41 GB video to 20 GB without losing any perceivable quality in about an hour
I was going to use handbrake
I'll give it a shot. ~30 minutes left of 2 hours to compress a backup of my dad's old HDD
not sure what to do with the AVCHD bunch of folders one of these is in, but I really can't do anything with my desktop till its done ;p
I set a large dictionary size, and its pretty much using ~95 persent of my memory, and all my CPU....
@allquixotic did you need to compile it yourself?
ahh found it
just a downloadable binary :)
yeah, found it
handles blue ray folders too... so pretty good. Lets see how this works tho ;p
@JourneymanGeek was 2 GB commit where it had issues. private working set could have appeared lower.
sounds about right
You two have already had Christmas the time when it would've made sense to open presents if you actually worshipped/practiced/observed/faked Christmas, so... Merry Christmas! :S (feels weird saying that) ... my Xmas is due to arrive in 3-6 hours
and my Xmas is more of a commercial gathering to celebrate "yay, here's what we can do with our money!" than anything else
Happy holidays everyone!
@allquixotic lol. Merry Christmas to you too. And you @Mokubai.
It's 7:30 PM here :P
@Bob we're just starting the day. Hope you had a good one.
Eh, same as most other days.
See allq's message :P
pretty much ;p
@allquixotic 0_0
Holy crap, nvenc is fast
Need to toy with quality settings but looks good.
@Psycogeek Idea why these are sold together?
The first one is kind of diffuser that creates softlight in a shape of ring... No idea what this is used for while second is softbox.
Merry Xmas all ;)
you too
btw, @DavidPostill, are there any purely pagan activities that are associated with xmas in UK?
(I mean aside from decorating evergreen trees and giving gifts, because those are not thought of as "pagan traditions" anymore)
@tereÅ¡ko Not on the 25th. The "druids" celebrate the winter solstice druidry.org/druid-way/teaching-and-practice/druid-festivals/…. The usual suspects were at Stonehenge a few days ago.
so you have a separate thing .. hmm
heh, I guess it's just in Baltics where people just merged all the solstice traditions in the xmas eve/day
Of course Xmas is now not really a religious celebration at all, more of an excuse to spend money (consumers) and make a profit (suppliers). Most of what we now traditionally do at Xmas is a new tradition (last 200 years).
@DavidPostill Druids? Never took them as party members. They combined spiritiual spelles with magic spells but they had limit of levels for spells they can learn. To me it's better to pick one who is dedicated to master one skill than multiple.
@Boris_yo i dont know, because they can be used togehter? the right one looks like it is intended to be used as a flash attachement. i found that a piece of white cardboard and changing the angle of the flash head (straight up bounce off the cardboard) did the same thing for the total costs of Free, because the cardboard came with some packaging :-)
@Boris_yo lol for the D&D reference.
led rings can be very useful for macro shots, many things make macro shots hard, holding still enough, getting close enough, and the camera blocking all other lighting your trying to use. for non moving objects one of them "copy stands" and any ol magnifying glass has worked out for very close macro shots. copystands , solid mount for camera 2 cheezy light sockets .
. . . because that copystand was already here as used for slow time RGB scanning stuff a long time ago in a far off land , complete with RGB filter wheel. so it still works to "hold camera" have lights with those snake bendy holders to aim.
My cardboard reflector attachment for the flash, dangling there with a piece of tape, also requires zero extra space , can be flipped in, in seconds, and is not at all as good as proper difusion, but I dont use a downstream flash that often anyways.
because (i know) you want to see what crasy shit like that looks like :-)
to take live pics of a led , close enough to see the tiny wiring that connects the emitters, but mostly to just see how it works.
@Psycogeek You place looks like McGyver's laboratory...
@Boris_yo even cleaned-up it looks far worse than that, and spreads for many tens of feet.
there is so much crap on my electronics workbench, that i usually assemble things just from stuff that is still laying out, because I knew i would someday need it, so why put it away :-) laundry looks like that at times too
That is what i mean by copy stand, the B/W video camera i finnaly tossed out. the lights are aimed all assbackwards because it isnt being used as a copy stand again. plus there was 2X swing arm tube florecent lamp things attached to it also. just about any combo of light could be klumisily moved into place, all cheap stuff.
3 hours later…
There's no end to WOOT's imagination...
Hello from Singapore
Also merry Christmas
In the hotel with the ship on top? ;p
Nah, out on the street eating Street food.
They sell some nice tourist SIM cards with 100GB 4G data for like $15 at the airport.
Lau Pa Sat?
so apparently data is cheap in singapore
either that or I need to go to the airport -_-
Makansutra gluttons bay
I have nooooo idea where that is
There's some Chinese dude singing English Christmas songs by the bay
Everything's so shiny here.
@Bob that data plan sounds ludiciously cheap
Even by singapore standards
@JourneymanGeek It does.
Prolly time limited or something
100 GB/4G here would be... uhh... probably at least $500?
Maybe down to $300-$400 if you manage to catch a special.
Dunno how much at airports though.
oh, I think you can do that for maybe 150. And/or clever use of data price caps
(basically there's a maximum amount over the base amount you can be charged by an ISP for data. So, in theory if you accidentally leave youtube playing multiple 4k videos all day... you're still fine. One something)
@JourneymanGeek ...o.O
My current one is $10/GB over included, and I don't think there's a limit. That's on the mobile broadband one.
The other one is 5c/MB, which is crazy.
Yeah it's a time limited tourist offer
Huh. Singtel.
They own Optus iirc
> Singtel Optus Pty Limited
@qasdfdsaq I love how they advertise it as 5 or 10 days stay.
100 GB in 5 days, while travelling? That would actually be difficult to use.
Hm. Wonder what the non-promo one gives.
A few GB. There's a ton at the kiosk for anything from 5 days to 60 days, I didn't pay much attention
TBH, I could download a couple blu-rays over 4G with that, faster than my hotel wifi anyway. But I guess the idea is "practically unlimited"
Just like the advertised "unlimited minutes" is actually something like 3000
@qasdfdsaq Yea, you could always just queue up a few giant downloads (and hope local towers aren't too slow). But just normal usage I'd be surprised if most people could use a tenth of that.
The unlimited minutes are always fun.
I normally use 1-2GB a month at home, and I'm in turn surprised by people complaining 10-20GB packages are "way too low"
lemme see if I can dig up one of my earlier contracts...
So each to their own I suppose
I don't really watch videos on mobile. But even streaming music is starting to use an increasingly large chunk.
Oh, they changed it. "43,200 minutes" now.
That's exactly 30 days :P
Used to have all these weird rules on "unlimited". How much you could use per day, stuff like that.
So you can talk 24/7 for 30 days out of 31 in a month
@qasdfdsaq Nah, this is a 30-day plan I'm looking at.
I don't use them anymore. My current one is some "$550" /month
People call me insane for paying £80 a month
@qasdfdsaq Sorry, I mean: I pay .. $18/month. They give me "$550 value" and take some "included" call/text services out of that.
It's a really stupid and convoluted pricing system, but that's how they traditionally do mobile plans here.
Some more recent plans are starting to give you "minutes" and "messages" now.
We used to have a mix of that
"Flext" plans and so forth.
They used to call it a "cap" plan. Like "$300 cap".
They stopped after a lawsuit.
Something about it not really being capped.
It makes overage charges ridiculous. So you pay $18/month. You get "$550" in the plan. And they charge 99c/min for actual calls.
So effective rate of 3c/min? As long as you stay under the limit. Above it and you're suddenly paying a real 99c/min.
@qasdfdsaq What do you get for that? o.O
Assuming it includes the phone, of course.
Ouch. I just realised I'm actually charged 10c/MB for data, if I go over the 1.5 GB limit.
$100/GB :S
Lol I'm charged £6 per MB while roaming
Hence why I got the local SIM
P.S. That's what I meant by everything's so shiny around here
I just don't do roaming. But apparently it's 50c/MB on this plan, so it's not quite as ridiculous as some others. Still crazy high compared to a local SIM.
@qasdfdsaq Heh, literally.
What's on top of the hotel?
According to Google, its a boat
But in reality it's an infinity pool
@qasdfdsaq I mean, what's actually up there, if you go up?
Just a pool?
TIL infinity pool...
And bars
Looks like it'd be both cool and terrifying at the same time :P
FFS this wifi is so shit it's taken me 5 minutes and Ive still not managed to switch map in my MMO
It's more terrifying than anything
(I'm probably the only non-swimming Australian)
@qasdfdsaq Why are you even on wifi, with that mobile plan?
Cause I'm still scanning which nets are on which LTE bands on the phone
I'm pretty sure most public wifi I've encountered is worse than GPRS
never actually managed to load a speed test, so who knows
Also you'd ASSUME that premium fibre connected wifi would be... useable
I'm used to hotel wifi being excellent in Switzerland
@qasdfdsaq It doesn't do auto?
Every place I went had a reliable, stable, 40Mbps symmetric at the very least
Auto? Who the fuck uses auto.
Huh. I wouldn't know... only ever tried hotel wifi in China/HK/Taiwan, and only ever tried public wifi in Sydney.
Also auto is broken
@qasdfdsaq I've never set a network manually.
Stick the SIM in => it just connects to the correct network
Might help that we only have three networks here.
Auto rarely selects the right band
Here there's a total of five available. Auto starts me off on the second worst and then locks onto the absolute worst after a minute
I don't think my phone lets me choose a band in the first place
The fact that mine does is one of the main reasons I bought it
Is it a Samsung thing?
Also the Singaporeans seem to like overdriving their mobile masts
Hm... apparently I do get some limited choice.
And they have some interesting ones at street level
My previous phone only let me choose the network itself.
@qasdfdsaq How can you tell which is the worst? Or just trial and error?
That, and some basic parameter readings
Hmm, seems like there are zero band 20 networks in Singapore
Hm. There's a 50513 GSM network. Wonder what that is.
> 505-13 is RailCorp, used for their digital radio network
Yeah we have a GSM-R network in the UK thats the equivalent
> Singtel is currently running 4G on LTE1800/2600. In July 2015, Singtel enhanced our 4G network to run 4G on LTE900 at selected locations.
So 3, 7 and 8
They only have 7 and 8 here.
5Mhz on 8, 20Mhz on 7
@qasdfdsaq Seems like that's what it actually is here. GSM-R.
They also have 5Mhz WCDMA on 8
And 10Mhz+ on 1
Do they have VoLTE?
Consumer phones shouldn't be able to receive GSM-R, its in a band that is out of range
> Meanwhile, Telecommunication operators, the Australian Telecommunications-Regulator ACMA, and rail-operators are in a discussion about whether to free up spectrum in the DCS-1800 band for public mobile services.
Seems like we use a different band than the UK.
Wait, sorry. Singtel only have band 8 and 3 here, nothing on 7
WCDMA band 8, which should be the slowest, is actually the fastest. Band 1 is broken. LTE band 8 is exectedly slow as fuck, whereas band 7 is barely receivable and the phone will never lock on in auto mode
So you're just in an area with poor reception/saturated towers?
How slow is slow, anyway? What's the actual speed?
Towers aren't saturated, autoswitching is just puttting people on the wrong band
WCDMA-8 does about 16Mbps. LTE-8 does about 2Mbps. WCDMA-1 does about 0.1Mbps.
LTE-7 spikes to 40Mbps+ during the fractions of a second it can communicate
Decent, ouch, wow, and pity you can't use the last one
I can
It's coming from the east side of town. If I put my phone on the edge of my private balcony, it gets 45Mbps down, 30Mbps up.
Oh. Maybe pick up an external antenna while you're there? :P
Inside, with the doors shut (yes, glass blocks RF) if I angle it just right I get a consistent 26Mbps down, 15 up.
Which is better than the hotel wifi which is capped at 4Mbps. And unreliable
Now I just have to find a way of getting a charger cable to my phone in that location :-/
That's better than what I can get with line-of-sight to the tower ~300m away :S
The 45/30 anyway.
20Mhz BW LTE has a typical max speed of 150Mbps.
I often see ~100Mbps (again, capped) in the UK on lightly loaded sites.
10Mhz bandwidth gives about 75Mbps, and I often see 65Mbps+
You and your fast internet :P
I don't think I've ever hit 50, let alone gone higher.
UK is pretty high up in the ranks overall.
Edinburgh, where I used to live, also tended to rank top 3 in the UK for average speeds on all networks.
So yeah. Lucky me :-
In Singapore there's a crapton of latency though to the EU
@qasdfdsaq Heh. That's basically my life trying to access anything in the US or Europe.
@JourneymanGeek You're welcome. :D
That was me on the hotel WiFi. This is on the reasonably angled phone while indoors:
Most modern multiplayer games don't particularly like 200-400ms RTT.
wait 16ms ping wtf
Yay, rep. Yay, badges.
Yeah, ok. Typical speedtest misreporting
@Bob On the hotel wifi with 180ms RTT I still couldn't even log on
BTW, I've passed the 30 Mbps mark when combining my Verizon LTE and the Karma WiFi (which I decided not to return yet; VPNs help) with Speedify
Logging on usually isn't the problem, but actually playing the game... it's not very nice when there's half a second of delay to any action -_-
Turn-based games are still fine, obviously. And MMORPGs aren't too bad.
@allquixotic Is that peak or off-peak?
if my Verizon is pulling 25 Mbps, getting another 5 isn't a huge deal, and probably not worth $50, but it's nice for game downloads
@Bob That's exactly how bad it is. You can't even log in, 9 times out of 10, let alone do anything without being disconnected 20 seconds later
@Bob very much off-peak
On the mobile phone, works first time :-/
@qasdfdsaq Yea, that's more likely lots of packet loss on the hotel wifi.
a) FFS. Seriously. WTF.
b) Yay for hotel wifi
c) Yay for 100GB time-limited freebie
@Bob Packet loss wasn't that bad. Plus it's a 5Ghz only network
5Ghz only at the airport too. Seems to be popular around here
Hm. Interesting.
@qasdfdsaq that bad? :P
Anything more than 0 is already bad.
only about 2%?
Ah. Dunno how well your games handle it but CS would be highly annoying at best.
MMOs aren't too bad, they often use TCP
It really doesn't compensate for missing packets at all, so your action has a 2% chance of just disappearing. That's really fun when, say, you reload and 5 secs later you realise the reload never happened and you're out.
I'm used to much higher loss on mobile connections anyway while in transit
Also on mobile (and this hotel) the loss is bursty
Those are great too. Moving fine, then you teleport forward and back half the map for a few secs until the connection stabilises. (that's what happenes when someone saturates limited ADSL upstream and ping spikes to >1s for a bit)
But, yea, MMOs and TCP definitely cope better.
Yeah I was just warping around randomly, not moving, then disconnected ad infinitum on the hotel wifi
Works flawlessly over 4G. Urgh. Guess it's not just the UK where free/complimentary wifi sucks balls
But I'm spoilt. In Estonia's airports and busses, you get 20Mbps fibre backhauled. And it works superbly. Same in most Swiss hotels.
Free = everyone uses it + usually shitty equipment = saturated network (usually).
At least that's how it works here.
Doesn't help that fibre is rare.
Its not saturated at all most of the time, nor is it often shitty equipment. That's whats odd
This hotel is running all-5Ghz Aruba kit.
The airport was running all-5Ghz Cisco kit at high density
Yea, I have no explanation for that then :P
Both of which work just fine in the enterprise environments I've worked with them in
My last employer had close to 4000 daily users running off 600+ Cisco APs.
Never had these sorts of issues
My last real attempt at using public wifi was nearly half a decade ago too, so that doesn't help. Kinda gave up on it and just carried my own around with me.
Oh and Madrid had pretty decent Extricom roaming grids too, only the AP serving my room was broken
Most of the busses and trains wifi sucks, everywhere I've tried. So I never even bother, and just use my own
Poor maintenance, maybe?
@Bob fq_codel
Penny pinching.
I've seen plenty of signage on trains and buses failing.
Hotels I expect to be better, because it's not free or public. It's part of the service you pay for. And supposedly access-controlled
The scrolling LED displays, and some camera monitors on buses.
Generally it's a shitty connection caused by the constant vibrations, and they never bother to fix it.
I could see that happening to the APs, depending on how they're set up.
Also, really shitty auto-band selection mechanics
Quad-LTE APs getting stuck on 2G because of RNC firmware version mismatches...
@allquixotic shrug that would require effort and a re-flash of the modem :P
It could be connected at 300Mbps... but it's connected at 0.03Mbps.
@qasdfdsaq Would that fall under shitty equipment?
No, shitty network-defined band selection parameters
The client equipment doesn#t usually have a say in the reselection criteria
You could say shitty mobile-provider side equipment, but meh.
Poor setup on the part of whoever's responsible for that side, then..?
I'd prefer the term "doing it wrong" to "shitty equipment"
Argh 1:30am
I've been up for 26 hours.. And need to be up tomorrow at 9
Hey at least I have remote controlled curtains, lights, and air con.
Sleep time for you then :P
4:30 AM here. I should probably disappear too.
I can even remote control my lights at home in the UK from here
Yes, I'm that nerdy
@qasdfdsaq Make them flash and annoy your neighbours.
Neighbours won't care, I have blackaout blinds stuck down
Anyway, I'm actually out. 'night.
lol the towel shelf has its own night light
Night Bob
intentional non-ping so as not to wake you if you already left
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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