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> FYI: the "CS-101" course is a really really basic introduction to computational thinking. If you want intro programming you probably want CS106A, which hasn't been put into this format yet.
XD, thats fine too
AI has no programming assignments, its more a theoretical introduction to probability and such
this school threw me into a year 3 managementy IT module in the first term
I need a class which gets me into the nitty-gritty of data structures
@Sathya I'd like that too, guess I simply need the follow ups for all these courses :P
@IvoFlipse hehe
I actually like the DB-class a lot, if only because it shows how to actually use a DB instead of telling you how it works and let you figure out why that's even useful
I write probably one of the longest answers I've ever written on SO & I get no votes :(
A: Query two databases with Oracle SQL Developer

SathyaYes, that's possible. Connections in SQL Developer won't help you - you will have to setup a database link from your Oracle database to the SQL Server database. Before creating a database link, you'll have to setup a Heterogeneous gateway to connect to the SQL Server. General steps include: ...

I wrote an application without using joins and foreign keys, simply because its daunting to use it if you don't know how it works
@Sathya I pity you fool ;)
My HN post is getting tons of votes, \o/
@IvoFlipse whee!
Also, in other news, I have crossed 105 answers on SO!
not bad
hopefully next year I'll actually know enough of programming to supply real answers :P
next to my high score questions :P
yay that!
I must have one of the highest upvote ratio's on SO
especially when you apply a penalty for asking only a few questions
just to prevent it from skewing to one person asking a 700 upvote question or something
time for my phase4 kickoff meeting. Thankfully, it's online via livemeeting
oh, wait, it's noon already
good luck @Sathya
hi @slhck
so, what's new? :)
apart from @Ivo being upvote magnet, nothing else :P
@IvoFlipse readability also went free, fwiw
right must focus on meeting
@Sathya Readability wasn't free?
it had some $$ attached to it
oh it had an app, I didn't know that, just used the bookmark
hm, this class should have started 10 minutes ago
@Sathya I already pay for Instapaper
though the I hate marco for making me pay for the ipad version :@
I just throw everything into Chrome Bookmarks ™!
@slhck Well that's a deep pit
I have a ton of them and I never know how to get the right stuff out
Yeah, it's the worst, actually
it even stripped all the descriptions of all the favicons, which is neat for my bookmarkbar, but it totally sucks when I look at my bookmarks
But I somehow haven't figured out an easier way to organize. Don't want to use any other apps for that.
I want Google to fix it
@IvoFlipse ah that happened to me too
ugh, that's not really useful :/
duplicated all my bookmarks - one with full descriptions - one w/o
@slhck the understatement of the year :P
Does anyone know if I can store pictures on Picasa Web albums in their original size
Assuming I pay for the storage that is
Nope, haven't used it yet, sorry
@IvoFlipse they are stored in original size right?
erg. school wireless is sucking today
@Sathya I believe Picasa resizes them while uploading
3872×2592 pixels – 2451KB
Hmmm that seems pretty full size
Tempted to get space on Picasa then to backup my collection
if only because if I want to show them to others I can easily create galleries
@IvoFlipse how much is Picasa pricing?
I'm a flickr pro user
$25 /yr
20$/year for 80 Gb
its even shared between Gmail and Google Docs
I might upload a lot of my files/ebooks to Google Docs then ;P
oh ok
That's actually pretty cheap
yeah, though on second thought its only useful as backup of my pdfs
not as actual storage/library
congress is filled with poopyheads
they only got pizza as veggies when they were young, what else do you expect
> These changes are in addition to others that prevent the USDA from limiting the amount of white potatoes, corn, lima beans, and green peas served on school lunch trays. Senators from several potato-growing states worked that into the bill before it went to the House and the change stuck.
I'm uploading a random folder of documents to Google Docs, but I fear if I upload all my university documents too It would get increasingly hard to actually find stuff
I mean queries are more likely to get random hits, especially when I don't know what I'm looking for exactly
@IvoFlipse Does that mean you'd entirely work in Google Docs?
or just synchronize every now and then?
naah, I'd just keep it as a backup of older files
I wouldn't be working on them, just as a reference for 'if' I need them
> Convert documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and drawings to the corresponding Google Docs format
Uhh best not with all these presentations, I fear that's going to corrupt them
its optional i think
@JourneymanGeek It is, just not sure if I should use it
oh I just found out those folders are 45 Gb large :P
guess I'm not uploading them after all :P
@IvoFlipse lol, what do you keep in there?
>_> everything
all my important uni stuff fits in 4.5 GB, that's half the size of my Dropbox
Every presentation I ever had in college
But I think there's also some raw data from my bachelor/master thesis in there
ah, raw data is nasty :P
yup 20 Gb worth of raw data :P
I usually toss mine, they tend to be crap
i mean presentations
They are, but my field is rather specialized, so its not like there's a ton of books out there I could pick up instead
just read that @JourneymanGeek was tossing crap
auch, I have 355 Mb of storage just for my literature review (mostly pdfs I read)
@IvoFlipse What's your field, actually?
Human Movement Science or Kinesiology
And you've got your Master's already?
yeah, I graduated 3 years ago
but I wasted time on SU and Google Reader instead of reading programming books during the first two years :P
I can somehow relate to that
eh, 28, working on my first degree
and i didn't have SU to blame! ;p
@JourneymanGeek Says someone with >20k :P
ah well, gotta go anyway, have lunch, get stuff done
well, honestly i have no clue how that happened
yay, i just stumped the lecturer ;p
1 hour later…
woo, I've now hit my first ever 10k on SE over at Gaming
I got a 44% score for my last AI homework :( Stupid ambiguous questions
is AI the one where you get stuck with your first score? or they one you can retry?
stuck, for a whole freaking week
I made it 10 days ago, over the course of which a lot of information was added or rather people raised issues/ambiguities that didn't exactly make it easier to answer it
ah well, Peter Norvig said he was happy if we thought deeply about it, well mission f***** accomplished
1 hour later…
@DMA57361 Skyrim has got me a lot closer to 10k on Gaming.SE.
Probably will be my second site next to Super User that I hit 10k on, so I might want to consider to invest more time in that community...
@TomWijsman it tipped me over the edge, but I was close anyway; I suspect you're nearly one of the top skyrim guys, you've been pretty active in the tag?
@DMA57361: Yeah, second place for some days. Seems that Raven Dreamer has just put me to the third place...
Dunno how they calculate who the top user is.
not bad then :) and isn't it simply based on score?
oh, there
is that different from the top users in the tag? :/
Yeah, there. And it is different from the top users in the tag...
ah, well tag is split in to answers and questions
looks like the VS site combines the two?
Yeah, quite possible.
If I ask a question about a specific model printer would that get closed as too localised? I've got a HP 6040 which can print A3 max and a student wants to print an A1 sheet by stitching A3 sheets together...is this even possible? Manual is very little help...
if you ask about stitching A3 sheets together it wouldn't
and the printer model shouldn't be the focus of the question
you could use something like this posterazor.sourceforge.net
@JourneymanGeek Not terribly new, is it? :P Cheers, I'll have a look at that.
or something similar ;p
4 hours later…
Anybody know who DID invent the scroll lock key? en.wikipedia.org/w/…
Visitors from xkcd: Secretary Chu did not create the Scroll Lock key.
what the hell, I can't seem to uninstall LiveDrive :S
@TomWijsman that's a lot of votes
@TomWijsman So much waste…
@DanielBeck he's not the only one, Raven Dreamer and Mark probably have even more gone to waste
@IvoFlipse Wow.
yeah that's insane
I can't wait for Diable 3 to blow up the network :P
imagine if even a small group of those visitors turn into regular users, that's massive
It's great for Gaming.SE though. If this leads to long-term users of the site, this'll be nice.
Although I don't really get why Skyrim is so popular. I still prefer UESP, as the information is organized more logically there, and I've been using it for ten years or so now.
@DanielBeck I got it because I wanted to know what all the rage was about :P
perhaps we should let you have a try @DanielBeck ;)
@IvoFlipse Doing what?
Just like StarCraft II, I heard too much people mentioning it's name.
@DanielBeck Play Skyrim
I hate the Skyrim controls, but it has a lot of elements that drew me into WoW too
I'm sorry @IvoFlipse I meant as a topic on the site. Skyrim is on its way to me and I don't even have a Windows machine.
@DanielBeck Its simply because there are so many variables, though a game like World of Warcraft could have easily overtaken it, if only you had a guild worth of users on our site
@IvoFlipse I know, and that's why you need a well organized site. We just have a list with sort options, where something like the article hierarchy and categories of UESP is very handy.
I've been using that site for Morrowind and Oblivion and it's always been accurate and complete.
Yeah, Wikia is a pain.
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