I'd recommend at least getting a Maxwell chip if you're gonna buy in right now
which one? well, that comes down to price
despite being someone who's traditionally on the Red Team (AMD), I have to recommend the Maxwell architecture as the most cost and power-efficient (and also fastest, in most gaming benchmarks and at least a few compute benchmarks too) GPU architecture right now.
funny how the different applications of GPU technology have different leaders for each sector
Intel's IGPs, strangely enough, are the fastest at fixed-function video encoding. Go figure. And the quality is awesome, too.
Nvidia is best at gaming, and quite good at compute, but their consumer cards just can't keep up with AMD on compute, so AMD is technically the compute winner. Especially since I don't think there's a Maxwell Tesla out yet.
and Nvidia is dead last in terms of fixed function encoding speed.
What steps can be taken when a user gives endless, long-winded, and bellicose comments expressing opinionated answers almost every time you post a question?
Most users of this site are here for information exchange and understand that the whole idea of stack exchange is for multiple answers to...
which one is it? tacky or stylish? I have a need for a good long sleeve shirt, a company has a $20 clearance on their clearance colors, but if its tacky I won't bother :$
I am trying to decide if the shirt is good enough to order, I ordered some olive colored shirts for that purpose ( and because I needed shirts and $12 durable polo shirts ) is a good steal
@JourneymanGeek Well there's a fair amount of information that could indicate a file difference. Trouble is, some of it, I am yet to find a way to compare. For example - one of the main issues we have is an immediate difference in file name (to an extent). Eg. "Drawing1**#A**.dgn" and "Drawing1**#B**.dgn". There may be a difference in file type too, just to make things more complex. Eg. "Drawing1#A.**dgn**" and "Drawing1#A.**dwg**"
Then there's a difference in Date Modified (once you have identified the files you want to compare), possibly the file size.
File verification is the process of using an algorithm for verifying the integrity or authenticity of a computer file. This can be done by comparing two files bit-by-bit, but requires two copies of the same file, and may miss systematic corruptions which might occur to both files. A more popular approach is to also store checksums (hashes) (message digests) of files for later comparison.
== Integrity verification ==
File integrity can be compromised, usually referred to as the file becoming corrupted. A file can become corrupted by a variety of ways: faulty storage media, errors in transmission...
I am searching for a software that will compare all files from two archives.
It should:
Mark the files that are different (have modification) between them.
Mark *New for files that are not in second archive (or in one and not the other)
When you open one of the files modified to show difference...
I'm trying to find a program that will compare two directories full of these drawing and image files.
What this will be used for, is to update a full directory of drawings on a periodic basis. The directory will contain many folders, sub-folders, and sub-sub-folders and so on.
I want to be abl...
god I love mosh. I've had a connection to my server from work for over 3 days, when connections to servers over ssh in the same building arn't as stable
@allquixotic No 760 in that list since I looked at Maxwell chips and the 760 seems to have a Kepler.
I do love its higher bandwdth though, but the price (abotu Eur 250) is higer than even a GTX 960
GTX 960 2GB: 200 Eur, (Benchmarks higher probably to to the new architecture). GTX 970 2GB: 250 Eur. (256 bit, but smaller cache with no colour comp. option)
Where's the best place to ask a question relating to MS Access and getting images to show in forms when certain phrases come up in list boxes? SU? DBAdmins?
@marcusdoesstuff rofl. I will wait months or even a year to buy something, and then be so completely impatient for me to get my paws on it and install ;p
my new one was 45 sec when i bought it... 16 after ssd... but the nice thing is that it's never really slowed down either. it's past the 3 year mark now and i don't feel like i need to replace it, even for all the design work i do.
@JourneymanGeek i'm amazed at how people have the patience to stand it. actually i know they don't but they just put up with it and curse instead.
@Psycogeek I have ants coming from small tunnels in wall. I am tired of heating glue gun for 10 minutes to plug darn tunnels. General adhesive does the job but I wondered if there is specific glue solution sold in US.
@Ben the original 127Kb windiff program does all that, supposedly came with win7 (the about shows win7 sp1). is very simple almost dos like, but still does everything you stated .
@Boris_yo expanding foam insultions? Ants just like mice , once they have an established route, they will continue using that route. ants leave a Marked trail , originally paced by the scout ant, that your usual worker ants will follow even if it leads them to thier own death.
If you have an ant trail, killing the ants is a waste for time. using an "ant stake" which is poisen food the ants will bring the poisened food back to the nest, once you bring poisen back to the queen bitch , your ant days are over, and not only that food source but also the route may be abandoned.
The advantage of an "Ant Stake" is they will clean up after themselves, drag out all the dead bodies to mass graves and leave everything clean as a whistle, like they were never there. I hate it when some fool start spraying the ants, because then you still gotta clean up the mess.
An ant trail can become no-deciferable if you just clean it with soap and water. Not removing the ant trail means as soon as another scout find a new path to the trail, the whole nest will begin to follow that route again.
@Boris_yo you never see a single ant in a clean room :-) because without sources of food or water, they dont exist. so as always a very cleaned house has much less problems. dogs and kids, and sloppy humans are the real ant problem.
@Boris_yo completely true, they were much more effective earilier. but they will still work. getting them to work is an art in itself. The usual food source has to be pliable , not soaked, and not dried. that means ant stakes are a maintance issue.
@Boris_yo poisened gelationus food exists in the stake, but you have to follow the directions exactally. the food IN the stake has to be softened with water. when doing that trick it goes from being too solid for them to get, to soaking it and having it all wash right out of the stake for soaking it to long. It is art it is science, done wrong it is useless shit :-)
@Boris_yo I am not sure if they are for outdoor only, because i use them indoors to, next to the sugar, but not in any way that it can get in the food. Outdoors you can put them next to nests, or in the ant trail. it is better to head off a trail prior to them getting in the house, if you know where they come from.
When outdoors you still have the huge problem of the balance of dry-wet of the food internal to the stake. If it rains on them, the gelatinous food will wash right out, if it is hot days the food will dry to a hard chunk.
Here we have borders, anything the ants want to do outside is fine, then there is a border crossing, around the whole of the house, if they cross that line, they have to have a visa. Ant work visas are only given out for 30 day periods, and only if they are there to clean up a specific mess .
All Ants residing inside on work visas are required to be spayed or nuetered.
@Boris_yo the pans are Bot like, yes probably some sort of flying thing. quadcopters come in mosquito sized to like 4foot ones with stability and programability, auto hover, gps and still this one could have had better servos for panning.
@Boris_yo amazon.com/GREAT-STUFF-Filler-Insulating-Sealant/dp/B0002YW0W0/… like this kind of foam spray. but that too is art and science . it will expand so much it can blow your walls apart :-) Water can be used (light mist) to get it to slide better, like what better than to seal water into what your trying to seal. Ahh you just have to know how much it will expand
@Boris_yo mind you this looks a little too fisheyed for a P3. Those shots were probably done with a Phantom 2 or something else with a GoPro attachced.
This summer my flat was "attacked" by hundreds of tiny thunderflies, some of which managed to get behind the screen of my LCD. A few of the cursed creatures went and died right in the middle of the display:
And yes, this is real. Imagine my surprise when I saw one of these things crawling acr...
walkover or W.O. (originally two words: "walk over") is the awarding of a victory to a contestant because there are no other contestants, or because the other contestants have been disqualified or have forfeited (the winner has merely to "walk over" the finishing line).
@Boris_yo spraying every 6months a "line" only around the base of the house , in this case on the foundation concrete. an insect killing type of spray. luckily it is mostly sheilded area from the weather, and it also hits about 2" of landmines in the ground around it.
Plus i have what i call a "Dead Zone" created around the house where the usual grasses and weed are not allowed to grow. the dead zone is 1 Foot area that has bark in it, or it could have rocks, and nothing is ever to be planted there, even though there is tons of stuff just beyond that zone, grass and landscape.
the original fear is getting termites in the house, as they are very difficult to completly remove once they get a taste. Termites like to make wet soil tunnels, and would die in the sun, so with nothing planted on the house itself, I can see if termites are tunnelling, and it isnt likely due to exposures.
could be, i got elected (roped in) to climbing under a few different houses (only 4 total) to video tape thier termite problem for legal things. all horribly small crawlspaces with dead things and poop and fiberglass insulation, and tons of wicked poisens . a real treat to realise, after everything that had been done and $$$$ paid for , they were still not only having them but basically infested.
I have a Point2D class as follows:
class Point2D{
int x;
int y;
Point2D(int inX, int inY){
x = inX;
y = inY;
int getX(){return x;};
int getY(){return y;};
Now I have defined a class Line as:
class L...
one dude had paid for 6 years of removal, plus a call back (costing them again) you could see injection points and the whole thing had probably been done, but the house had to be completely tore down and remade anyways.
6 answers, all written in 8:18-8:21 (within 3 minutes). All point to one answer. What to do with this question?? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2689186/c-const-qualifier
all 6 answers tell to add a "const" word. But is it Ok to have 6 equal answers?
confusion say: is better to have 6 answers than none :-) and all them correct people get awarded for thier "at least they tried" and will then further the cause of answering in the future.
Not to forget MeToo comments are disallowed :-( When getting an answer i would rather have 5 people saying the same thing, than 1, (being the web and all) it is nice to get a consenses. and still beats the heck out of reading 148 post thread on a forum, where somewhere in the middle is finnaly an answer, and somewhere closer to the end , only a fool (me usually) would still be reading
i might get to the 3rd or 4th page of google before attempting to refine the search. That is slightly better than back when SEO was the first 19 pages.
Chimp that Bot nbcnews.com/science/weird-science/… " Chimp pre-emtivly sets up defence perimiter for a filming quadcopter and swats it as it tries to invade privacy. (then returns to jerking off and flinging poo)