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now I can't edit it
It made a mistake with the command
Ok I fixed it
I just didn't have an account
@Shog9 Thanks!
@Shog9: ooh. That sounds like a smart idea.
I'm sure shog has somewhat better tools for that
@Ramhound: snauzers are smart. Getting wet is for water dogs ;p
@JourneymanGeek: I remember seeing this before, can you search for url:diskreport.net among deleted posts?
The username BassTroub also seems familiar, but I can't find a match in my flagging history (the user may be deleted).
@DragonLord: I'm at work. Can't really do serious moderatory things until lunch ;p
I don't remember off the top of my head how to search for deleted posts anyway
@JourneymanGeek deleted:1
Query: url:diskreport.net deleted:1
This function is only available to full moderators.
If you can pull it up, post a link to the deleted post.
@JourneymanGeek that's pretty much exactly what I used.
Missed all the non-prefixed URLs :(
Oh, my poor illusions. I was hoping for at least a floating holographic interface.
unfortunately, can't search + replace just the middle part of a URL
eh. I'll get to it later
food time
@DragonLord: Flag handled. Yeah, was a spammer
4 hours later…
@allquixotic @DragonLord The biggest problem with Android (and WinPhone and iOS) is no ability to update select components.
Updates are all-or-nothing.
Anyone out there familiar with jenkins? ;p
(trying to work out if I can make a project with a temporarily blank list of variables to generate job names)
Or is that a full bore SO question?
Never mind. I got told to go full scorched earth on it, yay!
superuser.com/q/957787/10165 it makes me sad that no one caught on that size actually dosen't matter here ;p
2 hours later…
arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/08/… @allquixotic @HackToHell (and myself since I'll be reading this when I get home)
(same data but a bit of an explaination)
@JourneymanGeek I don't have an AMD card with GCN :'(
superuser.com/questions/957885/… <-- can this be deleted , me being all OCD the case of this being a dupe , is more akin to spamming (repeating) then a searchable dupe item?
AMD's GCN architecture is purpose-built for compute and this is precisely where AMD has an advantage.
In OpenCL workloads, AMD GPUs utterly destroy NVIDIA.
DirectX12 simply takes advantage of AMD's affinity for compute.
NVIDIA's geometry advantage is getting eroded away fast.
unfortunately, AMD's marketshare is eroding even faster
it has hit 15%
@DragonLord AMD has one more advantage - the crossfire implementation.
Me wonders, with this new "do it all at once" changes, that there wont be problems. I still remember when playing the first game that decided to load textures in the background, how balkey the performace was. I just wated it to finish the one task, so i could continue to play. Glorified benchmarks (which they admit already they dont know what is optomised for what) do not show the worst problem when gaming.
...and being the first to have the latest memory technology.
They're first to HBM1, and they'll be the first to get HBM2.
if you buy a new AMD card, you can just plug it right next to your older one. Even if they are not the same chip.
@DragonLord if they don't run out of money
this doesn't look well .. even if you are an Nvidia fan
If they end up having to re-linearise through various other waiting, because something doesnt handle parellisation of it all smoothly, then they could end up with things more complex again and slower still. Like many patchings done for many other things, effecting all things. Patch the drivers and everyone gets the same.
AMD has a clear strategy. Survive 2015 and spend most money on R&D for next-gen parts. Then recapture market share by releasing these parts when they're ready in 2016.
NVIDIA has been focused on destroying AMD. GameWorks is specifically designed to cripple AMD.
I am not entirely sure about that bit.
AMD is taking a shot back at NVIDIA, but DirectX 12 is simply taking advantage of AMD's architectural advantages. AMD is not closing off anything to NVIDIA, they want to play fairly.
AMD is not blocking optimizations the way NVIDIA is.
AMD prefers open standards. NVIDIA technologies form a closed platform.
couterpoint: linux
then again, that might be more of a sideeffect of having a lot smaller driver team
if amd sorted out linux drivers, they could push Quantum as the "ultimate steam box", because nobody else has shown anything noteworthy in that direction
@HackToHell oh you linked a similar article some time back.
AMD has a history of being persecuted by the competition.
@DragonLord in the war between the 2, it is still depressing to me that all of the tech sites still compare the speed of similars, when it could be apples and oranges completely. There is very Minor talk and very few times where "what is rendered" does it look the same? as both have slightly diffferent methods, it is a travesty to set both the same (general) way. and to not display that they both make the same picture.
@DragonLord it's business. They play for keeps
Look at Intel.
Intel wrote its compilers to specifically disadvantage competing processors.
Also they basically use their advantages in one segment in another.
Well more so.
Either one of them can implement one Cheap Trick, as seen by hack drivers, and change thier FPS by large ammounts at the same pixel res and same AA AF stuff, and Who is looking at what picture each renders ? The one site that covered that one time showed variations between the 2 renders that were a significant difference.
So to me there is 3 things i want to know. 1) how fast is it 2) how does it handle the worst problems in gaming , when the frame rates SUX 3) how does the picture look. If you ask me these glorified review/testsings are missing 2/3rd of the picture.
which reviews are you referring to?
any one of them. i have only to date seen one close analisis of how the 2 render different pictures of the same game. and even that was only like a few games covered.
@tereško I linked an article a little up. From ars technica
We also know that depending on the game itself , variations in frame rate, changed some based on regular releaced drivers (not hacked drivers). You can see people reporting at various places how a simple version change of driver Fixed or didnt fix a problem, and how their game frame rates have Not or have changed any. So todays review, does not even represent tomorrows drivers :-)
we will have to wait till games for DX12 actually start coming out.
.. and that's if you will be willing to upgrade to win10
from what I have read about it, my willingness to make to upgrade has been steadily declining
Did it already :p
Less than 150 to go to 20k.
like write "Gamers: It’s safe to upgrade to Windows 10" then read 50+ comments below it, or at steam itself , that well "that depends" who you ask, and what lame old game they are playing that is not working. and 1/2 the time they do not know for sure if it is one other problem. (problem they caused themselves)
The writers are making blanket statement over and over again, and it is less and less of them putting in disclaimers like "well we don't really freaking know, because how can we".
@Psycogeek It's clickbait.
Impressions = advertising revenue.
They do have to stay in business, after all.
As much as I hate the practice, it's a necessary evil when the competition is doing the same.
@DragonLord and it most certannly works.
It's really best to think about things like this from a business standpoint, why it might be beneficial (or even necessary) to make these decisions.
The economy isn't great. Give businesses a break.
I don't really know much about business, but I can say I've studied the basics of marketing in my final semester in college.
They are still interesting reads, and keeping up with what some peoples opinions are that day. Many of which "time will tell" and "your results may vary" and "let's see just what comes of it". I got time :-)
I hope microsoft makes a one stop settnig page for all the communication Windows does. They really need to do it. Even if all versions of Windows had it to some degree
The emphasis throughout the textbook we used is that businesses need to focus on delivering value to their customers. Repeat customers drive long-term revenue. Short-term profits at the expense of consumers are not the answer.
@Ramhound This already exists.
Whats with now 2 programs that kills all the "hidden" communication in Windows 10 though?
All the privacy settings are in a major section of the Settings app.
Don't get me wrong. I believe 90% of that stuff remained unchanged
Yeah; not what I am talking about; communication even with those services/features disabled still happen
@DragonLord not to argue, but recommended tweaks for stopping eronious communications in win7 were not near enough to finish the job.
"@JebBush: NSA metadata collection is not a violation of anyone's freedoms #APPSForum" - DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS GUY....Worst governor ever
@Ramhound The issue is striking the right balance. Some degree of data collection is a necessity for national security, but it must not be done in such a way that normal, law-abiding citizens are subject to invasive tracking.
The PRISM scandal shows that the NSA has been going too far.
Everyone with any knowlege of encryption will say the samething. You cannot make strong encryption with a backdoor
Even if we do. What about the rest of the world?
EU will never get on board with anything we decide, because they want access also, and neither US or EU can be trusted with having a backdoor access.
I do not even care about my "privacy" with microsoft, nor am running any need to hide, I had a completely different adjenda , of having things hold still Stop , so i could figure out what is happening. And there was a lot of stuff going on, that certannly did not shut off correct with the buttons.
@DragonLord I am not part of your "nation"
I won't even mention the other 50% of world when it comes to technology.
NSA demands are not acceptable. Yahoo fought long and hard in secret.
$250K a day in fines if they didn't comply.
If the US/EU passes an encrytpion law, it will be the end to US/EU part in technology. Apple/Microsoft/Yahoo will move their HQ
...and (speculation, but not implausible) a very real risk of getting the board of directors arrested for "harboring terrorism" or a similar criminal claim.
...even though there is no intention to aid terrorism!
Burger King...moved their HQ to canada because of the anti-corperate thoughts in the US.
@Ramhound Unlikely to succeed. Corporate lobbyists and the general public will not let it happen.
POTA or whatever it was called was nearly passed
I would even go as far as POTA 2.0 was passed just in parts.
Fear-mongering. All this because of ISIS.
Entirely Agree
I'd say, let them pass it.
ISIS is a very real threat.
No kidding.
Not having encryption will stop ISIS?
give me a break
As much as this may hurt the nation's economy, I'd rather see this than to die in an ISIS attack.
You can't be serious. ISIS won't stop using it.
you really should stop watching Fox "News"
Encryption already exists.
No, these opinions are my own.
@DragonLord aid terroism? like 300billion in arms sent to packastan while they were "allies" harboring the $$$ expencive fugitive they wanted. It would be one hell of a courtroom drama to have Yahoo be herassed for such things, if there was wild "justice for all" courtroom drama .
I know this isn't a popular opinion. However, Congress and the Obama administration are aware of threats that the general public doesn't understand.
You can't seriously believe that passing a law adding a backdoor into Bitlocker/File Vault would stop ISIS
We can't risk it.
Even if a law is passed and iOS current security is reversed.. What about the current phones that exist?
I mention iOS because that the specific phone OS i read about in new articles
Well to me. If I have to give up my freedoms, and I consider my privacy one of my freedoms, then it isn't worth it
Of course my entire history is known to China thanks to the OPM breach.
9 mins ago, by DragonLord
NSA demands are not acceptable. Yahoo fought long and hard in secret.
Not sure what I'm doing.
I must have lost my mind again.
yesterday, by allquixotic
@DragonLord No offense, but you do that... a lot. Like, probably close to 8 or 9 times now. It makes you come off as a bit of a drama queen. When you're feeling like posting something like that in the future, just take a deep breath, sleep on it, and come back tomorrow and keep grinding. You'll probably feel better after you sleep on it. You seem to overreact to your own feelings.
@DragonLord I believe that to be true, that the admin has knowlege of such things, and also psycological drama to round up the economy. But their information was shown to be 100% wrong many times. and Were in a Republic. Leaving only the excuse that there is some timely or secret things that "need to be withheld" , and 90% of the time that too is horescrit. How many timely and secret things were withheld about BinLaden to find out (again) that he was camping out at our own allies?
The only people who will be affected by "encryption" laws are those people who already follow the laws. ISIS members do not follow the laws.
I may have to ask a mod to remove some of those older messages.
Something is just not right.
I'm not sure if I want to continue to contribute to Stack Exchange.
I'll try to continue normally.
Once in a while, I do these absolutely bizarre things.
I play devil's advocate without a good reason.
It's like I'm going insane.
Will be back as I try to get myself under control.
Apr 30 at 5:45, by DragonLord
> Bill has been the archetype for what a moderator on Stack Exchange should be. His patient, fair and calm demeanor even in the face of criticism is legendary; his diligence and skill in handling the numerous difficult problems that face Stack Overflow users are inspiring.
As a high-reputation user, I should be setting an example, not acting out.
I shouldn't be saying things like "stop terrorist threats now, privacy can come later".
Yes, terrorist threats are real. But there are ways to combat them without unduly infringing upon privacy.
Does the event log contain details on why a computer is put to sleep ?
My apologies, everyone. This was not appropriate conduct on my part. (cc @Ramhound, @Psycogeek, @tereško)
@HackToHell yes if it doesnt powercfg does. but not if just a monitor is.
@Psycogeek Computer's going to sleep and I can't figure out why ._,
@HackToHell because your not there :-) i find that sleep is mostly based on user input existing or not.
@DragonLord - Money. China wants to be the world leader. Which is the reason they have devalued the Yen in recent days
I suspect it's the "communist" ideology at play here, dictators trying to take over the world by force (the exact opposite of what communism is and how it's supposed to work under Marxism)
As sleep has been rather odd to me, but mostly figured out mentally. Why sleep in the moddle of moving a terrabyte? why sleep while in the middle of a download. because Stuff Never Stops, in the machine, so the designers had an odd way of determining the sleep timer stuff.
@Psycogeek power plan and everything is configured so that the laptop never sleeps
but it does anywya
Greed and other aspects of human nature make a real communist system, as ideal as it sounds, infeasible.
ha something with source available
@DragonLord I do that all the time.
Sounds good in theory, but does not work in practice.
> This is an argument that cannot be settled. No large socialist or Communist state ever managed to create a population of ideal Communist citizens--though it is worth noting that many contemporary Russians voice regret for the disappearance of old patterns of cooperation in the new capitalist era and are decidedly ambivalent about the virtues of competition.
@Ramhound Very much this.
It only takes a single bad apple among a population of millions for a working communist state to degenerate into a "communist" dictatorship.
It just doesn't scale.
I view what China is doing with the Yen differently
You start thinking privacy is at odds with security, because that's what you're fed.
It is exactly what the US would do if the the dollar was a world currency.
But it's trivial to set up a private network for coordination.
oh, your responding to that conversation, gotcha
Allowing backdoor access to public file sharing et al. affects the "general public" but those with any infosec knowledge can keep things private regardless.
Such communist states wind up becoming dictatorships and power-hungry leaders try to take over everything.
The thing is officials that want "solutions" to encryption never actually present those esolutions
The only way it would work would be a watch dog group
@Ramhound Their argument is that encryption is "aiding the enemy".
right, right
Fact of the matter is, any "enemy" that shares information through public networks are already doing it wrong.
It's not that communism isn't an ideal societal structure. The issue is that true communism (Marxism or otherwise) is not feasible to implement, at least in part due to intrinsic issues in human nature. It just doesn't scale.
It would impossible to form a watch dog group in todays environment
EU wouldn't trust the US, US wouldn't trust the EU; China/Russia wouldn't trust anyone.
Without encryption how would they know who the enemy is :-) anybody knows there is way to much data, it is only encrypted data then that they look at :-)
("enemy" in quotes because you could view just about anyone as an enemy, not necessary terrorist group X)
I am shocked the domain register still functions today
one might argue it doesn't. so many things wrong with domains today
@HackToHell is it on windows 10 that it never sleeps ?
@Psycogeek It sleeps too much, aye
@HackToHell that is weird, because there are people who are configuring it different ways and have not reported such things. Completely the opposite superuser.com/questions/947530/… we have DLs wont even monoff
I have macbook pro retina I use OSX. The reason I am using Windows is because of SQL Server and Visual Studio. So, I had no reason to buy a valid copy. So, far I am happy with windows 8.1(original free copy) + free activator. If I upgrade to window 10 will it free activated version. Or you have to pay money for activation?
You will have an unlicensed copy of WIndows 10, just like you have. an unlicensed verison of Windows 8.1
ohh windows isn't free in real sense.
It's like try it and pay for complete version
Windows 10 isn't free
Microsoft is offering valid owners of a legitmant copy of Windows who are running Windows 7 SP1 and WIndow 8.1 UPdate a free upgrade to Windows 10.
Is Window's 10 activation free?
Everyone else has to pay
ohh i get it now.
I am a student. My parents won't offer me money for windows :(
I think I have to activator for windows 10 as well.
stop justifying your piracy.
ok stopped
I know its wrong but when I'll earn I pay for every tool I use. I'll pay for there hardwork.
anyways thanks
nope sry
if I said something wrong leaving
meh stop overreacting
@androidplusios.design: We don't condone piracy.
@HackToHell it isnt likely that a "driver" problem (being loads of drivers out there still not stabalised) would cause the sleep timer to trigger, and the OS to put things to sleep. So you could spend hors playing with > powercfg /energy >powercfg -lastwake & >powercfg -requests
IIRC if you were on the windows insider program, you could keep using a beta version for a period of time, but that's over.
If you're a IT student, see if your school has dreamspark premium ;p
@androidplusios.design You may be able to activate Windows on a DreamSpark key. Note that you can only use this for educational purposes, and not in a commercial setting.
Windows Insider program is just reactivated again
@Ramhound: oh? Got a link?
well, clarification
Like, can you do a fresh install on a new account and use that?
A new build was sent out; That should be the case;
@JourneymanGeek No, you now need a valid license (activated Windows) to join the Insider program.
ahh, not so useful for @androidplusios.design then ;p
@DragonLord either a retail/oem license or the preview license,
were the preview licenses unique?
No, but existing members are grandfathered.
(and heh. Almost none of my current windows installs were retail. Most are dreamspark or OEM)
I'd actually prefer the more expensive retail license.
@DragonLord: Don't forget, he's wanting to pirate
For me, the full $200 for retail Windows 10 Pro is considered part of PC build costs.
a couple of people have claimed that shifting fron an insider early releace stuff to updating it to a releaced version, has kept them activated. I think time will tell if it stays that way.
I might on the next major refresh
(since I'm not planning on doing any more complete, ground up system rebuilds ever(
technically you can only purchase standalone retail windows 10 licenses. you only get an oEM license if it comes on the device....I only clarify that because that is a huge pet peave of mine :$
Windows 8.0 was the lastv ersion to have a "upgrade" license.
@Ramhound: Oh, I do mean actual OEM licences, not system builder licences.
I was talking to DragonLord :-)
well that was directed towards his comment.
dreamspark licenses are consider "retail" if I am not mistaken.
never pushed the activation rights personally though
I mean I am the guy hwo purchase a stand-alone copy of 8 because he migrated his instalation to a new pc
when technically i oculd have migrated that same license.
When i migrated this "free" license eventaully
And you have the licences in perpetuity, with the ability to access your keys for 2 years
i will do the same
but thats only ecause
I want the ability to install Windows 10 using an actual Win `0 key
I literally was a poor student, and that 200 quid saved went into nicer hardware ;)
I cant see going through the "fun" people have with trying to stay activated, and get the tons of critical updates, being worthy of the 119$ home price.
I spend my hard earned money on three things. Good TP, Good TV Cable, and software I enjoy using.
Apr 29 at 7:44, by DragonLord
The OS is one of the last things I will skimp on in any PC build.
Hardware comes first for me ;)
The problems they can have with these things, costs people trying to help them more than that. :-) and half of that stuff they need help with has probably been fixed.
went to the beach in Florida and the rest room had an open design, needless to say, the TP was very wet and thin :$
I do buy software now, of course ;p
And well
I have a functional and very fast PC to base future upgrades off of so... I have a bit more freedom there
I don't even have a job.
I'm entirely parent-supported.
@DragonLord you mean to say get windows 8.1 validated from dream spark and then upgrade to windows 10 ?
My self-control issues (the last incident here happened less than an hour ago) are the only thing holding me back at this point.
@androidplusios.design That won't work. Get a Windows 10 Dreamspark license and install from DVD or ISO.
dream spark provides industry pro edition i guess.
I don't think they offer windows 10 on dream sparks
I have searched it.
If its there you can send me the link. I'll be very grateful.
industry pro is an embedded version...
embedded version are not eligilgle for the free upgrade
even if we did provide a link
your eligiblity to access the license might be different
so a link wouldn't do much good
talk to your dreamspark administrator about it.
@JourneymanGeek there's a software purchase I want but can't currently get: izotope.com/en/products/audio-repair/rx the price on the advanced is quite eye-poppingly huge, but it's worth the money in terms of what it can do... just don't have the money lol
@allquixotic Small market, big development cost.
Aug 11 at 19:30, by DragonLord
@allquixotic Well, consider that the software costs billions to develop and has a very limited market.
Aug 11 at 19:32, by DragonLord
EDA software is an extreme example of this. Licenses cost hundreds of thousands of dollars per seat and there are only a few thousand licensees each year.
Probably not billions in this case, and the market is a bit larger, but it's not mass-market software.
@DragonLord I'd say their market is expanding rapidly, with the increase in the number of hobbyist music artists, and even the huge increase in the number of professional music artists.
They must be experiencing enormous growth. Ditto for Cakewalk, Ableton, bla bla... all the DAW stuff, sound processing stuff... Celemony...
@allquixotic Well, Cubase used to be more than $1000 for the most complete edition. It's now $550 for the full version (with a lower street price).
Economies of scale bring down cost.
@DragonLord there have been times when people charging too much , would have sold more even at those rediculous costs if the stuff worked great , was recommended often. Economies of scale bring forth patches :-)
(Cubase 4 was $1000.)
If your needs are more modest, REAPER is affordable.
$60 if you're using it as a hobbyist, in education, or making less than $20k/year on it; $225 for a commercial license.
I'm a paid licensee of Cakewalk Sonar Ultimate and Celemony Melodyne Editor. Building up my base of audio software, plus I have Sony Vegas Pro 13. And I want iZotope. Got a Blue Yeti mic too
@DragonLord now see, that kind of licensing model is awesome -- being friendly to hobbyists or non-commercial artists is very much appreciated
@allquixotic: If you need it, it makes sense
Adobe, iZotope, et al. who like to charge the same (ridiculous) fee to everyone, are just reducing net utility in the world without providing any financial benefit to themselves, because people who can't afford your software but need it are going to either not use it, or pirate it
@allquixotic: adobe and autodesk tend to have pretty good prices if you're a big place
(well, that's true of a lot of vendors, but I'm not privy to specifics ;p)
they seem to be so inflexible that they'd rather make $0 than risk potentially leaving money on the table when a high-roller (or a company) comes to them looking to spend thousands
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