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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

(I'm getting constant reminders I'm not awake yet ;p)
I'm copying backups from my nas to my desktop. I'm wondering for a moment "why am I receiving files"
Did MS really make signing in as your MS Account a requirement for Windows Store applications?
@bertieb Right. And he was basically a help vampire at best, anyway.
I entirely mind the foulmouthry
If I hold my tongue. Everyone else should have to also :-)
Of course I did use that type of language, certain behavior, would just ignite me.
@allquixotic Aye, that's the generous interpretation!
@Ramhound: Its been the case for quite a while
That was suppose to say IF :$
@Ramhound: meh, We know you well enough that we can hit you on the nose with a rolled up newspaper tell you off politely with minimal offense taken ;p
I feel honored to be treated like the K9 master breed, the Schnauzer, :-)
I realize that sounds pretty bad considering I am part German, Schnauzers are German, and the whole history of Germany and Master .... :$
But we are talking K9s so :->
I hate my printer..
It can't email my scan, can't put it on my pc, i despise hp
@JourneymanGeek I considered it but I don't believe in flagging for swearing, and he wasn't directly abusive towards other users.
That behaviour is more deserving of a room-kick than a chat-flag.
@Ramhound: Wauzers. German efficency, scottish stubborness. Also, they crossed one of the smartest breeds, with little stubborn aristrocratic dogs ;p
@JourneymanGeek Hey! Scottish people aren't stubborn, and nothing you say will ever convince me otherwise.
^^ Bear
Bed time; I'm getting to the stage of tiredness where I get odd short snippets of music/sound repeating in my mental ear.
There's probably a term for that
Spontaneous psychoaudiogenesis
dem eyebrows ;p
@Ramhound: naturally standy ears?
He did have really good years
We still had them cropped, he got multiple ear infections when.
We just clean the ears out with cotton balls
He did get ear infections but honestly the major reason, was cosmetic, its wrong I know.
( trying to figure out why my printer isn't being detected on my usb port ) bah!
@Ramhound :(
Ash had a cropped tail when we got him
Some little kid was asking his mom why the little dog had such a short tail and I was like "People are dumb" ;p
ahh, gigabit ethernet.
> The syntax of systemd's unit files is inspired by XDG Desktop Entry Specification .desktop files, which are in turn inspired by Microsoft Windows .ini files.
@JourneymanGeek now ain't that speed. what is the from/to there?
@Ramhound and , my question is, did they make MS account a requirement to install and keep running the windows system? Even minus all the email and online box stuff and store.
@Psycogeek - NO; You don't have to connect a MS Account to receive updates.
many guys face this question in interview, even i faced, so just want to give a useful answer. — Ajay Gautam 12 mins ago
Q: How JTAG works with Hardware

Ajay GautamAs i know there is 4 pins(TCK,TMS,TDI and TDO) and it convert in 32 pin (PC) and vice versa, but i want some more knowledge about this. There are online references : http://www.fpga4fun.com/JTAG2.html http://www.fpga4fun.com/JTAG1.html But if anybody gives little more overview and the in dep...

Well how do i ask people who never connect to the web in any way shape or form, post install and upgrage and update, if thier newer windows systems still continue to function and stay activated , if they are never on the web to tell us :-)
I said, who knows? If i hop in a motor home and cut across the country with a now working OS (of the new kind) and have NO connection to the web for years , and knowing there is a lot of behind the scenes connections that go to MS servers. Will the system still be working for playing movies, and offline games, and printing letters.
Yes? Windows 10 if disconnected from the internet will continue to function just like every other version of Windows before it
There are numerous updates over the last 20 years that have been released that were required to get future updates.
Windows 8.1 Update was the most recent example.
ffsync up and running! :)
did something happen to EFnet?
wow...I am reading this support article, HP indicates i should look for HP Solution Center after I double click my printer
yet it doesn't eixst
I can't seem to scan from my printer to my pc, yet I can do the reverse :$
the HPs solution center exists in the notifications tray after installing the big pig pile of junk to run a HP all in one printer scanner . My parents had one. it is not a requirement for printing, which only needs a printer driver, or scanning, which only needs a scanner driver , and could also have scanner software.
A really clean neat install of a all-in-one the user could just install the needed driver and software things, and have a whole lot less mess
most of these tools are not even being installed.
HP Scan for example missing
going back to the basic drivers..
The Scan application works thats all i care about
HP's software is so broken
Their full driver didn't install because the basic driver was installed, lol
"For Windows XP Starter Edition, Windows Vista Starter Edition and Windows 7 Starter Edition
• Is supported for USB only" - Written by HP a multi-Billion dollar company. Can't even do English.
@allquixotic Did you install Windows on KVM with VNC?
So this user has 2064 folders underneath their Exchange Inbox. -_-
which user?
@Psycogeek Two systems on the same 'switch'.which is really an Router in AP mode
One end's a 7200rpm 3tb drive on my desktop, the other's a 5400rpm 2.5 inch 1tb drive on my brix.
@Bob Yes, I think I used VNC to complete the manual parts of the install.
I used virt-manager, actually, for the GUI, client-side, in a Linux VM.
Once Windows was installed, I just had to migrate it from one physical host (SP-64) to another (SP-128) and reinstall it using virsh.
Then it's RDP from there.
You can use virt-manager remotely too
I need to play with that more.
@JourneymanGeek Actually, I used virt-manager from a VM in VMware Workstation on my local box, not a VM on the server.
Yeah, I misunderstood ;p
It communicated with libvirtd over SSH.
yup yup
Same setup I use
(Wondering if I can fire up a few ipv6 only VMs for testing too)
@Ramhound A user on our network here at work.
hmm. The place where I had that free (slightly unreliable) VPS cause I knew the ex owner is closing down ;p
@allquixotic hmm... I was thinking of setting that up, but virsh turned out to be easy enough
Will probably do that for Windows though.
I wonder how VNC copes with high latency connections.
Not too well IIRC
I'd rather use nomachine there
@JourneymanGeek Not an option.
@Bob: why not?
@JourneymanGeek Because the server is what's built into kvm?
KVM dosen't actually use vnc
It uses spice ;p
VNC is an option of course
and I thought you meant on the client
@JourneymanGeek Yes, and it's the option I was planning to use.
ahh ok
the "high latency" bit's part of the issue
and of course, bandwidth
@JourneymanGeek Bandwidth/throughput is fine. It's just the latency.
I might do Spice, but that would require a Linux VM on my end.
Yeah. There's a windows virt-manager viewer that does spice, but donno how good/bad it is
@Bob or I can uninstall stuff, shred the free space, and you can scp my qed image off of my server (Server 2012 R2) and when it's like, "YOU'RE NOT THE SAME!!!!! D:" you can give it your product key.
QEMU Enhanced Disk (format)
@JourneymanGeek Quantum Entanglement Device.
@allquixotic Hmm, I should probably do this properly :P
@allquixotic: any specific make of 980ti you have in mind? ;p
(been looking around. Palit and Zotac have reference designs from what I can tell, but the slightly overclocked, non stock zotac looks shinier ._.)
I might end up getting it this long weekend. Breaking rules a bit but I'll just adjust for the next few months, and 4 day weekend coming up so... ;p
superuser.com/questions/950852/… more Fear created by the WEB saying BS like "you can't stop the updates" when so far many users have proved that updates can be broken as easily as before (if anyone knew how to break it to begin with) . And even Driver installs can be set to wait for the user. The web while trying to explain one aspect , has done a disservice creating undue fears.
Remember back with UEFI entry, there was huge WEB based undo fear generated that MS was trying to lock out Linux. and other scare things that were quite easily overcome in most situations.
This one though (to me) is pretty stupid :-) If you have a great fear of the system being broken (that part is smart), why would you update to the newest piece of MS junk pumped out, and not wait till most of the bugs are fixed.
I find the "OMG it is not a dupe" stuff to be obnoxious, but do see things that certannly are not the same marked as dupes. So I understand the users fear (again) of being marked as a dupe. Problem is on first reading of both, it looks like the same basic issue ?
At the least all of the "out of control updates" fear that the user now has thanks to the stupid web, be it security or F---Up tuesday patches , are solved with a link to "how to kill updates"
Making the answer for both the same, even if one question leans to "security" and the other question leads to "patching patches"
@JourneymanGeek not really
ahh, alas.
@allquixotic Also, I'm currently using raw ZFS block devices
-s -V 20G
blah. I just realised there's a chance my PSU may not be powerful enough
Ahh, it is.
(Advantage of talking about hardware. I just looked it up here ;p)
openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem 4096
Generating DH parameters, 4096 bit long safe prime, generator 2
This is going to take a long time
10 seconds later, its done? ;p
@JourneymanGeek still waiting
@JourneymanGeek It's in a VM on a server.
Practically no entropy sources.
"By default, Microsoft turns your computer into a peer-to-peer node to help it distribute Windows 10 updates, in order to save Microsoft server bandwidth costs. " Cool MicroTorrents :-)
slate.com/articles/technology/bitwise/2015/08/… I wish they would Date this stuff. ok article showing the 101 ways to attempt to disable your information from going to microsoft. (while your goggle phone does the same unabated ;-)
Create paranoia, as the update share is only from your local network. Spookey Moulder Trust No One.
Microsoft can have all my data , i am OK with it . I am not ok with sharing my errors that i caused myself, by breaking the system and overclocking. And i am not ok with Microsoft further sharing my data with the 3 marketeers and robin hoods merry men.
I do not want my advertising distorted by any of my purchace histroy , I already bought that stuff , now i need LESS of it, and more of what I did not buy. what part of that do the marketeers never understand?
@JourneymanGeek took 16m 55s
@Psycogeek: paranoia sells books gets clicks
and drives Apple users crasy :-) I got windows in a VM and (like i knew cause it aint apple) microsoft screwed up everything .
drives? ;p
we know microsoft screwed up everything, but it isnt quite as bad as an apple user percieves it at first, any good microsoft user has been living with stuff like that for ages :-)
@tereško 0_0
4 hours later…
the question would be more usable, if others with the same board , find it by searching, and he tells what does and does not work. So it would help if his board was in the text.
And if he draggs his butt back in , and at least somewhere tells if he got it working.
@Psycogeek I have not removed any reference to his board, though.
I was just saying that a question like that would be fully reusable if another person in the same situation with the same board, not only finds it but also finds some facts about updating that board specific to win10.
I see nothing wrong with any of the edits
All drivers should have ^ as a mode :-) Work Nicely .
Q: Is there a way to change the interpolation when upscaling a lower resolution on Windows with an Nvidia GPU?

Louis BouxLet's say I put my desktop (1920x1080 native) resolution to something custom like 480x270, which is exactly 4 times smaller than my 1080p native resolution, which SHOULD look really sharp with nearest filtering, but either my GPU or my display forces a linear filtering which looks completely blur...

Lets say ??? is it even possible to set a windows sytem or gpu card to that low of resolution?
Whatchu talking about? The thing here wont even go below 800x600 , I might be able to get a 640x400 in List All Modes or in safe mode
Someone help out over here please?
Q: Path too long, but it's not?

IsziI'm trying to run a script recursively against a file share and I'm getting some "path too long" errors. But when I dig into it, some of them aren't. I'm using -ErrorVariable to capture the error details into a variable called $ErrLog. Then, the following to log them to a CSV: if ($ErrLog.Lengt...

directory plus file name less than 255? Did you try the same scripting on a quick copy of the stuff your trying to do, at a higher subfolder level with short file names to see if anything works? I thought they solved this lenght issue 15 years ago :-)
@Psycogeek No, these errors are showing up on a simple Get-ChildItem -Recurse
Q: PathTooLongException error when using Get-ChildItem

MarcusI'm trying to generate a list of all known file on a file share with Attributes "Archive + Offline". But I keep running into PathTooLongException errors. So far I've only found that Robocopy can work past the file length errors excpet I cant get the same sort of "These attributes only" sort of re...

@Psycogeek I don't care that I'm getting errors. I knew there would be some, and that's why I'm logging them. What I'm trying to figure out is why I'm getting errors that don't seem appropriate - "path too long" on a path that's less than 248 characters?
Aw, wait a tick...
I figure that, but most of the answers dont care , learn-powershell.net/2013/04/01/… They just tossed that method long ago.
Hm. Okay, the answer I thought I'd come across isn't it.
So, you're saying because everyone's using RoboCopy and doesn't care about the limit then nobody's going to bother answering why I'm getting errors against it inappropriately?
I do not know myself at all. even if i was doing anything like that i have had great fear of messy long paths and huge filenames.
I do not even like the microsoft organisation methods :-)
@Iszi If the right person comes along, or @bob or @allquixotic who are really good with this coding stuff happened apon your question, they could help. never know.
bit busy right now, back in a few hours
@Iszi could it be that the limit is in bytes, and multibyte characters halve the actual limit?
(just taking a stab in the dark - something to think about)
I'd actually be surprised if the limit were in "characters", since the difference between 260 four-byte UTF-8 characters and 260 ASCII characters is a factor of four
Don't quote me on this, but I seem to think that's a thing to do with shares.
@JourneymanGeek well yeah, there's that, too - one wonders what the filesystem is on the network share, and what version of SMB it's using, and (by extension) what OS it's running on
that was going to be my other guess :P
I'm conversing somewhat posteriorally here.
I was prolly thinking of this support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/177665
hi guys do you know how to enable guest account in windows 10?
@user3783598 i just saw this on SU, type in CMD >Net USer Guest
then figure out what it wants next with help :-) isunshare.com/windows-10/… or see the bottom of this
>net user guest /Help
So, next question: Is there a way to run RoboCopy with multiple search criteria at once? i.e.: Instead of running Robocopy File1; Robocopy File2 can I do something like Robocopy File1, File2?
(The actual stand-ins for File1 & File2 will involve wildcards, if that matters.)
3 hours later…
Oh come on.
Skylake is out. 25% clock per clock improvement over Sandy, and significantly higher clocks to boot
oddly enough the biggest jump since Sandy was Haswell
Skylake is another jump, but Haswell already gets you most of the way there
might as well grab Skylake if you're upping from Sandy or Ivy, but Haswell is only insignificantly slower than Skylake
@allquixotic ...I'll still be waiting.
Most likely a 2016 purchase for me.
CPU + mobo is a rather big upgrade.
CPU + mobo + RAM (if you're getting DDR4)
@allquixotic That too. So add anther $100-$200.
Would be a $700 upgrade all up.
In USD. More like $900 AUD.
Basically, new computer cost, minus GPU and storage.
Yep, 2016. Maybe late 2016.
Or if I end up prioritising the GPU upgrade then maybe even later :\
(Yes, I know I said I'd get Skylake. And I want to. But $1k is rather a lot. Even if I did just spend ~$300 on a new SSD and RAM.)
I'm probably going to do the whole mobo/CPU/RAM thing in early 2016, but I'm really close to doing the GPU thing right about now
well, I'm out for the night
Will have to look at Skylake benchmarks later, and maybe see if there's any good mobos
The good mobos tend to be released late in the cycle anyway.
And I'll want a good one this time around.
@Psycogeek So I figured out Robocopy's not for me. I need to be able to log last modified time and owner info, and I don't see where Robocopy will give me that - and if I pass it to PowerShell, it'll just barf at the length again. So right now I'm fine with just logging any path length errors. I'm just scratching my head as to why these shorter ones are getting flagged. I can log and move on just fine for now, but it's an interesting mystery.
@Iszi You can always bypass the win32 subsystem and do direct I/O against NTFS. I wonder if anyone wrote a utility to do that in powershell or if you'd have to delve into native code
@allquixotic At this stage, actually getting to the files is beside the point - I have a few ideas for workarounds. I just want to know anyway why I'm getting errors that I seemingly shouldn't be getting.
@Iszi are the characters in the file/directory names consisting entirely of printable ASCII characters?
@allquixotic Yup
Intel Skylake embargo was lifted just six hour ago.
i7-6700K and i5-6600K are officially announced.
Get all the juicy details here: ark.intel.com/products/88195/…
Grrr. My "Turbohefe" yeast and alcohol meter arrived. But the tube of the meter is broken.
So much for a nice start of mead making
I can't believe we've already gotten to Skylake...
@DragonLord is it a hard launch, or a soft launch? where the former means I can go on $FOO_RETAILER_SITE and buy one at MSRP, and the latter means some lucky guy got one and has it on sale on eBay for $12000 and that's the only one available.
Soft launch.
Preorders should open up soon.
Even laptops will be overclockable soon: arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/08/…
(Overclocking on laptop processors is currently limited to Extreme Edition mobile processors, e.g. i7-4940MX, and these cost an arm and a leg.)
GPU overclocking is a different matter and is usually possible with any discrete GPU.
@DragonLord that seems perfectly reasonable, assuming superior cooling and mains power.... sounds silly on battery though
Actually, on my laptop, there's still some thermal headroom for the CPU.
Power headroom, not so much.
Overclocking the GPU causes the 180 W AC adapter to run at capacity.
you need a freaking huge power brick to get higher than about 90 Watts PSU
it's that damn rectification from 120VAC to 12VDC
Actually, Skylake is supposed to be fully launched today.
soon you'll have one this size, except wrapped in plastic:
@DragonLord hard launch afterall?
Just didn't show up on Google yet.
not seeing any i7s in there
That's the i5-6600K, there might not be i7 stock yet.
No stock yet.
Also, as the new, thinner boxes indicate, these new CPUs do not ship with a thermal solution. You will need to buy your own.
Existing HSF units will still fit the new socket.
Moore's Law is approaching its end as the pace has slowed down to 24-30 months.
i7-6700K: 4C/8T, 4.0 GHz nominal. Turbo 42/42/42/42.
That's the sound of my wallet sighing ;p
(granted, any upgrades to skylake will be over the next year or so)
@DragonLord We knew it'd end in our lifetimes
Now we ride out the long, boring asymptotic tail as we wait for something new to come along
On the bright side, longer upgrade cycles?
(or upgrade cycles driven by things other than "My pc is too slow"
@JourneymanGeek like "my CPU was out of warranty 5 years ago and it died"?
or driven by new storage tech or such. USB 3.1/type C is probably going to be a factor for the next montherboard I buy
crosspoint will be another upgrade, even if the CPU alone isn't worth it
"5% faster CPU! 1000x faster storage! 100x faster memory!"
actually, that's the 'dilemma' for me
On one hand, my current series of upgrades are driven by needs or to support other upgrades
After the GPU and the rolling SSD upgrades, I'm at the point where I don't 'need' to upgrade anything ;p
so I need to decide between incremental upgrades, passing parts down to replace older gear or one major upgrade
I think I'll be able to continue with Ivy Bridge for another year, until Skylake's successor comes out - the requirements for games, CPU and memory-wise, aren't encroaching significantly on what I have available
what games are encroaching on is the crunching power of the AMD Tahiti GCN 1.0 chip
so I'll be upgrading that first
my 660 actually would hold up well to QHD ;p
video card upgrade's for 4K
got plenty of ram, CPU's probably still gratuitous overkill ;p
@allquixotic You sure you can hold it off until Kaby Lake?
@DragonLord: a higher end processor has a suprisingly long useful life
@allquixotic Now if only that was true. And if laptops had a few proper PCI-e slots and some more room.
(Or work stopped handing out laptops and started with proper desktop which can take a few extra cards).
Ideal laptop:
17+ inch 4:3 screen (non-glare).
two or three PCI-e slots (x8 or better)
4 or 6 DIMM(not SoDIMM) slots.
3x graphics out (DVDI, DP, DP)
etc etc
the pci-e slots are the tricky bit
A decent single x16 breakout might do
You can already fairly trivially break out x8
Aye. In the past you needed to keep the docking station sttach to the laptop and put the PCI (not PCI-e in that time) in the dock
It would be nice to add multipel card.
A NIC or two, maybe a graphics card.
there's expressport/mini pci -e to pcie breakouts that arn't that pricy
TDP is now 91W.
Hey. I'm trying to upload a scanned file through a college application webservice. Max upload is 600kb and my two page scan is just short of 1mb. Is there any way I could shrink that pdf? Should I try scanning to another format (jpeg, png)?
What format would be smaller?
And what's up with the MS Word paperclip?
@JourneymanGeek True, but those are usually one lane and you need to add a PSU for power
@Shokhet jpeg
@Shokhet decrease DPI
Both DDR3L and DDR4 are supported. Actual memory support will depend on the motherboard.
@Shokhet Or scale down
@Shokhet I'm not sure what's up with Clippy. What's the deal with airline food?
@Shokhet: Its our easter egg
@JourneymanGeek Cute. How new is that? I've never seen it before
@bertieb Thanks!
not new ;p
Wait what
Its been around forever.
@Shokhet I clicked "No, thanks." What would it have done if I clicked "Yes, please"?
That's... interesting
@JourneymanGeek First time I've seen it. What triggers it?
Hi. I'm trying to foobar the quuz widget. How can do?
Awesome :D
I think questions going I want to...
I want to summon clippy
That would do the trick
I'm trying to find clippy in Root Access. Can you help?
The Z170 chipset now provides 20 PCIe lanes, while the processor provides 16. All are PCIe 3.0.
Plenty of room to do SLI and run a PCIe SSD at the same time.
(for the curious, "Yes, please" takes you to a search of SU with those terms)
Yeah, we know ;p
The new IGP on the i7-6700K, Intel Gen9, is called Intel HD Graphics 530 (not a typo).
Thanks for the help! (both with the scan and with Clippy :)
Also, whither the "new feed items" RSS dealie?
for SU? We don't have it. Would be too noisy anyway
this is where bertieb wishes he hadn't clicked "dismiss"
Was a floating dealie up in the top left; only item in it was a link to
No more FIVR—multiphase VRMs on the motherboard are going to be necessary again.
@Shokhet Ah. I did not know that. Never ever ever saw the need to click yes
The maximum allowed core clock multiplier is up from 63 in Haswell to 83 in Skylake, enabling even more extreme overclocking.
...and Skylake is said to have significantly more overclocking headroom than Haswell.
I am trying to find a way to kill clippy
Ha! it worked
I could make if funnier :)
A: IE11 - Startup Tabs - Restore Last Session Not Working

RamhoundAfter 18 months with this problem I ended up solving it. I solved it by doing an upgrade to Windows 10. This problem has not surface since I performed the upgrade, so I get to continue to use IE 11, which I still prefer over any other browser even Edge for the time being at least.

Makes me wish I never published the question in the first place.
It's not really an answer.
and it's not going to help anyone that can't upgrade to Windows 10 for whatever reason.
Anyone with the problem would be eligible. since it only affected IE11 on Windows 8.1 Update, from what I could tell based on the 4 devices I had.
I can't reopen tabs in IE11 on Windows 7.
So you have a IE process that says open after which consumes around 54MB after you close IE every single time?
But it still doesn't mean someone with this problem has the capacity to upgrade. They might be eligible, but maybe they have reasons not to upgrade? Maybe the organisation they work for won't support an upgrade to Win10
Had to forcibly shut down the server.
System's back online.
@DragonLord Ouch
Gave it the old "shhh, sleep now. no more tears, only dreams." treatment?
Tried to gracefully shut it down, but ran "halt" which for some reason causes the machine to stop completely rather than shut down gracefully (like it used to)
Had to use Linode's out-of-band shell to run the "destroy" command, which pulls the plug on the instance.
Thankfully, the system is up again.
I have attempted to seek out better answers. I honestly wish I could delete the question. After today and I wish I could nuke everything. I am just tired of being given hell by users like @qasdfdsaq
Cleared a couple of chat flags as valid. They were very rude.
Not going to name anyone.
@Bob Sounds like it could be a portkey.
I've been running this server for nearly two years and have never had to forcibly shut it down until now.
I recall an article about displayport drivers being released, but i can't remember the exact title of the article, and it sure would be helpful :$
I am starting to go insane
I know I saw an article that talked about support.displaylink.com/knowledgebase/articles/525125
This printer is annyoing it keeeps disconnecting itself from the network :$
omg, how do I silence these darn notifications about my printer!
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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