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5 PB in.
Once again, a one-week retention test and testing will resume.
Rate of sector reallocation is dropping; might either be due to overprovisioning changes or simply that the worst parts of the NAND have mostly been eliminated.
"The drive that just won't die"
I'm proud to have selected the SSD 850 PRO, knowing that the NAND will last a very, very, very long time.
Pretty much forever absent abuse.
I have 8.45 TBW on mine so far.
Warranty is 10 years or 150 TBW (300 TBW for the newly-released 2 TB version)
...but this test has shown that the drive will easily outlast the warranty.
@DragonLord are you doing that stress test on your own or are you being paid to do that?
It reminds me of backblaze's monthly SSD fail statistics
@PatoSáinz No, this is being done by a UK networking consultancy Innova Engineering
I'm not involved in the test, just following it closely.
@DragonLord are they only doing Samsung? No Kingston, Intel or OCZ?
@PatoSáinz Just the Samsung SSD 850 PRO.
1 TB version.
heh. Part one of three questions I need to ask. Should be fun
@DragonLord is that the highest end of Samsung's SSD?
At the end of this, I should have ipv6 on the dedi, the primary VM, and the ability to spin up ipv6 vms on the dedi at will.
@PatoSáinz: yup
@PatoSáinz On the consumer market, yes, but they have faster PCIe drives that are technically only available for OEMs.
well, there's supposed to be a 2tb version ;p
@DragonLord: I'd be tempted to bump up overprovisioning somewhat for longer livespans, in theory ;p
Mine isn't really overprovisioned. I just make sure it's properly trimmed.
Even if I have as bulletproof a backup plan as anyone can with a single location and a shoestring budget
HP has finally moved to Haswell-E for their flagship desktop.
GPU options are better than ever, too—up to a GTX 980.
Oddly enough, the system ships with Windows 7 Professional.
At least it's eligible for an upgrade to Windows 10 Pro.
Apr 14 at 2:36, by DragonLord
Come on, HP. Ivy Bridge-E, but the GPU doesn't match it.
This is finally no longer the case, although the base GPU still sucks (GTX 745 – Maxwell GM107)
@DragonLord great for the price, but not necessarily the absolute best :P
also, lots of people say 2(.1) are better than 3
@Bob I used to have Sennheiser MX 580 earbuds. Amazingly broad soundstage, but lacking in bass. These were my all-time favorites, but they broke after a while :(
@Bob: sounds good enough, seems solid and I can toss em into a bag with little fuss ;p
I'm looking for a pair that sounds like these old earbuds and that's why I selected the Pistons.
Plus better bass.
Base memory on that HP ENVY Phoenix is 12GB DDR4-2133 (1x8GB+1x4GB).
The model number of this new desktop is 850se.
That's odd
I'd expect 3x 4gb ;p
(since the E series is triple channel?)
Haswell-E is quad-channel.
This configuration is limited to dual-channel.
Options up to 4x8GB (+$370) are available.
...and it's overpriced as usual.
At least you have the assurance of a major PC vendor behind it.
Moving up to the i7-5960X will add $820. (If you're building from parts yourself, the difference is $660 [$1050 / $390].)
@DragonLord Akkk another G-41 chipset memory issue superuser.com/questions/945121/… See previous DL answer superuser.com/questions/932107/not-compatible-ram-module/… which suggests that the "chip Layout" on the ram modules, which was a problem for many years when MB did the ram controlling (wiring etc).
I dont think (have not asked yet) this user was going out to buy more memory, it was just unused ??? because it was not 64bit. On the other hand they never tell that they just got back from the Econo Shop , and are trying to update with e-bay pulls and all :-)
The older problem with chip layout, was not just if it was double sided, but it was very compatably important the layout of the chips 8X265 or 4X1024 or whatever, but no info is in the manuel for that spec.
I have never had that "ram install showing less than" problem myself, but i have seen it now many many times. Yea i am intrigued that there might be a simple answer that would solution for 80% of them.
@DragonLord ATH-M50 and be done with it actually
they are good for their price too, the flattest you can get at that price range, great insulation, awesome THD, etc
Really techy boards for supergeeky peoples always laid out most of the important data needed to aquire compatable ram modules. a HP or Foxcon :-) manuel well whatdayaexpect :-)
@Psycogeek HP service manuals have always been well-written.
@DragonLord and relatively accessible
Here's the Windows 8.1 version of that desktop with a stronger base configuration (32GB DDR4-2133 RAM, GTX 960): store.hp.com/us/en/pdp/desktops/…
@DragonLord the foxcon is too, just not loaded with techy stuff to the gills.
The PSU is inadequate, though. 500W gives very little headroom.
Ahh the only thing anyone needs to read in any manuel anyways is the Notes:
(the most valuable info in the world was like added post)
It meets the power requirements of the best parts available (CPU 140W, GPU 165W) but with very little room for upgrading or overclocking.
At this price, though, I'm inclined to select Digital Storm instead
Anyone ever play the "Total War" games? like shogun, midievil, rome ,empire?
@Psycogeek no, but I've heard very good things about the series
I often like to start at 1 like bioshock1 before bioshock2. sometimes it is a waste to try and play the old stuff, sometimes people point out that some aspect of the old was more strategic or more interesting. Sometimes if you already played 2 (or 3 or 4) playing 1 would be pretty lame. and sometime if you played any one of them , you already layed them all :-) so playing the better grafics would be the way to go.
I am therfore wondering if RomeI and RomeII were available would a person who palyed both ever care about the old one.
Q: Will my Windows 10 still be reserved despite a factory reset?

James_ParsonsOk, so my computer had a factory reset, and I'm stuck back at Windows 8. I am currently attempting to get back to Windows 8.1. Previously, I had y copy of Windows 10 reserved, and couldn't wait to start developing on the UWP. Once, I get Windows 8.1 again and I sign into my Microsoft account, wil...

More win10 Reservation questions , uggg, Look if you think MS wants to Stop you from updating :-) they wouldnt have gone through all the effort to insure everyone does.
@Psycogeek it's a good strategy but I still think that it's confusing for your average user
any good old crap adware can also set themselves as an icon in the taskbar and ask you for money for windows (I know 10 will be "free" but your average joe can be fooled)
Yes and we SHOULD cover that here. but of all the things to complain about being a product or service were helping them shop for, it gets a free ride, while other stuff classed with that close would have been fine, and could have provided good information that would also live longer.
Q: Will I get Windows 10 on July 29?

TD.512As of today, 25/7/2015, NZST Windows 10 is due to be released in just 4 days. I happen to also be a part of the Windows 10 Technical Preview. I am currently running Windows 7 Ultimate. I'm wondering, since Windows 10 will be pushed out to the Tech Preview users on 29/7/2015 and I'm running Window...

No instead your life will end on that day, because you didnt push the correct buttons :-)
Happy bday @JourneymanGeek !!!!
huh. happy birthday, @JourneymanGeek
now, how do people keep track of this kind of thing? o.O
If you turned off that adblock you would have seen the huge Happy Birthday Dawg banner that covers the top of the front page :-)
Plus were all going to dennys before midnight
(but we have to keep him from the cheese)
@Bob: slightly belatedly, I was born on the 25th ;p
I'd guess g+
PSA site log info, don't go in from sensitive netowrks
4k people lan party ._.
1 hour later…
@HackToHell I have never seen so many computers in one place , even in pictures. I think i am not getting out enough :-)
@Psycogeek Alomost like a super computer
Or are modern super computers faster
Q: I cant open a PDF file with my Adobe Acrobat

charlesatkHelp! I can't open a PDF file with my Adobe Acrobat. A popup says that Adobe Reader could not open my pdf file "because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged." But I can open other files that are nearly identical to this one. Can you help me open the file? Th...

I am getting Snarky.
I want to say WTF are we supposed to do uncorrupt it for you?
So freaking what you have other PDFs that are from the same place, and open fine THIS ONE DOESNT .
and It is just a virus with a pdf extention , delete it and go on about your life :-)
Oh wait, could be snarky is the correct responce. because this could be one of those lead-ups to PDF Repair spam?
Lets see also logged in at SO with a "word doc repair" question. that is classic for these guys.
1 hour later…
Here I was giving the person the benefit of the doubt
and people why I am so cynical all the time. :$
Trust no one.
Especially "file repair" questions.
Bouncer moved to the dedi
How should we deal with these "reservation" questions come July 29th?
@Ramhound: That might be a question for meta ;)
@Ramhound We could make a canonical with microsofts email as an answer, then close all the dupes.
I feel bad i use all caps phrase, but, it literally is the only way the statement "windows 10 license is perpetual" can be made.
Probably the best way IMO
This entire "reserve" Windows 10 is annyoing, not because of the process, but because they called it "reserve" instead of what it actually is pre-loading.
how annoying the application is and/or the notification windows to proceed with the confirmation of the pre-load is debatable.
@Ramhound I found the "just drag it into the hidden area" to be the best fix
No annoyance if you can't see it
I don't even mind it.
But I use GOG, Steam, EA/Origin, ect which all do exactly the samething
Likewise, I have icons for Nvidia, Roccat, Plantronics and Steam all wasting space down there. But it's not like they're difficult to hide in the "icon catcher" thing, whatever it's called
I mean I do get it. Microsoft displaying a notification to get a "new version of Windows" has never been done before.....I just wonder if an .iso will be released come July 29th or not
Microsoft has basically said that Windows 10 will NOT have an RTM build.
At least the traditional build that Microsoft labels as RTM
It appears that "RTM" build will be labeled Threshold 1 (TH1). I still think 10240 will NOT be the build come July 29th :-)
@Ramhound: I hope so
/me would like a fresh install when he gets around to putting in an SSD into his x220
What is interesting is that Microsoft has used the word "months" when they describe the rollout of Windows 10 to machines.
I suspect its in case they mess anything up and need to delay.
If there isn't an official RTM build. What would they call this .iso they do release?
We've never had free upgrades to a new version for a 2 - 3 version old release.
@Ramhound "Windows 10 Installation media" ;p
They're going to follow the Android manufacturer rollout schedule of "when we fooken feel like it"
Indeed. I suspect they actually mean in terms of OEM capability. I hope...
I know HP plans to have Windows 10 in stores August 2nd, and if ordered from them , at your door on July 29th.
Which is pretty impressive.
talk about day 0 support ;-)
@Bob Zeus was a crap name for the platform. Odins spear - Gungnir would have been more appropriate for the projectiles.
Not normally an early bird, but got out of bed at 6:30 today
I have some how linked my 2 gmail accounts together.. on my phone lol
thats what you get for trying to do something like that on like no sleep
I hate "combined in boxes" the softwares seem to love that idea.
well whats odd is
I am sending it to my_main_email and its redirecting to my second_email but its suppose to be reversed.
i do not have forwarding on.
anyone else have 2 gmail accounts? perhaps this is a new feature?
interesting. Its not that i am logged into both accounts
@Ramhound ?
I have a bunch that all forward to my primary
I have 2 seperate gmail accounts
I only forward certain mail from one account to the other. But ALL mail is being forwarded now from that main account to my secondary one ( which is the reverse of what i setup ). But nothing I believe has changed
Wondering if Google has somehow silently connected my accounts
So they are linking accounts to your cookie now
which is interesting
@Ramhound ???
I'm confused.
Are you warning me to never log in to multiple google accounts at once?
They've had multiple-logins for a while. Never had an auto-merge before.
I am confused also. I have an account that only get emails forwarded to it an acocunt i have not used in 7 year
and i got a "logged in from firefox" email to my phone which only checks my active daily email account :$
I am logged into both accounts on my pc
guess i will have to clear my cookies
alright, apparently, i was forwarding email to my main account from that third account....disabled that stop getting it to my other 2
Cool, what happens if you fwd everything from one account to the other, and from the other fwd back to the other? Perpetual motion?
Please don't break GMail.
An email loop is an infinite loop phenomenon, resulting from mail servers, scripts, or email clients that generate automatic replies or responses. If one such automatic response triggers another automatic response on the other side, an email loop is created. The process can continue until one mailbox is full or reaches its mail sending limit. In theory, the email loop could last indefinitely. Email loops may be caused accidentally or maliciously, causing denial of service. Although rare, email loops involving more than two participants can also occur. Email loops are not as common today as in the...
My name is John Conner, we must break google Now (add a bit of arnold schwarzenager) The Fight of the future must begin in the past.
I am so confused
I can't figure out why this is happening and its only these two accounts
how do you contact google support? literally never done it before
Ahh skip that with this time machine i just won the lottery , future be damned
support.google.com/mail/topic/… was the closest i could find
doesn't look like there's a way to directly contact Google if there's not a safety/abuse concern
no because THAT would break google :-)
first article i was linked to was this, gmail-tips.blogspot.com/2014/07/not-my-email.html, which is useless.
ask that google now robot, or Siri instead :-)
I wish i could ask somebody to send me an email, to test, if its only because i am sending "myself" emails
use yet one more account :-) hotmail?
good idea
I have one
figured it out :-)
i think.
so i think i was sending mail by an alias
one of the functions of that is to place a copy of the mail in both inboxes and in the send box of the sender.
I must haveee switch the default some point in my 18+ hours of no sleep :$
Chrome is very, very aggressive when it comes to security. Google is probably doing this for business reasons: if it can't secure user data against government actors, users will lose their faith in Google very quickly. Hence, Google considers establishing itself as a leader in Internet privacy a top priority, despite the fact that its ad-based business model utterly relies on user behavioral tracking. Users trust Google to be a safe steward of their personal data, to not leak data out to unauthorized third parties, so they can't afford to do anything less. — DragonLord 5 mins ago
Jan 30 at 17:27, by allquixotic
@DragonLord that's basically how I feel. it's unfortunate that Google has painted an enormous target on their backs saying "HACK ME" now that they have so much data collected on people... everyone who has a reason to want lots of personal data, browsing habits, search terms, etc. is gonna go out of their way to get to that data.
super.. i wrote this excellent response only to lose it to "unknown error"- lol
Q: Windows 8 CBS.LOG out of control

Scott BeesonA few days ago I got a notification that my C drive was out of space. I used spacemonger and found that my CBS.LOG file was like 20 gigs. I deleted it and freed up some other space. Today, same warning. My CBS.LOG is 24 gigs! How can I permanently resolve this? My PC seems to run fine (this...

I was reading a question recently, that explained, how to fix this problem. I just can't remember the title :$
foudn it
Was thinking about the Windows 10 rollout.
For perspective, a typical full-scale Android update involves at most a few tens of millions of devices (the pool of eligible Nexus and Google Play edition devices) downloading around 300-400 MB.
However, there are more than a billion devices eligible for the free Windows 10 upgrade, and it likely that several hundred million have an upgrade reserved.
Furthermore, this is a 3GB download, about an order of magnitude larger than a Android upgrade package.
The scale of this rollout is simply staggering and it is very likely some people will have to wait months before they get the Windows 10 OTA.
There are five million Windows Insiders alone, and they will be the first to get a production Windows 10 build.
I have 3, maybe 4 devices to upgrade ;p
400 million devices to be upgraded in the first year, by one estimate.
Not all of them are going to be reserved upgrades, but 150 million isn't unrealistic.
Distributing a 3 GB upgrade package to hundreds of millions of devices. Absolutely unfathomable...
Or you simply download the .ISO as I intend
I can't reserve the Windows 10 because I don't want my machine to restart on me on July 29th because I will be working 24/7 on papers this week
even if there is even a remote chance ;_)
I will download the .iso on day 1 though :-)
or 0
@JourneymanGeek I have zero devices to upgrade.
(waiting a few months)
Aside from the aesthetics of the cooler, is there a good reason to get the NVIDIA reference GTX 980? (NVIDIA reference GeForce cards are, for the most part, sold exclusively at Best Buy.)
The TITAN X is only available in the reference design (board partners are not allowed to make alternative designs) with NVIDIA-branded cards sold directly by NVIDIA to consumers.
The GTX 980 Ti launched this way but non-reference designs were later released by several manufacturers.
@DragonLord yes, if you want to and a custom water cooler on it
the referenece boards have wider choice of water blocks
@DragonLord Look at benchmarks of different designs?
You'd get a better idea of noise levels and cooling capacity with benchmarks rather than guesswork.
Reference is not always better, and not always worse.
I know the reference card is probably the slowest of the bunch and has less overclocking headroom, but the impeller fan exhausts heat out of the case which is better for SLI.
Other than cooling, some non-reference designs (try to) increase overclocking potential, etc. (VRMs et al.)
@DragonLord All GPU fans I've seen in the last 5+ years are designed to exhaust heat out the back.
@Bob No. Open-air cooler designs exhaust heat into the case.
These are more effective for single-card setups because there's plenty of surface area to exhaust heat with, but can be problematic when the system has a array of video cards.
2 hours later…
@DragonLord will you install Windows 10 day-one? I mean, I know it's been thoroughly tested but there's still the old, conventional wisdom of waiting for the first patch before updating anythng
@PatoSáinz No plans to do so; will take several backups before proceeding.
System has no known compatibility issues (it's a Sager, so no bloatware, and I try to avoid keeping too many extra apps on the machine)
Having no known compatibility issues is likely to give me priority (Microsoft says they need time to sort out compatibility problems)
Does AMD already have Windows 10 drivers?
From a Microsoft email:
> We want to give every customer a great upgrade experience, so we’re rolling it out in an organized way to manage high demand and to make sure that the upgrade is right for your device. After July 29, when Windows 10 is ready for your device, it will download in the background. You’ll then get a notification to schedule your upgrade right away or at another time that’s convenient for you.
"...to make sure that the upgrade is right for your device"
Surface Pro users are probably among the first to get the upgrade as well.
Once again, this rollout is likely to take months to complete, considering just how many devices will download it.
I see
I may just download an iso and upgrade it without the GWX assistant
Okay, in the continuing saga of the mysterious BSOD: I have minidumps enabled, a pagefile enabled, and windows claims it is 'saving info' relating to the BSOD but minidumps are not being created :-/ Anyone have any thoughts?
Or alternatively, is there a means by which you can tell Windows to display the old-style BSODs? The ones with a bit more info than "oops, your computer ran into a problem" I mean
Belay that, it would appear that the dump file is in fact there (or at least shows up in safe mode); whereas it wasn't when I mounted the partition under Linux. Go figure.
Hmm, windbg reports: 'Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::OKHAJAOM::`string'+e30 )'; going with the 0xc0000102 error
Anyone have any insight on such BSODs? (and paging @Bob)
no insight here
@Hennes Cheers anyway :)
This problem feels like one where 'nuking from orbit' and reloading is the best cure, but I hate to use that particular hammer because of how quickly all windows problems become nails
OTOH, the time spent on even finding what the problem is could easily have been better spent doing just that (reloading); I'm way into Sunk Cost Fallacy territory and ploughing on ;)
Anyone here using Clang with NetBeans on Windows?
I'm considering a switch from GCC on MinGW-w64 to Clang on LLVM.
@bertieb probably caused by NT Kernel Mapper? hmm... I may be talking pure BS out of my ass but have you tried memtest86 yet?
@PatoSáinz Not yet, will give that a go just now (beats sitting around in Safe Mode / Recovery)
A Linux install seems to work okay, and it happens at a very specific part of the Windows boot cycle (just after pre-password prompt image shows up)
But worth doing for the sake of completeness!
@bertieb I never had the opportunity to see actual, failing memory but memtest is like part of your standard test stack for BSOD
@PatoSáinz I've seen a memtest86+ fail!
Not that that is anything to be super proud of
Huh, memtest isn't an option from grub in cbpp
Don't think I have a spare usb with which to fling an image onto, unless I nuke the Windows install media
Time was, I used to have plenty of usb sticks
(also: "Op-tee-cal drive? What's that?" etc)
@bertieb nowadays when I need install media I boot via LAN
@PatoSáinz Good shout! I had a TFTP server set up before I moved! But alas, haven't reinstated that...
Also apparently memtest86+ doesn't play nice with grub-efi?
(Running memtest86+ now)
@bertieb also, some projects offer remote installation... I think Fedora has a PXE server
@PatoSáinz Cool :) It's on the list of things to do once I have a proper home server up and running again
Last one was a nice xen virtualised dealie
@bertieb is memtest done?
@PatoSáinz memtest, done, after 40 minutes? HA!
Just installed LLVM using the official 64-bit Windows nightly build. Clang is up and running.
@PatoSáinz Might be, moved my laptop downstairs to keep an eye on another computer I'm attempting to sort (long story :P)
1st pass (54%) - test 9 so far
No errors as yet
maybe it's going to be a huge waste of time but in the meantime you can rethink what might be going wrong
@PatoSáinz Aye, I've been wracking my brains, bit of an odd one. The error (c0000102) relates to file corruption, but there's no associated file reported to be causing problems. sfc /scannow reports no integrity failures; chkdsk /r reports errors (although apparently there was previously free space reported as used in the bitmap) so I'm a bit stumped
What is everyone's plans to deal with their AMD/Nvidia drivers come the 29th?
But worth doing a memtest in any case, as you say
Are you going to uninstall your drivers then upgrade?
well nevermind. I apparently have 355.30 which is being offered for both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 interesting.
but a separate file interesting...
Looks like Clang is using the MinGW-w64 GCC libraries. The Windows LLVM packages don't ship with an implementation of the C++ standard libraries. It'll try to use the GCC or VC++ libraries if available.
I guess it won't be a problem
Q: GCC: Why does an error in one line of code (comparison of string and NULL) cause a long list of error messages?

DragonLordI've been curious about why one error can cause the compiler to generate a very long list of error messages. The following example is the result of an erroneous comparison between an element of a vector<string> and NULL at line 100 of main.cpp under GCC 4.8.1; > g++ -g3 -std=c++11 main.cpp funct...

Here's an MVCE for this:
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    vector<string> a;
    a[0] == NULL;
    return 0;
GCC 5.1.0 returns this:
a.cpp: In function 'int main()':
a.cpp:9:10: error: no match for 'operator==' (operand types are 'std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>' and 'long long int')
     a[0] == NULL;
In file included from C:/mingw-w64/x86_64-5.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v4-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/c++/bits/stl_algobase.h:64:0,
                 from C:/mingw-w64/x86_64-5.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v4-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/c++/bits/char_traits.h:39,
                 from C:/mingw-w64/x86_64-5.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v4-rev0/mingw64/x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/c++/string:40,
Clang (3.8 nightly) returns this:
a.cpp:9:10: error: invalid operands to binary expression ('std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>' and 'int')
    a[0] == NULL;
    ~~~~ ^  ~~~~
C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-5.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v4-rev0\mingw64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\c++\bits/stl_pair.h:214:5: note: candidate template ignored: could not match 'pair' against 'basic_string'
    operator==(const pair<_T1, _T2>& __x, const pair<_T1, _T2>& __y)
C:\mingw-w64\x86_64-5.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v4-rev0\mingw64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\c++\bits/stl_iterator.h:292:5: note: candidate template ignored: could not match 'reverse_iterator' against 'bas
error: no match for 'operator==' requires an understanding of how function overloading works to make sense out of.
error: invalid operands to binary expression makes perfect sense.
Another example on how the two differ in diagnostic output:
C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Temp>g++ -Wall -O3 -march=haswell -o a.exe a.cpp
a.cpp:10:2: error: expected declaration before '}' token

C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Temp>clang++ -Wall -O3 -march=haswell -o a.exe a.cpp
a.cpp:10:2: error: extraneous closing brace ('}')
a.cpp:10:3: error: extraneous closing brace ('}')
2 errors generated.
error: expected declaration before '}' token doesn't make much sense.
error: extraneous closing brace ('}') is precisely what is wrong.
@PatoSáinz No problems thrown up by memtest fwiw
@bertieb heh back to zero
@PatoSáinz Yup, this whole thing has been pretty much a "zero steps forward, one step back" affair
I mean, my install media crapped out for a bit yesterday, so much time was wasted sorting out the drive
As I said at the time, there are some vengeful gods who do not wish this Windows installation to survive...
Forgetting that equality is two equals signs:
C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Temp>g++ -Wall -O3 -march=haswell -o a.exe a.cpp
a.cpp: In function 'int main()':
a.cpp:7:13: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [
     if(i = 0)

C:\Users\Brian\Desktop\Temp>clang++ -Wall -O3 -march=haswell -o a.exe a.cpp
a.cpp:7:10: warning: using the result of an assignment as a condition without
      parentheses [-Wparentheses]
    if(i = 0)
a.cpp:7:10: note: place parentheses around the assignment to silence this
The Clang warning is far more understandable to a beginner than the GCC warning.
Even better, Clang is aware of the terminal width constraint and properly inserts line breaks and indents on long diagnostic messages.
Clang actually tells you how to fix it (note: use '==' to turn this assignment into an equality comparison)
@bertieb sorry, was asleep
Any chance you could paste the full windbg output?
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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