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System Boot Time:          27/02/2015, 9:12:19 AM
Need to restart it now :(
Or... maybe not
@JourneymanGeek it actually "MS migrating the metro app to web": extremetech.com/internet/…
...and DragonLord is in the house.
Miss me?
It's been nine days.
@DragonLord That was quick. :)
Welcome back nonetheless.
@DragonLord How've you been?
@Bob Fine, things are back under control.
No job, but I'm parent-supported and will hold off the job search for a while to improve my personal conduct and study JavaScript
Jun 2 at 23:08, by DragonLord
@allquixotic I'm starting a massive personal project to overhaul my personal conduct and personality, just as if I was rewriting a major software application. It is my intention that the "DragonLord" you'll see a few months from now will be an entirely different person than the "DragonLord" you're seeing today.
hm. Debating if the wierdness I am seeing with the KVM images is worth a SU question
actual size of the VM is 6gb. Apparent size of the VM is 200gb (and that's what's being transferred)
I'm wondering if there's some way I can transfer less - maybe compress it?
@JourneymanGeek Is this a QCOW2 image?
If so, the disk image file likely contains multiple differencing revisions.
(remote use of KVM over virt manager is too slow, so I'm just swapping out the disk image for one with the OS installed)
Fresh install - actual size is seen using ncdu on the host
Its a 15 hour transfer presumably cause my home network sucks a little, and I'm using rsync over ssh
Plenty of ram and processor power to spare on both ends
I personally like the VHDX format Hyper-V uses
Especially because Windows natively supports manipulating VHDX images, no special software required.
I'm working with KVM ;p
so no, not what I want to do
hm. That also reminds me that I need to check if KVM uses some form of UUID to identify VMs or if its just filename
hmm. sparsify looks interesting
as does zeroing out the drive
@JourneymanGeek "200GB" "15 hour transfer" ... ... "home network sucks a little"
You make me want to cry :(
@Bob: the dedi should do 200, the internet connection should do 20/20
Do you know how long it would take me to transfer 200 GB?
18 days 12 hours 26 minutes 40 seconds
Absolute best case.
Assuming no other internet usage at all.
Point is tho, I don't want to transfer 200gb
Your 200 GB takes as long as 6 GB takes for me :P
huh... for wanting a web-based libvirt admin console, this thing sure is heavy: archipelproject.org
I got it up and running but it took me like 90 minutes and I'm not entirely sure if it's worth all the trouble just so I can administer my one Windows VM
@allquixotic: I'm not sure where the bottleneck with libvirt/virt manager is
and after initial setup, I can just use ssh anyway
Only reason this is on a VM anyway is that if I want to migrate it, its simpler
2 hours later…
there's an ISO standard for rollerballs O_O
(ISO 14145)
> In 1998, ISO came up with some standards for pens. ISO 12157 is about ballpoints. 12157-1 deals with refill sizes. Parker ballpoint refills became one of the standards size, namely G2 (Not to be mixed with Pilot G2s). There is D1, A1 and other types. Physical sizes are in this standard. 12157-2 is the strength of the ink to removal such as chemical, water, sunshine and so on. So if a refill is ISO 12157-2 certified, then you can safely sign a document knowing that it will be harder to remove (not impossible) than a non ISO 12157-2 ballpoint refill.
that explains why so many roller balls use the same kind of refills
I found a Bic Triumph today.
It seems to be a liquid rollerball.
Feed looks like a FP feed.
You can open it and get something that looks like a cartridge but is actually part of the pen -_-
Most liquid rollerballs seem to
@Bob o_0
So I have a azure vm (ubuntu) running a Apache Spark image in virtual box managed by vagrant
What's the simplest way I can access the vbox's http server
running at at the vm
Nested VMs?
yeah ._.
Im doing that course and they need vbox
I can't disable hyper v in my laptop
Ok. You probably are running a NATted network between the azure VM and the vbox vm
yes that''s what vagrant is doing
So you'd want to either run a reverse proxy or just port forward
Aha i can do that with nginx
Why the hell did I just post that here
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Blah web sockets don't work
And azure end points is a bitch
Is is possible to use ssh into a specific port ?
I did a screw it and exposed everything to the public internet
I am a bad person
I THINK you might be able to do a ssh tunnel into azure
That also works.
Hmm it's pretty slow :/
i'm working overnight on sat
going to need to maybe do a tunnel to my mac to do the work as the vnc is horrific
one client just outright refuses toconnect, the other connects but can't resize/scale the screen
then again 90% of the work will be via ssh anyway.... .so that kinda solves itself.
VNC is typically horrific ;p
but from linux to OSX remote desktop solutions are.... well I just did a quick google and it said OSX had vnc built in :D
@HackToHell Yes.
ssh -p portnumber
Can we do X forwarding from OSX? :D
or nomachine. Which works great
Did someone play with the undersea cables again?
Some websites are responding sooo slow today
SHARKS MAN. SHARKS. They're the carnviorous rabbits of the sea.

Man I'm so bad at editing, LOL
Well, this makes me very glad that we moved away from Github
But SE is working just as shitty :P
Apparently a lot of people are having trouuble with that
wow we are getting emaisl in the wrong order here.
(we use gapps for business)
Half the time my Ping to Singapore is higher than my ping to LA
Maybe they're shutting off the internet in Germany due to the attacks on the Bundestag
hmmm i'm in ze uk.
global internet issues: GBLX (AS 3549) / Telekom Malaysia (AS 4788) are leaking substantial amount of routes: bgp sessions flap everywhere
Goooood morning Malaysia! http://t.co/DMiGfnUW3e
hm. I need to remember to add transistor to my wishlist. And Arkham knight.
(summer sales, yay!)
How I wish I had some cash :(
Getting ready to move house, and already cash strapped ±_±
due to previously being outta work for 3 momnths
I tend to set a budget ;p
in a few months I'll be happpppy
I just have no short term cash store left right now
My finances this month are messy
@JourneymanGeek Those bastards!
I wish I was in a position to have the ability to have such an impact on the internet as a whole
You should be a shark ;p
fucking carnivorous sea rabbits.
this exact discussion is going on in arqade too
i think each time this happens, sysadmins the world over go, oh to have that POWAAAAAAR
we are such a power hungry lot.
The verdict is in: the internet is fucked
@JourneymanGeek I just raised a bad flag on this post. Please ignore it, I misread the answer. Sorry!
odd. I see the flag but not who handled it
Ugh. I KNOW the settings for my VM are right
but I can't get networking to work.
And it turns out that the virt-manager console is fine other than the keyboard not working
1 hour later…
hm, whatchaknow
another keyboard works
whoot whoot
i want a unicycle now :(
this is what I ended up doing.
4 installs, 3 attempts at rsyncing, one 15 hour rsync....
then I switched the keyboard, read the instructions, had ONE small glitch, and got it all working
A: How to collect images of a website efficiently while browsing it?

Mac Helper Projects TeamIf you use Mac, try "Cliche: Easy Web Image Collector" on the Mac App Store. According to the app description, "The easy yet powerful web image collector for the Mac. Cliche enables you to quickly and easily collect web images with powerful handy tools. Just browse the web with Cliche. All web ...

@DragonLord It's good to have you back :D
...unfortunately for the spammers
I don't know who upvoted it.
It definitely doesn't deserve the upvote.,
spammer's counterpart? :P
!! s/counterpart/sockpuppet/
@allquixotic spammer's sockpuppet? :P (source)
@Bob you want that Windows RDP session on my OVH box yet?
I got Archipel (manage, web UI) -> libvirt (manage, low-level) -> kvm/qemu -> Win2K12 (activated, running, good perf) working on the SP-128.
I can make you a standard user account that should be able to use Java
1 hour later…
the party's over, when first getting a cell phone spammers would respect your minutes $$$, and the idea that it was against some rules somewhere to call a cellular number (because it would cost the person called). Now fully converted off of landline to cell, they are just as persistant and obnoxious as they were on the landline.
After researching many different ways to nuke them, i went with software that off-hooks the phone (answers) then hangs up on them. I put them all under a single contact (just how many numbers can a single contact have?). They have thier own rigntone "hit the road Jack" and the phone Talks out "killing spam" in between the 1st and second ring, and hangs up on them.
Hanging up on them does not seem to discourage them or whatever machine might be used to call (automatic calling is illegal in california too), it has kept them from recording a voicemail.
With all the spammers and telemarketers I've dealt with, you need to actually be the person they're "calling", then announce you do not want to be called, then hang up.
Some of them have been told so many times I could sue them, as there is also a provision within the law to get 500$+ for calls of these types. 2 days piddling with a court system (plus months waiting for dates) and the court fees, and finding them cross state where the rules are different , ahh not worth it. Some have been given a legal loophole, political and charity organisations are not required to follow "do not call" lists.
That part is sort of humerous that after making the laws the "church" and the "state" are not required to follow them :-)
(2 of the most powerfull institutions, making sure the laws they make for others , again, do not apply to them)
I agree, they should play by the rules set for the rest of us
So, invent your own religion, and call those companies yourself!
In HTML, I see the <pre> tags to display inline through CSS. It works on one HTML page, but not the next, with the same stylesheet. Any idea why?
Screw it, used the <code> tag instead
2 hours later…
@allquixotic Any idea why when I pair the Sony Bluetooth headphones to my laptop it shows up twice, once as regular headphones, and once as a headset?
If I switch default to be the headset, it lets me use the built-in microphone but is fixed to "telephone quality" sound. If I switch default to be the headphones, it's the higher quality sound, but no microphone.
I can't use both modes at the same time
Never heard of this before.
Tried looking around online but couldn't get a search term that wouldn't just give me links to try and sell me headphones, or I'd just see posts saying "They just don't work!"
Is this just the way Bluetooth devices work?
No recourse?
It's either an audio sink or a telephony device
@allquixotic thanks for that
(you caught me the one night I actually slept :P)
probably won't be doing anything with it for a while yet, though
I really want to figure out lxd locally first
@BenRichards two different BT modes
You have A2DP and HSP.
@Bob Ah, so I can't really mix the two, then.
> Each A2DP service, of possibly many, is designed to uni-directionally transfer an audio stream in up to 2 channel stereo, either to or from the Bluetooth host.
I do not know what's more annoying: a mouse that randomly decides to doubleclick if you do a single left click; a password manager plugin that doesn't suggest logins anymore; or a Chrome browser that doesn't want to remember your account after logging out
@BenRichards In theory, you could implement two A2DP streams, one in each direction.
all I know is that right now, I just want to toss my mouse in a blender and buy a new one
In practice, I find that's quite rare... not sure if it's a limitation on the headset side or the host side. Probably headset.
Ok, thanks for the explanation!
@NateKerkhofs Good idea. (normally that means the button is wearing out... sometimes you have something caught there so you can lift it a bit and blow on it/stick a toothpick in there)
On top of that, my computer decides it can be fun to freeze the screen whenever Battle.net starts up
so my youtube video sound continues, but my computer just randomly locks up
I'm glad I'm going to reinstall Windows next month from fresh when I upgrade to an SSD
but until then, I'd rather not waste the hundreds of gigs of bandwidth that's going to cost me
And yeah, I uninstalled AC: Unity through Steam, but now Uplay insists it's still installed, EVEN after 2 reboots
@JourneymanGeek That's just about the best (worst?) possible thing they could have posted :P
Just like Windows INSISTS that World of Warcraft Beta is installed, but clicking "remove" says "wait for the current program to uninstall"
July can't come soon enough for me
@NateKerkhofs Have you tried turning it off and on again?
(you probably have a stray msiexec instance somewhere)
can I instead just kill all msiexec processes running?
or would that cause instability that persists through a reboot?
Nope, no msiexec process running, according to taskmgr
@NateKerkhofs You could, probably.
because I'd rather not have to reboot.
@NateKerkhofs Make sure you're showing processes from all users.
I have mscorsvw.exe running twice
but no msiexec
I'm going to reboot without my gaming apps starting, cya in a few minutes
okay, NOW I know that a randomly doubleclicking mouse is the most annoying thing possible
you're trying to pauze a youtube video, and it goes fullscreen 3 times before you can pause it
and then you're trying to move your pointer in a text box and it moves to the end
and you're trying to select a steam game to uninstall, and you accidentally launch it...
so you either need to wait for the game to finish launching and then stop it, or force-quit the game and risking corruption
Okay, so the World of Warcraft beta that's installed turns out to be in a nonexistent folder
And I got one of my games in the list twice, once with a location in all lowercase and once with CamelCase
sorry about all the ranting, but I really need someone to talk to who actually understands what I'm saying
again, sorry for the spam
It is absolutely amazing that professional-grade high-speed memory cards have become this inexpensive
I have the 16 GB version of this card from about three years ago and I paid $45 for it at B&H
problem is that you lose it so easily. I got something like 150 GB lying in assorted boxes and drawers in my attic
A card with twice the capacity and the same performance now costs less than $35
with no idea what's on all of them
@DragonLord Three years is quite a long time for flash memory
I still have some 128 MB cards and a 32 MB one lying around :P
from a decade (?) ago
The aforementioned 16GB SanDisk Extreme PRO card is in my DSLR and I'm getting a larger card when I get a new camera
@DragonLord Which one do you have?
Pentax K-5.
I'm hoping to upgrade to the K-3 II soon.
Pop-up flash is busted on the K-5, though the K-3 II has no pop-up flash at all.
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