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that's without any of my development stuff fired up; having just recently rebooted; and with no VMs running.
TL;DR: page cache.
DDR4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SSDs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>...(about 5000 more >s...)>>> HDDs
and I don't have any SSDs right now to begin with (they're all in use in other computers)
the best way to get fast I/O is don't do I/O -- the best way not to do I/O is to load it from persistent storage into memory at boot-up or shortly thereafter, then run it out of RAM from there.
oh, you are probably using chrome
nope, Firefox
in that case, I have no idea what eats all that RAM for you
I havent rebooted my box for two weeks and it's at 4.5G .. and thats WITH some of my development stuff running
Steam, RDP, PuTTY, Teamspeak 3, Notepad++, a game, Message+, CrashPlan, CCleaner, MalwareBytes....
seriously ?! Np++ ?
have you actually tried Sublime or Atom or Brackets ?
There's nothing wrong with NP++...
I use Notepad++ for XML editing, "generic" text editing (no syntax, like lists of stuff or whatever), Ruby, ... but for anything serious I use Visual Studio or Eclipse or Netbeans. I don't like Sublime's price; Atom is great for JS and JSON but it's not truly a general-purpose editor for all languages; and Bracket, once again, is focused on web design.
I don't do web design. Ever. So I don't need that. The little bits of JS I do read/write are small enough and simple enough that I can deal with them perfectly fine in NP++.
And I like being able to pretty-print XML with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B in NP++ with the XML Tools plugin; I have yet to find another editor that has an easy button like that for XML (I deal with XML more than anything else these days)
@allquixotic heh. I'm actually thinking of getting a sublime licence
actually you can always click "no" when Sublime asks you to buy
it is not a timed-trial
That's unnecessary clicks; it's called "nagware". There is nothing you can do to design a text editor, or even a robust IDE, to convince me that it's worth paying money for in 2015, when we have so much momentum towards dozens of awesome FOSS text editors and IDEs that have each their own advantages and great use cases.
I'd sooner use Atom or Brackets than Sublime, but like I said, I don't do JS much, so I don't need them. If I were writing a huge JS project, or HTML, I'd probably download one of those two.
@allquixotic: It dosen't even nag actually
its just a different title bar
(and work has a licence ... I use it a lot)
also, notepad++ automatically remembers any unsaved buffers you have open when it closes, so if your system randomly decides to reboot (gracefully, for optimum results), you don't lose anything... other editors will ask you to save changes if you're lucky, or just close if you're not
there may be other editors that do the same, but again, I haven't found any
sublime does this ;p
congrats to sublime then for charging for a feature I can get for free
(and the killer feature for me... multiple cursors)
granted, there's a free text mode text editor that does it.
@JourneymanGeek how does it handle huge volumes of text? one thing I like about NP++ is I can open up a 50 MB log file and it's blazing fast
@allquixotic: gloriously
I'm a fan, but I recommend giving it a spin for a day or two.
what does sublime do that no other text editor does (or does equally well) that is unrelated to web development?
I'm using LINQpad for formatting XML and JSON
there's so much feature parity between text editors that there's no compelling reason to learn new shortcuts and menu items unless there's one out there that has some spectacular killer feature
otherwise there's not enough productivity loss by sticking with what you have to make it worth your while -- maybe a couple seconds or minutes per year compared to something that may be marginally better
unless your text editor of choice is Windows Notepad, of course
@allquixotic It has the code overview panel!
because figuring out the plugin for NP++ was too hard, and Sublime (funnily enough, used by my coworker that shares @allquixotic's name) took about half an hour on a 30MB JSON file
@JourneymanGeek multi-edit is available in all 3 editors that I mentioned
actually, I don't think we ever got it to finish
@Bob an hour to load a 30 MB JSON? or an hour to pretty-print it?
@JourneymanGeek the killer feature for me is the fuzzy file search
@allquixotic the latter
especially if you are working on projects with 100+ class files, it makes for a lot faster work when you dont have to click through the directory tree
actually, might've been 300MB... can't remember now
probably 30
@Bob that's what vim is for =P
@tereško eh, all IDE's I've used support that
LINQpad did it fast though?
VS and NB, primarily
presumably Eclipse does too
@allquixotic took all of 2 secs
though, it wasn't LINQPad itself
some optimization problems in sublime then
I just had a C# one-liner in it :P
@allquixotic IIRC it was a third-party plugin... maybe, idk
I don't use Sublime
coworker-with-your-name just offered to try running that file through it :P
I meant this feature
@tereško So do I.
Ctrl+, in VS
Some combination of ctrl+alt+shift+O in NB, though I can't remember the exact combo
In fact, the VS one is even better.
It doesn't just search filenames. It also searches symbols.
well, so does this
you just need to start with @
and you are comparing an IDE to a editor here
An IDE is a (text) editor
no, IDE and editor are different things
...then go define the difference
> An integrated development environment (IDE) or interactive development environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger. Most modern IDEs have intelligent code completion.
IDE is not and editor
You realise an "IDE" and "editor" are not mutually exclusive?
same way as "car" is not a "chair"
You also do realise that IDEs let you edit text, and therefore are a subclass of "text editor"?
I'd explain it this way in terms of inheritance: class IDE extends TextEditor
> subclass
same idea ;p
@allquixotic I would say that editor is a dependency of an IDE
and IDE can have actually multiple editors integrated
see the "car-chair" example
Encapsulation? Okay, that works too. Yeah, since there are plenty of non-text editors in Eclipse.
...and an IDE can still function as a text editor, ergo it is a text editor.
@allquixotic composition
The main reason I don't use Eclipse for all my text-editing needs is that it takes too long to start up and has too many unnecessary trimmings for when I need quick little edits or unstructured lists.
@Bob car can still function as a chair, ergo it is a chair
@tereško Sure, if you want it to be one.
if Eclipse started as quickly as NP++ I'd probably use it as my text editor :P
Strictly speaking, a car can be a seat, a place to sit. A chair has a more specific definition that diverges from a car.
Anyway, as long as an IDE implies being able to edit text, it is a text editor.
^ and this is actually quite common
anyway, I give up
I actually observed that my car's seats are way more comfortable than my desk seat at work and contemplated if I could do something like that lol
car manufacturers know that people will only like the car if they are REALLY comfortable behind the wheel when they test drive it
so they make the seats super lush and excellent
every newish car I've been in has wonderful seats ;p desk chairs, not so much
If you really want to argue semantics, I can say that by your definition Sublime Text is not a text editor because it includes additional functionality - oh, what's this, "build systems"?
And then there's so-called "lightweight IDEs" like Brackets, Atoms, VSCode, etc., which only have marginally more functionality than Sublime.
@allquixotic You just need to not buy the cheapest desk chair you find :P
@Bob Guilty as charged! D:
especially my work..... at home, I don't usually buy the cheapest, just cheap-er
but work's chairs are bleh
@allquixotic test-sit at the store?
@allquixotic :(
we have pretty good chairs at work
(yay, another repeated conversation... IIRC @JourneymanGeek had some special designer chairs? :P)
there's actually a great deal of equipment inequity at work between "worker bees" and the bosses
bosses get upgraded chairs that are WAY more comfortable, more monitors, monitors on swivel arms, higher end specs, WAY more desk space, locking doors....
wait, locking doors?
does that mean you have a door? :P
worker bees get barely enough room to turn around in (I can't tell you how many times I get thwapped while walking by someone's cube when they put their arms up to stretch), no privacy, crowded desk, bad specs, no actuating arms on the monitors, and cruddy chairs
@Bob no, lol
@Bob We have 'ok' chairs at work... Apparently they're like $3-400 each...
the sad part is my company probably paid $500+ per chair for the awful chairs we have
they always overpay for everything
it's ridiculous
@allquixotic Yup!
We could all be sitting in wonderfully comfortable dx-racer chairs if they were clever.
/me has been looking at Maxnomic and DXRacer chairs
I need to investigate this DXRacer since two of you mentioned it
> System.ArgumentException
and indeed, on their homepage is an error
@Bob: herman miller aeons
I am currently sitting on something like this:
it's terrible
@tereško We had better chairs at high school! :p
damn it people. And google.
^ perfect for waiting room
Man... I am so done with today!
All I want to do is go home and blob out on the couch playing ESO.
> You said in the call that you needed to "poke a couple holes in the firewall". Since you're not onsite, who are you going to get to create the holes and are they going to fill the holes back in after we're done with the project? How long does it take to make the holes, and how long to fill them? Are you poking holes so we can run cables, and if so, do I need to get our electrical contractor involved to run the cables for you? Since this is a firewall, wouldn't it be a fire hazard to have holes in it?
@allquixotic that one actually looks like it would topple over
@allquixotic Is someone trying to make a point?
ooh. I see puppy is up
@JourneymanGeek yup
@JourneymanGeek lol
all the VMs except Windows are up, and that one is following soon
@allquixotic: hm, do you have access? Could you give the script for updating tt-rss a kick?
(I'm at work, and don't have my keys. I usually start screen, switch to www-data then run php ./update_daemon2.php )
/me is hoping to get the ubuntu VM on the unnamed dedi up by tommorrow ;p
@JourneymanGeek you don't have access? ... oh, don't have keys
how do you "switch to www-data"? su doesn't let me do it
erm... su -u www-data php ./update_daemon2.php
I think
or was that su -c
I do this so rarely I don't remember XD
su -c www-data php ./update_daemon2.php
problem is I can't really run it in cron or as a startup script cause its interactive
ahh, thanks
@allquixotic the OVH thing that was 72h now says 120sec
well, no time like the present to order...
hm, actually
I should probably finish my local lxd tests first
OVH thing?
@JourneymanGeek the specific setup I wanted
seems like they restocked :P
but I'm still gonna test locally... nothing quite like a VM snapshot when you're stuffing around with unsupported setups :P
@JourneymanGeek Saw that yesterday :P
My RSS feed reader was down ;p
I've actually been toying with the idea of setting some kind of replication for postgres and running a second copy at home if the main one goes down.
I'm overeliant on the damned thing ;p
I left that script running whatever it's doing
did a Ctrl+a,d to detach
that's what I normally do
Its the second most annoying thing about ttrss ;p
Reddit's in super drama mode reddit.com/r/all
That's just sad
I hope they do not mess this up
1 hour later…
what do you think when an answer is this bad and even the edit is wrong stackoverflow.com/questions/30768624/…
the last answer there.
by louis.
I wouldn't mind reverting the edit that got approved though i'm not sure how.
but even if the correction were correct, it'd still be pointless
because the correct answer was posted before louls's answer
double quotes single quotes frontslash backslash , heegads which is it already :-)
While I will just "try anything" , and change stuff till it works. I know that there are times when the "other" slash works the same as the "proper" one, but there is no use doing that as a work pattern, because not everything will work that way, and the other one is used for other stuff (like params). So staying with the same conventions the system itself uses, like when copy-paste from the exploder own address bar, you see the method they use and intend.
yeah. The comments on the correct answer mention that forward slash works when in double quotes
though indeed i'd use backslash in windows
freaking mess it is
not really a mess at all... backslash is what one should use bit an allowance is made for forward slash, an allowance that has been done in a messy way. The mess is completely irrelevant
I mean all the comments only adding to the confusion.
the comments don't leave any confusion
they clarify
and add a lot of new information
which could potentially be edited into the answer, but they don't lead to confusion unless you don't read them.
and there actually is no full conical answer stating why that does not work, why not to do it like that, and why to use the method suggested.
@barlop yea that.
yeah but who needs or wants a full canonical answer on something as absurd as forward slashes in windows.
the canonical answer is don't use forward slashes unless you're ignorant or playing around stupidly.
the solution MS have given for forward slashes is a half baked solution for people that deserve a half baked solution!
@barlop my guess is one already exists.
Also. forward slashes are correct as long as its windows ;p
Don't forget windows isn't posix complaint for most part
@JourneymanGeek what do you mean forward slashes are correct as long as its windows :p ? Technically the windows command line is windows, and dir c:/windows doesn't work
or do I mean backslashes....
goodness gracious me
beats me. I try one. Then the other
did you learn windows and linux at the same time or something?!
like your first computer had windows and linux on it?
no. I'm dyslexic
oh ok
So I quite literally have no idea which one it is. I use one, then the other ;p
that's weird
IIRC / is the correct one in windows, and escapes in linux?
Its normal. Its probably the most obvious thing for me tho
what's the use in correcting you if they all look the same?
how about identifying them by which side of the keyboard they are?
You wrote "IIRC / is the correct one in windows, " <-- No that's not correct.
Is the freaking leaning line thing, how it slashes , has always confuded me , i more know which one i intend by the placment on the keyboard (plus mine are 2 different colors on the keyboard).
One leans like it is falling over to the right, and one leans like it is falling over to the left.
look at the top of it whether it's more to the right or more to the left
look at right as forwards.
left as backwards
and the top of it
top of it is to the right that's the forward slash
the backslash looks like it is falling backwards
liek if somebody was walking from left to right, and they fell forward that's a forward slash, and if they fell backwards that's a backslash
I don't really have a sense of right and left ;p
(I have a trick for that)
well use it
You know the left hand you can make an L, right?
it kinda "slashes" foreward if you draw it from the top :-)
point is tho its not an intuitive thing for me, like for most people ;p
it's probably not intuitive for most people either
though if they're techies then maybe they know.. but at some point they trained themselves to know
though it probably took a bit less training than you'd take
I guess with the use of the web though.. it takes some doing to get it wrong..
maybe if your web browser were to allow both thus enabling you to get it wrong
chrome seems to allow both
it'd be better if it gave a message "you dyslexic"
If they had applied the arrows it would have been interesting C:>Disk>TUN here, then into there , and they could reverse that too CD < up one folder
But there is no changing things now.
The / is easier for me since I use it more ;p
and on linux, I just use autocomplete a lot
maybe they should make a dyslexic version
what if your keyboard had left and right written on it
and a label with a picture of somebody's back for the backslash
and a color version, different colors mean different things <red>Del
@Psycogeek so are you dyslexic ?
Not specifically, just lasy
I thought we'd have a colour blind person here too
or just the names at the bottom
any dyspraxics object?
You know a backspace is a backspace cause it says backspace.
well how do you read that if you are dyslexic?
Block reading
@JourneymanGeek and the cool arrow <---- Yea, know that that does.
High speed, low accuracy ;p
I guess you are lucky they don't spell backspace with a backslash
don't you know based on position though?
and size
I use the backslash more
so I tend to use that when I need a forwardslash, then correct myself ;p
I like how the backspace is on the left on my keyboard, and the delete on the right, so i know what direction it removes stuff.
oh.. Also the US keyboard isn't as easy with forward and backslash..
look at the UK keyboard..
backslash is near the z on the left
forward slash is near shift on the right
that is kinda cool
and typing cd\ is so easy
or cd \
Actually, My 'perfect' keyboard is a UK keyboard with everything else in the US position ;p
(@ ~ and so on)
Still use better placement of the * (asteric) for the cmdprompt keyboard :-)
"A system with UEFI will often be aware that the system had hibernated (having been notified so by the operating system) and bypass POST, instead proceeding directly to the bootloader." superuser.com/a/561390/98855 @dragonlord .
he may not be around a while
I think this single item in the whole good answer , seems incorrect? Cant bypass the hardwares POST (Power On Self Test) for the hardware, and he basically said that correctlly before, then put that statment in , that seems incorrect ?
Plus this isnt perfect either "the computer is physically turned off" It is more like LOGICally turned off :-) or as i like to say the computer is in the Off State, which really is the motheborads version of a standby :-)
The NICs on this new stuff like to stay powered, and the USB and the PS2 all like to stay powered.
The stuff now has so many standby states, they actually have them numbered :-) S-1 , S-3 etc
"The computer is put into an Off State, and can be physically and completly turned off too and still return from that state."
Q: I need to reliably move lots (as in MILLIONS) of emails between Gmail accounts

JackI have three email accounts with Gmail that I need to 'merge' into one master Google Apps account. Currently the three inboxes are simply inboxes with around 4.5 million emails between them. There are no labels, folders, tags, contacts, or calendars etc. that I need to move - just the 4.5m email...

Years of fudged up mess, and improper archiving , and organisation, please help me fix it in 20 minutes , plus it is all out there on the web , but it is important :-)
What is next ? we need to print it all to take it to court :-)
If vrses snail mail they saved 5cents for paper and 25cents for stamps = 30cents per corresponance they could pay google 1million dollers to fix it for them , , , otherwise it was just spammy junk that should not have been sent anyways.
The Way Back Machine : "Electronic mail would save time and paper and . . . ." bla bla bla. When it always was going to be like this , now that it is mostly free we can splatter 100times as much stuff as before Weeeeeee.
Plus I get both now still, so when was that savings going to occur? I (myself) get the same ammount of snail mail today as before the revolution.
-Another Think Ahead-
Q: How can I quickly load google documents?

Kyth'Py1kI have some larger (~30-100 pages) Google documents that I access many times per day. Currently, the one that's about 100 pages long takes roughly 30 seconds to load, despite having very few images. This long load time is inconvenient, so I would like to see if there is a way to decrease it. Coul...

Like you didnt know that was going to happen when you started it out on the web like that :-) wonder how long it takes, and how much data $$$ it takes if your mobile? which would be a great purpose for having it there.
My next keyboard , needs that key.
superuser.com/questions/926586/… <--- One of them things that looks like spam comes next. It seems odd to me that the only damaged files , are the ones that those spammers claim to fix.
2 hours later…
Azure is freaking expensive
Lots of cloudy things are
I need to be more patient
is trying to push a 4gb file via rsync over to his server
1 hour later…
I... what
for some reason its a 200 gb file... whut?
(on second thoughts, that might be a tad too identifying :P)
ugh. I think I may need to redo the KVM install
I don't get why the disk image is actually 200gb ><
@JourneymanGeek ... whitespace byte-for-byte copy includes zeroed bytes?
Shouldn't be ;p
Its a nearly fresh install and I could have sworn it was 40gb
I found that whole post vaguely insulting
ncdu says the file is 6gb. cyberduck thinks its 200gb. rsync says ~15 hours to finish transferring
Tim Post on June 11, 2015

Some time ago, we hired a Russian-speaking Community Manager named Nicolas Chabanovsky. He works remotely from St. Petersburg (we’re pretty sure it’s the one in Russia). In the past Nicolas was a software developer, and participated in the development of DLNA-stack at Motorola, webOS at LG Electronics and many other notable projects. What we found the most interesting about Nick is he’s one of the founders of the most advanced clones of Stack Exchange we’ve ever seen, which was ХэшКод, otherwise known as HashCode. …

The Azure management portal has a fucking 10 mb javascript file
Count Dooku died! :(
1 hour later…
@Bob incredible
@allquixotic I'm actually wondering if I should ignore LXD/LXC and just use systemd-nspawn
@Bob o.o
what's that?
@allquixotic Another way to get a container? :P
Very easy to use, but not as flexible.
Anyone familiar with Canadian Privacy laws?
.. and so it begins
Steam Summer Sale is on
@Bob their choice of migrating back to ext4 is puzzling though
there are really no advantages to ext4 over xfs
xfs is better, plain and simple
it's the best filesystem out there that doesn't do checksums (I prefer filesystems that do data checksums, but for one that doesn't, xfs is hella good)
@tereško that game you wanted seems to be on flash sale now
@Bob yeah, with a 40% discount instead of 75%
I just had a weird thought: when launching a manned space mission, are the calculations so precise that the program administrators have to regulate the time of bowel movements for the manned crew, and make them "go" right before they get in the craft? To reduce weight and maximize delta-V?
considering that each pound of additional mass into space brings with it a ridiculously high cost (I forget the number exactly)
in KSP, I hear the voice of Gene Kerman going "auw-WAAAAH!" lol
also ... Steam is crashing internally
@tereško Steam summer sale is flakey as hell, as per usual.
well, ATM there is nothing to buy there
and it's lagging and dying
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