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Updated the SuperMicro BIOS using that
hopeful that'll help me boot into UEFI
that sounds slightly scary
son of a bitch... with the new firmware I'm able to boot straight into Jessie
so the old firmware (dated 2013) of the Supermicro X9SRE motherboard doesn't boot UEFI correctly and completely fucks up trying to boot Linux in UEFI mode
but the firmware dated January 2015 works fine
@Bob you should really, really be aware of this
@allquixotic: well, I guess there's a reason that SF folks hate supermicro hardware
aside from slight snobbery XD
aaaand my box is up running Jessie... now I just need to compile ZFS, set a few configuration stuffs, and I'll be up and running with all the old VMs, etc. intact
@allquixotic: I'll be moving the ttrss instance off puppy eventually
I've finally got hosting that isn't random VPSes (and I'm dropping one of them, maybe both anyway) and it probably makes sense for me to consolidate.
(since I FINALLY found the cheap little atom dedi I've been talking about for ages ;p)
@JourneymanGeek cool
1 hour later…
Also, I'm amused I have rep in parenting.se
heh... one of the guys here just ran a powershell script that tried to grab the effective access to this one file for everyone on the domain...
hm. The internet is a scary place
I do a fresh install on the dedi before I go to bed. 57 failed logins in that time.
(switched it over to key based auth)
In case anyone hasn't caught the Hound internal demo: youtube.com/watch?v=M1ONXea0mXg
@fixer1234 That would be cool, if you could see anything on the actual screen...
Oh... it has sound.
Wow, that's fuckin' amazing.
1 hour later…
ooh, that bit me in the ass
We don't back up text files. Guess what all my notes were in?
@allquixotic O_O
@JourneymanGeek What, the Atom? :P
Not entirely sure that's actually better than a decent VPS! :P
@JourneymanGeek eh... I'm working with Dell hardware, and... PSU firmware bug anyone?
@Bob: yeah
@Bob: we'll see. ;p
they have a cheaper one but that's a via nano
@Bob: actually, 30 dollars gets me 1tb of hard disk space, 8gb of ram, and 8 cores. Not too sure I can match that with a vps
true :P
(also I've not set it up properly yet so I could run some benchmarks ;p)
Its on fedora at the moment since I'm planning on using that as the base distro, and running stuff on a VM
Fedora host? -_-
why does no-one use stable hosts?
I'm running the same version of fedora at home
and since I want to run KVM for VMs I know my version of virt-manager will work with it
which makes my life simpler.
then run actual stuff on VMs on top of that
1 hour later…
Q: Can't open some websites

htanmsadown vote favorite I tried to access some websites the popular ones but I am unable to open them.I tried various methods but still was unsuccessful. I tried to open the following websites login.yahoo.com,Microsoft.com,speedtest.net etc Though I was able to open yahoo.com whenever I want to open m...

no idea where that was pasted from but holy wall o text batman
1 hour later…
Oh, I got a new badge \o/
Populist. Neat
2 hours later…
@OliverSalzburg Hey there. I have a question over at GD that you guys might want to have, with the emphasis on 'might'.
Q: Mac Book Air 10.10.3 strange artifacts on screen

ModestI have Mac Book Air 10.10.3 and on the screen there is strange behaviour when I moving/changing windows - see . Pink is solid (in Photoshop) but screen show me colors sometimes like on the photo. Sometimes colors are pale, otherwise they are vivid. How can I set colors solid? It appears on scree...

@Vincent Sure, seems valid. Probably simply a defective device though
could be, but thanks. I'll migrate it!
...if I remember how (mod n00b)
@Vincent Close -> Off-Topic -> Belongs on other site
you goddit
I can't believe that I still have to click Helpful/Not Helpful for auto-flags
3 hours later…
hmm. If anyone's familiar with nmcli syntax and bridging, could you take a look at this and make sure I understand the commands correctly pastebin.com/cnGd9FPr I based it off this server-world.info/en/note?os=Fedora_21&p=kvm
bit on top's the original config for eth0
nmcli O_O
I always heard of network-manager as being targeted towards desktop/GUI users
Oh, most of the tutorials for what I want to do are for desktop users. For some reason
fedora suggests editing the config file but meh.
I'm 90% certain this is correct
how about just using /etc/network/interfaces & ifup?
docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/22/html/Networking_Guide/… this is fedora's documentation on the same matter
It misses a lot of information
shrug I'm mostly a debian guy for headless installs
and (k|l)ubuntu when I want a GUI
I don't think I've ever seen network-manager recommended for headless installs though o.o
I'm not sure "check if my syntax is correct" is a questionable thing either.
> nmcli do not provide the same functionalities of nm-applet, e.g. you cannot configure new connections.
O.o maybe things have changed since 2012?
A lot has
You couldn't do what I'm trying to do until fedora 20
@Bob (I just woke up) So I saved a copy of the ISO boot disk I used to flash my BIOS. If you buy an OVH server, pester me to give you the URL so you can just grab the boot disk (it's tiny, 8 MB), load it into IPMI, and flash up to the latest firmware that boots UEFI operating systems correctly.
The SP-64 and SP-128 both use the X9SRE family chipset (there's a bunch of letters after X9SRE, but they all use the same BIOS code).
Only way that wouldn't apply is if you bought a 2015 model and they use Haswell or something :P
@HackToHell congrats
LinkedIn told me you got a new job
hm. oops.
thinks he probably shouldn't have done that on a ssh connection ;p
Got that working with a few small changes
this worked
And yeah, there's one silly mistake there
@allquixotic ah, right, thanks
UEFI is interesting... if you tell the firmware to load the LSI Spitfire RAID controller's Option ROM in UEFI mode, the RAID controller no longer displays its own UI with something like Press Ctrl+S to enter setup mode, but the motherboard UEFI config provides options to configure the RAID controller O_O
it's like the RAID controller "injected" options into the motherboard's UEFI setup applet
....which is probably by design
@JourneymanGeek yay G+ :P
I'm surpised I didn't add you before ;p
I never use it, honestly
it's just there so Android stops bitching that I don't have G+
@JourneymanGeek INSERT INTO positronic_brain VALUES (3449193245851350194534, 'Emotion');
what? not ;p?
are you human today?
kinda glad I'm moving off of SmartOS for numerous reasons, but one of the big ones is that its implementation of KVM is kinda shoddy and Windows Server 2012 keeps crashing every few days
I assume the KVM in Debian is not as bad
considering that SmartOS does not appear to be regularly porting over enhancements and fixes from Linux KVM over to SmartOS KVM
it's just a compatible reimplementation
it's interesting, my Linux guest under KVM runs fine on SmartOS
but something Windows does makes SmartOS' KVM kill the guest
they probably haven't tested as much with Windows
it seems to be a graceful kill, too -- the VM goes from running state to shutting_down to stopped
no errors in the logs or anything
like "I don't like you anymore" type, rather than "AHHH THE WORLD IS ENDING"
resource exhaustion?
anything on Windows' side?
man, it'd be cool if IPMI firmware started supporting the RDP protocol (the latest one)... it's surprisingly efficient and snappy
@Bob Server 2012 demands to know why it was shut down unexpectedly ;p
@allquixotic that just means it wasn't user-initiated (i.e. no reason provided)
you might get a bit more info from event logs at time of shutdown
CBA, since that server is being decommissioned soon :P
I have 7 days to get this working, or pay another month for WI
...unless I could transfer it to you somehow o_O (but then you'd be paying more than if you bought one yourself, because hardware RAID)
@allquixotic what's the point of doing that?
considering I want a full linux stack, and there's no setup fees until the end of June
@Bob didn't the period of setup fees waived expire?
oh, end of June
@Bob oh, I'd wipe the disks before handing it over if I did that :P
of course, that too :P
wtf. I just uninstalled Office x64 and installed Office x86. Now the text on a lot of websites are bold
Turns out I now have a single Helvetica Bold in my fonts
And that is selected because a lot of websites use font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
And I can't delete that stupid font... O____o
I'm quite possibly going to lose my shit pretty soon
Chrome still has a handle to the file open!
So much annoying shit has happened today. It's really not funny any more
The best part was the Sophos "support engineer" who responded to my ticket, marked as "critical - high impact on business", after 12 hours basically telling me to relax and take it easy
Then I told him that there is a clear indication that their product was at least partially to blame for the outage we took care of. And he told me that, if there isn't a problem now, then he doesn't understand why I'm making such a fuzz
The other day I had another one of their support people on the phone, because their shitty software wouldn't even install
The whole remote session boiled down to "just install SQL Server Express manually"
But he had to walk me through most of it. He got stuck on the dialog where you have to select the SQL Server instance
He wanted to enter the name into the textbox, but couldn't figure out the format of the URI
And there is a button Select Server right next to the textbox
At some point I suggested that we might try clicking on that button and, what do you know, a dialog pops open with the URI for exactly the right server
How can people be so fucking stupid?
And why are they getting hired for tech jobs?
Q: SuperMicro X9SRE only boots UEFI Debian 8.1 when "forced"

allquixoticI have the following configuration: SuperMicro X9SRE (Intel C602 chipset) updated to latest firmware v3.2 (01/2015) LSI Spitfire 9211-4i HBA with 1 GiB NAND cache 3 x 2 TiB SATA 6Gbps HDDs in hardware RAID-5 Debian Jessie 8.1 installed in UEFI mode on the RAID-5 array (using netinst image force...

And then I was just talking to some other guy and I told him that my question goes beyond what they have in their documentation. And he tells me to watch some videos on their websites. Right! Because those are going to blow my mind with internal details which are not in the docs!
@OliverSalzburg You should really relax, and not worry about the details. Let the "support engineer" take care of all your support needs. You just need to be an ignorant office worker sitting at a desk demanding that other people do everything for you, and not learn anything yourself. Unfortunately, this ticket may take approximately 2 years to process. ;)
Small details like shit not working are not your concern. ;p
And now I just re-installed Office, opened Outlook and the first thing it tells me is, "This product is not installed. Please go to your account to install it". wat?
Let's install it again! :D
@OliverSalzburg Install something -> launch it -> it tells you that it's not installed
if it's not installed, how the fuck did you launch the program to begin with?!
ugh. Microsoft.
The thing is, I know they let you start the applications while the installer is still running. Which can result in a similar error. The one I received was probably because they thought I had 365 Home installed, not Business. But that only happened after I tried to repair the installation
I wish our company was so big that we could hire someone for this kind of shit
> Indian broadband and cellular operator Airtel was discovered to be injecting third-party JavaScript files into web pages delivered over their wireless networks. A developer was viewing the source of his own blog and noticed the additional script when viewed on a Airtel connection. He traced the file back to Flash Networks, an Israel-based company, which specializes in "network monetization" and posted the source on GitHub. Since then, he has received a cease-and-desist from Flash Networks and the code on GitHub has been removed following a DMCA takedown notice.
Then I could just play dumb and drink tequilla all day
@JourneymanGeek ^^ you use AirTel?
TRWTF is the developer doesn't serve his blog over https
TRWTF is a non-US entity being able to issue DMCA takedown notices
A: SuperMicro X9SRE only boots UEFI Debian 8.1 when "forced"

allquixoticSo it looks like, for some reason or another, having the PXE firmware be first in the boot order (which is how it was when I first got the server) breaks UEFI booting. When I set UEFI:debian as the first entry in the boot order, it boots all by itself, no intervention needed. The downside, of co...

answered my own question. that's another one you'll need to know if you go to OVH, @Bob
especially considering you cannot boot a disk of size 4 TiB or larger with MBR/BIOS, even in CSM
unless you get the SSDs, and then you won't need to even think about all this UEFI stuff and can use the old 3.0 firmware and boot your OS in MBR/BIOS mode
(but I wager UEFI boot is probably slightly nicer for booting into ZFS if that's what you're after)
@OliverSalzburg 365 Home includes Outlook
@Bob Yeah, but that license would not have been compatible with my account
@allquixotic no hardware RAID, so the firmware would only see three independent 2 TB disks
@allquixotic eurgh
somehow, my half-decade-old Dell server is looking better now... :S
SuperMicro is shit, but if you wrangle it you can make it work
@Bob hmm, true
SuperMicro's hardware isn't especially easy to administer, but the chipset is fundamentally sound, and the performance is nice
you just have to trust that most of the serious guts are Intel parts (the C602 chipset and the CPU)
also, opinions about LSI HBAs are generally positive if you decide to go that route... certainly better than Adaptec according to most
does vmware have an option like virtualbox's dynamic disk? if so where?
@barlop what, dynamically sized?
you get that option when you create the disk
oh you're eright it looks like a default in vmware workstation
yeah looks like thin provisioning
that's been around in vmware since like version 5... as long as i can remember
before i even owned a full license of VMware Workstation, which I got 6+ years ago
@barlop that doesn't look right
@Bob well I chose the create new virtual machine option..
not sure about the add hardware wizard.
but aren't those screens saying the same thing?
both are saying not to allocate it all.. i.e. to do it dynamically / thin
start small and become larger.
And both are set to split it to multiple files
@barlop but yours doesn't even provide the option
which is weird
are you running VMware Player?
I have vmware player installed but I sm sure that was from vmware workstation
ahh you chose the "typical" option
I usually go custom
ah ok..
that is a lot of screens prior to getting to that option, when choosing custom. What settings do you make use of with custom?
@barlop "typical" doesn't even let me configure core count and RAM!
that's pretty ridiculous
Why do mobile browsers all have to suck so much?
@Mokubai Which have you tried, and how do they suck?
I'm using FF on Android and it's been great. Haven't updated in a while, though... think I'm still running 34 or something.
Also have 300 tabs open there o.O
@Bob Using any addons for tab management?
@jokerdino Nup.
@Bob They all suck because they make assumptions about a) when I want to activate controls b) when I want to zoom into said controls and c) they all lack any configurability for disabling said stupidity
Not even that Firefox in built thingie?
Firefox is one of the least worst...
But it's still slow, chuggy and a bit sucky
At least on my 2013 N7
Ctrl + Shift + E -- whatever that's called.
Panorama. Reverse Google search works.
Oh look bob has kids
hacktohell why do you keep posting pictures of animals all the time
...why would anyone flag that? :(
Pictures of foxes are neither spam nor offensive :-/
I agree.
Hi @Bob.
ello there
Are you the one @Kit?
The one what?
Bob's my uncle.
the one in the middle.
I am so confused now.
Yeah, that's me.
My tail tip has gone white in my dotage old age.
Why are we talking about dota? I am trying to forget it.
How far are foxes from dogs in the taxonomy?
I asked Google. He'll deliver.
So apparently, dogs and foxes fall under the same family "canidae".
And I get flagged
Screw you flagger
More pictures it is
I am in a weird mood today
I should sleep
Are you on holidays?
@allquixotic apparently the S6 Active is supposed to have a 3500mAh battery
Yes @jokerdino!
How you doing ?
@HackToHell Is that good news?
still not removable though
@HackToHell Just normal stuff. Nothing fancy.
yes !! And I am doing an intership
And I have a subject on Visual BASIC..
wtf wtf wtf
Poor you
You on holidays too ?
and still with no SD support and a ridiculous resolution
@HackToHell College just started last Friday.
@jokerdino as in VB6 or VB.NET?
@HackToHell congrats
@Bob VB6
@jokerdino ... ... ...
I believe its discontinued several eons ago.
(I had the same for a HS dev course. ... ow)
@jokerdino It won't even install on Win7 without some hackery
@Bob thanks :)
@Bob I have a trial version installed on Win8.
@jokerdino Mine starts on July so yay
I cant even find a registration key.
Ah yes, I had VB for my DBMS course
@jokerdino Don't even bother.
Had to use VB and Oracle SQL from 2001
Stick it in a VM, snapshot before reinstallation, and reinstall when the trial expires
@Bob What do you suggest I do?
You'll never need it after your course is over... hopefully
I probably won't.
or ask your professor for a licence
MS no longer sells it
You think they have one? Hahah
Yeah the professor is going to have an idea in india :D
My college still runs Win XP.
and FF 3.6.
So does mine cheers
I guessed the admin password so it's in a new version ;p
You lucky cat.
@HackToHell was it "admin"?
admin followed by name of my college
According to the schedule, I have 5 months of theory VB and 5 months of practical VB classes.
theory vb ......
#k good luck
They bore me with Title bars and Menu bars.
Srsly do the idiots who frame the syllabus even get online ?
I have to memorize every shit that are available in each of the menus.
Coming to pycon this year ?
I should.
You totally should.
I should relearn python. ;/
I am learning it, the hard way. The company's entire stack is built on python
And I am not very good at it
Is it python2 or 3?
2.7.x !
@jokerdino ...wat
@Bob lol
Don't be surprised if I end up brain dead.
we went through the VB6 crap in about two months, in high school... though no one really wanted to do that anyway
didn't go into too much depth, thank god
What's that language with a turtle in it
I remember making crazy patterns with in in school
I have no idea how they thought its a good idea to teach a programming language without providing access to a computer.
@HackToHell I like tuuhtulz.
Now I wanna download ti :|
@allquixotic So do I :D
> First appeared 1967; 48 years ago
@HackToHell, do you have any tips on how to stay interested during mundane lessons?
@jokerdino I rarely stay in classes, I do other stuff ;p
I did stay in class during my first year
@jokerdino repeat every word Professor says
I slept through it
@jokerdino Can't you skip it
Or are they strict about attendance
@allquixotic these days, I am just doodling around.
@HackToHell they are retarded about attendance. Each day of absence is multiplied by 3.
How the fuck does that even work
@allquixotic That perfectly describes my software engineering class
@allquixotic Dear lord.
That's worse than primary school.
He's a CEO
@allquixotic Do you understand some or all of it?
he's training mindless zombies @_@
@jokerdino I understand every word he says
I can understand Indian English 100% :P
You should be working over here.
for $10k usd/year?
!!no if Cavil were here
You would command a very decent pay in any of the international institutions.
@allquixotic I can understand everything he says, but I'm a bit concerned he's summoning dread creatures from the underworld with that disconcerting chant/echo that is going on
Yeah and it's so hot bright here that you could get a permanent tan
@allquixotic but I don't think you would even make 10k USD haha.

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