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58 days to go before Windows 10 is released.
Mark your calendars: July 29 will be a historic day for Windows.
@DragonLord They're introducing DX12, Microsoft Edge, updated WDDM and probably NDIS drivers, a better console, better PowerShell, .NET Native.... lots of good stuff!
The start menu change is completely useless to me because I have Start8 / Start10, so I'll just be enjoying the "core platform" updates
that's 99% of what I look forward to in Windows releases anyway
with Vista I was super interested in WDDM (1.0 at the time), Aero, DWM, WASAPI audio...
oh and Mandatory Integrity Control
SMB and RDP enhancements in 7 and 8 were nice
I want ReFS on the client, and as a bootable OS, though
So there's this lady sitting behind me somewhere (not directly behind me or looking over my shoulder, I checked) who sounds exactly like the adults out of the Peanuts cartoon.
The update 'reservation' notifications are wierd
Exactly half my boxen have it ;p
@JourneymanGeek Have they all run Windows Update recently?
@Bob yeah, but I can't trigger the move question to chat method
@allquixotic and having an up to date OS means I can squeeze a little more life out of my older boxen with minor upgrades ;p
I finally, could solve my problem with nested sub-domains :)
Now I've something like this:
And I've created two folders as follows:
abcd -> efg
I can access to the abcd sub-domain
But I can't access to the efg.abcd sub-domain.
I've created a simple index.html file to test it in efg folder
But it doesn't work and every time shows me:
There is no subdomain here.
Why I face with that page and it doesn't show my sample index.html file?
2 hours later…
Morning, so tired today :(
Morning, so tired today :(
I'm not doing too bad. ;p
(tho the roomie's currently in a pet hotel, since my parents finally realised leaving him home alone all day is too stressful and I'm home alone)
2 hours later…
@Psycogeek Looks like German listings for PS: ebay.com/sch/Software-/18793/…
@JourneymanGeek Is there fish hotel?
Beats me. If there was one, I'll be sure to drop you a line
Speaking of crystal balls. Apparently they're bringing down the oscar and the bafta we won here
2 hours later…
I'm about to leave for work.
Managed to get two flags in.
2 hours later…
Man, I really love Eclipse RAP -- using it for a hobby project... Basically you code up an interface in SWT using standard SWT paradigms like events, etc., and RAP translates it to a web application. No plugins, no applets, just HTML that looks a lot like SWT on the desktop. Efficient websockets for event handling etc.
Pretty ideal for someone who's not really well versed in designing websites and laying out webpages. You just drag and drop your widgets onto a grid layout using Eclipse's SWT Designer, code your events, and run it :P
You know what constitutes one user session because each user gets their own instance of your SWT widgets, so you can have a global singleton for your database (I'm using MapDB) and bang on it from multiple threads, with each application user coming from a different SWT UI thread.
The mechanics of the netcode are completely invisible to the app developer. You can get at the HTTP session and stuff if you want, but it's not needed.
2 hours later…
aurgh my mind is likely to explode shortly
trying to store extra stuff in an array without breaking it is getting confusing
I want two values per key in a php array...
A: Are there tuples in PHP?

Daniel WilliamsPHP's only real built in data structure that people use for everything is the array. Arrays in PHP are all hash tables and can have either numeric of string indexes and can contain anything (usually more arrays). There are a few array constructs that work like tuples. See http://us1.php.net/...

@allquixotic aye thanks
just trying to figure out best way to do it :<
if it were me, I'd stop using PHP; and if my job required it, I'd find a new job
I hope all the php devs in the world do this also
and tehn I'll be riccccch
Hmmm, i want to display a 'counter' that's increasing with the operations done...
/me can't figure out how
As the page loads for a long time (perfectly normal) and so as well as the spinning gif animation, i want the count of ops done.
I read that as "are there turtles in PHP"
@djsmiley2k make a nested array
@tereško aye
or array of objects
and if you are trying to actually to make some tree-like stricture - dont use array as your base
z - y
just 2 items from each key
1 hour later…
5 messages deleted
@DragonLord Gone :)
I have a question which may not be worth making an entire post about. I have a Toshiba E55 laptop made for windows 8, but I scrubbed windows 8 for 7. Now, some drivers won't load, notably my Network/Ethernet drivers (all of them)
I know the general recomendation is to collect all the possible drivers which could work with my network cards and put them in a flash drive and have windows figure out the best one
but -- where can I find all those possible Drivers and then download them?
Again, its toshiba e55-a5114
how do I stop a certain connection from being used over wifi and just ethernet
its for a C$ to C$ share over direct ethernet+switch
id only like it to be accessible over ethernet
maybe I could disable file sharing on wifi on one PC but I dunno if I want to
@snipe go to network connections and disable file sharing on the wifi connection
@Snipe Windows 8.1?
what If I wanna share a second connection over wifi or ethernet
win 7
there is no host its P2P
no single host rather
Second connection?
I thought you just wanted to kill File Sharing on the Wifi?
only for a certain share
I could but it wouldnt be ideal
one is mainly wifi and the other is p2p (ethernet)
the switch is unmanaged so maybe I need a managed switch
I don't know if file sharing has that level of granular control
actually no
because the wifi is still going as PC1 - hub - PC2 not PC1 - PC2
wait if I disable file sharing on wifi can no files be sent TO that PC by wifi
or is it to not host them only
as I can just disable wifi sharing on PC2 instead if so
however if its still being recieved even with file sharing off then never mind
@snipe Can't be sent, but should be able to suck them off
well this is puzzling
no point disabling file sharing on wifi since its P2P
Unless it's killing the Wifi bandwidth that other devices could be using... it should prefer the ethernet though for that sort of thing
I think Id need to create a subnet
just for the ethernet only share
Everyone, be advised that I've been terminated from the company. Please unpin the relevant post from the star wall.
what company
@DragonLord Whaaaaat? :( I'm really very sorry to hear that. If you're up for discussing, I'd like to know what happened.
Because the employment was very brief, it will be treated as if I was never employed. Public profiles will be updated to remove any indication of employment.
ok, I unpinned it, but this is terrible news
Disclosure of confidential information, the chat messages you were asked to delete.
Going forward, let's treat this as a lesson learned.
@DragonLord Hmm... I didn't even see that earlier; probably for the best. But I'm amazed that (1) they caught that (2) it was fireable.
I doubt this will lead to further legal action.
Did you tell them you posted that? (keeping in mind I have no idea what it even was)
Yes, but it was a matter of procedure.
oh, ass covering you mean
yeah I follow
Damn, that's a real drag. It sounds like the company is eager not to ruin your reputation though, if they're treating it like you were never employed.
I was told that I would be treated as if I wasn't the right fit for the company.
@DragonLord sorry to hear that, though to be fair I didn't think they looked that confidential...
Well, that's a silver lining at least.
It wouldn't be much different than failing the interview.
That means you should have no barriers to future employment. :)
Ill employ ya
The employment period was too brief. There's no point to even treating this as actual employment.
The company actually felt a bit too tight-lipped for my taste. I understand why, though, high-level network information (e.g. not deep architectural details, just the existance and general nature of certain networks) would be considered secure information.
I'd rather not provide additional information (about the network).
I think the Sony hacks have scared IT folks into paranoia about the security of their intranets
there were plenty of other reasons to be afraid before, but now they're in a craze
Seeing how sysadmins often provide at least limited information about the systems they manage on places like Reddit, I expected this to be disclosable information
I was told that an attacker could use the information against the company. In other words, it was viewed as a security risk.
It's not really a trade secret more than it is a security concern.
I'll bear this in mind for future positions.
Systems administration may be the wrong field for me to get into...
I still respect the confidentiality requirement and will not provide more information about the content in question.
@DragonLord don't second-guess yourself -- just firewall off any work-related information from your non-work social networks
my job is "sensitive" in parts, too, and I just don't talk about that
Scott Manley, popular Youtube personality who plays Kerbal Space Program, probably works Top Secret stuff for the government; he can't even talk about what he does other than that he's a programmer
My philosophy has always been about openness and that didn't really line up with the company's mindset.
well, don't block yourself off from ever hiring on with another company that's not explicitly open; but IF you can find employment with a company like Red Hat or Canonical or basically any company that's an open source vendor, I think you'll find they have a great openness culture
after all, the nature of the work they do is to publish open source code, so who cares if you talk about it online :P
The job search will continue after discussions with my counselors.
@Mokubai, your opinion?
Next steps to take?
In any case, experience is experience, no matter the outcome, and that's what truly matters.
I was hesitant to even put the technology tags in my Stack Overflow Careers profile.
From what I can tell, even that would have been forbidden.
I had an experience during an internship early in my career where I very very nearly got fired because of a perceived security violation, but it turned out to be a much more minor thing than they thought it was, so they let me off the hook... haven't made any mistakes since then, and that must've been 10 years ago
@DragonLord Being too "free" with company information could be a sign of you being easily engineerable. Though I would have thought that they would have said in at least the handbook what you should and should not do WRT "secrets"
@Mokubai It was very broad. I did hesitate a bit when I signed the NDA.
It literally said any information provided to me was confidential.
All someone needs to know is your general location, that you work with a high level tech company, and a few more details and worse things happen from there.
I struggled to comply with the policy and had to ask several times about what can and cannot be disclosed.
I really intended to comply but I just didn't want to. It just didn't sit right with me.
security by obscurity ? eww
@Mokubai Clarify?
@DragonLord You're not in UK are you?
Just thinking about my work, we may have something come up in the future...
If you struggled then quite probably you weren't a "good fit" as they say. A lot of the younger generation don't see why they shouldn't broadcast everything
No, I'm in New York.
Ya know it's odd, I've already got some idea of the companies you may of been working for.
No, i won't make any guesses or anything. Don't worry
@Mokubai I can definitely understand how sensitive financials, trade secrets, etc. can be harmful to disclose, but I also feel as though many companies are extremely irrational and allergic to any disclosure, no matter how minor, and always overreact because they're not satisfied until they see a body bag
You know about social engineering attacks. Get the right person to leak enough seemingly minor details and you can gather a rather worrying amount of information about most places.
the mafia?
their ability to rationally determine the damage of an information leak is a very poorly developed trait among managers, indeed
Do the mafia issue NDA's?
haha could do
Is there somewhere a tutorial for preparing win8.1 x64 usb install media for uefi boot that takes into account the fact that the x64 wim is larger than 4gb? I know I need one small fat32 partition and one large ntfs partition, but nothing past that
depends on how you look at what an NDA is
@allquixotic Small details can seem innocuous, but leak enough of the small details and you can give someone who is paying enough attention the broader picture...
@allquixotic What makes me laugh is the managers reacting like that when a human discloses the same infomation you can get by reading the http headers.
You posted we're running apache! You're FIRED!
@Mokubai yeah, but what is that person paying attention going to do with the information? that's the real question -- if you're giving out any details that are actually actionable and can be used to perform a network-based or physical-based attack and actually intrude on their network, that's one thing; but if you're just discussing the nature of your work without giving out any trade secrets, that's another.
I cooperated with personnel when exiting and turned in all documents and materials related to the company.
for example, I don't think it's wrong to talk about the high level features of a product you're working on, because I don't believe that "competitive advantage" (knowing something before your competitors) is useful or even especially admirable. "I did it first" is not a justification for being showered with a disproportionate amount of money. Producing the best all-around product with highest customer satisfaction, is.
However, there is a distinction between what I personally feel and what I'm willing to do. If I'm in a restrictive, tight-lipped company, I'll behave according to the rules. I just don't agree with them.
@allquixotic depends what they're after. There are enough ways to get stuff into a network once you know the structure of it. A persons phone that is connected to the network could be used to probe for devices if it was compromised
I guess a lot of that philosophy comes from my deep, deep-seated hatred of software patents. Software patents are basically "I did it first so I get all the money". If someone else can take what you did and make a better product, they should be able to -- the customer benefits. We intentionally hold back our progress so much, in the interest of protecting the super-rich.
We're so allergic to the idea that maybe someone would not be financially motivated enough in order to invent something, that we'd rather hold back companies from developing a product that realizes its full potential.
So we end up with shit like, vendor X has Patent PX offering useful feature FX; vendor Y has patent PY offering useful feature FY; but no product exists that contains both FX and FY.
That's called living in a backwards society.
or slightly differing versions of the same thing
thunderbolt vs usb3
Look, access to corporate data was super locked-down in the first place.
The Sony hacks are a good reason to be scared.
18 mins ago, by DragonLord
I was hesitant to even put the technology tags in my Stack Overflow Careers profile.
The NDA as written, and the information provided by my supervisor, would not have allowed this.
I just don't agree that they had to fire you as a response. It's not like you couldn't be coached to change your behavior.
They never even tried.
That's the odd thing to me, that they should have given a warning first...
The job listing (which is public information) listed experience with SonicWall network devices as part of the requrements.
which are btw pretty serious garbage judging by this install
They felt the company and I don't quite play nice together, which is at least partially true.
28 mins ago, by DragonLord
My philosophy has always been about openness and that didn't really line up with the company's mindset.
@DragonLord Anything that was in the job listing to begin with is fair game to go in your career profile IMO.
It would have been firable to list it anyway from how I understood my supervisor's statements.
That's the problem.
I do not want to disparage the employer in any way, but it just didn't fit my philosophy.
That's probably the best way to leave it. You didn't fit them and they didn't fit you. Find somewhere you can enjoy working at.
Well that failed, i was trying to quote @Mokubai
I didn't fit at my old job either.
you can onebox a chat message but not include other text on the same chat line
I loved the work, but the structure of the company was. urgh
10 secs ago, by djsmiley2k
I didn't fit at my old job either.
Ah right, ty
Thanks y'all for your kind words.
If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to ping me.
whats the IP to ping
Ping the user by prefixing the username with @: @DragonLord
The system will provide suggestions as to who you can ping.
ah ok
@DragonLord Don't overreact. You're human. You make mistakes. You don't ask someone to sue you. You should be thinking, "Boy, I'll never make that mistake again!", not that you're some kind of "menace to society". I don't see any bullet-holes in the executives at the company you worked for; and with 99.999% certainty, whatever you wrote will cause absolutely no damage to the company.
I understand, but this is a deep-rooted personality flaw :(
There's not much I can do about it.
@DragonLord Calling something a "personality flaw" reads like you think you are some kind of a static character out of a novel, author-bound to make the same mistake again and again as if you're cut from a certain cloth by your maker and there's nothing you can do to change it. That's not how real people are, though. We learn from things.
Unless you still eagerly touch hot stoves and burn your hands 20+ years after your mom told you "that's hot and you'll burn yourself; don't do that!"...
Did I miss a big story?
@CanadianLuke Kinda. Read the backlog.
How far back?
oh about an hour
1 hour ago, by DragonLord
Everyone, be advised that I've been terminated from the company. Please unpin the relevant post from the star wall.
> 1 hour ago
I was pretty right about the timing
@DragonLord You're a human who made an unfortunate mistake. The company has been understanding of the fact that you're at the very beginning of your career and are learning how to adjust to the corporate world, so you've been given another opportunity to succeed. Be happy you got off with a clean record, learn from it, and keep moving. You can overcome this.
You have got to keep a "can-do" attitude. Don't box yourself into a corner by thinking that you can't change or learn from this; you can. Failure is part of life. You're not a criminal; you're a kid who made an inadvisable decision. Both you and that company will be fine. Take a breath, relax, and take it in stride.
And don't withdraw from SE. If anything, SE is a great environment for you to learn the rules of the road for a corporate environment. It's a safe place here where you can develop skills and communication ability that will serve you well in a job. There's no financial harm to SE if you mess up here. The stakes are much lower here than on a job.
@DragonLord I wasn't meaning to discourage you, just to say that it's something you need to be mindful of. Self-awareness is a good thing.
See my updated user profile on the main site.
This the same company who offered you a job after 2 hours?
I feel like sometimes the litigious nature of our society makes it nearly impossible for people to make mistakes. People feel as though they have to be perfect and never err in any way. And when someone does, they feel like it's a death sentence. It shouldn't be that way. This company made an excellent decision to let you go without raking you over the coals. They gave you "room to fail" without hanging you. A sign of their maturity and pragmatism.
@djsmiley2k Yeah.
Just wasn't the right fit.
I wonder if they just blew this into something larger than it was, because they'd made a mistake.
@djsmiley2k I think the employer took a middle ground here. If I were the boss in that situation, I wouldn't fire anybody, but I'd issue a warning and coach them about how to behave. But a different employer might have reacted even more psychopathically by attempting to press charges, and/or leave a black mark on their employment record.
I'm still sitting at the local Starbucks and I really don't want to leave :(
I am just so depressed
@allquixotic I'd argue it's a training issue if somewhere tried that with me, but I'm in the UK, things are different else where :<
I for some odd reason found myself with a (figurative) death wish
I'll need some time to get my mind together.
I found the company policy on requests for references to be odd as well.
Limited references.
Most likely concern over disclosure of confidential information.
@djsmiley2k The US work environment is literally allergic to anything out of the ordinary. Anything that isn't business as usual is a firing offense. We're risk-averse to a fault. Every company is becoming a miniature NSA. "But our secrets!" ... It's a cultural disease.
@allquixotic nod. :(
I'm not allowed to post on facebook who I work for, but 'professional' sites are ok :D
/me laughs
So, if you want to find out, go check my linkedin ¬_¬
because if i posted something really bad on facebook, it's not like any researcher couldn't just find out anyway.
It's all a sham, anyway. When you get right down to it, despite how hard the spin doctors try to whitewash everything, (1) Our products aren't actually that good; (2) Most of their "innovations" are rather obvious and intuitive anyway, to the point that any logical person could "invent" everything needed as part of the normal course of their job; and (3) the products are so full of holes and bugs that there's more wrong with them than right.
lol made in 'merica! over priced and terrible! yewaaaaah
And yet we have an almost-religious devotion to propriety and trade secrets.
Will be AFK for a while as I have to go home. BRB.
be safe @DragonLord
I wish we'd all just be honest with ourselves.
"Now introducing the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 'Beta' - it's mostly done, but let's face it folks, you're gonna be doing some beta-testing for us! Otherwise we couldn't afford to keep paying for the R&D for this device, so we're launching it before it's ready. Please let us know what bugs you find so we can fix them in the next release, thanks!"
@allquixotic I'm honest with myself if no one else...
I'm astonished that Samsung and Apple aren't in a trademark dispute over the Galaxy "S4" vs. the iPhone "4S", "S5" vs. iPhone "5S", etc.
Nobody else is allowed to use a capital S in their product names because we have one!
I'm just so tired of all the false pretense in our society. It's very counterproductive and unnecessarily causes a lot of heartache. End rant.
@allquixotic Ah, now there's something different, being truly honest with someone else or even the world in general is a difficult thing for a lot of people.
Rather than saying "you're different and I find that odd and somewhat scary" people would rather shout "DIE INFIDEL SCUM!"
Christians were a bit odd about that at one point if memory serves...
Oh god lets not bring up religion
Are you infringing on my rights as a Pastafarian to discus my beliefs?
Help! Help! I'm being repressed!
Actually Pastafarianism sounds pretty awesome.
haha yeah
Employees should know that it is rare for even a bad employee to get a bad referance, because the employers are so intent on getting rid of the person, they do not want to make it harder to get rid of em.
If your trying to hop jobs, and afraid that you would get a bad referance for Leaving the one job, it just doesnt happen.
. . . and statistics show that it is the "most money" to "have the new job" before leaving the old one. Most peoples next jobs pay more, and make them more happy at work (better pay , better job) Plus if your not (yet) unemployed , your more employable. Doesnt make loads of sence but that is what the stats show.
!!xkcd censorship
Cheers @ChatBotJohnCavil
Don't mind me, just arguing with people on the internet.
@Mokubai It is one of those religions you just thrown it on the wall and it sticks, If it happens to make a stain of a famous prophet , that's just the FSM manifesting hisself.
Its pretty laid back too, and doesn't exclude atheists from being practising members...
It is only a UFO (unidentified flying omnipotent) , until it is no longer unidentified.
1 hour later…
If a mod is available (cc @JourneymanGeek), please delete all of my comments from this to this. I really overreacted.
@allquixotic I'm starting a massive personal project to overhaul my personal conduct and personality, just as if I was rewriting a major software application. It is my intention that the "DragonLord" you'll see a few months from now will be an entirely different person than the "DragonLord" you're seeing today.
As you've said, change is possible.
As humans, we're not static beings doomed to repeat the same mistake over and over and over again.
Nothing is static. Anything can change.
I see my personality and conduct as a buggy, unstable program with loads of security vulnerabilities and usability issues. However broken a program might be, it's always possible to rewrite it.
The past is behind us. Let's spend the summer term making real progress.
Code can be refactored. Modules can be rewritten. Entire applications can be overhauled. The human mind isn't much different.
@DragonLord Sorry to hear about your job situation. :(
@MichaelFrank No need to be sorry. It's my own fault.
It's basically an old bug I've never able to fix. A rewritten program won't have this issue, as the codebase is going to be all-new.
@DragonLord Just remember, you're not a computer or a piece of software but much much more.
Did @DragonLord just explode or something, what in the heck did I miss :$
Anyways, the best way to not disclose something, is to either not talk about it or talk in generics
For example, in generic terms, I can talk about having government clearance because I have one. But I don't disclose much beyond that, plus my employment is public record, which isn't published for security reasons :$

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