…? anyone know how 1000 shoulder launch anti-tank weapons will improve the situation in Iraq for suicide bombers? And why doesnt that work in the US to thwart the same things? Hey look they are going to blow up, lets add some firepower to it.
I always wondered who was supplying the "taliban" with all those "RPGs"
even the DOD nuke lab with suicide car bomb protection doesnt use that method, they have a $$$$ big mounted machine gun.
It is beyond me to drive in with tanks and take over a country one day, and a few years later to be shipping mass anti-tank weapons to the same country :-) You wouldnt buy your X-wife which you herassed for the last 10 years a bottle of poisen :-)
riddle me this. I have a smb fileshare on a centos 6.5 box. Password authenticated if it matters, and its on the other side of a ipsec vpn. Windows 7 box hangs on trying to copy a file over. Windows XP box dosen't
I want to convert my disk to GBT to install windows 10. I found this solution to convert it:
But in Easeus there is no convert option! What's wrong?
Uhh , isnt the "real" problem here back at the start ? partitiontool,com is not easus, but they sell easus. Easus fre3eware version does not support GPT, that is where it crosses the pay line? at least that is how it was at one time or another.
so the original question itself could be ? deemd to be spam to begin with?
I am sure you guys "dont even have to look" to much to know. but to me that original question is a competition spam. If you search for Easus and GPT, you find who sells the competitive product. the original question is not a question, it is an answer.
well that is all wrong. the free version does now allow GPT, and partitiontroll is the actual easeus company.
I cant believe I once supported such people :-) "we have moved into data security and storage management" oh sure and everyone loves for thier security people to be spammers owned in china
Not entirely - I'm not familiar with AMD, but the big difference between chipsets within a generation for intel is really the supported hardware and features. With the SB chipsets, the Z P and H designations determined if various combination of onboard video support and caching were supported - t...
In theory, H series is for home use, P series is for "professional" use, and Z is enthusiast. Q is P + vpro (tho I was convinced it was H + vpro a moment ago)
with there being a lot of cpus and boards out there that were sandy and ivy , and them not being hugely different from haswell in speed and features, people could probably slap together pretty close to full speed computers with used parts for really cheap? Unlike trying to survive on a P4 or other things before that larger jump
If i had gone with sandy (at that time) or Ivy (at that time) , i would probably still be with it.
How many kickstarters (or similar) are reaching a whole year of time past the stated delievery times ? (and have 1 Million dollers :-)…
me being a waiter +6mo +user actual results, i sort of like reading the comments from them, and there are more than a few projects that are falling way behind in time.
I have been in a few specailty forums where they basically did kickstarters without a project site, and a few (relative) of those have gone really badly too. Sometimes the dude had "left the country" a long time ago, and continued to string people along for multiple years.
take another look at our wonderous (single) proptotype and more cool cad drawings, but dont ask my wife where were going to get the rest of the money i already spent.
Due to random issues during backup, we were advised to disable checksum offload on all physical and virtual machines involved in the backup procedure.
I started by disabling the feature on all Hyper-V hosts and the target storage server, but I still see random failing backups.
Do I need to also...
@allquixotic Current plan: grab a SYS or SP-64 (still haven't decided), chuck deb + lxc/lxd on there for Linux containers, chuck kvm on for a Windows server to play with
hm... actually, wouldn't 2x SYS be cheaper than a single SP-64? o.O
It has that impressionist appeal with contrasting tones, and the use of blue accents the insubstantial tention, providing for a ebullience of perturbation, the elegance bestowed in the shadows, where the rubber meats the road. gives "Unlimited" traffic I don't like when hostings say "Unlimited" traffic/bandwidth or even disk space, it's kinda trick to get more customers. They usually are not unlimited or are not stable (on my own experience). @Bob Is OVH reliable?
@djsmiley2k , I'm not good at PHP, but does PHP have smtg like"Go To Label"? if yes, you could put a label out of for, then jump to it (though I don't know if it's bad practice in PHP)
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) is a textbook aiming to teach the principles of computer programming, such as abstraction in programming, metalinguistic abstraction, recursion, interpreters, and modular programming. It is widely considered a classic text in computer science, and is colloquially known as the wizard book, due to the wizard on the jacket. It was first published in 1985 by MIT Press and written by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professors Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, with Julie Sussman. It was formerly used as the textbook of MIT ...
or is it more important to learn about using libraries in this day and age?
(sort of quoting some other forum remarks in that last quip.)
@BradyTrainor functional is a very good paradigm to learn, even if you don't end up writing all your programs in Lisp/OCaml/Erlang/Haskell. It's kind of a "mathy" type of programming with a lot of analysis compared to e.g. OOP, but you can use functional concepts to great effect in languages like Java and C#, too.
@BradyTrainor you need to be minimally familiar with a lot of different paradigms and libraries, and have a few strong competencies where you have very deep knowledge of that programming paradigm and some libraries that you can use for tasks you're hoping to accomplish
yeah, I figure a first component in my learning is a little arbitrary, and may as well start with a skill that not /everyone/ has had a chance to emphasize, or whatever.
@BradyTrainor No, I'm saying that is what you should aim to become with time, if your goal is to become a competent programmer.
Cast a wide net of interests and things that you can talk about -- maybe having just a few hours of experience with that particular technology or concept -- but then have a small handful of programming domains and libraries that you know inside and out
As far as knowing library APIs "vs." knowing programming paradigms, you really can't have one without the other. You need to be very good at at least one programming paradigm, whether it's OOP, functional, procedural, logical, whatever -- or else you won't be able to do anything useful.
You can technically do without libraries if you're a very good programmer and can reinvent the wheel accurately and quickly, but most people can be more productive by reusing existing code (libraries) than learning how to code up something equivalent themselves.
The key is learning how to find documentation (or how to effectively and quickly read someone else's code), so that you can spend only a small amount of time learning how to use some random library you come across that purports to do something you need.
And, the more libraries you're familiar with, the less time it tends to take to learn how to use the next one... past experience informs the inferences you can make about a new library you're learning.
Hopefully I have better luck with using libraries than i did at using theorem's in math classes. i tended to reinvent the wheel rather than figuring out how to get the theorem to match my problem.
Logic programming is a programming paradigm based on formal logic. A program written in a logic programming language is a set of sentences in logical form, expressing facts and rules about some problem domain. Major logic programming language families include Prolog, Answer set programming (ASP) and Datalog. In all of these languages, rules are written in the form of clauses:
H :- B1, …, Bn.
and are read declaratively as logical implications:
H if B1 and … and Bn.
H is called the head of the rule and B1, …, Bn is called the body. Facts are rules that have no body, and are written in the simplified...
Certain industries may use some paradigms more frequently than others, but overall, the most widely used (and thus important) programming paradigms this decade are functional and object-oriented (in no particular order)
Programmable Array Logic (PAL) is a family of programmable logic device semiconductors used to implement logic functions in digital circuits introduced by Monolithic Memories, Inc. (MMI) in March 1978. MMI obtained a registered trademark on the term PAL for use in "Programmable Semiconductor Logic Circuits". The trademark is currently held by Lattice Semiconductor.
PAL devices consisted of a small PROM (programmable read-only memory) core and additional output logic used to implement particular desired logic functions with few components.
Using specialized machines, PAL devices were "field-...
Radia Joy Perlman (born 1951) is a software designer and network engineer. She is most famous for her invention of the spanning-tree protocol (STP), which is fundamental to the operation of network bridges, while working for Digital Equipment Corporation. She also made large contributions to many other areas of network design and standardization, such as link-state protocols, including TRILL, which she invented to correct some of the shortcomings of spanning-trees.
She is currently employed by EMC Corporation.
== Early research ==
As an undergraduate at MIT she undertook a UROP (Undergrad...
I wonder if I go to this very technical talk, in a language I'm not fluent in, in what I suppose won't have real-time translation, this is how I'll look
I remember being in a chat room a long time ago with someone who only spoke/wrote Russian, and I don't at all, so I posted in English, he copied it to Google Translate to Russian, then he posted Russian, and I Google Translated it to English.
@Boris_yo Don't know, but reminiscent of those downloader programs like download accelerator from back when we were all on dialup and IE couldn't pause downloads for you.
Actually, IE could but it was technically only possible by exploiting an unhandled error case in IE. :)
Crashing/force quitting IE during an active download would bypass its cleanup of temporary files, of which was a partially downloaded file. So next time you go to download the file again, if you choose to save it in the same location as last time, it would pick up from where you left off.
Back when we were on dial-up and it was a shared computer that used our only phone line, I took advantage of this after discovering it by accident one day. :)
I have laptop with Win10 preview expired, when I boot the laptop it does "system resume" and goes back to the expiration screen.
The startup options from the expiration screen are not working.
and I am unable to start from CD because the laptop is resuming automatically to the broken OS.
Samsung laptop
One option I came up with is to remove the HD and clean the win10 installation from it, but yeah... Is there some way to prevent the BIOS from resuming to broken install?