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Metro version of Microsoft Office in development: One major product that will need to be ported to ARM is, of course, Microsoft Office. Microsoft showed a version of Office running on ARM hardware (apparently identical to the x86 version) at CES.
hm. i seem to think win 8 came with a MS office viewer for some reason
Getting some snoop dogg for my car ride today...should be lovely
@JourneymanGeek Doesn't seem so, but I love the dialog it gives you...
what's it say?
(the win8 box is in another room)
First option is Store (which is not there), then some apps that could possibly be related to it, then an option to select something from your PC, then an option to download something from the web.
Better than the old way...
which is... not to do anything? ;)
the last link could be useful tho
Well, the old way you needed to get to the Open With dialog and that stuff, now it directly shows it in a more neat way.
@JourneymanGeek: Ah, the permissions dialog has also been improved, starting to discover new things the whole time even if I installed it two days ago... ^^
Perhaps I should blog about easily (un)installing Windows 8 without the need of an installation medium or virtualisation.
Although I haven't tried the installation medium part, but I've seen instructions somewhere (can't remember) about how to install it image-wise.
@TomWijsman dude, you do know I do more than just reuploading images with my editing right? and one of my main motivations for the image stuff is actually because a lot of image hosting sites are blocked here in China (e.g. imageshack.us) - imgur isn't blocked
@Gareth Your recent edit history tells me otherwise.
@Gareth First time I hear about the China block, that isn't an excuse to re-upload an image though.
my latest 8 edits are nothing to do with images
The majority can just see the images and will continue to see the images in the future.
Now look past those 8 edits...
sure, if you exclude the images there are still a ton of other edits there... I think most people here know that
@Gareth That's not what I'm talking about, I'm talking about the image reuploads.
and besides, if you exclude @slhck (who does a lot of editing too) and Psy (mentioned above), the average number of edits this week among everyone is 10. so just yesterday alone I'm pretty much on par with everyone else for the entire week for 'normal edits'
Which are obviously happening in batches most of the time.
so I really have NO IDEA what you are going on about
@Gareth I count more than 10 in 1d, so I don't know what statistics you are looking at.
the weekly edit statistics. take everyone from Sathya onwards, take an average, and you get around 10 edits. not that ANY OF THIS needs justifying whatsoever
@Gareth Then ask for explanation, as you started this conversation I can't do more than respond.
I believe you started this when you said "Well, he is following the footsteps of Gareth. :P
Or well, it's indeed a bit less useful than saving images..."
@Gareth Yes, so? I see at least 19 image reuploads, one after another.
it's done out of PEAK HOURS
@Gareth I don't see an @ there.
as has been agreed with the mods a ton of times
@Gareth It's done for no reason.
@Gareth It's the community that has to agree, not the mods.
well they do. check out Meta.
@Gareth I've done so, people don't like the flooding is what Meta tells me.
But only the mods tell us to ignore the flooding, that isn't going to make it any less annoying.
it's done off peak (in fact when you are sleeping anyway). I don't know why it bothers you so much
Sorry, it's seems that we are not in the peak hours. Your front page is now full of image re-uploads, come back when you are sleeping...
I have no idea what you are referring to
@Gareth When am I sleeping exactly?
in fact, I haven't made any edits today AT ALL, because Super User has been blocked for me throughout most of the day
@Gareth I have NO IDEA what you are talking about, I didn't refer to any edits of today.
Manually re-uploading images because they are blocked for a single country is pointless and annoying, there really is no world-wide use to that.
I said that was one of my main reasons. The other is the number of broken images I've come across recently, some unfortunately lost forever
there is nothing wrong with preventing that happening again in the future
but you seem to have a big issue with it
@Gareth I just said "he is following the footsteps of Gareth".
You are free to interpret that however you want...
And I'm free to think about your edits however I want.
thanks for your helpful comment
But I didn't say it's a big issue.
thanks for your helpful conversation
It however is pointless and annoying while you try to actively use the site... Not a problem for you, it is a problem for others.
I just close the site because you're busy, as an example.
Just wanting to clarify and not offend, @Gareth what time do you consider "off-peak"?
"Off-peak" for one country is not the same as another...
@Mokubai And, there are still visitors in those moment, we don't want these to leave because they can't properly use the front page anymore.
"Use something else." because we can't have a proper front page for our off-peak visitors... -_-
the time I've been told by the mods. there's a meta question about it:
Q: What time of the day is Super User getting the least traffic?

slhckDue to the recent discussion about edit flooding, and one possible counter measure mentioned by @Grace Note ... You may consider that it is often wiser to perform massive edit jobs during low period hours. ... and @random asking in a comment: Can we get stats on when a site has its lowe...

@TomWijsman can I suggest if you have anything to say about the subject, just leave a post on here:
Q: Do we care about edit flooding? Should we be doing anything?

DMA57361Edit flooding is the term I'm using for when a single user (or small group of users) perform a lot of edits in a small space of time and effectively take over the front page - pushing a lot of new content away. A few minutes ago, the front page was filled end to end with edits by one of our top ...

@Gareth Jeff Atwood mentions smaller chunks (<10), you had more subsequent edits than that on the front page 1 - 2 days ago.
I must sincerely apologise.
You are taking the severity of image re-uploads way too high...
@Gareth I left comments there, I don't have a problem with you doing it but I have a problem with it being on the front page.
These are just all workarounds (use /questions, do smaller chunks <10, go outside the peak hours) around the problem of having a front page full of noise.
Breakthrough and Grace Note and KronoS made some nice suggestions there.
And my suggestion would be an Interesting Tab or something along that lines...
Dunno if I said that there, but I have had a question about that on Meta.
I think the reason the developers don't do anything about it is because it only applies to Super User; as Stack Overflow has the Interesting Tab and other sides are too small to have image re-upload edit floods going on.
@Gareth Back to your first reply. I've been on your side of this story with all the title/tag edits and so on, and I often got remarks on that (one or two meta questions I belief); even from the moderators (they asked me about it on chat, random was also really not a fan of it with the stop word stuff, ...), so that and my personal experience with seeing your edits show up in my later (more active) hours made me dislike having those edits show up on the front page.
so basically you don't like me making lots of edits because you had a bad experience yourself doing so?
@Gareth In the first place I would like the front page rewritten to not have this issue, if that's not possible then it indeed comes down to any person doing edit flooding.
anyway, the sheer scale of this means that if I did 10 such edits a day (as well as my normal edits), I'd be at this for years... at least 2 or 3 years. That's infeasible. I've already done about 95% of the images (hard to estimate), and a lot of those weren't just reuploads, but actually replacing source images where they were broken and completely lost
If I'm not going to make a remark, someone else might do later when you just want to do that extra bit of image re-uploading.
@Gareth I don't know if you are already doing so, but you could sort your query on view or vote counts.
already doing so
@Gareth: Hmm, I could try and opt to write an user script for the homepage now that I think for it.
The API can give a list of active questions just like the front page, if I make it large enough I can just filter out your edits and take the last X questions and show them. (where X is the amount of questions the front page usually has)
Side problem is that I'm filtering out your answers and more useful edits too... :(
It's handy to filter out future edit flooders though...
Doesn't solve that I can't do a lot edits myself either. :(
@Gareth: Argh, just upset about this whole frontpage edit thing, I'm off now... Sorry for that personal remark, but seeing your name show up so much makes me reflect the problem on you and not on the system; while it's actually the latter one that needs the real fix (whether it is automatizing image re-uploads or a better front page).
Discussing this further is a waste of time anyway, there's nothing one of us can reasonably do about it. 30 minutes on this ought to be more than enough...
Hey @Gareth
I witnessed several of your editing sprees on the front page
and you know what
You didn't manage 50 front page edits even once
so there's still some room for improvement ;)
Hey @DanielBeck - I'll try harder! My personal aim when making all of these edits is to keep people off the front page for up to three hours, of course. Sad to hear I'm not achieving that!
Sounds like its
@Gareth Good to hear!
Seriously though I think you're doing a good job of cleaning up old stuff, and, based on the elections, the community agrees.
The front page filling up with ancient topics is just a side effect we'll have to endure...
it should mostly be over by now anyway. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a broken image or an image not hosted on i.stack.imgur.com these days!
rushes off to break an image
rushes off to break Mokubai
@Gareth Until someone finds a better solution, keep up the good work Gareth. A working solution is better than no solution.
as said though, it's virtually finished - I think there's probably a few more rounds left but they're much smaller and harder to find. In the time it's taken people to write up meta posts etc and think how to solve this, I've just gone ahead and done it
just wish there was a bit less aggro :(
@Gareth Editing and general administration is a thankless job. If you actually enjoy it, then more power to ya.
I definitely enjoy it, especially fixing up the most ridiculously worded/formatted questions
@Gareth You do a lot more than fixing images...
@Gareth Forget the complaining. One thing I learned as a kid is that it is easy to complain, harder to actually implement a real soltuion.
It's something that needs doing, but it's one of those high-visibility jobs that can draw a lot of attention
there were just so many :O basically the majority of images uploaded before August 17th 2010
Images are the worse also
"Gareth is perhaps best known for his incredible propensity for editing. He’s been on a multi-month crusade to fix all of the broken links and images on Super User, and also contributes many useful answers while he’s at it." blog.superuser.com/2011/09/07/…
anyway, thanks guys :)
Don't listen to the haters.
While I do (mildly) dislike the churn on the front page, I recognise that it is something that needs doing. The guy earlier that sparked this was just putting in <kbd> tags and seemingly gaming the edit system whereas you're actually doing worthwhile work.
There is a silent majority here
And we approve.
Personally, I use the "Unanswered Questions" button anyways.
It's far more useful.
I can see how it might annoy people... perhaps they like to sit on the front page to see newly posted answers, or like moderating any revisions made to Q's/A's
@Mokubai Missing images often break a post. He's doing formatting, and I actually like pre better than <kbd>
anyway, on a slight tangent, if you wanted to know what will eventually bring down the Communist government in China, it's going to be something like this ;)
@DanielBeck Aye, that's what I'm getting at, Gareth is doing good work with the images and other bits. There was another person earlier who was doing absolutely nothing past inserting <kbd> tags which just seemed pointless and a bit like they were gaming the rep system.
(government have their own exclusive organic food supply not for "normal" people)
@Mokubai I remember, I complained right here about it ;)
Ah, my poor old memory fails me once again :)
You don't earn rep for edits after 2k? Right?
@Mokubai Did someone end up commenting and directing the user to meta?
@SgtOJ No, starting with 2000 rep, you have editing privileges, so it's no longer a suggested edit someone else has to approve.
I feel ripped off, I got well past 2k rep before I realised I could've been getting rep for it...
@DanielBeck @SgtOJ - exception is tag wikis (which has a much higher free-edit rep limit)
I also found out that at 9999rep a tag wiki edit doesn't give rep either
@Mokubai I had editing privileges before there were suggested edits. I feel old.
@Mokubai At least you got the badge for it ;)
@Gareth Free press will bring them down, like the USSR
Please, oh please tell me that nobody has started a blog post about Windows 8 :)
(I'm referring to the Super User blog.)
@GeorgeEdison Why is that?
Because I want to write one :D
There is hasn't been one published yet.
@Gareth Ah, sounds good. :)
@GeorgeEdison a quick glance doesn't show any drafts... but you'd be best to go over to the SU Blog Editor's Room and check there :)
@GeorgeEdison Can't see any in draft or pending, if someone's started one they're doing it offline...
@Mokubai Great.
@surfasb Yeah, but I'm not the one that has to implement the solution here... ^^
@Gareth What a scummy thing to do... vegetables for the elite...
@Gareth Yeah, I would love to just use the front page for that, the unanswered page or questions page function different.
@GeorgeEdison I was planning to, but no concrete draft yet...
If it's a "this is what Windows 8 is right now", perhaps we could co-operate on it.
@Mokubai it's fine I guess until someone poisons that supply of food and wipes out the entire government ;)
2 hours ago, by Tom Wijsman
Perhaps I should blog about easily (un)installing Windows 8 without the need of an installation medium or virtualisation.
@JourneymanGeek: Excuse me, there is actually a viewer, but it only works for extensions that end with an x thus are based on the versions of Office past 2003.
@Gareth I've read some rumor-ish Biology article about the EHEC bactery being used in that way.
@TomWijsman Sure that would be awesome.
I wanted to give an overview/introduction to Metro.
@TomWijsman: Would you like me to start a shared Google Doc?
@GeorgeEdison Sure
One sec...
@GeorgeEdison Unrelated, I've just noticed how I can turn the Fahrenheit in Celcius in the Weather application. Now it makes sense that the Settings thing is per-application... ^^
I don't have anything under Devices and Share yet, though.
@GeorgeEdison: Do you see the chat there?
@TomWijsman Yup.
Note to self: Windows Vista's built-in defragmentation utility is SLOW.
At work a few days ago, I had a Windows XP machine BSOD on me. I talked to those around me, showed them that it BSOD'd, it was almost a historic moment.
Everyone agreed that they hadn't seen a BSOD for quite some time...
There was a kind of excitement in the air as we observed it. It's really kind of hard to describe...
@Pearsonartphoto lucky sods... I get ~1/week on my desktop, but it's a CPU hardware issue rather than anything to do with Windows :)
What OS?
hello, btw
@Pearsonartphoto Win 7
@Pearsonartphoto Now, have you troubleshooted the BSOD?
I bet it was a hardware problem, but it's been a long time since I've seen one...
Nope. I refuse to troubleshoot an error that only happens once.
@DMA57361 Random, or the same. Have you checked the crash dump?
@TomWijsman No, it's 'cause I've disabled the fix for the TLB bug in my CPU
and occasionally the bug trips and BSOD's the machine
Especially a BSOD...
Unless it was something catastrophic, like the time we smoked a piece of test equipment...
@Pearsonartphoto Ah, good thing, I always have the feeling that it will reoccur though.
If it does, then I'll work on it.
Hmm, alright then; there are some really minor bugs that only happen once I also don't care about. Still, a BSOD is worrying...
Or get someone to work on it.
With the kind of week I've had, well, a BSOD is nothing...
(I especially don't want my computer to crash during a StarCraft II match, because I take that game seriously and hope to get higher up some day)
@Pearsonartphoto well, apart from a historic moment :)
I live in Arizona. We had a freak condition where 3 small, but powerful, storms converged on the area around where I live/work. We received almost 3 inches of rain in about 4 hours.
But half of the city I live in didn't even get a drop of rain.
I can one up that. @Pearsonartphoto
The phones even stopped working at work for maybe 3 hours (But internet didn't, oddly enough...)
It's almost like a cartoon, a rain cloud following just me around...
ooo, Mirror's Edge is Steam's daily deal... been waiting for that to turn up cheap :)
@Pearsonartphoto that's because Al Gore invented the Internet - he takes care of the environment so the environment takes care of him
In order to understand the effect of 3 inches of rain in Tucson, you have to realize, it rarely rains more than an inch. As a result, pretty much all cities in the state use the roads as drainage ditches.
Some roads were covered in as much as a foot of water. Driving just 6 miles took a co-worker of mine over an hour...
@GeorgeEdison not yet, but soon. I'm going to do one on how your Windows 7 and Windows 8 installations can co-exist, share files, etc. There'll be all sorts of fun stuff about junction points and libraries and whatnot.
@nhinkle Join our shared doc: docs.google.com/document/d/…
38 mins ago, by Tom Wijsman
2 hours ago, by Tom Wijsman
Perhaps I should blog about easily (un)installing Windows 8 without the need of an installation medium or virtualisation.
Hmm, perhaps outline the different options of installing Windows 8?
I'm also using Junction points here to link everything back to Windows 7, it's so awesome...
Played a game of StarCraft II on added an add-on to Firefox in Windows 8? The replay and add-on will be on Windows 7 like if I would have done it on Windows 7. ^^
I don't mind that someone else writes it, just want to help where I can.
Anyone know a good partition manager for Windows that can resize an NTFS partition that is in use?
@GeorgeEdison Skip that and use a VHD. hanselman.com/blog/… ^^
@GeorgeEdison If you really want, run MyDefrag from Safe Mode (so the least stuff is loaded).
It has parameters to force files together near the start, it's all explained quite well and it also has a GUI where you could launch from.
> Please avoid extended discussions in comments. Would you like to automatically move this discussion to chat?
I hate this.
@TomWijsman You do realize that as far as explanations go, that presentation is pretty weak?
Where is that from?
@SgtOJ What are you referring to?
@DanielBeck I don't think that the Partner Development Manager is weak...
@TomWijsman Some guy stating that they want users to launch applications there is weak. There's no underlying reasoning behind that statement. There could well be (and I really think there is, considering this is Microsoft), but I haven't seen it, and you haven't linked to anything either.
@DanielBeck So, you want me to make a reference to internal use case documents of Microsoft? Sorry, I can't do that for you...
@DanielBeck The quote.
If one would not belief Microsoft, why would he be using the Windows 8 Developer Preview in the first place?
@TomWijsman When they presented the ribbon, they had studies on its advantages ready and everything. That's one of the reasons I expected to see more than a line on a slide.
@DanielBeck Let's just say... Windows Phone 7. ;)
It's just the reason it behaves like this, but not an explanation.
@TomWijsman I'm running the other OS that has UI features back ported from a phone and I'm not happy about it. At all.
@TomWijsman Is the presentation of that guy available somewhere online?
@DanielBeck Well, then why don't you go and report it?
@DanielBeck In the Build application.
@TomWijsman My previous experience with reporting bugs. I've learned that it's a waste of time.
That reminds me, I need to check if that security issue I reported two major releases back is still working :-) BRB
@DanielBeck Then the problem is users that don't report feedback/bugs/..., that won't make Microsoft aware of the need that a significant portion of the consumers have.
In short, I'm just saying: By the looks of WP7 and W8DP as well as the supporting material/presentations/slides, Microsoft probably won't implement this. You can report this but it is more of a "who in their right mind would use the start screen for that when you already have A,B,C,... to do that"; so, you are only left with using secondary tiles (against the checklist / guidelines) or a Metro application that shows your recent / frequent documents in a grid (1 app / column).
The latter application could be "Recent Stuff" or something along that lines, and it would serve as a improvement over the outdated old Recent Documents and Folders we had back in the previous versions of Windows.
I've learned that writing such alternative things is often a waste of time. Such a low cost benefit...
@TomWijsman This is a good statement on the issue. I also noted in the comments that you offering alternatives was quite helpful. But as I said, you will not succeed in telling users they don't actually want that feature, unless you have a real explanation why it works as it does.
And even then some of them won't care.
@DanielBeck I agree with that, that's why I just drop by that consumer goals sentence. And they can think what they want about it, I've (not explicitly) stopped that discussion anyway...
I can think of a thousand things that you could put their outside the guidelines, but all I would see is a mess. If people start to implement such things, people will end up with unorganized Start Screens sooner or later...
A use case develops: "I want to click Windows and click on recent/frequent/pinned/... files."
Microsoft rejects: "If we built this in the Start Screen it will turn into a mess, it would give the incentive for the user to pin individual documents/websites/videos/songs/mails/... to the Start Screen."
(Hypothetical Software Engineering example)
I kinda agree that this is not directly easy to tell to the user, in most ways it just comes over as "we don't want this because it'll be a mess".
Users indeed don't listen to "you are intended to use X or Y or Z instead".
Completely irrelevant: There are people that complain that the Start Menu doesn't find there files, but that's just because they don't work inside their user folder... ;)
WIN+E goes to there user folder, yet they end up going through the UAC hurdle to have there folders in C: or somewhere along that lines, in most cases it's useless to explain those kind of people that they need to work inside there user folder because they don't have that view and will probably never have unless they can't do their view anymore.
But well, enough on that subject. We can't do the magic, unless there is an interest in it...
Q: Is there a software that can index the contents of the registry for quick lookups?

BenoitSearching in the Windows registry can be ve------ry------ lo----ng. Is there some tool available that can index the contents of the whole registry, or contents of a single hive, such that fast lookups are available? (for example generating some SQLite database with FTS3 or FTS4 enabled for full ...

@nhinkle: I already stopped, you started of a new discussion. The additional exchange was necessary as I'm not arguing at all, I'm just wondering in the first two and objectively referring to Microsoft intentions in the others, the others are just as a response to Daniel and you. I will not further reply beyond this message because this is going nowhere...
I already went elsewhere with Daniel Beck as you can see above, I would rather have done it in another chat room but Daniel Beck has chosen not too. Well, if someone doesn't like it we'll hear from them and we can ask to get it migrated in that case.
As with removing the comments, you have done the right thing. I've nothing to discuss about with you anymore... :)
And, I will not post any more comments on that thread nor join any discussions about this. (As I said over and over now)
48 mins ago, by Tom Wijsman
@DanielBeck I agree with that, that's why I just drop by that consumer goals sentence. And they can think what they want about it, I've (not explicitly) stopped that discussion anyway...
@TomWijsman I'm glad you understand. In the future, please try to avoid extended discussion in comments when it's not directly relevant to answering the question.
That is all.
@nhinkle: Sure, that's what I tried to do here. So, I don't see the problem; but, I'll ask for burninating discussions that others like to extend just to be safe...
so er, who deleted all the stuff from the shared folder?
@ThomasMcDonald: What shared folder?
And well, this is that day that YouTube started recommending already watched videos. :(
@ThomasMcDonald You should be able to tell the history of a folder in the online dropbox
including who deleted it
Hmm, the Stack Exchange chat makes quite a difference in my Firefox start-up time...
Gonna remove it and come here on-demand/daily, perhaps if I need to be always here I can look into having a separate application or Firefox profile for the chat. (Which makes sense, a tab for each different room isn't a bad idea...)
Wow, Ivo Flipse's favorite room froze...

 Fake Programmers

The room for elite Super Users who realize they know nothing a...
@ThomasMcDonald There's something about removal of Recommended Reading there, dunno if it's related. I've never particpated on Dropbox...
Hmm, next up is Google+ and Facebook, as well as Google Reader. Perhaps I should make a "social" profile too, or look for something to load different sets of tabs with my most frequent tabs as a default...
TooManyTabs sounds useful.
That doesn't seem to work well, I can store tabs on it and reopen them later, but not switch between different things, perhaps I can try the built-in Tab Groups of Firefox for this though. Such underused feature so far...
Argh, it loads the last opened ones, tricky.
Hmm, kind of stupid that the app tabs reload if you switch tab group, perhaps I can go and do some source edits sooner or later... (on start-up switch to tab group Default if it exists; on tab switch do not reload the app tabs but leave them as is)
1 hour later…
@ThomasMcDonald that should be fixed, probably was me...
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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