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So your EFI partition thing, is probably the "system" partition or where it goes to from the UEFI , before it gets to the OS.
Then you got a "recovery" partition which is probably the manufactures reset back the way it came partition.
OOps Wrong, that is just a recovery partition of the windows type, that does the same thing the DVD could/would.
Where is the simple instructions :-) Clone the whole disk, edit the BCD on the NEW one, change the boot menu, boot to the new disk , check the partition structure. (and if your really into testing remove the old one and see if it still boots)
@DragonLord: Samsung's migration tool should be aware but not all are
and eh. If all goes well I'll be doing the same thing soon ;)
Of course, I'll be taking a full system image backup in Windows before proceeding
I'll shrink the OS partition down further to accelerate migration
@DragonLord the right disk cloning tool would not require adjusting the partitions, as long as the data fits. (when not doing sector=sector)
Because a good cloning tool will allow you to change the new disks parition layout, prior to copying the "files" (again not actual sector-sector)
BCD editing is a lot more simple than it sounds, or people end up making it, to do special things. All your doing is setting 4 pointers , to point to the locations for stuff (like where the OS is). . if there is no second boot item (from there), or extra boot loaders (like linux), it is easy to do.
Oddly enough, GRUB seems to see Windows as 2 boot loaders... one works, one doesnt.
Worse than auto correction, is the speech to text. the landlord just replied to "hurt the dog , and go suck yourself" when I text him that his dog wouldn't shuddap. Later i get the correction that "I will have to Herd the dog myself"
@JourneymanGeek yeah it shows it on 2 different disks.... /sdc1 and /sda1 or something like that. Found it a bit odd but whatever.
@CanadianLuke No. Plain old laptop. Apparently installing AVG corrupts windows 8.1
Or at least, it corrupted this install.
crash -> reboot -> repairing -> crash -> reboot -> repairing -> ...
@Hennes Does Windows not come with MSE at this point?
It comes with defender.
I have no idea if defender is any good.
@JourneymanGeek is that the windows 8 version of security essentials? I found MSE to be fairly good on Windows 7
Although then again I don't remember seeing it pop up for a long time now... maybe it broke finally lol
And its what I use
And I'm running AVG on my last XP system
Yeah. I had a few issues installing it at first, but otherwise no issues.
I used Avast for a long time before it was very bloated
(MSE dosen't support XP any more)
Ahhh, right, XP is a "dead" OS now
EOL 2009. ;-)
Is this opinion based? I guess the "is AV on a DC advisable" part is, but I thought it would be more of a "best practice" kind of thing: serverfault.com/questions/653099/…
I suppose 7 is getting towards end of mainstream support soon... I think I'll wait for 10 to upgrade
@ekaj I would call it a best practice thing. It could get opinionated answers, I suppose there isn't one be-all-end-all answer to it
Right, back to attempting to sleep. (03:48 AM local)
I might switch my current laptop to linux when I upgrade in 2 years or so.
@JourneymanGeek Oh yeah? I'm dual booting as is right now on my desktop
On the bright side, installing windows on my SSD won't butcher my boot menu, since it's on another drive
@SimonSheehan: My laptop's due for a rebuild soon
I'm long overdue for a rebuild/restructure haha
But since I actually have money as of january, I want to time it with a few minor upgrades
I mean all my music/videos are on one drive, but I've got games spread across all 3... OS's on two....
and I'm not decided on the next laptop, it'll depend on how things work at my new job
I would like to invest in a new GPU but... alas, money
@JourneymanGeek New X230 looks nifty haha
Next system is unlikely to be a lenovo
why not?
Currently considering a 1. HP steam or chromebook (for low costs) 2. Macbook refurb (so I can learn OS X properly) 3. on a longer term, a razer blade.
@JourneymanGeek As much as some people may not enjoy macs... I absolutely love my macbook
No regrets in it at all, not disappointed
Let me find the specs/model...
@SimonSheehan: Right now I'm looking at a 2013 mbp 13 inch at ~1500
This is the last model before they started soldering RAM on :p
Prices vary a lot tho
Indeed they do
and I realised outside gaming, my needs are pretty minor
Especially since the standard corp issue desktop is a dell xeon workstation.
I leave the gaming to my desktop. For everything else, this does wonderfully. I've played a few games on it bored at school, including Borderlands 2 which looked fairly nice on it, although ran fairly hot.
and I didn't see a single laptop at work ;p
lol :p
I do a LOT of photo editing though... so the high-res display is REALLY nice on this for it. Especially the colours
I'm pretty sure their desktops are faster than my core i7 ;p
Can't wait. I start January.
Yeah? what is the new job?
Tech support
Neat. Right up your alley then
(amusingly, I applied for nearly 25 jobs. End up getting recruited off a mailing list)
(Still not sure about the etiquette of that yet)
Guy's like "I can't find any linux guys here!" "I know linux"
So... I went from application to interview in a week, got a call in for a second interview 2 weeks later for an interview the next week....
and poof. I'm hired
sounds pretty easy haha
And eh
That's a useful tip actually.
Networking >>>> applying for work through normal channels
Exactly. Amazing what the internet can do haha
The reason I've switched between internships is primarily networking, and just experience in general
Oh, I got this gig through a fairly quiet local linux mailing list
nothing like that around here
For a while I wanted to start a local hackerspace, but don't know if I could find enough interested, or the resources
I need to pop by mine.
what all ya got at it?
No idea ;p
=p I was thinking about getting a lab at my school.. but that probably wouldn't happen
For some reason I always think you're from the US
@JourneymanGeek When do you start ?
It must be awesome to earn more $$ to buy stuff :D
Ahh finnaly Stupid question (actually statement) of the week "Does demagnetization occur with external hard drives like with CD's and DVD's? I heard CD's and DVD's need to be stored vertically to prevent demagnetization?"
@Psycogeek lol, good one
Get with it , the magnetic optical drive :-) which in reality they do have , "Ram Cds" because i got some, both carted and not carted.
I guess it is dvd
this pic tries to show the disk behind the case there
Nope, it is all still optical, it is just Layout that different
"The on-disc structure of DVD-RAM is closely related to hard disk and floppy disk technology, as it stores data in concentric tracks. DVD-RAMs can be accessed just like a hard or floppy disk and usually without any special software"
" . . . Like magneto-optical (MO) technologies, DVD-RAM has numerous rectangles on the disc surface that define the boundaries of data sectors. However, DVD-RAM is not MO but a phase transition medium, similar to CD-RW, DVD-RW, or DVD+RW" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DVD-RAM
For all those with scratched dented and unusable DVDs , remember they actually choose in a descision to not use a cart system for DVDs even though it would have been the best possible method . . . for letting your kids anywhere near them :-)
@HackToHell: Jan 5th
@HackToHell: More importantly, less parental guilt ;p
If you moved to the US I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have a problem getting a job..
Judging from SE contributions you're more qualified than quite a few sysadmins / IT guys around here that I personally know
I'm sure someone from SE would help him find a job in the US haha
probably =p
if someone offered me a job, I'd move ;p
What's your salary at the new one?
~2400 pre tax
per year?
per month, for 13 months.
(Singapore has 13 month work years ;p)
I make ~3600 Per year at the moment XD
interesting =p some company I read about.. I think Kodak, kept using the 13mo calendar into the 80s or 90s
@JourneymanGeek what currency?
The logic behind a 13 month calender is interesting
@SimonSheehan: SGD
~25k USD / yr
Curious, did you try out careers.SE?
Mostly developer jobs.
ah :/
Google reached out to me due to SU I think but it didn't quite work out cause of school, and the fact that I've got no dev chops ;p
How's the cost of living in Singapore a month?
And that's pretty awesome =p
@ekaj Always has been more geared to developers.
Wasn't sure, I've never used it or really looked at it
A sysadmins / other portion would be nice
I thought the same thing as well haha
@JourneymanGeek :D
Sysadmin stuff does pop up
@ekaj: I'm living with my parents so...
no food and housing costs.
Helluva lot of dependencies o0
Ah =p freeeee
You'll just see mostly developers lol
I'm aiming for 50-100 in transport costs (capped at 120, since if I exceed that, I'll buy a pass), and ~300 bucks in mad money + essentials.
I need a job that "It doesn't pay to wake up" , I never liked waking up anyway :-)
What is an apartment / month in Singapore for a single person? I'm not sure how other countries compare to the US
@ekaj to take over that widdle computer (router) that sits betwixt you and the web, seem like it could be a whole lot of power. I assume the modems are next? I was buying a new modem , trying to figure out what kind, and this Docsis stuff aparentally is special in that it allows the ISP to update it remotely ? One more widdle computer to control.
Hackers will be like having 100million raspberry PIs out there , and take over the world.
400 exploits later (patched) in all probability there seems to be little difficulty in finding more
@ekaj Lets just say I can't afford rent where I live, or in quite a few places.
Poker game at work o.O
Turns out Windows system image backup covers the UEFI partition and recovery partition as well as the main volume on which Windows is installed
I'm taking a system image backup right now
My final exams are finally over
I won't be able to chat very long as I have to leave for the store very early tomorrow—it's a Jewish establishment which has to close early on Fridays for Shabbat
Did you set up your filesystem to span over those volumes? i.e. Windows on C: and programs on D:?
@JourneymanGeek, any suggestions or tips for system performance once I make the jump to the SSD 850 PRO?
...and get it up and running?
Just watched The Colbert Report end, kinda sad
@DragonLord: The Magician software does most of the optimisation for you
Lol. HR manager just walked in.
And with the 850 pro I believe you have FDE and ram caching options.
My 840 is set up for maximum reliability rather than raw speed
Speaking of settings things up I really need to format my laptop and reorganize everything
@ekaj: no, all software is installed on one volume
@ekaj: I install my games (via steam, and to a lesser extent, origin) to a different physical drive
For me, large static files (photos, videos, music) will be put on the hard drive; OS, apps, and documents go on the SSD
With 24GB of RAM on my laptop, I have no reason not to turn on RAPID Mode
"Looks like he shopped (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■) until he dropped"
boo ;p
How will adding an SSD without removing the hard drive impact battery life?
Perhaps I should configure it to spin down when unneeded to extend battery life?
Well, you're powering two devices....
so it would definately lower it.
...but the HDD consumes more power under load than the SSD, so how does that factor in?
I'll set Windows to spin down the hard drive after a few minutes of inactivity
Ahh, if you power it down, sure.
Steam Winter sale's started <3
Someone star that please, so I can pin that, for great justice ;p
silly question: when you're looking at hosting VMs just for a testing network, what type of hardware setup would you go for to get the most VMs possible (while still on a budget)? Old servers?
Go for the most core count and ram you can
Or save the money and get a ton of cheap systems ;p
Also - this is interesting, I like how you can see the queries: data.stackexchange.com/superuser/query/949/…
24.6%.. boo
you can even write your own queries, neat =p
Actually, better than I expected
(apparently it doesn't like select * from users)
Prolly would be far too heavy
@JourneymanGeek, I'm wondering if the moderator workload has increased lately
lastfew weeks, seemingly.
I'm curious as to how "intensive" the job is on a whole
Is it Winter Bash, or is something going on?
Just normal variations I guess
You go from 10+ flags to 20+ flags ;p
I've noticed similar things from my time in the 10k tools
Don't forget tho
Most of the mods have proper dayjobs ;p
You just got a job, too
I've found the moderator response times to be a bit lacking lately
A few years ago, my mod attention flags often got handled within two hours and often less
Don't forget tho
I now find myself waiting several hours for a flag to clear
A 'slow' mod response may not be cause there's no one
We do occationally have to consider the best course of action for a flag
The old DMA is gone
And there's something worth considering - that once you've flagged the flag has to be handled in some way by a mod before its cleared.
ahh right
We've had quite a few mods leave/burn out :/
Is there some way I can better learn how to handle borderline posts or should I just bring them up in Ask a Super User Moderator for discussion?
You can always flag stuff or bring them up on the main channel
Don't forget, I'd rather have 5 people get it wrong, than 1 (and that one being me ;p)
Heck, I still bring up stuff on the main channel
Handling these exceptions is the essence of becoming a moderator and I have to learn to do this better
And I wield the mighty mod-hammer.
Too many bad flags lately...
ugh. I try to comment with those but I don't always remember
I've been driven nearly to insanity after that mod election :p
Thaddeus actually responded in the room I created last night
Have you ever seen me fret about anything on SU? ;p
With my time mostly free for the next month or so, I'll be starting to rewrite some of my older, lengthier posts for clarity
Put them in my new "DragonLord Modern" format :p
Better organization, more headers, more images, easier reading
It'll be a big project, and I don't plan to rewrite all posts
We are capped to editing five of our own posts per day, after all
I'll select my higher-voted, more popular answers for editing first
in Feedback for DragonLord's new post style, 15 hours ago, by Thaddeus
Read through some of your posts and found the information held within to be viable but not easily analysed. Go for smaller chunks of text, isolate the main points, use section headers to break out big ideas, or specific vendors. Use infographics to support your work. Good graphics (flowcharts are great for processes) can make a big difference.
I'll continue answering questions and running the review rounds as usual, but with more time on my hands, I should be able to make major improvements to my existing content as well
Ping me with any suggestions in my feedback room and I'll look at it when I have a chance. I'll need quite a bit of time to complete the SSD upgrade tomorrow.
I'm working on my tablet right now so I might not be able to do some things efficiently
Time to get back to bed.
@JourneymanGeek, links to rewritten posts will be posted in the feedback room. Ping me with any suggestions there.
Good night.
I promise: No more walls of text!
Oh no!
ADSL Modem by Unknown is vulnerable O___O
Oh sh*t!
Hurry, call all owners of "Unknown ADSL modem" and have them unplug their internets immediately!
Which bug is it now?
Ok, I'm somewhat annoyed.
@allquixotic The Lenovo tablet had crackling noises from the right speaker if volume > 40%
So... Lenovo won't do warranty repairs because they're bloody hopeless.
But Amazon is sending a replacement for free.
But I need to ship it back.
But they'll cover shipping costs.
But it costs almost $300 to ship back (!!!)
Because it contains a Li-ion battery
fuck off
so you're out 300 quid until amazon pays you back?
not quid, bucks!
Who calls money chips?
@JourneymanGeek Poker players?
@JourneymanGeek Pretty much. Oh, that part is not a problem.
It's just painful spending more than the cost of the thing itself on shipping.
Even if I'm reimbursed.
So its a case of "THE STUPID, IT BURNS!" ?
@JourneymanGeek More like THE BUREAUCRACY, IT BURNS
They're just bleeding money on this, but they don't care.
'tis but a flesh wound
@JourneymanGeek The pen still has blue wtf
O_O Thunderbird does IRC?
@JourneymanGeek nobody does, I was just referring to another word that does not mean the same in US english and UK english
@Bob: 0_0
So it dies.
@JourneymanGeek I liked it better before the edit :D
2 hours later…
@Bob superuser.com/a/854551/10165 see edit reason ;p
@JourneymanGeek o.O
I don't even remember that off-hand comment!
I was going to convert that into a comment ;p
Then I was like "waaaait"
If I were him, I'd steal and cite. So I did ;p
@JourneymanGeek meta.superuser.com/a/8970/117590 => s/Here, downvotes/Here on Meta, downvotes/
Otherwise it reads as if "here" could mean SU in general
meh, but I mentioned the main site explicitly
And no, I don't have any context, outside it happening in our main shopping district ;p
What's up?
Not much, I suppose. Except Linux protesters.
I have some microSD issues myself :(
what sort?
My android phone broke it
this is the question I post:
Q: Fix damaged MicroSD card that cannot be formatted

GemtasticI have, not one but two microSD cards that my phone (Samsung Galaxy Young, Gingerbread OS) seem to have broken. One is 1GB and the other is 2GB. The 1GB one won't be formatted. When I put the 1GB one into the computer the computer prompts for a formatting. I don't care for the content so I tried...

ah hah!
If it dosen't you're out of luck
(its the 'official' SD card accociation formatter. Its saved my biscuit a few times)
I have one on 2GB that it broke earlier, that one you can open and see the files, and you can kinda try to copy some of it, but it's super slow and fails most of the time >_<
@JourneymanGeek Thanks a bunch! I'll try that!
XD, If it works, document it and self post an answer. It'll get you a hat, and you can likely post a better answer than I can.
@JourneymanGeek Well, for the hat to work I need someone to upvote the answer too
gee, If I suggested that you self answer, and it'll be better than mine... ;p
someone will.
Haha ok. I'll try. I'm pretty bad at answering questions on any site so I don't have many hats D;
But most of all, I just want a working memorycard for my phone D;
The fact that I have a phone that at most can run Gingerbread probably speaks for itself in that I can't really afford new stuff :P
Writeprotected FML
XD. I'm waiting on my phone to get android L ;p
Hmm... Solving the write protected thing isn't easy
@Bob Fun related. Philips once had trouble shipping an MRI scanner because the huge, multi-ton, multi big bucks device included a very small tin of paint (to repair scratches).
That paint used burnable solvents.
I think I fixed the 2GB card now
Same story on a truckload of mediacal devices which had two Philips lighters in it.
Do not pass though tunnel. Take the long way around
@Hennes: Wouldn't shipping the paint seperately make sense?
Aye, it would.
And I suspect this was done afterwards.
2 hours later…
By the looks of it, it seems the card is dead :(
5 hours later…
"There is certainly a problem with moderator assholism, and this isn't the only stackexchange that has that problem. Wherever you give people power, some people will see themselves as better than everyone else and abuse it. You shouldn't be able to give a downvote without commenting. – B T 14 mins ago "
Uhh NO! the moderators are more moderate than whatever person is finding it his JOB to downvote
soo, just to make things worse for this user, who asked a simple question, that is probably duplicated . superuser.com/questions/854727/… & superuser.com/questions/854349/… he doubble posted
so NOW! he can have a fit about moderation :-)
15 hours ago, by Journeyman Geek
Steam Winter sale's started <3
I can't hear you, la la la.. I can't hEY DEAD SPACE 1 + 2 IS 4 DOLLARS!
Hey @ThatBrazilianGuy , would putting a bounty on this superuser.com/questions/649767/… Have any real value when it is probably only going to be solved by the program creator checking it better and adjusting the code? (there is another person asking the exact same thing in other question)
@Psycogeek I had completely forgotten about it
I don't even use the addon anymore
I gave up and embraced the fact organizing email is impossible. (Gmail doesn't count, Google have wizards).
LOL, this is the other user (i find) superuser.com/questions/854286/…
I tried to flag it as a duplicate, but SE won't let me. I can only mark questions as duplicates if one have an upvoted or accepted answer. WTF?
I would mark it as a dupe, If your question had an answer. I could put a bounty on your question , but i would not know if it was solvable at all.
> it is probably only going to be solved by the program creator checking it better and adjusting the code
You kinda answered you own question
Well thats kinda cool. I did not even notice that. I was just going off of, marking it as a dupe of NOTHING USEFUL :-) wouldnt be useful
So we just tell em, that it sucks and to move on with life. And when you get a Christmas present you do not like, Thank the person who sent it to you , and put it on the shelf with the rest of em :-) . . . and move on with life.
Boris_yo was showing us his G-Mails fun threading mode , and one of his conversations had gone into an infinte loop :-) it was interleaved inside of itself. bloody mess.
I set facebook to send me notification emails, so I have one less place to keep checking
But whenever someone posts something with an image, the email subject is "new image" or something like that
If 3 different persons write 3 different posts in 3 different groups, I get 3 emails with the same subject
gmail promptly "helps" me by grouping them in a conversation
and IIRC, in-FB replies to the posts gets grouped in the same emails as well
Anyone know of SE is ready for the openID2 EOL for google accounts?
@Ramhound i am not? what'cho talking about ? I only use google to sign on now, is it changing?
April 2015 google is going to EOL openID2 in favor of OpenId connect
I was given a warning message when I logged Into the chat .-)
Some info between me stuffing my face with Thai developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OpenID
I hate Google sometimes I don't want a google+ account with the email I ise with SE but I guess I have too now :-(
Or link it to SE own OpenID,
@Ramhound yuck, google+ , i got one of those, although i am not really interested in the "social networking" side of things, because that is just regular people spamming and calling it friendship :-)
This comes from reading some of the marketing and fortune type of web locations, and seeing that thier (business) interest in getting into the webs social thing, was all about business.
that google + would be the next best place to hit up people for thier products, because it was doing so poorly, that it wouldnt matter what you were doing there :-) as long as you are there.
Marketing not being very high on brains though, they should know that even the lonliest places on the web. that tiny little forum with 8 users, that small web page with only 118 views in 2 years. they still want to take spammers out back and shoot 'em :-)
I'm moving data from spinning rust to silicon as I write this
@DragonLord with which program?
I'm using the Clonix-based Samsung Data Migration
This is to a Samsung SSD 850 PRO
Q: How do you determine that your hardware is 64 bit capable when there is no operating system installed?

BroHow do you determine that your hardware is 64 bit capable when there is no operating system installed?

Every board i have ever had that supported 64bit memory addressing, has had one of them extended memory switches in the bios or the uefi.
Cloning complete—gotta set the BCD to point to the SSD next
I wonder if that is also true for the manufactured systems that do not allow much bios or uefi adjusting at all?
Finding a item in the "firmware" would be a lot easier than even opening up the case.
@DragonLord ... if it did not already do that? or have an option to do that?
I'm also concerned as to whether the UEFI can be set up to start loading from the SSD and not the hard drive
The other tips for SSD is windows is supposed to recognise it and not "defrag" it via the Task schedulers defrag routine , that goes off weekly. Supposedly just doing a re-assess of the performance using the windows GUI would eventually set that correct. (it did not on mine)
Wait, the UEFI firmware sees the SSD
@DragonLord cause it's a lappy and . . . didn't it have a boot settings in the uefi?
I just gotta change the boot order
Windows won't defrag a ssd by default
it knows the difference.
I am upset with my college, making me do some sort of sexual assault training, which will take me 50 minutes
no thanks
I am far to busy
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